精品名师归纳总结高中化学必备学问点归纳与总结6( Summary and summary ofessentialknowledge pointsof seniorhigh schoolchemistry6) Summary and summary of essential knowledge points for seniorhigh school chemistry 6.txtSummary and summary of essential knowledge points of senior high school chemistry 6Twenty-three. Regular knowledge induction5. Substances that can react with polymersDerivatives of olefins, dienes, acetylene, styrene, olefins and dienes.6. The substance that can react with silver mirrorThe reaction of silver mirror can occur in any molecule with aldehyde group - CHO.(1) all aldehyde RCHO;(2) formic acid, formic acid and formic acid ester;Note: the reaction can be made with the new Cu OH 2, except for the above substances, there are acid strong acid such as formic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, etc., neutralizationreaction occurs.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结7, withbromine reactionand the bromine fade or change materialI organic1. unsaturated hydrocarbons alkenes, alkynes and dienes, styrene, etc.;2. derivatives of unsaturated hydrocarbons enol, aldehyde, oleic acid, oleic acid, oleic acid, ester, oil, etc.3. petroleum products cracking gas, cracking gas, cracking gasoline, etc.;4. phenol and homologues because it generated three bromine bromine with substituted phenols precipitation5. compounds containing aldehyde groups two inorganic1. - 2 valence sulfur H2S and sulfide;2. + 4 valence sulfur SO2, H2SO3 and sulfite;3. + 2 valence iron:6FeSO43Br2 = 2Fe2 SO4 32FeBr36fecl2 3br2 4fecl3 2febr3变色2fei2 3br2 2febr3 2i2可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结4. zn 、mg等单质 如 mgbr2 - H2O - MgBr2 此外,其中亦有 mg与 h +、mg与 hbro 的反应5. 1 价的碘 氢碘酸及碘化物 变色6. naoh 等强碱: br2 2oh = = br bro h2o 7.agno38、能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色的物质 一有机不饱和烃 烯烃、炔烃、二烯烃、苯乙烯等 ;苯的同系物 ;不饱和烃的衍生物 烯醇、烯醛、烯酸、卤代烃、油酸、油酸盐、油酸酯等 ;含醛基的有机物 醛、甲酸、甲酸盐、甲酸某酯等 ;石油产品 裂解气、裂化气、裂化汽油等 ;煤产品 煤焦油 ;自然橡胶 聚异戊二烯 . 二无机可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结 2 价硫的化合物h2s、氢硫酸、硫化物 ; 4 价硫的化合物so2、h2so3 及亚硫酸盐 ;双氧水 H2O2,其中氧为 1 价9、最简式相同的有机物 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 1.ch: c2h2和 c6h62. ch2:烯烃和环烷烃3. ch2o:甲醛、乙酸、甲酸甲酯、葡萄糖4. cnh2no:饱和一元醛 或饱和一元酮 与二倍于其碳原子数和饱和一元羧酸或酯 ;One example: acetaldehyde C2H4O and butyric acid and their isomers C4H8O210, isomers severalcompoundshave the samemolecularformula, but have different structural formula1, alcohol ether CnH2n+2Ox2 - keto aldehyde, alkylene oxide cyclic ether CnH2nO 3, carboxylic ester - hydroxy aldehyde CnH2nO24, amino acid nitro alkane可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结5, mono olefin naphthenic CnH2n 6 - CnH2n-2, dienes Alkynes11. The substance and reaction condition that can substitute reaction1. alkanes and halogen elements: halogen vapor, light;2. homologues of benzene and benzene and halogen elements: Fe as catalyst;Concentrated nitric acid: water bath at 5060 degrees; concentrated sulfuric acid as catalystConcentrated sulfuric acid: water bath at 7080 degrees centigrade;Hydrolysisof 3. halogenatedhydrocarbons:aqueous solutionof NaOH;Reaction of 4. alcohols with hydrogen halides: new hydrogen halide acids acidic conditions;Hydrolysisof 5. esters:catalyzedby inorganicacids or bases;6. phenol and concentrated water dehydration reaction ofethanoland concentrated sulfuricacid at 140 DEGC when itis replaced.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Twenty-four, use of water in the experiment1. : Seal in the middle school chemistry experiment, a small amount of white phosphorus bromine need water, filled withwater storage jar, through the water cover, can be isolated from the air to prevent the escape of vapours and white phosphorus, keep it light in contrast;During the extremelyvolatileand toxic,itissmallerin water solubility, heavier than water, so the water can reduce thevolatilization.2. bath: phenolic resin preparation boiling water bath;preparationof nitrobenzene50 - 60 DEGC, hydrolysisof ethyl acetate 70 to 80 DEG C, hydrolysis of sucrose 70 to 80 DEGC, determination of potassium nitrate solubility at roomtemperature to 100 DEG C need to control the temperature of the thermometer; silver mirror the reaction with water bath heating can be.3. water collection:drainage gas collectionmethod can collect insolubleor insolublegas, thereare 02, H2, C2H4, C2H2, CH4,NO in middle school. Some gases have a certain solubility in water, but they can add a substance in water to reduce their solubility, for example, the chlorine can be collected by the method of saturated salt water.4. water washing: removal of soluble impurities in some insoluble gases by water washing, such as removal of N02 impurities in NO gas.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结5. :can use someidentificationof materialidentification,in water densityor differentsolubilitysuch as: colorlessliquid benzene, ethanol was three bottles of no label, theidentification of water floating in the water is benzene,dissolved in water is ethanol, submerged under water is bromethyl. It can be distinguished by water solubility heat,such as sodium hydroxide,ammoniumnitrate,sodium chlorideand calcium carbonate, only water can be used for identification.6. leak detection: after the gas generator is connected, theprincipleof thermalexpansion and contractionisapplied,and the water can be checked for leakage.Twenty-six. The general formula and main chemical properties of various organic compoundsCnH2n+2 C - C only containing alkane bond and halogen substitution reaction, etc., the thermal decompositionreactionwithacid and alkali,bromine, Potassium PermanganateCnH2n olefin containing C=C bond and other halogen addition reaction, oxidation reaction, and Potassium Permanganate polymerization, addition polymerizationCnH2n-2C = C bond alkynes containinghalogen and other addition reaction, oxidation reaction, polymerization reaction withPotassium PermanganateThe substitution reaction of benzene aromatic hydrocarbon CnH2n-6 with halogen, and the addition reaction with hydrogen and so on可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结toluene,ethylbenzenebenzene homologues can be oxidizedwith Potassium PermanganateHalogenated hydrocarbon: CnH2n+1X alcohol: CnH2n+1OH or CnH2n+2O: phenol met FeCl3 solution: CnH2nO CnH2nO2: Purple aldehyde carboxylic acid ester: CnH2nO2W.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载