精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 教学片断人教版选修 6 Unit 1 ART, A Short History of Western Painting 在阅读后进一步挖掘阅读材料包蕴的文化和历史背景 在 post-reading 阶段,结合高中生思维活跃,求新求异,表现欲强的特点,给同学气会就阅读材料中所包蕴的文化历史背景进行探究和拓展;通过学 生探究性的学习和积极参加,激发同学的创新思维,拓展同学的文化视野,通过同学的思维和参加带动同学的语言学习和运用;同时,“ 同学自主参 与探究学习活动,获得亲自参加探究的体验,逐步形成参加探究、努力求知的心理倾向,对他们终生学习才能的形成特别重要;” (李学书王亚歌 , 2022)本节课通过引领同学挖掘阅读材料中包蕴的历史和文化背景学问,让同学探讨各个历史时期人们的belief 对时代绘画风格的影响及其缘由,然后通过同学自己的绘画创作来表现和介绍各个历史时期绘画风格;本课的重点是让同学通过绘画形式来表述各个历史时期西方绘画的风格和特点;,在学习了人教版选修 6 Unit 1 ART, A Short History of Western Painting 后,就课文的主题句:Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people 来分析影响西方绘画主题和特色的人们的信念(己的绘画作品来呈现同学对不同时期人们信念(的影响;faith )和缘由,并通过同学自 faith )对绘画风格( style)第一,让同学就不同时期影响绘画主题的 faith 进行小组争论归纳出各个历 史时期不同的绘画主题和风格;同学们结合自己对课文的懂得和以前所学习的历史和绘画方面的有关学问 绽开争论;之后,勉励同学自由发表自己的观点;归纳起来,同学的观点 如下 : During the Middle Ages 5th-15th century,people believed in religion and God. People thought God created everything and supplied people with all they needed selflessly,such as sunshine, food, clothes, fire, warmth, love. People at that time were grateful to God and the paintings at that time were full of religious symbols. So the faith of the period is “God, we love you. ”同学们仍幽默地借用当代流行歌曲死了都要爱 (死了都要爱,不淋漓尽致不爽快,感情多深,只有这样才足够表白;)来表达当时人们的信仰;During the Renaissance 15th-16th century, new ideas and values gradually replaced the religious themes. People began to concentrate less on religious 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude towards life. People no longer consider God was as important as the God during the Middle Ages. People began to pay more attention to nature and the value and importance of themselves. So people themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements are the themes of the paintings. At the same time, new technique, perspective was first used and oil painting was also developed. The faith of this period is “We and nature are the world. ”;同学们也同样选用了流行歌曲We are the world 来表达这个主题;During the Impressionism late 19th to early 20th century, Europe changed a great deal, from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. After they entered the city, they were away from nature and began to recall the good memories of the good times in the countryside. The people in the cities wanted to return to nature and get close to nature. So at that time, impressionism came into being. The faith of the time is “We love you, nature.” 同学们也制造性地选用了流行歌曲You are beautiful 来表达当时人们对漂亮自然的赞扬和希望,用流行歌曲 小芳“ 感谢你给我的爱,今生今世我不忘怀” 的乐句来表达人们对已经远离了的自然的怀念;During 20th century to today the Modern Art, people pay more attention to themselves and humanism. People think everyone is unique and people are seeking individualized taste. On the other hand, people also pay much attention to the reality. So there are two trends for the painting styles. On the other hand, some modern art is abstract. On the other hand, some paintings are so realistic. The faith of modern time is “I am unique and different.” 同学们的观点可以简洁概括为下表(图表2);The Period The Time Characteristics of the paintings The Middle Ages 5th-15th century religious themes/religious symbols Renaissance 15th-16th century realistic themes/perspective/oil paints impressionism Late 19th-early 20th painted outdoors/painted changes in light/not detailed/had to paint quickly Modern Art 20th century-today abstract/Concentrated on qualities of the object/very realistic: like phot 为了进一步激发同学的创新性,为了让同学有机会呈现一下自己的才能,名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 要求同学通过绘画的形式将自己对对各个时期人们的信念(faith )对绘画风格的懂得呈现出来;我给每个同学设计了一张画纸,要求同学挑选一个绘画时期作为自己创作的背景,将这个时期的绘画特点和人们的faith 归纳出来并通过自己的绘画凸显出来;之后,以小组为单位,用语言表述自己的作品特点;先让同学闭上眼睛,给他们三分钟想象和构思自己的作品;之后,同学们开头在画纸上创作自己的作品;大约5 分钟后,同学的创作完成了;以下摘选部分同学的作品来学问一下同学们的创新思维和制造才能,以及 制造性运用语言的才能;同学作品 1(The Middle Ages )Period: The Middle Ages Period: The Middle Ages Characteristics:Respect and Love God Characteristics: The name of my painting Creative God The description of Creative God from the student Religious Theme My paintingname is Creative God. There are many things that the God created, such as the sun, the moon, the human beings and mountains. People in the Middle Ages thought God was everything. It was God who made the planets move around the earth. So people during this period loved God even after they died. They thought their souls would always follow God happily. 同学作品 2(The Middle Ages )Period: The Middle Ages Period: The Middle Ages Characteristics: Love God Characteristics: Religious Theme The name of my painting I Love You, God. T The description of I Love You, God. from the students: The man on the top is God. I want to show peoples love and respect to God. People at that time thought God gave their lives. So they believed in God and swore that they would never change their love. Period: The Renaissance Period: The Renaissance Characteristics: Humanism Characteristics: Humanism The name of my painting Flora 花神 The name of my painting A Beauty 同学作品 3(The Renaissance)The description of Flora Flora is the God of flowers in ancient Greek myth. The difference of the 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - painting of Flora from the Middle Ages is that it is more humanistic. 同学作品 4(The Renaissance)The description of A Beauty The painting is about a beautiful lady just like Mona Lisa. She was rich but was unhappy because she could not do what she liked to do. This painting reflects the thoughts and feelings of the humans. Period: Impressionism Period: Impressionism Characteristics: Painted Characteristics: Painted quickly, not detailed out doors, not detailed 同学作品 5(The Impressionism )The description of New City Sunrise from the student The top of the painting is the sun and cloud. In the middle of the painting is a new city. The lower part is the sea. This is impressionism style. The person in the boat wants to escape from the city to get close to nature. 同学作品 6(The Impressionism )The description of Nature from the student My painting is named Nature. There are many trees, a river and so on. All of them look wonderful and beautiful. The painting is not detailed as those of the earlier times. I want to show the beauty of nature and remind people to think highly of nature and respect it. Modern ArtPeriod Characteristics-abstract and realistic 同学作品 7(Modern Art )The description of A Big Head Boy from the student A boy was reading under the moonlight. It is a hard-working student like me. It is very late at night, but the student is still revising his lessons for tomorrow exams. Here the head of the boy is highlighted and abstracted, which emphasizes the students pressure and pain from the studies.同学作品 8(Modern Art )The description of A Little Orange from the student This is a little orange on my desk. The little orange is my painting model. Some 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - colours such as yellow, green, orange are used to show its real colours and the black colour is used to show the shadow of the orange to real. make it look more 表现 Middle ages 的作品都涉及了 religious themes 和 religious symbols ,如圣母 Virgin Mary ,The Birth of the Jesus, Jesus Christ sacrifices himself on crucifix 耶酥被钉在十字架,有些同学仍仿照世界名画,如最终的晚餐,米开朗基罗创作的制造亚当等名画;由于同学对文艺复兴时期的代表作和画家及世界名画比较熟识,所以表现这个时期的作品更多的是仿照这个时期的名画,如Leonardo da Vinci的Mona Lisa ,Michelangelo 的大卫雕像以及人物肖像画,仍有学同学采纳素 描( perspective)来表现文艺复兴时期作品的特点;挑选了 Impressionism 时期的同学大多数都选了风景画来表现那个时代作品的特点;并且在作品中通过突显光线和阴影来表现 painted changed in light ,画的简洁明白来突显 quickly ;painted outdoors,not detailed , had to paint 挑选了 Modern Art 的同学的作品突显了 abstract, concentrated on qualities of the object 的特点;他们的作品有的仿照Picasso 的作品,如和平鸽以及他的抽象画;为了表现现代的特点,很多同学采纳了几何图形甚至变形 的线条和图形,挑选了摩天建筑以及现代交通等来现;由于时间限制, 同学们的画作尽管很简洁,并且可能显得有些稚嫩,但是,同学的画作将各个绘画历史阶段的特点都表现出来了;另外,通过同学展 示和介绍自己的作品,同学不但懂得了课文内容,同时也学习了课文之外 的学问,扩展了同学的学问面,增长了学问,练习和真正使用了英语;这 其实也就达到了本次活动的真正目的,即以绘画和文化为媒体,激发同学 的爱好,开发同学的制造思维,活跃课堂氛围,通过同学的亲身参加来学 习和应用英语;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页