-普罗旺斯普罗旺斯有一个地方,生活简朴而高尚,生活节奏舒缓,可以好好的吸一口忘草香,尝一有一个地方,生活简朴而高尚,生活节奏舒缓,可以好好的吸一口忘草香,尝一口鲜味芝士,感觉惬意而满足口鲜味芝士,感觉惬意而满足渐渐地,就忘记了时间。这里就是法国的普罗渐渐地,就忘记了时间。这里就是法国的普罗旺斯。旺斯。There is a place, where the life is simple but noble, the rhythm of life is so relaxed that you can take a deep breath of the perfume of the grass and take a bite of the tasty cheese, feeling comfortable and contentGradually, you forget about the time, here, it is Provence in France.普罗旺斯位于法国南部,自古就以靓丽的阳光和蔚普罗旺斯位于法国南部,自古就以靓丽的阳光和蔚蓝的天空,令世人惊艳。蓝的天空,令世人惊艳。Provence locates in the south of France, where it is also the location of many historical towns and cities. It has always been famous for its beautiful sunshine and the cerulean sky.提到法国的普罗旺斯地区,可能在人们脑海里第一个出提到法国的普罗旺斯地区,可能在人们脑海里第一个出现的会是代表甜美爱情的薰衣草。现的会是代表甜美爱情的薰衣草。The first thing that appears in our mind when Provence is referred is the lavender(薰衣草)。(薰衣草)。这种花语为等待爱情的花不知迷倒了多少人这种花语为等待爱情的花不知迷倒了多少人it is my first time to see such lavender field of this flourishing, such pure purple blossomed in the rolling field and painted the sign of romance in the warm summer wind, just like the deepest but most silent yearning and the sweetest melancholy, the warm but sad feeling that one hides deep inside of the devoted lover but can never be together这种来自古波斯地区的植物以其优雅的淡香而享有盛誉。随着时间的这种来自古波斯地区的植物以其优雅的淡香而享有盛誉。随着时间的改变,这种来自中东地区的淡紫色小花现如今已成了法国普罗旺斯地改变,这种来自中东地区的淡紫色小花现如今已成了法国普罗旺斯地区的一个重要标志。区的一个重要标志。This romantic plant from the ancient Persia has always been famous for its elegant slight perfume, as time goes by, the small light purple flower from the Middle East has already became the symbol of Provence.78月间的熏衣草迎风绽放,浓艳的色彩装饰翠绿的山谷,月间的熏衣草迎风绽放,浓艳的色彩装饰翠绿的山谷,微微辛辣的香味混合着被晒焦的青草芬芳,交织成法国南微微辛辣的香味混合着被晒焦的青草芬芳,交织成法国南部最令人难忘的气息。部最令人难忘的气息。 Lavender blossoms with the warm summer wind during June and August every year, brilliant colors decorates the verdant valley, the perfume with a slight acridity mixes with the smell of sunburnt grass and composes the most unforgettable breath of the south France.如果旅行是为了如果旅行是为了摆脱生活的桎梏,摆脱生活的桎梏,普罗旺斯会让你普罗旺斯会让你忘掉一切。法国忘掉一切。法国普罗旺斯的天空普罗旺斯的天空蓝的通透明澈,蓝的通透明澈,空气像新鲜的冰空气像新鲜的冰镇柠檬水沁入肺镇柠檬水沁入肺里,心底最深处里,心底最深处如有清泉流过,如有清泉流过,直想歌啸。直想歌啸。If travelling is to get of the shackle of life, Provence can erase your memory, the sky of Provence has the most limpid and ocean-like blue, the air float in to your nose as the most fresh iced lemon juice lingers around your throat, spring flows through your deepest heart, at this moment you find it can never be possible for your to keep yourself from letting out the rhythm of your most inner soul很难说是普罗旺斯的浪漫爱情更吸引人,还是这里的景致更让人流连。当很难说是普罗旺斯的浪漫爱情更吸引人,还是这里的景致更让人流连。当人们再次享有宁静,或是沐浴暖暖的阳光,或是细品醉人的落日,或是仰人们再次享有宁静,或是沐浴暖暖的阳光,或是细品醉人的落日,或是仰望缀满星辰的夜空,都会由衷地感到,生活不会再比此刻更加美好了望缀满星辰的夜空,都会由衷地感到,生活不会再比此刻更加美好了It is difficult to say that it is the love of Provence that has larger attraction, or it is just the beautiful scenery that makes the visitors linger. When people again acquire the serenity, bathe in the warm sunshine, or be lost in the charming sunset, or just look up to the deep blue sky dotted with countless shining stars, we all can feel from our inner heart that life cant be any more beautiful在梅尔的笔下在梅尔的笔下“普罗旺斯普罗旺斯”已不再是一个单纯的地域名已不再是一个单纯的地域名称,更代表了一种简单无忧、轻松慵懒的生活方式;一称,更代表了一种简单无忧、轻松慵懒的生活方式;一种宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷种宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒的闲适意境。云舒的闲适意境。 The Provence of Mayle is not only a name of a particular place, it is more likely to be a symbol of a kind of life style that is the simplest and of the most comfort; Its a kind of quiet life in which we do not care the way our life is going on and the changing of the world, we appreciate the flower when it blows and falls, we whisper at the cloud, when it coils and extendsEveryone has a dream of their own, and my dream is to live in Provence, because it looks exactly like the garden in my dream