and ur ban me dical rescue work, consci entiously stre ngthe n leader shi p, sound system. County Gover nment was set up by the magistrate as head of the Gover nment, civ il affairs, finance , healt h, labour a nd ot her related departme nts mainly responsi ble as members of the lea ding group for rural cooperative medi cal care. Formed a Government , the home of the County supervisors, operation mechani sm of colla borati on. T his year, the County started impleme nting Me dicai d "one-st op" real time servi ce, medi cal assi stance, ba sic medi cal insura nce, Effective converge nce of insura nce a nd me di cal relief implementation pla n for 2015 I countie s to reconsider a n amendment will be accepte d to extend the h our s of medical ai d on June 30, and county-wi de poverty populati on rang e of serious disease includi ng medi cal assi stance, pr otectio n of agricultural a nd pa storal areas i n 22 major disea ses and im plement home hea lth aid secondary aid, t o achieve a "longit udi nal and transverse to the side" of Me now, the nursi ng allowadicai d coverage. So far, the total investment 2.8772 million Yua nce total 79200 Yuan. For a better impleme ntation of the system of funding for raisi n relief 955 visits t he sick poor pe i ng, my County in 2015 reviseople in ur ban a d Burqia nd r ural areas, 155,000 t o rescue 65 pe n County of new rural cooperative medical care ople in patients wit h seri ous disea program, will include the full scope ses. (D) efforts to the devel of medical ai d. el opment of soci Existing 149 orphanal welfare service, consta i n our County are scattered ntly improve the five-g uarantee system. for the community support officers, staImplementi ndarng regulati d 700 Yua n/ons of the rural five-g uarantee w m ont h/person, up to now, the total life subsiork, further increa se the i ntensity dies for the 149 orof day-to-day manag ement and servi pha ns 983,400 winter coal subsidies for 180,000 yuaces to the five obje n. cts, e nsure that the five should do, accor (E) optimize rescue, relief work strengtding to S hi Ba heni ng the vagranto on the ba sis of further perfecti s and beggars. Under the "voluntary aideng rural five-g euarantee syste m, raise the level of support. So far, fundi d, vol untary aid" bailout principle s, further strei ng for any County 89 wubaohu 524,700. Meanwhil ngthe ning the work of relief for vagrants and beggars, vagrants and beggars e, as a region-wide e provisevere di sabiliti es aged care subsi dies thi s year pil de assi stance such a s accommodation, return travel by car, espeot counties, our County has be cially for childreen ser n, the eliously disable d elderly derl y, and the si ck, dnursing i sable ae allowance pil ot program, d pe opl e and young homeless compl eting survey work for severely person to impl ement a point-to-podisa bled older pe ople t i nt "first aid, after clearing" prhroug hout the County, a nd i n June began i otective relief, and safeguar d the bassui ng subsi dies, up to sic right s of bail outs. Meanwhile, coordinating public security, urba n management, manipulation, coercion agai nst organizations such as the use of minors, begging for the disabled and t o disr r upt public or der and other illegal panha ndling. Up to now, a total of 31,000 toRelief for vagrants and beggars of 42 passengers. (Vi) with a focus on n safeguarding the people's livelihood, promote home proje cts. A A dhere to the pr oject as the starting poi nt, positive projects, schedule, , quality, safety, and to qui cken the construction of projects, has made a new breakthrough. In 2015, two projects, Bur qin County community day care centre for the elderly in friendship peak project, t, Burqin County hemu kanas Mong olia名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -平方根练习题一、填空题1、 判断下列说法是否正确5 是 25 的算术平方根()5 是25 的一个平方根()6 36 2 4 的平方根是 4 () 0 的平方根与算术平方根都是 0 () 2 、 121 _, 1.69 _, 49 _, 0.3 2 _ 1003、若 x 7,则 x _, x 的平方根是 _4、81 的平方根是()A. 9 B. 9 C. 3 D. 3 16 4 4 2 225、给出下列各数:49, 2 , 0, 4, 3 , 3 , 5 4,其中有平方根 3的数共有()A. 3 个 B. 4 个 C. 5 个 D. 6 个6、若一个数 a 的平方根等于它本身,数 b 的算术平方根也等于它本身,试求 a b 的平方根。7、求下列各数中的 x 值2 2 2 2 x 25 x 81 0 4 x 49 25 x 36 08、如果一个正数的两个平方根为a1和 2 a7,请你求出这个正数9. 因为没有什么数的平方会等于 或者,所以负数没有平方根,因此被开方数一定是1016 的平方根是 11.非负的平方根叫平方根二、选择题12 9 的算术平方根是()81 366 D.2 99 第 1 页,共 30 页 A -3 B3 C± 3 D13下列计算正确的是()81=9 C.A4 =± 2 B( 9)2精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - national rural home for the prMeanw hile, seeking Bur qhealth i nsura nce premiums fooject. Accordi in County non-Muslim r the 3 familng to the funeral home wor ies of retired veterCounty's general plak s, san ca dres 7n, integration of resources, in 2014, neo far the proje ct has com pleted th,800 Yua n, 70 r ural veterans agew Burqin e project site, i s fd over 60 issue d lCounty Senior Ce s for the early pr iving subsidiee nter project, t oce dures. s of 176,000 yu, t he current pr(VII) working stea n, issued for 27 veteoject has been adily among others, th ra ns a onecompl e full im-time eeted, intermploymenal e plem nt ecoqui pment purchaentati on of tomi c be nesing a he spe fit of 1.286 mnd w cial car lliorking r e and on Yuaculture placemen n. decoration is complete, start review at policy. To further impr ove the (H) strengthen measure s, promcceptance, quality of a coting divi sion npu tivitie amt into use s among otherses and basi by the e as the g i c powernd. . DiviMy County is oal, cl ose t sion name:baset o milita a ccd on t ry prac ordi t he ba sic liveli ti ce, deng to the a utonli hood needs to activeepe ning t he County among ot omous regi on's urbaly seek publi ot hers nization develli c servi. During the opmece facilitie Spring Festival nt pla ns, 2015 to del, t he County finishe dclare mut Eid al-Adh Wo yimual assi stance in buil-Adha period with condol oke Xia ng town, Xiading rural ences resi ng to withdraw old dent monthappine was e ss in Bur qin paid 125,000 yua hly, has pa sin County 8 prua n forces ase d the Home Officeojects, invested nd the sol diers review 400,000 yua back, spe cof the autonomn lottery ticket equipmeial care a nd activities, wous regi on, continued tnt purchahile i hincreas year tose si comd duri ng the year for the rg w ork of demobilizeplete the scope Staural mutual happine d stability control, regular or irreg ck Xia ng Jian Zhen ss. While ag u Xia ng withdrawal of ctively work lar visit cond des with ole nc clarations, development and reform Departmenc e activities, understand the i dew hile completi ng yili State Govent, fighting for constrol ogica l trends, solve difficultie nme nt approval, reucti on pr oje s in life, incported t o the Homoje ct of Bur rease t e Office for apqin County disa he spear Shiel proval. Mster relief material reserves, at pred troubleshooting to resolve and implemeeet the needs of Bur qin County's esent the project hant a pol icconomic a nd socs completed feasiy, effectively safeguardi al devel opmebility st i ng nt, addreudy social st ss some pr oce dures, feasibility sta bility. As of nvillages due to t he laudy a ow, 148 of th rge populatiopproval. In 2015, the County inve e County issue d ln base and wide e sted 500,000 yd living all owances 1.0648 milldistribution, is not easy to uan, perfect Muslim funeral ion Yua n, 4 retired veteramanage, as well a s the jurihome facilitie n cadre sdi ction ofie s, upgrading s to pay health insuraf the new pastg servicence oral settlems and project acce nce premiums 10,770, ent from villages far, ptance. pay masses of inconvenience problem. I Board this year and all townships and organizational Department jointly organized, on the part of the township (town) villages (communitie tie s) splits a nd reorganizati i on, a chievi ng new villages throughout t t he County, 11 communities 1. After adjustment, the County has jurisdi ction over 7 townships (towns) 74 villages, 7 communit t y. This year, the re-i -i nspection work for peace throughout the County the county seat, I work closely with the campaigns in vill ill ages and towns border t r t he unit complete 5 2 town withi n the administrative area of the County Planning, 12 and 5 pillars of joint i i nspecti i on of the bor r der. Grass-roots democracy: one is to promote grasss-root t s 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -14下列说法中正确的是() A9 的平方根是 3 B16 的算术平方根是±2 C. 16 的算术平方根是 4 D. 16 的平方根是±2 15 64 的平方根是() A± 8 B± 4 C± 2 D±216 4 的平方的倒数的算术平方根是() A4 B1 C-1 D18 4 4三计算题 17 计算:(1)-9 = (2)9 = (3)1 = ( 4)±0.25 = 16 18 求下列各数的平方根(1)100;(2)0;(3)9; (4)1; (5)115; (6)009 25 491916 的平方根是 _;9 的平方根是 _81四、能力训练 20一个自然数的算术平方根是x,则它后面一个数的算术平方根是() Ax+1 B x2+1 Cx +1 Dx2121若 2m-4 与 3m-1 是同一个数的平方根,则m的值是() A-3 B 1 C-3 或 1 D-1 22已知 x, y 是实数,且+(y-3 )2=0,则 xy 的值是( A4 B -4 C D- 27利用平方根、立方根来解下列方程(1)(2x-1 )2-169=0 ;( 2)4(3x+1)2-1=0 ;(3) x3-2=0 ;(4)( x+3)3=4四、课后练习精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 30 页 - - - - - - - - - and ur ban me dical rescue work, consci entiously stre ngthe n leader shi p, sound system. County Gover nment was set up by the magistrate as head of the Gover nment, civ il affairs, finance , healt h, labour a nd ot her related departme nts mainly responsi ble as members of the lea ding group for rural cooperative medi cal care. Formed a Government , the h ome of the County supervisors, operation mechani sm of colla borati on. T his year, the County started impleme nting Me dicai d "one-st op" real time servi ce, medi cal assi stance, ba sic medi cal insura nce, Effective converge nce of insura nce a nd me di cal relief implementation pla n for 2015 I countie s to reconsider a n amendment will be accepte d to extend the hour s of medical ai d on June 30, and c ounty-wi de poverty populati on rang e of serious disease includi ng medi cal assi stance, pr otection of agricultural a nd pa storal areas i n 22 major disea ses and im plement home hea lth aid secondary aid, t o achieve a "longit udinal and transverse to the side" of Me now, the nursi ng allowadicai d coverage. So far, the total investment 2.8772 million Yua nce total 79200 Yuan. For a better impleme ntation of the system of funding for raisi n relief 955 visits t he sick poor pe i ng, my County in 2015 reviseople in ur ban a d Burqia nd r ural areas, 155,000 t o rescue 65 pe n County of new rural cooperative medical care ople in patients wit h seri ous disea program, will include the full scope ses. (D) efforts to the devel of medical ai d. el opment of soci Existing 149 orphanal welfare service, consta i n our County are scattered ntly improve the five-g uarantee system. for the community support officers, staImplementi ndarng regulati d 700 Yuati n/ons of the rural five-g uarantee w m ont h/person, up to now, the total life subsiork, further increa se the i ntensity dies for the 149 orof day-to-day manag ement and servi pha ns 983,400 winter coal subsidies for 180,000 yuaces to the five obje n. cts, e nsure that the five should do, accor (E) optimize rescue, relief work strengtding to S hi Ba heni ng the vagranto on the ba sis of further perfecti s and beggars. Under the "voluntary aideng rural five-g euarantee syste m, raise the level of support. So far, fundi d, vol untary aid" bailout principle s, further strei ng for any County 89 wubaohu 524,700. Meanwhil ngthe ning the work of relief for vagrants and beggars, vagrants and beggars e, as a region-wide e provisevere di sabiliti es aged care subsi dies thi s year pil de assi stance such a s accommodation, return travel by car, espeeot counties, our County has be cially for childen ser re n, the iously disable d elderly l derl y, and the si ck, dnursing i sable ae allowance pil ot program, d peopl e and young homeless compl peeting survey work for severely rs on to impl ement a point-to-poi disa bled older pe ople t i nt "first aid, after clearing" prhroug hout the County, a nd i n June began i otective relief, and safeguar d the bassui ng subsi dies, sic right s of bail up to outs. Meanwhile, coordinating public security, urba n management, manipulation, coercion agai nst organizations such as the use of minors, begging for the disabled and t o disr r upt public or der and other illegal panha ndling. Up to now, a total of 31,000 toRelief for vagrants and beggars of 42 passengers. (Vi) with a focus on n safeguarding the people's livelihood, promote home proje cts. A A dhere to the pr oject as the starting poi nt, positive projects, schedule, , quality, safety, and to qui cken the construction of projects, has made a new breakthrough. In 2015, two projects, Bur qin County community day care centre for the elderly in friendship peak project, Burqin County hemu kanas Mong olia名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1、的平方根是()A、 B、 C、 D、2的平方根是()A、6 B、C、D、3当 0 时,表示()C的算术平方根D一个正数 A 的平方根B一个有理数4用数学式子表示“ 的平方根是” 应是() A B C D 5算术平方根等于它本身的数是()A、 和 B、C、 D 、 和6的算术平方根是() A 、 B、 C、 D、7的平方根是()A、 6 B、36 C、± 6 D、±8. 若规定误差小于 1, 那么的估算值为()A. 3 B. 7 C. 8 D. 7 或 8 9.估算的值应在()。7.0 7.5 之间 6.5 7.0 之间 7.5 8.0 之间 8.0 8.5 之间10、满足的整数是()A、 B 、 C、 D、11下列各数有平方根的个数是()( 1)5;( 2)(-4 )2;(3)-2 2;(4)0;(5)-a 2;(6) ;( 7)-a 2-1 A 3 个 B4 个 C5 个 D6 个12. 下列说法错误的是()A. 1 的平方根是 1 B. 1 的立方根是 1 C. 是 2 的平方