2022年英语作文、听力作文-大学生使用个人电脑的利与弊 .pdf
精品资料欢迎下载随着社会信息技术的飞速发展, 计算机对大学生的学习生活越来越重要,越来越多的大学生也拥有了电脑,但电脑真的对他们起到了越来越重要的作用吗?有些同学使用个人电脑玩游戏,很容易沉迷, 至少会情不自禁的在上面花费很多时间而有可能荒废学业,毕竟人的精力有限。 网上购物等, 使更多网络黑客攻击网络盗取重要信息。其游戏使人陷入虚幻,不能自拔。电脑的辐射还会伤害人身。我们大学生拥有个人电脑电脑之后可以利用互联网更广泛地学习各方面的知识 , 可以利用电脑了解世界的发展趋势,可以让自己与时俱进,关心时事。还可以看电视剧、电影,网上购物。充分利用电脑学习了很多知识、方便了学习和工作。我觉得电脑的利处比其弊处更多一点。好处,它每天替我们搜集世界新问,还可放松自己,看免费小说。网络带给人类的好处可谓数不胜数,网络的出现是现代社会进步,科技发展的标志。 现代意义上的文盲不再是指那些不识字的人,而是不懂电脑脱离信息时代的人。 在科学不发达的古代, 人们曾幻想要足不出户,就晓天下事,如今信息高速已将此幻想变为了现实。作为二十一世纪的大学生, 难道还能只读圣贤书, 而不闻天下事吗?我认为上网的好处有许许多多, 上网可以开阔我们的视野, 给我们提供了交流,交友的自由化, 玩游戏的成功, 让我们知道了要不断的求新。其一,智力开发。 十指与电脑的配合联动,我们对计算机网络多种功能的运用,有助于提高智力、技能和智能,而智力、技能和智能是体现精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页精品资料欢迎下载人的素质的三大要素。其次,上网有助于拓展我们的知识领域,通过网络获取广泛的新的知识。 培养我们对多种知识的复合, 不仅有助于素质教育的提升,而且对21 世纪的人才战略具有重要意义。还有,上网人口比例提高,有助于加快社会信息化进程,而这个进程,对于经济发展和社会进步具有非常重要的作用。通过上网发Email ,使我们树立电子信函、 电子商务、电子写作的意识, 可节省大量木浆纸,提高环保水平;作为祖国的未来的我们,能树立电子商务意识,利用电子货币的意识的提高, 是全民族素质的一个重要指标,也有助于推进货币电子化进程,提升整个民族的素质。学好电脑,还有助于激发我们的创造性。上网可以知道很多的丰富资源和信息。网络也是一位很好的老师,随着科学技术的发展,电脑会越来越先进,用途也越来越广泛。它的出现给我们带来许多变化,人们可以用电脑运算、书写精确。Along with the social the rapid development of information technology and computers on the college students life more and more important, more and more college students also have their personal computer, but the computer really to they play a more and more important role? On the one hand ,some of the students to use the personal computer to play games, very easy to fall。 The game in a fantasy, unable to extricate themselves, will at least cant help on 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页精品资料欢迎下载it spending a lot of time and could neglect their studies. And if we are online shopping, more network hacker would attacks network steal important information. The computer radiation injure person. On the other hand ,we college students have personal computers can make full use of the Internet more widely to study all the knowledge of the respect, can use computers to know the trend of the world , can let oneself to keep pace with the world, care about current events. Still can watch TV shows and movies, online shopping. Make full use of computer learning a lot of knowledge which is convenient to our study and work. I supposed college students use personal computer 。Network brings the benefits of human is numerous, the network is the emergence of the modern social progress, the development of science and technology of the sign. The modern sense of illiteracy is no longer refers to those who cant read, but dont know the computer from the information age. In the 21 st century as college students, is still can only read book sage, and just not smell? I think there are manyadvantages online, the Internet can broaden our horizons, provides us with the exchange and making friends liberalization, playing games to relax, let 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页精品资料欢迎下载us know to continuously innovate. And using computer is good for our intellective development ,we of computer networks of the use of a variety of functions, help to improve intelligence, skill and intelligence,which is to reflect the quality of peoples life。 Second, Internet access will help push our knowledge, through the Internet for learn new knowledge. To many kinds of knowledge of the culture we compound, not only helps to improve the quality of education, but also to the 21 st century talent strategy to have the important meaning. Also, the Internet population proportion improve, help to speed up the process of information society, and in the process, for economic development and social progress plays a very important role. Through the Internet to send E-mail, we set up the electronic mail, e-commerce, electronic writing consciousness, can save a lot of wood pulp paper, improve the environmental protection level; As the future of the country, we can set up the electronic commerce consciousness, the use of electronic money increasing awareness , also help boost monetary electronic process, improve the quality of the whole nation. Learn the computer, but also helps to stimulate our creativity. The 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页精品资料欢迎下载Internet can know a lot of rich resources and information. The web is also a very good teacher, with the development of science and technology, the computer will become more and more advanced, use more and more widely. It will appear to bring us many changes, people can use the computer operation, writing accurately.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页