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Due to the broader scope of the Intelligent Building, including both a strong electrical engineering, light current engineering, and hardware facilities in the traditional sense, and including "people-oriented" management philosophy under the guidance of software development and applications, and thus it makes sense for the students to develop cross-disciplinary integrated design talents.(二) 基本教学内容(B) The basic teaching contents1、 绪论1, Introduction(1)了解智能建筑的发展。包括智能建筑的概念和智能建筑的分类。(1) Understanding the development of intelligent buildings. Include the concept and classification of intelligent building.(2)了解智能建筑的组成。包括智能大楼和智能小区的构成,以及智能建筑的技术基础。(2) To understand the composition of intelligent building. Include intelligent building and smart cell composition, as well as intelligent building technology base.(3)了解建筑智能化技术的发展。包括建筑智能化的主流技术,建筑智能化技术的演变过程,以及我国建筑化技术发展及其展望。 (3) Understanding the development of building technology. Include building intelligent mainstream technology, construction technology, the evolution of intelligence, as well as the construction of China's technology development and its prospects.2、网络综合布线系统2, Network Cabling System(1)理解综合布线系统的含义,掌握综合布线系统的几个特点,了解综合布线系统的六个子系统,了解综合布线系统传输介质的分类和各种布线系统的产品。(1) To understand the meaning of an integrated wiring system; to master several features of an integrated cabling system; to understand integrated wiring system of six subsystems, to understand the classification of the integrated cabling system transmission medium and the various wiring systems products.(2)了解综合布线系统的工程设计。了解综合布线系统的设计等级,初步掌握综合布线系统各子系统的设计方案和各种布线方式。会分析综合布线的实际案例。 (2) An understanding of integrated wiring system for engineering design. An understanding of integrated wiring system design level, the initial master subsystems integrated wiring system design and a variety of wiring methods. Be able to analyse the actual cases of PDS.3、建筑电气总线技术及其应用3, Building electrical bus technology and its application (1)理解现场总线技术的概念。了解现场总线的演变过程,了解现场总线的技术特点和优点。了解现场总线技术的网络结构和通信模型。(1) To understand the concept of fieldbus technology. Understand the evolution of fieldbus and technology, understand the characteristics and advantages. Understand the network architecture and communication model. (2)了解目前主要的几种建筑电气总线技术。了解LonWorks总线、EIB总线、CAN总线、BACnet总线的发展过程、主要特点和适用范围。(2)Understand the current main building of several electric bus technology. Understand the main features and scope of application of LonWorks bus, EIB bus, CAN bus, BACnet bus development process. (3)了解LonWorks技术及其应用。理解LonWorks总线的技术特点和结构模型,初步掌握LonWorks网络的技术组成和各组成部分的结构原理。了解LonWorks技术在智能建筑中的应用,了解 LonWorks智能楼宇自动化系统的设计和实施方法。 (3) Understanding LonWorks technology and its applications. To understand the technical characteristics and structural model of LonWorks Bus, the initial LonWorks control network technology, the various components of the composition and structure principle. Understand LonWorks technology in the intelligent building applications, understand LonWorks intelligent building automation system design and implementation.4、建筑设备自动化系统设计4, Building Automation System Design (1)了解建筑设备自动化系统的基本概念,了解该系统的发展过程。了解BAS的基本功能和作用。(1) Understanding the Building Automation System, the basic concepts, and the system development process. To learn the basic functions and role of the BAS. (2)了解BA系统的计算机控制系统。了解计算机控制系统的分类,分别掌握直接数字控制系统、设定值控制系统和分布式控制系统的基本原理和组成。了解计算机控制系统的发展趋势。(2) Understanding the BA system, the computer control system. Understand computer control system of classification, namely, direct digital control system to master, set the value of control systems and the basic principles of distributed control systems and components. Understand the trends of computer control system. (3)了解BA系统的监控原理。分别掌握空调系统、变配电电源、给排水系统、照明管理系统和电梯控制系统的监控原理。能给出一监控系统的改方案并论述其可行性。 (3) Understanding the BA system, the monitoring principles. Control monitoring principles of air-conditioning system, respectively, variable power distribution power supply, water supply and drainage systems, lighting management systems, and elevator control system. Can give a monitoring system reform program and discuss its feasibility.5、火灾自动报警及消防联动系统设计 (1)理解火灾自动报警系统的基本原理。了解系统的功能和组成,了解火灾探测的方法,了解各种类型火灾探测器的基本原理和适用场合。了解火灾报警控制器的组成、性能以及工作原理。了解火灾自动报警系统的三种基本形式以及基本原理。5, Automatic fire alarm and fire linkage system design(1) An understanding of automatic fire alarm system, the basic principles. To understand the function and composition of the system; to understand the fire detection methods; to learn the basic principles of various types of fire detectors and application of occasions. Understand the composition of the fire alarm control, performance, and works. Understand automatic fire alarm system and the basic principles of three basic forms. (2)了解消防设施联动控制的设计。了解消防联动设备及其功能,了解减灾控制的几种方式和基本原理,理解灭火系统的构成和灭火控制的基本原理。(2) To understand the design of fire-fighting facilities linkage control. Linkage with the fire equipment and its capabilities; to understand the disaster control, and basic principles of several ways; to understand the composition and fire extinguishing system controls the basic principles.6、安全防范自动化系统设计6, safety precautions Automation System Design (1)了解楼宇安全防范系统的要求和基本组成。(1) Understand building safety against system requirements and basic components. (2)了解出入口控制系统的设计方法。了解出入口系统的基本结构,理解个人识别技术和门禁系统的微机管理功能,了解出入口控制系统的实例设计方法,会为实际的例子设计一个出入口控制系统。(2)To understand the import and export control system design method. To understand the basic structure of import and export system, and understand the personal identification technologies and computer access control system management functions; to understand the import and export control system design method of an instance. Learn to design an import and export control system for practical examples. (3)了解防盗报警系统的设计方法。了解防盗报警系统的结构,了解常使用的探测器的基本原理,了解防盗报警系统工程的设计方法。会根据一个实例设计一个综合保安系统。(3)To understand the anti-theft alarm system design method. Understand the structure of anti-theft alarm system; to understand the basic principles of the detector commonly used; to understand the anti-theft alarm system engineering design approach. Design according to an example of an integrated security system. (4)了解闭路电视系统的设计方法。了解CCTV系统的基本组成,了解 CCTV系统的几种组成形式。了解CCTV系统的几种类型和以后的发展趋势。(4) Understand the CCTV system design method. Understand the basic composition of CCTV systems to understand the composition of the form of several CCTV systems. Understand several types of CCTV systems and future trends. (5)了解停车场管理系统的设计方法。了解停车场管理系统的组成,了解车辆出入的检测与控制系统的设计,了解车辆显示系统的设计。(5) Understand design method for parking lot management system.; to understand the composition of Parking Management System; to understand vehicular access detection and control system design; to understand vehicle full of display system design. (6)了解电子巡更系统的设计方法。了解电子巡更系统以及它的技术发展。(6) Understand electronic patrol system design method. Understand electronic patrol system as well as its technological development. (7)了解访客对讲系统的设计方法。了解访客对讲系统的基本结构,了解设计时必须考虑的问题。(7) Understand visitor intercom system design method. to understand the basic structure of visitors Intercom systems; to understand the design issues that must be considered.7、网络与通信自动化系统设计。7, Design of network and communication automation system. (1)了解通信网的基本概念和支撑技术。(1) Understand the basic concepts of communication networks and supporting technology. (2)了解业务网技术的基本组成。了解电话通信网的基本构成,了解数据通信网的基本特点,了解宽带综合业务数字网的基本构成。(2) Understand the basic building blocks of business network technology. Understand telephone communication network; to understand the basic structure; to understand the basic characteristics of the data communication network; to understand the broadband integrated services digital network basic component. (3)了解接入网的基本组成。了解接入网的基本概念,了解有线接入网的分类和各自的主要特点和结构原理,了解无线接入网的分类和各自的主要特点和结构原理。(3) Understanding the basic building blocks of the access network. Understand the basic concepts of the access network; to understand the cable access network and the respective classification of the main features and structure of the theory; to understand the classification of radio access network and the respective principles of the main features and structure. (4)了解智能建筑通信网络系统的组成。了解电话通信系统、有线电视系统、视频点播系统、远程监控系统的基本原理和实现方式,会根据实际案例设计一个系统并论述其可行性。(4) Understanding the communication network of intelligent building system components. Understand telephone communication systems, cable TV systems, video-on-demand systems, remote monitoring system, the basic principles and implementations. To design based on the actual case of a system and discusses its feasibility.8、办公自动化系统8, office automation system (1)了解办公自动化系统的基本概念。(1) Understanding the basic concept of office automation system. (2)了解办公自动化系统的所需设备。(2) Understanding office automation system, the necessary equipment.(3)了解办公自动化系统的设计与测试方法。初步掌握系统分析、系统设计、系统实施与系统测试的基本要求。(3) Understanding office automation system design and testing methods. Preliminary master systems analysis, system design, systems implementation and system test of the basic requirements. (4)了解办公自动化系统的开发工具与技术。(4) Understanding office automation system, development tools and technology.(5)了解办公自动化系统的发展趋势。(5) To understand the development trend of office automation system.(6)了解我国办公自动化系统的发展过程。(6) To learn about our office automation system development process.(7)了解常用的办公软件。(7) Understand the commonly used office software.9、物业管理自动化系统9, property management automation system (1)了解物业管理的基本概念。(1) Understanding the basic concepts of property management. (2)了解智能建筑物业管理及其特点。(2) Understand intelligent building property management and its characteristics. (3)熟悉建筑智能化设备的运行与维护管理方法。(3) Be familiar with construction equipment operation and maintenance of intelligent management. (4)了解智能建筑的物业管理系统。分别了解单机版IB FMS,局域网版IB FMS、广域网版IB FMS的基本原理,了解IB FMS技术的发展趋势。(4) Understanding the properties of intelligent building management systems. Respectively, to understand stand-alone version of IB FMS, the LAN version of IB FMS, wide-area network version of the basic principles of IB FMS; to understand the IB FMS technology trends. (5)通过实例分析,掌握智能建筑物业管理系统的设计流程。(5) Through a case study, master property management system, intelligent building design process.10、小区智能化系统设计10, Area Intelligent System Design (1)了解小区智能化系统的基本概念。了解智能小区的系统类型和基本功能,了解智能小区的构成,掌握小区智能化系统工程的设计要求。(1) Understand the basic concept of the intelligent system of district; to understand the basic functions and the types of Intelligent Community system and understand the Intelligent Community of the composition of intelligent control systems engineering design requirements for residential.11、建筑智能化系统集成设计11, Building Intelligent System Integration (1)了解建筑智能化系统集成的目的、内容和步骤。(1) To understand the purpose of building intelligent systems integration, content and steps.(三)实践(含工程设计和开发方案设计)环节要求(C) The practice (including engineering design and development program design) links requirement1、工程设计1, Engineering Design(1)设计某大楼综合布线方案,要求绘制综合布线平面图以及系统图。(1) Design an integrated wiring in a building program calls for drawing floor plans as well as the integrated wiring system diagram.(2)根据某大型银行布局图和设计要求,设计安全防范系统,要求1)给出设计基本思想;2)给出系统组成:安全防范系统平面图(营业厅、金库、控制中心、经理室);安全防范系统图(电视监控系统图、防盗报警系统图);3)设备材料表。(2) According to a large bank layout and design requirements, to design security systems require a) to give the basic idea of the design; 2) to give the system consists of: Security Protection System Plan (business hall, treasury, control center, Manager's Office); Safety Protection System Chart (TV monitoring system diagram, anti-theft alarm system diagram); 3) equipment and materials list.2、科研开发方案设计2, research and development program design设计某大楼楼顶水箱水位控制系统,并论述其可行性。 design a building roof water tank water level control system, and discuss its feasibility.(四)能力培养要求(D) capacity-building requirements1、分析能力的培养。培养学生能针对具体的实际案例,提出自己的设计思想,并给出组成原理框图,并对其进行可行性论证。1, Cultivation of analytical ability. Students can focus on specific practical case and put forward their own design ideas, and give the composition of block diagram, and its feasibility demonstrated.2、自学能力的培养。通过本课程的学习,要培养和提高学生对所学知识和规律进行整理、归纳、总结和消化吸收的能力;能围绕教学内容,阅读参考书籍和资料,自我扩充知识的能力。2, Cultivation of self-study ability. Through this course of study, to cultivate and improve the ability; to learn the knowledge and rules to sort, summarize, sum up digestion and absorption capacity; be able to focus on teaching content, reading reference books and materials, self-expanding knowledge.3、表达能力的培养。主要通过作业和课堂讨论,学会简明扼要的表达自己解决问题的思路和步骤的能力。3, Cultivation of oral expression ability. Primarily through the work and classroom discussions, so as to learn to solve problems and express their own ideas and steps concisely.4、自主创新能力的培养。 培养学生学会独立思考,深入钻研问题的习惯。鼓励学生对所讲的系统或子系统或设备或装置提出自己的改进方案。4, Cultivation of Independent innovation ability. Studen