毕业设计方案plc英文文献翻译 PLC technique discussion and future development Along with the development of the ages, the technique that is nowadays is also gra dually perfect, the competition plays more more strong。 the operation that list depends the artificial has already can't satisfied with the current manufacturing industry foregroun d, also can't guarantee the request of the higher quantity and high new the image of the technique business enterprise. The people see in produce practice, automate brought the tremendous convenience and the product quantities for people up of assurance, also eased the personnel's labor strength, reduce the establishment on the personnel. The target control of the hard reali zation in many complicated production lines, whole and excellent turn, the best decision etc., well-trained operation work, technical personnel or expert, governor but can judge and operate easily, can acquire the satisfied result. The research target of the artificial in telligence makes use of the calculator exactly to carry out, imitate these intelligences beh avior, moderating the work through person's brain and calculators, with the mode that p erson's machine combine, for resolve the very complicated problem to look for the best p ath We come in sight of the control that links after the electric appliances in various situ ation, that is already the that time generation past, now of after use in the mold a perha ps simple equipments of grass-roots control that the electric appliances can do for the lo w level only。And the PLC emergence also became the epoch-making topic, adding the v ivid software control through a very and stable hardware, making the automation head f or the new high tide. The PLC biggest characteristics lie in: The electrical engineering teacher already no l onger electric hardware up too many calculationses of cost, as long as order the importat ion that the button switch or the importation of the sensors order to link the PLC up can solve problem, pass to output to order the conjunction contact machine or control the sta rt equipments of the big power after the electric appliances, but the exportation equipme nts direct conjunction of the small power can. PLC internal containment have the CPU of the CPU, and take to have an I/ O for ex pand of exterior to connect a people's address and saving machine three big pieces to co nstitute, CPU core is from an or many is tired to add the machine to constitute, mathema tics that they have the logic operation ability, and can read the procedure save the conte nts of the machine to drive the homologous saving machine and I/ Os to connect after p ass the calculation。 The I/ O add inner part is tired the input and output system of the machine and exterior link, and deposit the related data into the procedure saving machin e or data saving machine。 The saving machine can deposit the data that the I/ O input i n the saving machine, and in work adjusting to become tired to add the machine and I/ Os to connect, saving machine separately saving machine RAM of the procedure saving machine ROM and datas, the ROM can can do deposit of the data permanence in the sav ing machine, but RAM only for the CPU computes the temporary calculation usage of hou r of buffer space. The PLC anti- interference is very and excellent, our root need not concern its servic e life and the work situation bad, these all problems have already no longer become the t opic that we fail, but stay to our is a concern to come to internal resources of make use of the PLC to strengthen the control ability of the equipments for us, make our equipmen ts more gentle. PLC language is not we imagine of edit collected materials the language or languag e of Cs to carry on weaving the distance, but the trapezoid diagram that the adoption is original after the electric appliances to control, make the electrical engineering teacher w hile weaving to write the procedure very easy comprehended the PLC language, and a lo t of non- electricity professional also very quickly know and go deep into to the PLC. Is PLC one of the advantage above and only, this is also one part that the people co mprehend more and easily, in a lot of equipmentses, the people have already no longer hoped to see too many control buttons, they damage not only and easily and produce th e artificial error easiest, small is not a main error perhaps you can still accept。 But lead even is a fatal error greatly is what we can't is tolerant of. New technique always for brin ging more safe and convenient operation for us, make we a lot of problems for face on s weep but light, do you understand the HMI? Says the HMI here you basically not clear w hat it is, also have no interest understanding, change one inside text explains it into the t ouch to hold or man-machine interface you knew, it combines with the PLC to our larger space. HMI the control not only only is reduced the control press button, increase the vivid of the control, more main of it is can sequence of, and at can the change data input to o utput the feedback with data, control in the temperature curve of imitate but also can ke ep the manifestation of view to come out. And can write the function help procedure thro ugh a plait to provide the help of various what lies in one's power, the one who make op erate reduces the otiose error. Currently the HMI factory is also more and more, the func tion is also more and more strong, the price is also more and more low, the noodles of th e usage are wide more and more. The HMI foreground can say that think ° to be good v ery. At a lot of situations, the list is is a smooth movement that can't guarantee the equi pments by the control of the single machine, but pass the information exchanges of the equipments and equipments to attain the result that we want. For example fore pack and the examination of the empress work preface, we will arrive wrapping information feedb ack to examine the place, and examine the information of the place to also want the fee dback to packing. Pass the information share thus to make both the chain connect, beco ming a total body, the match of your that thus make is more close, at each other attain t o reflect the result that mutually flick. The PLC correspondence has already come more more body now its value, at the P LC and correspondence between PLCs, can pass the communication of the information a nd the share of the datas to guarantee that of the equipments moderates mutually, the r esult that arrive already to repair with each other. Data conversion the adoption RS232 b etween PLC connect to come to the transmission data, but the RS232 pick up a people a nd can guarantee 10 meters only of deliver the distance, if in the distance of 1000 meter s we can pass the RS485 to carry on the correspondence, the longer distance can pass t he MODEL only to carry on deliver. The PLC data transmission is just to be called a form to it in a piece of and continuo us address that the data of the inner part delivers the other party, we, the PLC of the oth er party passes to read data in the watch to carry on the operation. If the data that data in the watch is a to establish generally, that is just the general data transmission, for exa mple today of oil price rise, I want to deliver the price of the oil price to lose the oil ally o n board, that is the share of the data。 But take data in the watch for an instruction proc edure that controls the PLC, that had the difficulty very much, for example you have to c ontrol one pedestal robot to press the action work that you imagine, you will draw up fo r it the form that a procedure combine with the data sends out to pass by. The form that information transport contain single work, the half a work and the dif ference of a workses .The meaning of the single work also is to say both, a can send out only, but a can receive only, for example a spy he can receive the designation of the sup erior only, but can't give the superior reply。 A work of half is also 2 and can can send o ut similar to accept the data, but can't send out and accept at the same time, for exampl e when you make a phone call is to can't answer the phone, the other party also。 But w hole pair works is both can send out and accept the data, and can send out and accept a t the same time. Be like the Internet is a typical example. The process that information transport also has synchronous and different step cent: The data line and the clock lines are synchronous when synchronous meaning lie in sen ding out the data, is also the data signal and the clock signals to be carry on by the CPU to send out at the same time, this needs to all want the specialized clock signal each oth er to carry on the transmission and connect to send, and is constrained, the characteristi cs of this kind of method lies in its speed very quick, but correspond work time of take u p the CPU and also want to be long oppositely, at the same time the technique difficulty also very big. Its request lies in can'ting have an error margins in a datas deliver, otherwi se the whole piece according to compare the occurrence mistake, this on the hardware is a bigger difficulty. Applied more and more extensive in some appropriative equipmentse s, be like the appropriative medical treatment equipments, the numerical signal equipme nts.etc., in compare the one data deliver, its result is very good. And the different step is an application the most extensive, this receive benefit in it of technique difficulty is opposite and want to be small, at the same time not need to pre pare the specialized clock signal, its characteristics to lie in, its data is partition, the long-l ost send out and accept, be the CPU is too busy of time can grind to a stop sex to work, also reduced the difficulty on the hardware, the data throw to lose at the same time opp osite want to be little, we can pass the examination of the data to observe whether the d ata that we send out has the mistake or not, be like strange accidentally the method, tire d addition and eight efficacies method etc., can use to helps whether the data that we ex amine to send out have or not the mistake occurrence, pass the feedback to carry on the discriminator. A line of transmission of the information contain a string of and combine the cent of: The usual PLC is 8 machines, certainly also having 16 machines. We can be an at the ti me of sending out the data a send out to the other party, also can be 88 send out the da ta to the other party, an and 8 differentiationses are also the as that we say to send out the data and combine sends out the data. A speed is more and slowly, but as long as 2 o r three lines can solve problem, and can use the telephone line to carry on the long rang e control. But combine the oscular transmission speed is very quick of, it is a string of os cular of 25600%, occupy the advantage in the short distance, the in view of the fact TTL electricity is even, being limited by the scope of one meter generally, it combine unwell used for the data transmission of the long pull, thus the cost is too expensive. Under a lot of circumstances we are total to like to adopt the string to combine the conversion chip to carry on deliver, under this kind of circumstance not need us to carry on to depositted the machine to establish too and complicatedly, but carry on the data e xchanges through the data transmission instruction directly, but is not a very viable way i n the correspondence, because the PLC of the other party must has been wait for your d ata exportation at the time of sending out the data, it can't do other works. When you are reading the book, you hear someone knock on door, you stop to start up of affair, open the door and combine to continue with the one who knock on door a dialogue, the telephone of this time rang, you signal hint to connect a telephone, after co nnecting the telephone through, return overdo come together knock on door to have a c onversation, after dialogue complete, you continue again to see your book, this kind of ci rcumstance we are called the interruption to it, it has the authority, also having sex of ha ve the initiative, the PLC had such function .Its characteristics lie in us and may meet the urgently abrupt affairs in the operation process of the equipments, we want to stop to st art immediately up of work, the whereabouts manages the more important affair, this kin d of circumstance is we usually meet of, PLC while carry out urgent mission, total will kee p the current appearance first, for example the address of the procedure, CPU of tired ad d the machine data etc., be like to to stick down which the book that we see is when we open the door the page or simply make a mark, because we treat and would still need to continue immediately after book of see the behind. The CPU always does the affair that should do according to our will, but your mistake of give it an affair, it also would be sam e to do, this we must notice. The interruption is not only a, sometimes existing jointly with the hour several insid e break, break off to have the preferred Class, they will carry out the interruption of the higher Class according to person's request. This kind of breaks off the medium interrupti on to also became to break off the set. The Class that certainly break off is relevant acco rding to various resources of CPU with internal PLC, also following a heap of capacity size of also relevant fasten. The contents that break off has a lot of kinds, for example the exterior break off, co rrespondence in of send out and accept the interruption and settle and the clock that cou nt break off, still have the WDT to reset the interruption etc., they enriched the CPU to re spond to the category while handle various business. Speak thus perhaps you can't comp rehend the internal structure and operation orders of the interruption completely also, w e do a very small example to explain. Each equipments always will not forget a button, it also is at we meet the urgent cir cumstance use of, that is nasty to stop the button. When we meet the Human body trou ble and surprised circumstances we as long as press it, the machine stops all operations i mmediately, and wait for processing the over surprised empress recover the operation ag ain.Nasty stop the internal I/ O of the internal CPU of the button conjunction PLC to conn ect up, be to press button an exterior to trigger signal for CPU, the CPU carries on to the I/ O to examine again, being to confirm to have the exterior to trigger the signal, CPU pr otection the spot breaks off procedure counts the machine turn the homologous exterior I/ O automatically in the procedure to go to also, be exterior interruption procedure proc essing complete, the procedure counts th