判断题 (A) 1. - Are you free t om orrow? - No. Im afraid Im not.A. Right B. Wrong(B) 2. 一Could you ring them up please? I m s om etim es q uit e n erv ou s on - Are yo u? I am fine.A. Right B. Wrong(A) 3. - How about g oin g to an esta te agent? 一 Yes , t hat s a g oo d idea.A. R ight B. W rong(B) 4. - Wha t s t he weather like in y our city? 一 Yes , t he sun is s hini ng.A. R ight B. Wrong(A) 5. 一Could you tel l me yo ur car number , p lease? - No , s orry.A. Ri ght B. Wrong(A) 1. -Why don t we h ave a barbecue?- That s a g oo d id ea.A. R ight B. Wrong(A) 2. - Are you free on F ri day?- Yes ,Friday is fine.A. Ri ght B. Wrong(B) 3. - Wha ts t he weat he r like in Beijing ?- That s all rig ht.A. R ight B. Wrong(A) 4. - Is t here a bank near h ere?-Yes. The bank is on the co rn er.A. Ri ght B. Wrong(B) 5. - H ow much oil do you need?- It co sts about 50 po un ds.A. Ri ght B. Wrong(A) 1. - Where are y ou from?一I am fro m Pari s.A. R ight B. W rong(A) 2. -Would you l ike a cup of t ea?- No , Im fine , thanks.A. Right B. Wrong(B) 3. 一 Lo nd on is a b it less modern t han Sh an gh ai .一I agree wit h you . I think Lon don is just as mod ern as Shanghai.A. Right B. Wrong(A) 4. -Shall we ask my friend s to play guitar?- Yes , le ts.A. Right B. Wrong(A) 5. -He llo , co uld I s peak to Doctor Brad Jennings , pl ease?一This is Bad J ennings s peakin g.A. Right B. Wrong(A)1. - What do you do?一 I work as a t eacher.A. R ight B. Wron g(B)2. - Wou ld you lik e so me cris ps?-No, Im s orry .A. R igh t B. 飞凡Trang(A)3. - How do I get to the bus stati on?- You t ak e the number 38 bus .A. Ri ght B. Wrong(A)4. - How lon g wi ll the meal tak e?一It11 t ake two hours , I th in k.A. Rig ht B. Wron g(B)5. - What d oes you r En glis h t eacher l ook lik e?一 She likes s ingin g.A. Ri gh t B . 耳Nrong(A) 1. - How do 1 get t o the bu s s tation? - Yo u tak e the number 38 bus . A. Right B. Wrong (A) 2. - What d oes he do? 一 He works in a pos t o ffice. A. Ri ght B. Wrong (B) 3. -Wha t t ime do es the s wimm ing poo l cl ose? 一 On Tu esday . A. Ri ght B. Wrong (A) 4. -S hall we ask m y fri en ds t o p lay count ry mu sic? 一 Yes , lets. A. Right B. Wrong (A) 5. -Wha t does h e lo ok like? 一He is very tall and strong. A. Ri ght B. Wrong 选择题6. She works in schoo l near my office. (C)A. I B. aC. the7. Maria o ften has a walk with parents in t he mo rn ing . (C)A. s he B. herC. their8. Have you got lychees? (B)A. some B. anyC. I9. Mr Green is nowA. inC. Qn (C)B.wi th10.I d like toA. sendC. leaveyouto a party t his S at urday. (B)B. inv ite1 1.How m anyA. coffeeC. orangeswou ld youlike tobuy? (C)B. oil12.Hurry up.A. m anyWe dont h av e (B)tl口Ie.B.en ou ghc.t oo m any13 . 一 一一一一time do y ou h av e lunch? (B)- I u sual ly have l un ch at 12.A. WhereC. When B.What14.15.I m a deput y manager.A. forC. withThi s rad io is (A)A. more exp en siv eC. as epensiveI workthan that on e. an I T co mpany. (A)B. aboutB. v ery ex pens ive16. 一Thesecond b edroo m isn t big en oug h. (B) -Yes , I agree.It isto o sm all17.A.C.not that s mallen ou gh s mallany comp ut ers in your office? B.B.IsThere (A)18.A. Are t hereC. Have t hereI hav e two brothers .A. on eC. the otherOne isa driver ,B.is a pol iceman. (C)ot her103719. -A.C.I don t have tea in Nei therh aveam(B)the m ornin g. B.do 20.1ark isA. inC. ofres pon sib le (B)the internat ional market.B. fo r21. T he I T Departme nt is onA. twent yC. the twentythe top floo r.That s (B)B. the t we nt iethflo or.(C) 22. 一Does "am"-No , itA. means , meanC. m ean, m eans(A) 23. -Im tired.afterno on ? mo rn in g. B.means , meansA.C.t aking a ho liday?W hat aboutWould you li keB.Why don t you24.My a untA. en joy cook ingC. enjo ys cook ingforher friendsatho me B.enjo ys cook (C)25.- 一一一_ >w:i ll t he mealtake?一It11 take two hours , I th in k.A. H ow manyC. How lon g(C)(B) 6. I work in o ffice in Sh an gh ai .A. a B. anC. the(B) 7. There four chi ldren in the p icture.A. is B. areC. have(B) 8. We often have s upper at hom e.A. us B. ourC. ours(B) 9.A.C.IsWereCh ris worried about the presentat ion l ast week?B. Was(B)10.Thi s isA. withC. tomy n ew wat ch .It was a present 一一一一_ myB. fromwife.(C)11.I d ont clean my so ns b edroo m.A. hi mC. h ims el fHe has to doB. hisit(B)12.I don t needA. someC. /coffee, t hanks .B.any(B)13.Sh eA. isC. werea teacher in Sh ang hai las t y ear.B. was(A)14. 一Does "a m"一 N o , itA. mean , m eansC. m eans , meansafternoon?mo rnin g.B.means , mean(B)15.Youlike s wimm ing, but IA.amnotB.do ntC.doe sn t(C)16.(A)17.Pol ly enjoy sA. playC. p lay ingI d like toA. in viteC. leavet he gui tar in a band in her free time.B. to p layyou to a pa rty this Satu rday.B. send(A)18.I am not feeling v ery wel l.A. needItosee t he do ctor.1024C.wou ldB.s houl d(B)19. 一A.C.you like a drink? Wi ne? Beer ?A beer, please.Could B.ShouldWould(C)20.Rose isA. a l otC. moreeasy-going than Frank.B.much (B)21.I ambad at s pelling, but he isthan me.A.C.badworstB.worse(C)22. 一are you from?- I m from Nanjing.A. WhatC. Where(C)23. - will the mealtake?B.When一ItII t ake two hours , I think.A. How m anyC. How longB.How much(A)24. -A.C.Im enjoying t he long summer evenings.am I.SO B.NorNei ther(A)25. -Im tired.taking a holiday?B.Why don t youA.C.What aboutWould you like(A)6. Thank you for reply ing myema il.A. to B. ofC. fro m(B)7. I like sit ting in the cafes , t he newsp apers and 一一 -一一 _ peop le.A. read , watch B. readin g , watchin gC. read , watchin g881(B)8. I canA. inc. athear the nois e fro m carsnightev eningB. a t nig ht(C)9. You canask q ues tio ns about any de tail 一-一_ tothismeet ing .A. rel ateC. relat ingB. torelatethe superm arket.(C)10. Doyouneed an y rice? I can get some 一一一一_youA. to , fro mC. fo r , fro m(A)11. -D o y ou com e here?B. for , to-Yes , I m a m ember of the healt h clu b.I co me twice a week toswim.A. m uchC. so on(A)12. -L ook, Im gett ing toofat.I must doB. manymore ex ercise.A. Yes , youC. Yes , youshould work ou t.shoul d run ou t.B. Yes , yo u should watch ou t.(C)13. -Would y ou l ike s om ething to, pl ease.A. Two cups of watersC. Two cu ps of wat er(A)14. I do nt lik e t he weather here.A. depress ingC. depress ivedri nk?It s oftenB. Two cupB. d ep ressedof wate rs(B)15. Iwhen I read t hem .readi ngno velswatchin gmov ies.Ilik e m y o wni magi nati on882A. wou ld ra ther ,C. p refer , thanthanB. p refer , to(A)16. I usu ally hav e breakfastA. atC. on(A)17. I h ave a res ervatio n forA. d ou bleC. p airaabout a quarter pas t sev en .B. forro om.B. co uple(A)18. The microwav e ov en is nt working atA. itC. some(B)19. -Ho w l ong d oes the bus ?-About half an h ou r.A. s pendC. use(A)20. 一Can I use the co ok er in the ki tchen ?一Sorry , yo uA. cannotC. cantthe moment , but I ll rep airB.on eB. take 、B. can no tsoon .(C)21. HowA. m anyC. muchti me are yo u goi ng tospen d with me?B.lo t(B)22. You n eed toA. t estsC.l ooks(A)23. Whos g oingA. doC. makemake antoappointme nt wit h a doctor b efo re the doctor 一一一一_you.B.ex am inesthe wash ing -up ?B.go(C)24. They will m eet againA. t he mB. thems elv esC. each other tonight.(A)25. Banks op enA. fro m , toC. fro m , andM onday Frid ay. B. bet ween ,to(B)6. He 一一一一 for an IT co mpany . A. work B. works C. worki ng (A)7. 1 us ually have coffee breakfast time. A. at B. in C. on (c)8. nam e is J celyn. A. She B. Sh es C. Her (c)9. She is o nly acco un tant in my son s com pany . A. a B. an C. t he (B)10. 1 think t here will 一一一_ 5 0 peop le at t omorrow s part y. A. be B. being C. are (C)11. Caro s serve the drinks and t ake the o rd ers. A. have to B. h as C. h as to (B)12. Hurry up. We d ont have t1盯1巳.A. a 10t B. en ou gh C. too m any (C)13. It heavi1y here at thi s mo men t. A. rain B. rain s C. is rammg (A)1 4. - 1 ha vent got a flat. 一 Neither 1. A. have B. d o C. am (A)1 5. He can 一一一 French v ery wel l. A. s peak B. ta1k C. say (C)16. l m s orry she s n ot i n. W ou1d you like t o a mes sage? A. keep B. rest C. 1eave (C)17. He g oes to work foo t but comes back hom e taX1. A. on, b y B. by , on C. by , by (B)18. -Can 1 use the coo ker in t he k itch en1 -Sorry, l m afraid y ou A. can no t B. can no t C. cant (C)19. 1 h ave t wo brot hers . One is a manager , and 一 is a do ct or. A. o ne B. other C. t he ot her (A)20. Jane is q uit e out going an d 一一一_ -very friend ly. A. talk ativ e B. t al kin gC. t alked (C)21. 1 hav e an Englis h class _一一一一A. three C. three t imes a week. B. t hree ti me (C)22. C hris u su al ly go es to the gym 一一一一一the week en d. A. from B. in than meC. at(B)23. lm b ad at dancin g , but J ane is A. bad B. wo rs eC. less(B)24. 1 don t n eed mi neral wa ter , but l d like tea , thanks.A. any , any B. an y , s omeC. s ome , s om e(C)25 . How about out fo r a wal k?A. g o B. to goC. g oing(C)6. name is Wan gh ua.A. He B. H esC. Hi s(A)7. I work in IT Depart ment of larg e bank.A. t he , a B. a, t heC. a , a(A)8. I go swim min g on Tuesdays two h ours.A. for B. atC. wi th (B) 9. Thisismy newwatch. Itwasapresent my wife. A. with B. from C. to (A) 10. Iminterested cooking. A. in B. to C. at (C) 11. TheITDepartmentisonthetopfloor. Thats floor. A. thetwenty B. thetwentyth C. thetwentieth (B) 12. anyyogaclassesintheevenings? A. Isthere B. Arethere C. Have (B) 13. Idontwant cabbage. A. some B. any c. / (B) 14. He foran ITcompany. A. work B. works C. working(A) 15. 一Howlongdoesthebus ? 一It aboutan hour. A. take,takes B. takes,take C. takes,takes (B) 16. Iam aboutmyexamsnextweek. A. worry B. worried C. worries (B) 17. - you likesomethingto eat? 一Prawnfried ricewithpeas,please. A. Should B. Would C. Could (B) 18. Wewouldlikeyou to yourideasforanewwebsitefor ourcompany. A. pretend B. present C. prevent o F , vdou n T-GaV (A) 19. Welookforward B 合 nUm 户 t A. tomeeting L C. meet (B) 20. Roseis moreeasy-goingthanFrank. A. many B. much C. lot (C) 21. How timedidyouspendinFrance? A. many B. lot C. much (B) 22. Youneedto makean appointmentwithadoctor,beforethedoctor一一一一_you. A. tests B. examines C. looks (A) 23. Whosgoingto thewashing-up? A. do B. go C. make (C) 24Wearemeeting forthefirsttimetonight. A. us B. ourselves C. eachother (A) 25. Thispostofficeopens 如fonday Friday. A. from,to B. between,to C. from,and句型转换Sheusuallygoesto workbybus. (改为一般疑问句) Does sheusuallygoto workbybus?Thereisafaxmachineintheoffice. (改为一般疑问句)Is thereafaxmachineintheoffice?Ineedto buysomeapples. (改为否定句) Idontneedto buyanyapples.Hegoesto workbybus. (用how对划线部分提问 )Howdoeshego to work?HerparentslikelivinginHaikoubecauseitisverygree几 (用Why对划线部分提问)Whydo herparentslike livingin Haikou? Xiaoyan sometimes goes to the pub after work. (改为一般疑问句) Does Xiaoyan sometimes go to the pub after work? They will go to the wedding reception. (改为否定句)They won t go