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    省- 七年级英语新生入学水平测试试题 人教新目标版二、根据句子意思和首字母提示,在横线上填写适当的单词。(20分)1. I want to be your pen friend. Can you give me your e_ address?2. We are going to give a concert this afternoon. Im going to play the v_ at the concert.3. The best s_ in New York is autumn. Its usually cool and sunny.4. By the w_, what are you going to do tomorrow?5. - How can I get to the theatre, please?- Go a_ this road then turn left,you will find the theatre.6. I go to school as e_ as Ben. We often get to school at six.7. -I have some problems with my homework, David. - Dont w_. I can help you.8. - W_ bag is lighter, the white one or the red one? - The white one.9. -I like watching TV. - Oh, we have the s_ hobby. I like watching TV, too.10. - Where are the students? - They are swimming i_ the river.三、选择正确答案,并把答案的编号写在相应的括号内:20分 ( ) 1. -_ is she?-She is twelve years old.A. How manyB. How oldC. How much( ) 2. Its very _ in summer in Nanjing.A. coldB. coolC. hot( ) 3. - How do you _ your weekend? - I usually go to the supermarket.A. doB. spendC. make( ) 4. - Wheres the train station, please? -You can take bus No.1 and _ at the third stop.A. get onB. get offC. get to( ) 5. - Whats the _ like in spring here? - Its sunny and warm.A. dayB. dateC. weather( ) 6. - _ wrong with you? - Ive got a cough.A. WhatsB. WheresC. Which( ) 7. We _ a play tomorrow. Will you please join us?A. are going to seeB. sawC. sees( ) 8. - What would you _? - Id like some bread and milk.A. do B. likeC. have( ) 9. - Whats your _? - I like listening to music.A. nameB. hobbyC. job( ) 10. - Where _ your friend live?- She _ in London.A. do; live B. does; lives C. is; live( ) 11. Who from America? Sandy and I .A. is come . does B. comes . do C. are come do D. is is( ) 12. How many birds can you see in the tree? .Which answer is wrong?A. I see two birds B. Only one C. I can see two birds. D. Three.( ) 13. Whats that? .A. That is an orange orange. B. It is orange an orange. C. That is orange a orange D. It is an orange orange.( ) 14. Whats the time now? .A. Sorry. My watch doesnt work. B. Its seven ten oclock.C. Its at seven ten. D. Its time to go to school.( ) 15. Do you know the old man on the chair? .Which answer is wrong?A. No. I dont B. Yes, hes Mr. Green. C. Sorry, I dont know. D. Yes, I know.( ) 16. The twins are in grade, but in . This is the room.A. same.different classes .twins B. the same. The different classestwinsC. the same. different classes.twins D. same. the different class. twins( ) 17. Mr. and Mrs. Smith has one child. Peter is child of them.A. / only B. only only C. the only only D. only the only( ) 18. children next door often play games in playground.A. The a / B. / / the C. The / the D. / the the( ) 19. The students are English.A. good in B. good for C. good to D. good at( ) 20. What it is!A. nice room B. a nice room C. nice the room D. nice a room四、完形填空。(10分)It is Sunday today. _1_ is a fine day. The sky is _2_. Mrs. Green is _3_ his family. The family are having an outing外出游玩. Tom is Mr. and Mrs. Greens son. Mary is _4_. They are _5_ down a small river. There are some boats _6_ river. Mr. and Mrs. Green are looking at _7_. Mary is not looking at the boats. She is looking at some ducks. The ducks are swimming _8_ the river. What is Tom _9_? He is in the river now. He is _10_. Mr. Green and his family are very happy today!( ) 1. A. This B. That C. It D. Its( ) 2. A. green B. blue C. black D. brown ( ) 3. A. and B. for C. and with D. with( ) 4. A. his daughter B. her daughter C. your daughter D. their daughter( ) 5. A. working B. washing C. walking散步D. swimming( ) 6. A. on B. in C. in the D. on the( ) 7. A. it B. them C. these D. those ( ) 8. A. on B. under C. to D. in ( ) 9. A. cleaning B. doing C. watching D. making ( ) 10. A. playing B. washing his clothes C. swimming D. jumping五、阅读理解。(20分)AMr. Jackson is seventy-seven. But he likes eating ice-cream. On his way home, he buys one. Great! No one sees him and he can eat it now. Suddenly, he sees Mrs. Smith comes here with her dog, Bill. Mr. Jackson doesnt want her to see him eating an ice cream in the street. So he hides it behind his back, and says hello to her. Mrs. Smith is happy and she talks a lot about her family. But Mr. Jackson worries about his ice cream very much, because the dog turns round him to lick it.根据短文内容,判断正误正确的选A,错误的选B( ) 1. Mr. Jackson is like ice-cream.( ) 2. On his way home, he wants to buy an ice cream for Bill.( ) 3. Mrs. Smith sees him and his ice cream.( ) 4. Bill finds the ice cream.( ) 5. At last Jackson cant eat his ice cream.BOne Sunday morning Mr. Brown and his child, Bill, are in a big shop. Mr. Brown wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs. Brown. Bill likes oranges. So his father buys two kilos of oranges for him, too. Bill also wants to buy some picture-books and colour pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women, boys and girls, old and young. They all want to buy something there. ( ) 6. Mr. Brown goes to the shop with _. A. Mrs. Brown B. his boy C. his father D. some old people( ) 7. Mr. Brown is going to buy a new blouse for _. A. Bill's mother B. Bill C. his mother D. himself (他自己) ( ) 8. Bill likes _ . A. all the things B. new blouseC. oranges D. the shop( ) 9. The little boy wants to buy _ . A. some picture - books B. some color pencilsC. clothes and shoes D. A and B( ) 10. People in the shop are _ . A. old and young B. boys and girls C. men and women D. A ,B and C六、连词组句。(10分)1. cat, the, black, catch (抓住), can't, the mouse _.2. it, I, at, all, don't, like _.3. nice, is, that, yellow bag, _?4. I, new, very, that, like, much, book _.5. a, an, in, is, old man, boat, over, there, small _.七年级新生英语入学水平测试试题Keys:


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