Du Fu: Chinas Greatest Poet 2020,a documentary about poetry released by THE BBC on April 6, has caused a sensation among people around the world who are fighting COVID-19 at home.4月6日,新冠疫情肆虐全球之时,BBC推出了一部关于诗歌的纪录片杜甫:中国最伟大的诗人 Du Fu: Chinas Greatest Poet 2020.Its main character is not Shakespeare, but du Fu, known as the Poet Saint. Dubbed Chinas greatest poet, he was introduced to the Western world in detail for the first time in a documentary.它的主角不是莎士比亚,而是我们熟知的“诗圣”杜甫。他被冠以“中国最伟大的诗人”,第一次以纪录片的方式,被详细地介绍给西方世界。世上疮痍,诗中圣哲;世上疮痍,诗中圣哲;民间疾苦,笔底波澜。民间疾苦,笔底波澜。 陈毅陈毅Historian Michael Wood, one of the BBCs most popular presenters, travels to China to retrace the steps of Du Fu in his documentary Du Fu: Chinas Greatest Poet. He went from Gongyi and Xi an to Chengdu and Changsha, from birth to official, from kaiyuan heyday to war, tracing the poets life of vagabonding.BBC纪录片杜甫:中国最伟大的诗人 中BBC最受欢迎的主持人之一、历史学家迈克尔伍德(Michael Wood)到访中国,重走杜甫生前的足迹。从巩义、西安到成都、长沙,从出生到入仕,从开元盛世到战乱流离,回溯了诗人颠沛流离的一生。So how did the BBC introduce Du Fu to the world?China has the oldest living tradition of poetry in the world, China has the oldest living tradition of poetry in the world, more than 3,000 years old, older than Homers Iliad and more than 3,000 years old, older than Homers Iliad and Odyssey.Odyssey.中国有着世界上最古老的、迄今仍在活跃的诗歌传统,上下延续三千年,比荷马史诗伊利亚特和奥德赛更古老。Born in 712, the age of Beowulf in Britain, Du Fu lived Born in 712, the age of Beowulf in Britain, Du Fu lived through the violent fall of Chinas brilliant Tang dynasty.through the violent fall of Chinas brilliant Tang dynasty.杜甫生于712年,对应于英语文学传统,那是英雄叙事长诗、古英语传说贝奥武夫的时代。他的一生,经历了盛唐的倾颓。Theres Dante, theres Shakespeare, and theres Du Fu.Theres Dante, theres Shakespeare, and theres Du Fu.BBC毫不吝啬地用“最伟大”来形容杜甫,不仅是对中国而言,更是放在世界文学的大范围,把他同但丁、莎士比亚相比肩。Theres no comparable figure in Western culture, someone who, by chance as it turned out, came to embody not only the feelings, but the moral sensibility of a whole civilisation.伍德称,在他心里杜甫是中国“最伟大的诗人”西方文化中没有像他这样 , 碰巧能够体现整个文明的情感以至道德的人物。In addition, the BBC invited Sir Ian McKellen, a national treasure who played Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings, to read a translated Version of Dus poem. 除此之外,BBC请来国宝级演员、指环王中甘道夫的扮演者伊恩麦克莱恩(Ian McKellen)爵士朗诵翻译的英文版杜诗。McKellen, who has starred in many Of Shakespeares plays, interprets 15 Du poems, including Zhuang You and Watching Aunt Gongsuns Disciples Dance with Swords and Implements, in a deep and elegant Shakespearean voice.麦克莱恩曾出演众多莎士比亚剧作,这一次,他用深沉优雅的莎剧腔诠释了壮游观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行等15首杜诗。Next, lets approach Du Fu in the collision between Chinese and Western styles.接下来,让我们一起在中西风格间的碰撞中走近杜甫。壮游(节选)(My Brave Adventures)七龄思即壮,开口咏凤凰。When I was still only in my seventh yearMy mind was already full of heroic deedsMy first poem was about the PhoenixThe harbinger of a sagacious rignA new age of wisdom九龄书大字,有作成一囊。When I was in my ninth yearI had already written enough poemsTo fill a satchel性豪业嗜酒,嫉恶怀刚肠。I was temperamental and I was already overfond of wineI needed it to soften an uncompromising hatred of wickedness and hypocrisy饮酣视八极,俗物都茫茫。Exhilarated by wine, we cast our glances over the entire universeAnd all vulgar worldliness dwindled into oblivion观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行并序(节选) Du Fu如羿射九日落,When she bent back, you saw nine suns falling shot down by Yi, the god of archers,矫如群帝骖龙翔。When she leapt, you imagined gods astride flying dragons in the clouds.来如雷霆收震怒,When she advanced you expected thunder and lightning from a gathering storm,罢如江海凝清光。And when she stopped, you saw the soft light over a vast, calm sea.伍德曾在采访时表示:Great poetry has the Great poetry has the power to transcend power to transcend culture and language culture and language because it deals with because it deals with eternal human truths.eternal human truths.伟大的诗歌有超越语言和文伟大的诗歌有超越语言和文化的力量,因为其探讨的是化的力量,因为其探讨的是永恒的人之本性。永恒的人之本性。Great literature is for a thousand ages, Great literature is for a thousand ages, whether it succeeds or not, you know in the heart. whether it succeeds or not, you know in the heart. 文章千古事,得失寸心知。文章千古事,得失寸心知。杜甫杜甫 谢谢聆听!谢谢聆听!