Chapter 3 Word-Formation(I)构词法n 3.1 General Remark 概述n 3.2 Compounding 复合构词法n 3.3 Derivation 派生构词法 3.3.1 Prefixation加前缀 3.3.2 Suffixation 加后缀n 3.4 Conversion 词类转换法3.1 General Remarks 概述l The three major processes l Ø Composition or compounding (27%) raindrop,snow-white,baby-sitØ Affixation or derivation (17.5%) prefixation前缀法: deescalate; antiheroØ -suffixation后缀法: hawkish; modernizeØ Conversion (10.5%) battle (v.) buy(n.)l The eight minor processes of word-formation:a) Initialisms and acronyms(about 9%)首字母缩略法:U.N.,TV,UNESO,NATO;b) Blending (about 6%)拼缀法:brunch ,telex,airtel;c) Clipping (about 2%)口语省略表达:phone,flue,lab;d) Words from proper names(about 2%):an Uncle Tom, xerox;e) Back formation(about 1%)反成法:gangle ,vacuumclean;f) Reduplication(about 0.5%)重叠法:walkie-talkie,go-go;g) Neo-classical formations (about 4%)新古典主义构词法:psychedelic,neurolinguistics;h) Others(about 3%):pizzazz,gazuumpl Some basic concepts of word-formation1. Word-formation rules2. Root,stem,base:Ø Root词根: is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphologyØ Stem词干: the part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed.Ø Base词基: any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.Eg.undesirables = un + desire + able + s Base: desirable desire (base)undesirable desirable (base)undesirables undesirable (base)denationalized= de + nation + al + ize + dRoot: nation Stem: denationalize Base: national nationnationalize nationaldenationalize nationalizedenationalized denationalizedesirable: desire (root or base, not stem)undesirable: desirable (base, not root, not stem)undesirables: undesirable (stem or base, not root)desired: desire (root, stem or base)3.2 Compounding 复合构词法Compounding / composition复合构词法: A word-formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit.Eg.flowerpot= flower + potmachine-independent= machine + independentl The relative criteria of a compound 1. Orthographic criterion书写标准: Compounds are written in three ways, that is, solid, hyphenated and open. Ø Solid固定的: airtight ;airmail Ø Hyphenated:带连接符号的 air-conditioningØ Open公开的: air force, air raid 2. Phonological criterion语音标准:Ø Compound accent: a main stress on the first element and secondary stress on the second element.Ø Normal phrase accent: a secondary stress on the first element and the main stress on the second element. 3. Semantic criterion: 语义表达标准 Semantically, compounds can be said to have a meaning which may be related to but cannot always be inferred from the meaning of its component parts. E.g. flowerpot-花盆workday-工作日backyard-后院*we can infer the meaning from the meaning of its component parts n red tape(官样文章,烦琐拖沓的公事程序)dog days(the hottest day of the year)三伏天flatfoot(a policeman)警察blue blood (the quality of being a nobleman by birth)贵族血统blue ribbon(an honor given to the winner of the first prize)最高荣誉 *we cannot infer the meaning from the meaning of its component parts l The classification of compounding复合构词的分类Compounds are classified according to parts of speech of the compounds and subdivided by the syntactic relation of the compounding element.Parts of speech: 1. Noun compounds名次合成词a) Subject and verbb) Verb and object c) Verb and adverbiald) Subject and object e) Restrictive relation f) Appositive relation 2. Adjective compounds形容词合成词a) subject and verb 主谓关系b) verb and object 动宾关系c) verb and adverbial 谓状关系d) noun and adjective3. Verb compounds动词合成词a) Those formed by back-formationb) Those formed by conversion *there are two types of syntactic relations in verb compounds-object +verb: housekeep“ to keep house” proof-read “to read and correct the printer's proof.-adverbial +verb: babysit “to sit with a baby” vacuum clean “to clean with a vacuum cleaner ”3.3 Derivation 派生构词法Derivation / affixation派生构词法: A process of forming new words by the addition of a word element, such as a prefix, suffix or combining form, to an already existing word.Eg.recover = re + cover worker= work + erl A combining form构词成分: a bound morpheme, which was originally a full word in Latin or Greek, but which now occurs only in derivatives.Eg. autobiography 自传文学 auto- = autos (Gk) = selfself + life + writeautoalarm自动报警器 (auto + alarm) autocracy 独裁政治 (auto + cracy)*Combining forms are distinguished from affixes by their ability to occur as one constituent of a word whose only other constituent is an affix. Eg .autocracy hydrography telephone autocracy = auto 构词成分 + cracy (suffix) hydrography = hydro 构词成分 + graphy (suffix) telephone = tele 构词成分 + phone (suffix)l Prefixation前缀法Prefixation: the formation of new words by adding a prefix or combining form to the base. l Classification of prefixes: 1) negative prefixes (反意前缀): un-, non-, in-(im-, il-, ir-), dis-, a-2) reversative / privative prefixes(相反动作前缀): un-, de-, dis-,3) pejorative prefixes (贬义前缀): mis-, mal-, pseudo-4) prefixes of degree or size(等级与大小前缀): arch-, super-, out-, sub-, over-, under-, hyper-, altra-, mini-5) prefixes of attitude(态度取向前缀): co-, counter-, anti-, pro-6) locative prefixes(方位前缀): super-, sub-, inter-, trans-7) prefixes of time and order(时间顺序前缀): for-, pre-, post-, ex-, re-8) number prefixes(常用数字前缀): uni-/mono-, bi-/di-, tri, multi-/poly-9) miscellaneous prefixes: auto-, neo-, pan-, proto-, semi-, vice-l Productive prefixes: anti-,de-,mini-,non-,re-,super-,un-1. ant- / anti-Ø ant- / anti-= againstAnti-Japanese War抗日战争antibody抗体Ø ant- / anti-=unlike traditionanti-art非正统艺术anti-hero非传统英雄2.de-Ø to undo what has this been done, reverse an action or process.Deacidify使脱酸,降低的酸度Decentralize使分散,疏散Decolonize使非殖民化Ø to remove debug 调试,除错defog从除雾delocalize使离开座位,使不受座位限制3. mini-. Ø mini-+ n小,微of very small size ,duration ,or importance.minibus微型汽车Ø reaching well above the knee ;very short miniskirt超短裙*maxi- 1)Extra-long reaching to the ankle or just above it maxicoat ,maxidress2)Extra-largemaxi-sculpture ,maxi-problems4. non- Ø not nonaligned不结盟的,中立的nonempty非空的Ø unlike the conventional form nonhero=antihero非英雄主角,反英雄Ø lack or absence nonbook无真实价值的书noncountry不具备国家特征的国家5.re- Ø againrecover恢复,覆盖reproduce复制,再生recycle循环6. super- + adj. / n.Ø 超,极superstar超级明星Ø 顶级superior优秀的Ø 在之上superstructure上层建筑7. un-Ø Not unkind不仁慈的,不厚道的unseen看不见的,未看见的Ø Reverse the action untie解开,使自由unpack卸下,解除的负担Ø Release from or to deprive unleash解开的束缚,不受约束 unhorse推翻,使摔下马l Suffixation 后缀法Suffixation: the formation of a new word by adding a suffix or a combining form to the base ,and usually changing the word-class of the base .l Classification of Suffixationa) Noun suffixes: nounnoun suffixes/denominal noun suffixes:-hood ,-ship ,-let ,-domadjective -noun suffixes/deadjectival noun suffixes:-ness,-ist,-ism,-ityverb-noun suffixes /deverbal noun suffixes:-er,-ee,-ation,-mentb) Verb suffixes: very few in English :-ify,-ize,-enc) Adjective suffixes :noun -adjective suffixes:-ful,-less,-y,-ish Other adjective suffixes:-able,-ed,-al,-ic,-ousd) Adverb suffixes:-ly,-wards,-wisel Productive suffixes创造性后缀:-able,-er,-in,-ish,-ize,-y1.-ableØ having the stated quality or conditionchangeable, variable, knowledgeablechangeable= be able to be changed vt. + able®adj.Ø Variable = able to varyvi. + able ®adj.knowledgeable = know a lotn. + able ®adj. 2. er他教书教得很好。 He teaches very well.He is a good teacher3. inØ v.-in protesting against racial discrimination, public demonstrationride-in, swim-insit-in, lie-in, work-in be-in, drop-in, sing-in, Ø social gatheringdrive-in4. yØ N+.-y ®adj=full of, covered with, characterized byrisky, dirtyØ v+.-y ®adj= having a trendy to, inclined to Sleepyl Differentiating suffixes同根近义词/区分后缀Eg.continuance, continuation, continuityØ Continuance= continue + ancethe state of continuingØ Continuation= continue + actionthe act of continuingØ Continuity = continue + itythe quality of being continuous3.4 Conversion 词类转换法Conversion: is a word-formation process whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another word-class without the addition of an affix.l The types of conversion1. noun verb conversion (the most productive)数量最多原因:In contemporary English, there is a tendency of “a preponderance of nouns over verbs ” There are only a few verb-forming affixes in English. a) to put in/on N.The workers canned apples. put apples in cans b) to give / provide N.They sheltered the orphans.giveshelter to the orphansc) to deprive of N Bill weeded the garden.cut off weeds in the gardend) to do sth. with N.John braked the car.stopped the car with a brakee) to act as N.She mothered the orphan. (human n.)looked after the orphan like a motherTom parroted what the boss had said. (animal n.)repeatsth. like a parrotf) to make / change sth. into N.Please cash this cheque for me.change this cheque into cashg) to send sth. / go by N.We bicycled to the Summer Palace.went to the Palace by bicycleh) to spend the period of time denoted by N.We summered in Qingdao.spentsummer in Qingdao2. verb noun conversiona) State of mind / sensationHe had a desire to be a scientist.desired to be ab) Event /activityHis usual morning commute to workan act of commutingc) Object or result of v.This little restaurant is quite a find.sth. found, esp. sth. valuable or pleasingd) Agent of v.He is a great bore. He is a person who bores everyone.e) Instrument of v.The cloth is a good cover for the table.I covered the table with a cloth.f) Place of VThis is the divide between the two rivers. This is the place where the two rivers divide.3. adj. verb conversiona) Intransitive verbs不及物动词 to become the adj. pale, slim, sourb) Transitive verbs及物动词 to cause sb. / sth. to become the adj. free, warm, smooth4. adj. noun conversion Partial conversation: some adjectives are used as nouns when preceded by the definite article.特点:take on only some of the features of the noundo not take plural and genitive inflectionsnot be preceded by determiners like a, this, my etc.a) Partial conversion局部转类i. Adj.denoting a quality or a state common to a group of persons.(一类人) Poorthe poorii. Denote peoples of a nation when they are preceded by the definite article .-sh,-se,-chthe Scotch / the Japanese /the English iii. Adj.denoting a quality in the abstract may be used as nouns, preceded by the definite article .Mary has a strong dislike for the sentimental .iv. Adv. superlatives are sometimes preceded by a definite article and used substantively.I will give you a definite answer on Tuesday at the latest. He is at his best in his description of college life.b) Complete conversion完全转类 He is a natural for the job. Tom is one of our regulars. 5. other conversionsChapter 4 Word-Formation (II) 构词法n 4.1 Acronymy首字母缩略法4.1.1 Initialisms 首字母连写词4.1.2 Acronyms 首字母拼音词n 4.2 Clipping 截短法n 4.3 Bleeding 拼缀法n 4.4 Back-formation 逆向构词法n 4.5 Words from proper namesn 4.6 Reduplication 重叠构词法n 4.7 Neoclassical formation 新古典词构成法n 4.8 Miscellaneous 混杂词4.1 Acronymy首字母缩略法l Initialisms首字母连写词:A type of shortening , using the first letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term ,or a phrase*pronounced letter by letter.Eg.VIP à very important person BBC à British Broadcasting Corporationa) The letters represent full words ( main type )CIA à the Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S.ISBN à International Standard Book Number b) “The letters represent elements in a compound or just part of a word ”ID àIdentification (card)ETV à educational television c) A letter represents the complete form of the first (or the first two) word, while the second word (or the third word) is in full form. H-bomb Hydrogen bomb氢弹G- manGovernment man (AmE) 美国联邦调查局人员V-J DayVictory over Japan Day抗日战争胜利纪念日l Acronyms首字母拼音词:Words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc.*Pronounced as words.NATOthe North Atlantic Treaty Organization UNESCOUnion Nations Educational ,Scientific and Cultural Organizationl Rapid growth of acronyms and initialismsØ They are as old as language itself. Ø They become popular since World War II.Ø They rapid used in modern science and technology, military, governmental and voluntary organizations.Ø Space saving and time saving devices Ø Many are collq. andinfml. (p.d.q.) But some used far more frequently, even in fml writing and speech.Ø Give full form when first mentioned and to follow it with the recognized abbreviation in parenthesis. 4.2 Clipping 截短法Clipping :The process of clipping is the deletion of one or more syllables from a word which is also available in its full form .l Four main types :A . Back clippings( most common )Ø The deletion occur at end of the word e.g.ad = advertisement memo = memorandumauto = automobile gent = gentleman B . Front clippingsØ The deletion occur at the beginning of the word e.g.plane = airplane quake = earthquake phone = telephone copter = helicopter C . Front and back clippings (not common )Ø The deletion occurs at both ends of a word e.g.fridge = refrigerator tec=(sl. detective)flu=influenza jams = pajamasD . Phrase clippingsØ Shortening of a phrase e.g.perm = permanent wavenarc/nark=narcotics agent pop = popular music4.3 Bleeding 拼缀法Bleeding: It is a process of word- formation in which a new word is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms.A. Head+ tailFirst wordSecond wordBlendbeautyutilitybeautilitystagnation InflationstagflationB. Head+headFirst wordSecond wordBlend communicationsatellitecomsatinternationalpoliceinterpolpsychologicalwarfarepsywarC. Word+ tailFirst wordSecond wordBlendairhotelairtellunarastronautlunarnautbreathanalyzerbreathalyzerD. Head+ wordFirst wordSecond wordBlend documentarydramadocudrama motortownMotown parachutetroopparatroopØ The resu