【唯美古诗英文翻译阅读】 唯美古诗词英文翻译.doc
最新【唯美古诗英文翻译阅读】 唯美古诗词英文翻译中国古典诗词是中国文化的重要组成部分,为世界文学作出了宝贵贡献。在过去的一百多年以来,无论是国内还是国外的学者,他们在中国古典诗歌的翻译中做出了非常显著的努力。下面是小编带来的唯美古诗英文翻译阅读,欢迎阅读!唯美古诗英文翻译阅读篇一五言律诗刘长卿秋日登吴公台上寺远眺古台摇落后, 秋日望乡心。野寺人来少, 云峰水隔深。夕阳依旧垒, 寒磬满空林。惆怅南朝事, 长江独至今。Five-character-regular-verseLiu ChangqingCLIMBING IN AUTUMN FOR A VIEW FROM THE TEMPLEON THE TERRACE OF GENERAL WUSo autumn breaks my homesick heart.Few pilgrims venture climbing to a temple so wild,Up from the lake, in the mountain clouds.Sunset clings in the old defences,A stone gong shivers through the empty woods.Of the Southern Dynasty, what remains?Nothing but the great River.唯美古诗英文翻译阅读篇二五言律诗刘长卿送李中丞归汉阳别业流落征南将, 曾驱十万师。罢归无旧业, 老去恋明时。独立三边静, 轻生一剑知。茫茫江汉上, 日暮复何之。Five-character-regular-verseLiu ChanqingA FAREWELL TO GOVERNOR LION HIS WAY HOME TO HANYANGSad wanderer, once you conquered the South,Commanding a hundred thousand men;Today, dismissed and dispossessed,In your old age you remember glory.Once, when you stood, three borders were still;Your dagger was the scale of life.Now, watching the great rivers, the Jiang and the Han,On their ways in the evening, where do you go?唯美古诗英文翻译阅读篇三五言律诗刘长卿饯别王十一南游望君烟水阔, 挥手泪沾巾。飞鸟没何处? 青山空向人。长江一帆远, 落日五湖春。谁见汀洲上, 相思愁白苹?Five-character-regular-verseLiu ChangingON SEEING WANG LEAVE FOR THE SOUTHToward a mist upon the waterStill I wave my hand and sob,For the flying bird is lost in spaceBeyond a desolate green mountain.But now the long river, the far lone sail,five lakes, gleam like spring in the sunset;And down an island white with duckweedComes the quiet of communion.唯美古诗英文翻译阅读篇四五言律诗刘长卿寻南溪常山道人隐居一路经行处, 莓苔见履痕。白云依静渚, 春草闭闲门。过雨看松色, 随山到水源。溪花与禅意, 相对亦忘言。Five-character-regular-verseLiu ChangingWHILE VISITING ON THE SOUTH STREAMTHE TAOIST PRIEST CHANGWalking along a little path,I find a footprint on the moss,A while cloud low on the quiet lake,Grasses that sweeten an idle door,A pine grown greener with the rain,A brook that comes from a mountain source -And, mingling with Truth among the flowers,I have forgotten what to say.唯美古诗英文翻译阅读篇五五言律诗刘长卿新年作乡心新岁切, 天畔独潸然。老至居人下, 春归在客先。岭猿同旦暮, 江柳共风烟。已似长沙傅, 从今又几年。Five-character-regular-verseLiu ChangqingNEW YEAR'S AT CHANGSHANew Year's only deepens my longing,Adds to the lonely tears of an exileWho, growing old and still in harness,Is left here by the homing spring.Monkeys come down from the mountains to haunt me.I bend like a willow, when it rains on the river.I think of Jia Yi, who taught here and died here-And I wonder what my term shall be.看了“唯美古诗英文翻译阅读”的人还看了:1.唯美古诗英文翻译欣赏2.翻译成英文的唯美古诗3.经典英语唯美古诗文摘抄4.唯美英文诗歌带翻译阅读5.简单唯美英文诗推荐访问:英语诗歌唯美古诗英文翻译阅读古诗翻译成英文中国古诗英文翻译 第 4 页 共 4 页