,.英语手抄报图片大全-英语手抄报图片大全 学生想要学习英语,必须培养学习兴趣。许多学校会组织学生画手抄报来增加对学习英语的兴趣,那么,英语手抄报的图要怎么画呢?下面是学习啦小编为大家带来的英语手抄报图片大全_英语手抄报素材,希望大家喜欢。英语手抄报的图片参考英语手抄报参考图(1)英语手抄报参考图(2)英语手抄报参考图(3)英语手抄报参考图(4)英语手抄报参考图(5)英语手抄报参考图(6)英语手抄报参考图(7)英语手抄报的资料参考一、英语笑话As a stranger entered a little country store, he noticed a sign warning, “Danger! Beware of dog!” posted on the glass door. Inside, he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register. “Is that the dog folks are supposed to beware of?” he asked the owner. “Yep, thats him,” came the reply. The stranger couldnt help but be amused. “That certainly doesnt look like a dangerous dog to me. Why in the world would you post that sign?” “Because,” the owner explained, “Before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him!”一名陌生人走进一家乡间小商店,看到玻璃门上帖着的一个告示牌上写着,“危险! 小心有狗!” 进去后,他看到一条样子一点都不凶的老狗趴在收款机旁边的地板上睡觉。 “这就是大伙都得留神的那只狗啊?” 陌生人问店主。“是,就是他”,店主回答。 听到这个回答, 陌生人觉得很好笑。“我觉得那条狗一点都不可怕。 你帖那个告示做什么?” “因为,” 店主解释说,“在我帖告示之前, 大伙老被他绊倒。”词汇学习:funeral 陌生人country store 乡间小商店harmless 无害的、无关紧要的owner 店主explained 讲解、解释二、英语小故事There is a frog. He lives in a well and he never goes out of the well. He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.有一只青蛙住在井底,他从来没有去过井外面。他以为天空就和井口一样大。One day a crow comes to the well. He sees the frog and says, “Frog, lets have a talk.”一天, 一只乌鸦飞到井边,看见青蛙,就对它说:“青蛙,咱们聊聊吧。”Then the frog asks, “Where are you from?”青蛙就问他:“你从哪里来?”“I fly from the sky,” the crow says.“我从天上上来。”乌鸦说。The frog feels surprised and says, “The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky?”青蛙惊讶地说:“天空就只有这井口这么大,你怎么会从天上来? ”The crow says, “The sky is very big. You always stay in the well, so you dont know the world is big.”乌鸦说:“天空很大。只不过你一直呆在井里,所有不知道世界很大。”The frog says, “I dont believe.”青蛙说:“我不相信。”But the crow says, “You can come out and have a look by yourself.”乌鸦说:“你可以出来,自己看看嘛。英语手抄报图片大全”So the frog comes out from the well. He is very surprised. How big the world is!于是青蛙来到井外。英语手抄报图片大全他十分惊讶,原来世界这么大!推荐其他主题的手抄报资料和图片作为参考:1.英语手抄报图片2.简单又漂亮英语手抄报图片大全 简单漂亮的英语手抄报素材3.生活中的英语手抄报图片大全4.关于英语的手抄报图片大全5.超漂亮的英语手抄报图片大全6.一等奖的英语手抄报图片7.有关英文的手抄报图片大全8.英语手抄报模板 英语手抄报图片素材9.简单又漂亮的英语手抄报图片大全10.最漂亮的英语手抄报图片大全