Welcome to this Workshop on “Coaching For High Performance”in the New MillenniumWhat do you know about “Coaching”?Me, the ManagerWhat kind of manager am I?Coaching - What does it mean?Core Caching Skill - Asking QuestionsGROW - The Tool of CoachingG - Goal SettingR - Reality CheckO - OptionsW - What, When, Who and Will Role Play - You are the CoachAgenda Of The Workshop Lets BrainstormPlease write down what you know about “Coaching”The Manager as CoachCoachingin ActionLearnerCoachOrganisational FactorsThe Coaching RelationshipCoachingFor HighPerformance In The New MillenniumWhat kind of Manager am I?does as much as possible himselffocuses on tasks rather than peopledelegates work focuses on people rather than tasksPlease chose ( ) :A DoerA DeveloperReasons for being Doer (1) Traditional Manager ConceptThe traditional concept of management: managing = Giving Ordersmanaging = controllingmanaging = solving problems yourselfMost managers do rather belong to the group of “Doers”. Reasons are as follows:Reasons for being Doer (2) Internal / Personal reasonsTrustRiskControlSatisfactionTimeSkillsReasons for being a Doer (3) Time and SkillsThere are two main reasons, why they Do so: Is being / becoming a developer worth the effort?Individual performances?The teams performance?Your performance as manager?The performance of the organisation?Your career within the organisation?If you invested more time in developing, would there be significant benefit to be gained in terms of:Do they live up to their potential?Do you agree to the following statement?“There is a gap between the actual performance and the potential of the employees I manage.”YesNoPlease chose ( ) :What Coaching can do? to help you to get a (better) narrow the gap between performance and potential of your staff.The most important aim of coaching is: Improve PerformanceCoaching is an important tool:Definition Of CoachingCoaching is helping people to develop and perform to their highest potential .CoachingFor HighPerformance In The New MillenniumWhy Coach? What does it mean to ?To help someone to change their behavior in a way that they will be able to sustain, because it enables them to build on what they already know and doA response to to be leaner, flatter, faster, better etcAs standards keep rising , managing to improve performance is the key to profitability and to achieving your business goals in an increasingly competitive worldCoachingFor HighPerformance In The New MillenniumSection Core Skill of Coaching CoachingFor HighPerformance In The New MillenniumQuestions?Please write down, when and why you use questions. Why Ask Questions?NOT4 TO GET INFORMATION FOR THE QUESTIONERBUT4 TO DEVELOP THE LEARNERS AWARENESS4 TO SHARPEN THE LEARNERS FOCUS4 TO STIMULATE LEARNERS RESPONSIBILITY4 TO HELP THE LEARNER FIND THEIR OWN ANSWERS4 TO GET LEARNER TO TAKE OWNERSHIP OF THE PROCESSCoaching: the art of asking questionsSpontaneousRaising coachees awareness Open Questions When and What can you coach?You can coach in basically every situationYou can coach yourself and/or your employeesSome opportunities for coaching *making a plan or decision *solving a problem*meetings with staff*problematic relations between employeesEvery time someone comes to you and has a question: Ask yourself: “Do I have to answer it, or could they answer it themselves?” But be aware that sometimes staff just needs your quick help and information. Overdoing it will not help. As We Go Along Keep Thinking About One of Your Associates and Any Related Live Coaching Issues for Real Role Play Later OnRemember! - Asking What questions When and What forG Goal setting (mid- and long-term)R Reality Check - clarify the current situationO Options: discussing and settling on alternatives / ways / actions to reach the goalW What? When? Who? Will? What should be done? When by whom and does the will exist to do it?GROW - Some hints for asking the right questions (1)THE FOLLOWING HINTS MAY HELP YOU TO SUCCEEDIts about - helping , NOT telling Its about - letting it out , NOT hammering it inIts about - unlocking peoples potentialsIts about - helping someone to get the best performance out of themselvesIts about - stepping back, and handing over the responsibility for improvement to the Learner Its about - turning problems into guided learning experiences Do not impose your solution on the coacheeGROWFollow the train of thought of the coachee Pay attention to the answers Questions must be spontaneousShow real interest in the case of the coacheeUnderstand, Summarise and take notesDont try to solve all the problems in one sessionGROW - Some hints for asking the right questions (2)GROW: Goal Setting: What type of Goal?Long-Term Goals / Visionary Goals 1. Characteristic: they are really big and ambitious, e.g.: become the market leader (corporate level), become Chief Rep. (personal level), winning a gold medal. 2. Characteristic: External factors may be crucial: for achieving them factors matter, which you CANNOT control, e.g.: performance of competitors / corporate level helpful relations of competitors for the Chief Rep. Position / personal levelA long-term goal is desirable: Having one is motivating. It can be the inspiration for our mid-term / performance related goals.Types of Goals: Long-Term and Mid-Term (1)GROWGROW: Goal Setting: What type of Goal?Mid-term Goals / Performance Goals 1. Characteristic: they are smaller and easier to achieve, e.g. : within 6 months, 95% of our products will pass the quality test our group sells 10,000 more packages of medicine X by next month I will run 1,000 meters in 3 minutes by next February. 2. Characteristic: These goals CAN be influenced / controlled by us. They are measurable and we can help that they are met, e.g.: improve quality control circles improve marketing activities / employ more sales personnel trainingA mid-term / performance related goal is necessary: to do your work and to bring us closer to the long-term goalTypes of Goals: Long-Term and Mid-Term (2)GROWGROW: Goal Setting: How to set a Goal?SMART stands for: SSpecificM MeasurableA AchievableR RealisticT Time-boundHow to set a Goal? Be SMART!GROWGROW: Goal Setting: SMART questions to help the coachee set a GoalWhat is the aim of this discussion?What do you want to reach (long-term, mid-term)?Is this a long- or a mid-term goal?If it is a long-term goal, what mid-term goalsmight help you to reach it?When do you want to have achieved this?Is it positively stated, challenging, realistic,measurable?Which problem is the most difficult for you?GOALIs it a SMART goal?REMEMBER: Coaching is done to help the coachee help him/herself to solve a problem. THEY should solve the problem, not YOU. Do not impose your solution on the coachee.Some goals may have to be adjusted or changed, if the next step, the reality check shows that the goal is not realistic or solvable!GROWGROW: Reality Check A: “I have a longstanding problem.” B: “What have you done so far?” Raising awarenessWhy this step?GROWGROW: Reality Check: Questions to help the coachee check reality Generally speaking in this phase of coaching questions like What?Who? Where?When? How much? will be dominant. Some examples:What did you do in this matter until now?What were the results?What happens now?Whom does it concern?What happens internally and externally?What hinders you from making progress?REALITYDo you feel uneasy about something inthis project/plan?REMEMBER: Coaching is done to help the coachee help him/herself to solve a problem. THEY should solve the problem, not YOU. Do not impose your solution on the coachee.GROWGROW: Options CheckEncourage them to speaking out “impossible” solutions (they might have the seed for a good solution in them).Breaking negative attitudesWhy this step, what is important? THE AIM IS: find as many solutions / as many alternatives as possible. GROWGROW: Options CheckDont hide it. If you have something to contribute, do so. But be careful how you do it. A good way is the following: ”I could think of some more options. Do you want to hear them?” They will be willing. Make sure that your options are NOT an order, are not necessarily the best. Do not go into every detail of your idea - it is not you who should solve the problem. Make sure that they are just a one point on the Option list, no better and no worse than the other points. You have a good suggestion for the coachee? GROWGROW: Options CheckStep 1: Let the coachee note down ALL options an Option List.Step 2: Select the best options: Go through the list again. Look at every single option. Pick out the most likely (might be a combination of more than one item). Balance the options, the good and the bad, the disadvantages and the advantages against each other, e.g. might be too time consuming, might not fit personality of the coachee, might lack certain hard skills to do it, etc. Step 3: Check options against the goal: Will this option help to achieve the goal the coachee was setting him/herself earlier?What to do with all the options? GROWGROW: Options Check: Questions to help the coachee find the a wide variety of optionsWhat options do you have?What else can you do?What else, any further options?What would be if, .?Do you want to hear another suggestion?OPTIONSWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of allthese optionsDo not hide your suggestions: say: I have a suggestion. Do not try to direct the coachee to accept your suggestion through your questionsREMEMBER: Coaching is done to help the coachee help him/herself to solve a problem. THEY should solve the problem, not YOU. Do not impose your solution on the coachee.GROWGROW: What? When? Who? Will be achieved by them answering a lot of questions. The main ones are: ”Which options will you chose?” “Who must be informed?”“When will you begin and when will you end?”What kind of support do you need?”Why this step? THE AIM IS: Sent them out with a clear plan of what to do and whenGROWGROW: Will?Answering the “Will?” Question: You have to ensure that the coachee sticks to his plan. Method: Your final question will be: “ how sure are you that you really finalise this option to achieve the aim?” If the coachee is unsure, he/she should be motivated to cross out some things on the plan Or he/she could give him/herself a little more time. Other important tasks: Be tough with a time commitment. Make the coachee name a STARTING date and an END. Talk about obstacles: Addressing them prepares the coachee. What is your role - Get a commitmentGROWGROW: What? When? Who? Will? Questions to help the coachee realise his planWhat will you do, which option will you chose?When will you do it, when will you begin?Will you achieve your aim with this option?Which obstacles may you meet on your way?How will you overcome these obstacles?Who should know about it?What help do you need?Where and how will you get this support?What?When?Who?Will?Please rate on a scale from 1-10 if you will stick to it.REMEMBER: Coaching is done to help the coachee help him/herself to solve a problem. THEY should solve the problem, not YOU. Do not impose your solution on the coachee.GROWGROW - The best questions for each stepWhat is the aim of this discussion?What do you want to reach (long-term, mid-term)?Is this a long- or a mid-term goal?If it is a long-term goal, what mid-term goals might help you to reachit?When do you want to have achievedthis?GOALIs it positively stated, challenging,realistic, measurable?What did you do in this matter untilnow?What were the results?What happens now?Whom does it concern?What happens internally andexternally?REALITYWhat hinders you from makingprogress?What options do you have?What else can you do?What else, any further options?What would be if, .?Do you want to hear another suggestion?OPTIONSWhat are the advantages anddisadvantages of all these optionsWhat will you do, which option will youchose?When will you do it, when will you begin?Will you achieve your aim with thisoption?Which obstacles may you meet on yourway?How will you overcome these obstacles?Who should know about it?What help do you need?Where and how will you get this support?What?When?Who?Will?Please rate on a scale from 1-10 if youwill stick to it.GROWREMEMBER: Coaching is done to help the coachee help him/herself to solve a problem. THEY should solve the problem, not YOU. Do not impose your solution on the coachee.GROW - Follow up: important task for the managerGoing out of your office after a coaching session, the employee will be much more motivated than when he would come out of there with just another order to fulfil. There is some things you should do now, to help further development: Immediately after the Coaching Session: Immediately after step 4 it is advised that the coach provides the coachee with a written form of the answers on all the questions in this last step. Be available for further questions, discussions and help.After employee has finished his/her task: Facilitate the learning effect through: get the coachee in to do the review cycle: see next slide: GROWThe Review Cycle( on Kolbs learning cycle)The incidentWhat does this tell me - any patterns or links?What do I need to do differently next time?What happened?What helped?What hindered?Lets BrainstormPlease write down what skillsa good coach needs?Now lets do it ! Lets divide in group of fourand Get Hands On ExperienceCoaching SituationsPerson “1”CoachPerson “2”CoacheePerson “3”Main ObserverFeedbackRolePerson “4”Supporting Observe& TimerObservationMissed ObservationRules:Coaching Time: 10 minsFeedback time: 20 mins Roles Change, exercise repeated until everyone has played the CoachLets BrainstormQ. What are the Coaching Traps ?Possible traps when CoachingThe Coachimposing your solutionsassuming they learn like youassigning tasks, but not having a Learning Reviewtaking back work which you have given to the Learnernot giving them adequate resourcesnot listening to their ideaspunishing their mistakesTaking monkeys from othersQ.Why take other peoples Monkey ?Why Take Other Peoples Monkeys?I dont trust themDelegation is riskyI can do it fasterI like playing with monkeysI want to show how good I amI like “Helping” people