B 是音域最高的木管乐器。 它的长度只有长笛的一半。 音色尖锐, 富于穿透力。短笛61 1 06 | 22 2 22 6 | 226 6 |1133 2211 | 61 0. | 5.53.3 1 3 | 3 2 |美国民歌美国民歌DixieDixie(南方联邦版本歌词)(南方联邦版本歌词)I wish I was in the land of cotton, I wish I was in the land of cotton, 我愿依然在那棉田里,我愿依然在那棉田里, Old times they are not forgotten; Old times they are not forgotten; 让过去的时光用不消逝。让过去的时光用不消逝。Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. 向远方望去、向那里起航。向远方望去、迪克西的土壤向远方望去、向那里起航。向远方望去、迪克西的土壤In Dixie Land where I was born in, In Dixie Land where I was born in, 我生于迪克西,我生于迪克西,Early on one frosty Early on one frosty morninmornin, , 那是个寒冷的早上。那是个寒冷的早上。Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. 向远方望去、向那里起航。向远方望去、迪克西故乡。向远方望去、向那里起航。向远方望去、迪克西故乡。Then I wish I was in Dixie, hooray! hooray! Then I wish I was in Dixie, hooray! hooray! 我愿固守在那里,多么欢喜,多么美好。我愿固守在那里,多么欢喜,多么美好。In Dixie Land Ill take my stand to live and die in Dixie, In Dixie Land Ill take my stand to live and die in Dixie, 生于那里,葬于那方。生于那里,葬于那方。Away, away, away down South in Dixie, Away, away, away down South in Dixie, 离开吧,离开吧,来到迪克西的南方。离开吧,离开吧,来到迪克西的南方。Away, away, away down South in Dixie. Away, away, away down South in Dixie. 离开吧,离开吧,来到迪克西的南方。离开吧,离开吧,来到迪克西的南方。美国民歌美国民歌 Union DixieDixie(北方联邦版本歌词)(北方联邦版本歌词)Away down South in the land of traitors,向南进发,到那叛徒的土地上,rattlesnakes and alligators,那里是毒蛇和鳄鱼的乐园,right away, come away, right away, come away.立刻出发,立刻出发,Where cottons king and men are chattels,在那里,棉花为王,人民为奴,Union boys will win the battles,联邦的小子们,我们会胜利的,right away, come away, right away, come away.立刻出发,立刻出发,Then well all go down to Dixie, away, away,我们就要向南方进发,出发,出发,我们就要向南方进发,出发,出发,Each Dixie boy must understand, 每个迪克西小子都听好了,每个迪克西小子都听好了,That he must mind his Uncle Sam, away, away,要记着你们的山姆大叔,出发,出发,要记着你们的山姆大叔,出发,出发,and well all go down to Dixie. Away, away,我们就要向南方进发,出发,出发,我们就要向南方进发,出发,出发,and well all go down to Dixie.我们就要向南方进发。我们就要向南方进发。版本版本1版本2表演形式 速度 情绪 音乐形象小号和铜管乐队演奏吉他独奏稍快慢速激昂的抒情的