计算机 毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 中英文对照:网站建设技术.docx
计算机 毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 中英文对照:网站建设技术 学校代码: 10128 学号: xxxxxxxxxx 本科毕业设计外文文献翻译 学生姓名: 学院:信息工程学院 系别:计算机系 专业:计算机科学与技术 班级: 指导教师: 二一年六月 1 On site construction technology 1 Introduction The development of network technology for today's global information exchange and sharing funding source in the establishment of contacts and provide more channels and possible. Homes will be known world affairs, according few keyboard or a few mouse clicks can be distant friends thousands of miles away exchanges, and online communications, Internet browsing, on-line interactive, e-commerce has become a modern part of people's lives. Internet era, has created the new people's work and lifestyle, the Internet, openness and sharing of information model, breaking the traditional mode of information dissemination many barriers for people with new opportunities. With computers and the advent of the information age, the pace of the advance of human society in gradually accelerated. In recent years the development of web design, fast people occupied. With the development of web design, a colorful online website together one scenic beauty. To design aesthetic and practical web site should be thoroughly master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed the websites of objectives, contents, functions, structure, the application of more web design technology. 2 the definition of website 2.1 How definition of websites Web site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is the most important issue. Why people will come to your website? You have a unique service? The first people to your website is to what? They will come back? All these issues must be taken into account when the site definition of the problem. Definition site to, first of all, the entire site must have a clear understanding of what the design should understand in the end, the main purpose of the mission, how to carry out the task of organization and planning. Second, to maintain the high-quality Web site. Many websites in the face of strong competition from high-quality product is the greatest long-term competitive advantage. An excellent Web site should have the following: (1) users visit Web site is faster. (2) attention to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the website 2 and timely feedback the user's requirements; (3) Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impression left by visitors is important, the design must be attractive in order to have a good visual effect. 2.2 The contents of the website and function The content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. The content of the website, including the type of static, dynamic, functional and things to deal with. Website content is determined in accordance with the nature of the site, in the design of the site, commercial websites, popular science site, company websites, teaching and exchange websites, the content and style are different. We have established websites with the nature of these types of sites are not the same. 2.3 The structure website (1) site structure; (2) definition of navigation; (3) Visual Design; (4) framework and design pages. 3 Site Design and Implementation With increasing demands on design, high style, high-grade design work before gaining popularity. This also to the designers have put forward higher requirements, from this point of view, the plate design is to meet the requirements of the people should be and Health. The rapid development of science and technology, the Internet into millions of households, also produced a new design space, and a new web design an important part of the field of design. Excellent web design, we must have good creative, so that the audience can be difficult to shift attention long time, produce power. Layout is very important, through text, graphics space portfolio, can best express harmony with the United States. If you want to further understand website design, made separately from other web site's homepage, you need to have more like CSS, javascript, CGI, and other web design technology. In building on the site of the CSS, javascript and other web design technology. 3.1 Application Design website CSS (1) What is CSS? CSS is a style sheet (stylesheet) technology. Some of them called CSS (Cascading Stylesheet). 3 (2) the combination of CSS and HTML form. Mode 1: The CSS content, as defined in the writing between the labels. Mode 2: CSS will be preserved as a separate text file, and then from labels to call. (3) CSS the web site of examples. The web site pages, and increase the following definition so that the pages show with special effects. 3.2 Application Design website javascript javascript and the emergence of making information between users is not only a display and browse the relationship, but to achieve a real-time, dynamic, cross-expression. Thus based on the CGI static HTML pages will be to provide dynamic real-time information, and customer response to the operation of the Web pages replaced. javascript scripting is satisfy this demand arising from the language. It's loved by extensive user. Many scripting language it is in a relatively good. WWW and effectively achieve the combination of the computer network computing and network blueprint. 4 Construction on the site Experience With the popularity of the Internet, more and more government departments, companies and individuals aware of the need to have their own independent Web site. Below on the design and production sites on some of their own experience. After conducting systematic analysis End, we should carry out system design. Web page design similar to the development of software design, top-down, bottom-up and continuous updating, and other design methods. The main task is to design the content of the sites, including the website information organization structure, appearance, content block, navigation and links, directory structure design. System design is the site ready before the concrete realization of the website to further the realization of more specific requirements, the overall effect on the website, local details have a clearer idea. This entire process is the key site planning. Next is how to achieve their own Web site design issues. The realization of the site, I think the need to be considered in two parts: the realization website; Web servers can be achieved. In the process of achieving website, technology selection is very important. Former major use HTML language, the stronger the interactive website, the proposed use of ASP, JSP, PHP and other programming to help achieve, 4 the more complex Web site may also have its own database. The latter is based on all kinds of different operating systems used Web server software installation and debugging. This stage is the whole process of the most important and most time-consuming part. When we completed the work, the need for website released. At this stage of the production on the website drawing to a close, the main task is to do a good job in the website release to the network, the web site for final modifications, testing, homepage can guarantee normal operation of the network. Published in the website after website to deal with various aspects of the tests, including the possibility of any different web browsers, different visitors have shown normal, ASP, JSP, PHP normal procedure can work, and so on. This stage is the website of trial operation period, the website at this time should be to make up for various shortcomings, the website will be more perfected. After a period of operation, the site entered the normal operation period, the main task is to update outdated information website, the visitor's message timely feedback to further improve the website, the introduction of new technologies constantly update website, visit web pages more quickly, more aesthetic appearance, Information Resources richer. Above is the establishment of the station to roughly follow the seven steps, seven steps are complementary, but can be the basis of ease of website and complexity of a weakening or strengthening appropriate link. In short, building a successful web site is not an easy task, it needs all-round consideration, the Composite various factors. 5 concluding remarks With the rapid development of Internet technology, in all walks of life have joined the industry to the Internet. Whether from the management side, or from a commercial point of view, the Internet can bring immense vitality. Internet to become a talented designer Shi new world. People will continue to explore, will be the site of the building in the application of new technologies in the web site. 5 网站建设技术 1 介绍 网络技术的发展,为今天全球性的信息交流与资源共享和交往提供了更多的途 径和可能。足不出户便可以知晓天下大事,按几下键盘或点几下鼠标可以与远在千里之外的朋友交流,网上通信、网上浏览、网上交互、网上电子商务已成为现代人们生活的一部分。Internet 时代, 造就了人们新的工作和生活方式,其互联性、开放性和共享信息的模式,打破了传统信息传播方式的重重壁垒,为人们带来了新的机 遇。随着计算机和信息时代的到来,人类社会前进的脚步在逐渐加快。近几年网页设计发展,快得让人目不暇接。 随着网页设计技术的发展,丰富多彩的网页成为网上一道亮丽的风景线。要想设计美观实用的网页就应该深入掌握网站建设技术。在建立网站时,我们分析了网站建立的目的、内容、功能、结构,应用了更多的网页设计技术。 2 网站的定义 2.1 如何定义网站 确定网站的任务和目标,是建设网站所面临的最重要的问题。为什么人们会来到你的网站? 你有独特的服务吗? 人们第一次到你的网站是为了什么? 他们还会再来吗? 这些问题都是定义网站时必须考虑的问题。要定义网站,首先,必须对整个网站有一个清晰认识,弄清到底要设计什么、主要的目的与任务、如何对任务进行组织与规划。其次,保持网站的高品质。在众多网站的激烈竞争中,高品质的产品是长期竞争的最大优势。一个优秀的网站应具备: (1)用户访问网站的速度要快; (2)注意反馈与更新。及时更新网站内容、及时反馈用户的要求; (3)首页设计要合理。首页给访问者留下的第一印象很重要,设计务必精美,以求产生良好的视觉效果。 2.2 网站的内容和功能 在网站的内容方面,就是要做到新、快、全三面。网站内容的类型包括静态的、动态的、功能的和事物处理的。确定网站的内容是根据网站的性质决定的,在设计政府网站、商业网站、科普性网站、公司介绍网站、教学交流网站等的内容和风格时各有不同。我们建立的网站同这些类型的网站性质均不相同。 2.3 网站的结构 6 (1)网站的结构; (2)定义导航; (3)可视化设计; (4)设计框架和页面。 3 网站的设计与实现 随着人们对设计的要求越来越高,高格调,高品位的设计作品,才深受人们的欢迎。这也就给设计者们提出了更高的要求,从这个角度说,板式设计正是满足了人们的要求应需而生。科技的飞跃发展, 让Internet 走进了千家万户,也产生出新的设计领域空间,而网页设计成为新的设计领域的重要内容。优秀的网页设计,必须有好的创意,才能使观者视线久久难移,产生震撼力。版面设计是很重要的,通过文字、图形的空间组合,能最佳的表达出和谐与美。如果想进一步认识网页设计,做出有别于一般网站的网页,就需要掌握更多像CSS 、javascript 、CGI 等网页设计技术。在网站的建设中就应用了CSS 、Javascript 等网页设计技术。 3.1 应用CSS 设计网页 (1) 什么是CSS ? CSS 是一种样式表(stylesheet)技术。也有的人称之为层叠样式表( Cascading Stylesheet)。 (2) CSS与HTML的结合方式。方式一:将所定义的CSS内容书写在这一对标签之间。方式二:将CSS内容单独保存为一个文本文件,再由标签来调用。 (3) CSS在网站中的应用事例。在网站中的页面,增加了以下的定义, 使页面有特殊的显示效果。 3.2 应用Javascript 设计网页 Javascript的出现使得信息和用户之间不仅只是一种显示和浏览的关系,而是实现了一种实时的、动态的、可交式的表达能力。从而基于CGI静态的HTML页面将被可提供动态实时信息,并对客户操作进行反应的Web页面的取代。Javascript 脚本正是满足这种需求而产生的语言。它深受广泛用户的喜爱。它是众多脚本语言中较为优秀的一种。与WWW的结合有效地实现了网络计算和网络计算机的蓝图。 4 关于网站建设的几点体会 随着Internet的普及,越来越多的政府部门、公司和个人意识到需要拥有自己的独立网站。下面就设计和制作网站谈谈自己的一些体会。在进行完系统分析之后,我们就应该进行系统的设计。网页的设计类似于软件开发的设计,有自 7 顶向下、自底向上和不断增补等设计方法。主要任务是网页内容的设计,包括网页的信息组织结构、外观、内容分块、导航与链接、目录结构等设计。系统设计是网站具体实现前的准备,对网页的实现进一步提出更具体的要求,对网页的整体效果、局部细节有更明确的设想。这个过程是整个网站规划中的关键。 接下来就是如何将自己设计的网站实现的问题。对于网站的实现,我认为需要考虑两部分:网页的实现;Web服务器的实现。在网站实现的过程中,技术选型很重要。前者主要使用HTML语言,对于交互性较强的网站来说,建议采用ASP、JSP、PHP等编程来辅助实现,更为复杂的网站可能还会有自己的数据库。后者则用到各种基于不同操作系统的Web服务器软件的安装、调试。这个阶段是整个过程中最主要也最耗时的一部分。 当我们完成了上述工作后,就需要进行网页发布了。到了这个阶段,网页制作就接近尾声,主要工作是把做好的网页发布到网络上,对网页作最后的修改、测试,保证网页能在网络上正常地运行。 在网页发布以后,应对网页进行各个方面各种情况的测试,包括网页能否对任何不同的浏览器、不同的访问者都表现正常,ASP、JSP、PHP程序能否正常工作等等。这个阶段是网页的试运行期,此时应把网页的各种缺陷尽量弥补,使网页更加完善。 经过一段时期的运行,网站就进入了正常运行期,主要工作是及时更新网页过时的信息,及时对访问者的留言做出反馈,进一步完善网页,不断采用新的技术更新升级网页,使网页的访问更迅速,外观更美观,信息资源更丰富。 以上就是建站要大体遵循的七个步骤,这七个步骤是相辅相成的,但可根据网页的难易程度和复杂度适当增强或减弱某个环节。总之,建设一个成功的网站并非一件容易的事,它需要全方位考虑,综合各方面的因素。 5 结束语 随着Internet技术的突飞猛进,各行各业都在加入Internet的行业中来。无论从管理方面,还是从商业角度来看,Internet都可以带来无限生机。Internet成为了一个设计人员施才华的新天地。人们将不断探索,将网站建设中的新技术应用在网站中。 8