/.Unit1Warm-up TasksTask 1: True or False Statements1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F Task 2: Sentence Completion1. primary care specialists2. choosing to become specialists3. alleviate those problems4. remain a team effort5. fewer and fewer new doctors?Study & PracticeI. Reading Comprehension Questions1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A II. Words to Practice1. unique 6. sterile2. unitary 7. established3. adaptive 8. vary4. expands 9. distinct from5. prescribe 10. superviseIII. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.高级临床专科护士是接受了高等教育和培训的注册护士,大部分都有护理硕士 或博士学位。她们在不同的场所工作,包括医院、疗养院、企业、私人诊所、 学校以及社区中心。有些高级临床专科护士自己开业,但大部分都是与医生合 作开业。许多高级临床专科 护士有开具处方的权利。2.护理的初衷是保持人们健康以及为病人提供舒适、照顾和保障。虽然护理的总 体目标历经几个世纪基本未变,但科学的进步和社会需求的变化对护理实践产 生了巨大的影响。护理逐渐发展成一门现代职业。B. Translate the following sentences into English.1. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics for a patient with pneumonia. 2. In China, graduates from whatever nursing programs cannot enter into clinical practice until they get licensures.3. The demand for nurses has been increasing in European and American countries in recent years.4. In the past, the major role and functions of nurses were to provide care and comfort for the clients. 5. With the development of science and technology as well as the improvement of peoples living standards, nursing practice scopes will be expanding gradually.IV. Audio TasksTask 1: Short -answer Questions1. Cough and childrens ear infections.2. Rash and anaphylactic shock.3. Infants under the age of one.4. Stop prescribing them unnecessarily.5. They should not argue.Task 2: Spot Dictation1. maladies 2. harm 3. 142000 4. allergic5. incidence 6. majority 7. reducing 8. argue Unit2Warm-up TasksTask 1: True or False Statements1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T Task 2: Sentence Completion1. a lot of pressure 2. the way nursing is practiced3. the knowledge level of the nurse4. get a lot of the basic training5. certified in their specialty area?Study & PracticeI. Reading Comprehension Questions1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. B II. Words to Practice1. retrievable 6. interventions2. referral to 7. delegate3. subjective 8. incorporated4. expected 9. validation5. priorities 10. implementationIII. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.人的基本需求按照重要程度分为五个层次:生理的需要、安全的需要、爱和归属 的需要、被人尊重的需要和自我实现的需要。2.在临床护理实践中,通常会发现有能力,有经验的护士在遇到超过他们知识或经 验的问题时,能意识到他们知识的局限,寻求合适的咨询帮助,并从发现和推荐 建议中学习解决问题的方法。B. Translate the following sentences into English.1. Before implementing the care plan, the nurse must make adequate and thorough preparations, which ensures efficient, safe and effective nursing care. 2. Proper use of interpersonal skills enables the nurse to understand the clients verbal and nonverbal communication.3. The nurse needs to work together with the client to meet their mutually developed goals.4. Inaccurate diagnoses may result from incomplete database or incorrect identification of the problems.5. Sources of data are primary or secondary. Generally, all sources other than the client are considered secondary sources. IV. Audio TasksTask 1: Short-answer Questions1. Type 1 diabetes.2. In using sugar appropriately.3. It is caused by insulin resistance.4. Lifestyle and environmental factors.5. Mexican Americans, Asian Americans and African Americans.Task 2: Spot Dictation1. handles 2. pancreas 3. appropriately 4. associated 5. resistance 6. genetic 7. obese 8. incidence Unit3Warm-up TasksTask 1: True or False Statements1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. FTask 2: Sentence Completion1. pain in the chest2. your back or jaw3. improve her cardiovascular health4. one parent had it5. laughteraerobic activity?Study & PracticeI. Reading Comprehension Questions1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. B II. Words to Practice1. Inspection 6. texture2. palpation 7. stretcher3. olfactory 8. unsupervised4. components 9. stethoscope5. private 10. dorsumIII. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 一个因严重胸痛来就诊的患者就不需要进行例行常规的神经系统检查。一个患急 性病前来急诊科就诊的患者,就需要对其最可能发生异常的系统进行评估。护士 的判断需要确保检查是与疾病相关的,并且观察是正确的。2. 有时,护士会遇到患者有开放性皮肤损伤或有渗血、渗液的伤口,体检时就会使 护士接触到患者的体液或排泄物。因此在体检过程中,护士应正确地采取标准预 防措施。如果患者伤口引流物过多,检查者有必要穿工作服和戴手套。B. Translate the following sentences into English.1. The nurse should help decrease the clients embarrassment and fear of possible abnormal physical findings. 2. The paleness of the skin is often resulted from an inadequate circulation blood or hemoglobin.3. Ideally, an examination room is sound-proofed so that clients feel comfortable talking about their conditions.4. When discussing the steps of examination, the nurse may not use complicated terms, which will confuse the client.5. Regardless of what procedure is used, the clients energy and time need to be considered.IV. Audio TasksTask 1: Short-answer Questions1. The silent killer.2. Heart failure and kidney failure.3. Measuring blood pressure.4. Being overweight and not exercising.5. Less table salt and more potassium.Task 2: Spot Dictation1. accounts 2. harms 3. period 4. invasive 5. overweight 6. modify 7. seriously 8. processedUnit 4?Warm-up TasksTask 1: True or False Statements1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. F Task 2: Sentence Completion1. visit patients in their homes2. take care of their own illness3. type 1 diabetes4. her public health certificate5. the day-to-day autonomy?Study & PracticeI. Reading Comprehension 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B II. Words to Practice1. ambulation 2. discharge 3. abuse 4. caregivers 5. Counseling 6. supervision 7. tuberculosis 8. disabled 9. communicable 10. regimen III. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 以往社区护士享受着在标准白天上班时间值班,大多从周一工作到周五。然而, 随着社区提供24小时服务趋向的出现,许多社区护士与其他医疗机构护士一样, 需要倒班和在周末工作。2. 一级预防是指预防疾病、 外伤和残疾发生的措施。 此级别的预防针对的是对疾 病易感,但还没有出现可识别的病理变化的个体和群体。一级预防包含的措施 很广,如健康促进、环境保护和特殊保护等。B. Translate the following sentences into English.1. Community nurses should collaborate with colleagues and other health care professionals for the provision of client-centered care. 2. Home care is defined as the provision of health services by formal and informal caregivers in the home.3. Professional autonomy is one of the essential features of nursing as a profession. Nurses have autonomy and independence in decision making and practice. 4. The nursing shortage is well-documented, and it has become so severe that experts use the term “nursing shortage” and “nursing crisis” interchangeably.5. Primary health care should be accessible, affordable, and acceptable to all individuals who require them, especially to those vulnerable groups. IV. Audio TasksTask 1: Short-answer Questions1. The first line of defense.2. The infection with Human immunodeficiency Virus.3. The bodys immune system becomes compromised.4. After T cell counts reach a dangerous low level.5. By blood tests.Task 2: Spot Dictation1. infectious 2. destroying 3. Syndrome 4. attaches 5. production 6. compromised 7. susceptible 8. IndicatingUnit5Warm-up TasksTask 1: True or False Statements1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. TTask 2: Sentence Completion1. one and half million2. medicines are used safely3. patients, drug makers4. dosing device attached to the bottle5. medication errors?Study & PracticeI. Reading Comprehension Questions1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. DII. Words to Practice1. complaint 2. hemorrhagic 3. respiratory 4. anesthesiologist 5. sequence 6. stimulate 7. perspired 8. assessment 9. eliminate 10. In accordance withIII. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 要对身体的某个病变部位进行有计划地更换,外科手术是唯一的方法。 手术包 含三个阶段:手术前期、手术中和手术后期。手术前期指的是手术开始之前的 准备过程;手术中指的是手术过程;而手术后期指的是手术完成之后的康复过 程。这三个阶段统称为围手术期。2. 术前评估包括收集和复查患者各项生理机能的具体指标,以此来确定患者的手术 前的准备和术后处理。评估中,我们必须确定患者身体、心理和社会的状况。手 术前,护士必需对患者进行简洁的、全面的身体评估,尤其要特别注意患者的生 理功能,因为它会影响患者对麻醉和手术的反应;呼吸系统和心血管系统方面的 评估,能够为患者术后的评估提供基本的指标。这些指标也能够提醒护理人员注 意这样的一个问题,那就是患者对手术和麻醉的反应。B. Translate the following sentences into English.1. Diagnosis should be made to determine if the patient should be operated on. 2. Approximately 80 percents of acute gastric ulcers can heal rapidly within 2 to 4 weeks, leaving little or no trace pathologically.3. Operating on the patients, we must be fully aware of the risks associated with the administration of anesthesia. 4. For any type of surgery and regardless of whether the client is to receive any kind of anesthetic, he is restricted to nothing by mouth. 5. On the day of surgery, the nurse must consult the physician for instructions about the administration of medications because the patients usual medication schedule may be altered.IV. Audio TasksTask 1: Short-answer Questions1. Its harder for oxygen to pass into the blood stream.2. Cough, sputum and shortness of breath.3. As many as 5.1 million cases.4. Effective in approximately 80 percent.5. Anyone who is prone to lung infections.Task 2: Spot Dictation1. complication 2. fluids 3. predisposes 4. contracting 5. significantly 6. prone 7. chronic 8. anemiaUnit6Warm-up TasksTask 1: True or False Statements1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. TTask 2: Sentence Completion1. during the pregnancy2. the pancreas that control metabolism3. more than 8 Ibs. and 12 oz4. have big problems later in life5. talk to their doctors about nutrition?Study & PracticeI. Reading Comprehension1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. DII. Words to Practice1. supervise 6. concentrate2. confirm 7. Obstetrics3. emphasize 8. preference 4. preventable 9. present5. contemporary 10. essentialIII. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 分娩期间可以收集两种类型的干细胞:羊膜干细胞或脐带血干细胞。2. 越来越多的证据显示,如果丈夫没有表现出过多的焦虑,那么他参与新生儿 的出生会使生产过程更顺利,产后的结果会更理想。B. Translate the following sentences into English.1. A midwife is supposed to be a pregnant womans partner, if not best friend.2. Nurse anesthetists have a long and proud history, dating back to the battlefield nurses of the Civil War. 3. Networking is an effective way to find work, she says, but it can be roundabout.4. Jobs submitted his resignation to the Board and strongly recommended that the Board implement its succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO. 5. The World Health Organization believes drug-resistant strains present a challenge to the global effort to control the disease. IV. Audio TasksTask 1: Short-answer Questions1. Endometrial cells.2. Female hormones. 3. Pelvic pain and bleeding.4. Anatomical changes (or Problems related to hormone production).5. Oral contraceptives and hormone therapy.Task 2: Spot Dictation1. ovaries 2. hormones 3. menstruation 4. excess 5. symptoms 6. anatomical 7. therapy 8. ProcedureUnit7Warm-up TasksTask 1: True or False Statements1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. TTask 2: Sentence Completion1. lots of time and even some support2. the first six months of life3. before the baby is born4. 10 or 12 times5. aids in milk transferlStudy & PracticeI. Reading Comprehension 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D II. Words to Practice1. manifest 6. inferiority2. cognitive 7. apathetic3. Cohesion 8. Mutilation4. somatic 9. catheter5. rationalization 10. detachment III.TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 护士应提供启发式的合理解释来应对儿童不切实际的恐惧,并进行干预,从 使恐惧造成的损伤降到最小(比如可在操作中鼓励父母陪伴,或尽可能让儿 童自己作决定)。2. 治疗性游戏应该在无威胁的环境中进行,时间也应该有所保证。指导游戏的工 作人员应该接受儿童游戏中的行为,避免表示赞成或不赞成。B. Translate the following sentences into English.1. Superficial phlebitis is a common complication of continuous intravenous injection.2. Without communication, the nurse is unable to determine whether implementation of nursing intervention is successful.3. Even in his irritability he was gentle, for his wife was pregnant.4. Please do not drink hot tea after eating fruit to avoid diarrhea.5. Contracture of muscle or scar tissues may result in distortion or deformity, especially in joints of the body.IV. Audio TasksTask 1: Short-answer Questions1. Develop immunity to certain diseases.2. Five DTP shots.3. Since the polio vaccine became available in 1955.4. For children between 12 and 15 months.Task 2: Spot Dictation1. confusing 2. immunity 3. temporary 4. regarding 5. combined 6. dreaded 7. administered 8. series 9. boosters Unit8Warm-up TasksTask 1: True or False Statements1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. FTask 2: Sentence Completion1. ten million American baby boomers2. fifty-one years old3. Living longer4. almost twice more likely5. the life of a caregiverlStudy & PracticeI. Reading Comprehension Questions1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C II. Words to Practice1. diverse 6. competencies2. acknowledges 7. efficacious3. alert 8. compliance4. demented 9. diagnosing5. outlived 10. monitoringIII. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 护士还必须熟悉高龄老人的特点。尽管高龄老人是行为古怪、个性不一的特殊 群体,但是他们突出的特点仍然是大胆勇敢、面对压力心态平和,心情开朗、 永不言败,同时具有较高的道德水准。2. 和年轻人一样,随着年龄的增高,老年人也有属于他们的烦恼和担忧。他们最 关心和担忧的还是在漫长的余生中没有足够的经济来源维持生计。因此,高龄 老人们不仅个性和生活方式各自迥异,而且需求也变化不定。B. Translate the following sentences into English.1.There is one notewor