人教版英语八年级下册Unit 6Section A 3a-3c 教案.docx
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains教学设计方案 3a-3c课题名称Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains科 目初中英语年级八年级教学时间第三课时学习者分析 本次的教学内容是八年级下册的第六单元, 教学内容是学生能正确使用本单元的词汇、常用表达及as soon as、unless、so.that等连词来流畅地叙述传说和故事,从学生的知识储备来看,一般现在时、一般过去时在七年级、八年级上册时就已经学过,大部分学生已掌握了它的结构;从学生的生理及心理特点来分析,他们正处于青春期,活泼、好动,好奇心强,求知欲旺盛,恰恰本单元的教学内容是学生非常感兴趣的话题各种传说和故事,尤其是西游记,可以说是烂熟于胸,这样的学习,既能让学生重温经典,又能够满足他们用所学英语知识来叙述故事的探索精神,相信教学目标的落实会很轻松。教学目标一、情感态度与价值观1.养成学生不怕困难、迎难而上的学习习惯2.培养学生学会倾听及合作解决问题的精神3. 引领学生知道并了解中国传统文化的重要性二、过程与方法1.通过学生的参与及亲身经历,能借助how、what、who、why等引导的疑问句完成故事的叙述,并学会在故事叙述中正确运用as soon as、unless、so.that等连词。2.通过学习重新认识不怕挫折、不畏困难的品质在生活中的重要性。三、知识与技能1.掌握本课时出现的四会生词、短语及目标语言:fit、couple、smile、marry、get married、once upon a time、fall in love 2.重新巩固一般现在时、一般过去时,学会在故事叙述中正确运用as soon as、unless、so.that等连词。3. 了解并熟悉本课时出现的三会单词:stepmother、prince4. 能够借助how、what、who、why等引导的疑问句完成故事的叙述5. 培养并训练学生的说、读、写的能力教学重点、难点1.区别并能灵活使用恰当的时态来叙述故事,正确运用as soon as、unless、so.that等连词2.培养多读书、读好书的习惯。教学资源1. 学生2. 教师自制的多媒体课件;3. 上课环境为多媒体大屏幕环境。 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains 教学过程描述教学1. 短语的记忆对学习困难生来说,很容易,把复习短语的环节变成竞赛的形式,这样的pk可以激发他们的好胜心,给他们以用武之地,符合他们的心理特点;同时,为他们创设这样的机会,可以让他们体验成功的快乐,学习的满足感;2. 他们说的同时,其他学生则记录他们所说的,不仅可以帮助学生巩固知识,而且可以查漏补缺,纠正学习困难生的错误,这样就能充分吸引所有学生的注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣,课堂的学习氛围会很热烈,学生会很期待下一步的学习,这样,知识就会更易于接受。3. 语法中句子的呈现也和短语一样,只是这个环节要让中等生来完成,设计的思路和步骤同上。活动1一、 Greetings and Review After greeting, have students look at the Chinese of the expressions first, then call several students to say the expressions. At the same time, ask other students to write down what they hear in English. Then the sentences in the chart, the grammar. 教学1、教材内容的顺序整合,使教学环节间的衔接更流畅、自然;学生更易于接受,符合学生的认知规律,由易到难,由简到繁。2、适当的讲解、点拨有利于学生更好地理解和掌握所学知识。活动2二、Presentation 1) After students read the expressions and sentence ,have them say something about The Monkey King, one student say at least one sentence.2) Second, get students to look at the passage of 4b and ask them to fill in the blanks in a few minutes ,then check the answer. Give students three minutes to memorize the passage, then see how many sentences they can remember.3) Then ask students to look at 4a and then fill in the blanks. After checking the answers, explain some words and expressions.at the same time, have them memorize the sentences.4)Give students five minutes and make them try to make the five sentences into a story or retell the story Cinderella in their own words. When a student retell the story, the other students listen carefully and find if he or she has some mistakes,then correct them. No matter its in pronunciation or in grammar. If one of them finds mistakes, give him or her a big smile to encourage them.教学1、 学生在听、读、说方面完全掌握后, 再经过写作可以加深对所学知识的印象,这样学生的所有感官都调动起来,记忆会更深刻。2、 学生通过阅读其他同学的作文并找出错误,不仅可以提醒自己不犯相同的错误,而且可以取长补短。活动3三、 Practice1)Give students time to think which story they like best,and then have them tell the story in their group first, then in front of the class.While some students are practicing, make others listen to them carefully and try to find if they make some mistakes. Make sure they can use the new words, expressions and the conjunctions like so.that, as soon as, unless correctly.2) Then ask students to write down the stories they like best, or the stories about themselves or their family. Then show their articles on the whiteboard. Ask them to correct the mistakes by themselves. 教学1、学生自我总结,可以锻炼其综合知识的能力。2、学生通过作业,不仅可以巩固知识,而且可以促进所学,灵活运用。活动4四、Summary and homework1) Give students three or four minutes to sum up what they have learnt in this lesson in groups first, and then call one of the groups to speak out their summary loudly in front of the class. If necessary, call some others to complete the summary.2) Assign the homework in order to give students time to master what they have learnt this lesson.3