2022年2022年课堂教学活动在小学英语教学中的重要性 .pdf
课堂教学活动在小学英语教学中的重要性儿童的学习动机往往来源于有趣的教学内容和具有吸引力的教学活动。教师如何活用教材,设计有趣的丰富的教学活动,是激发学生兴趣的关键。小学生的特点是活泼,好动,爱说,爱唱,爱跳和爱模仿,所以我从点点滴滴中摸索、 总结出一些英语教学的方法,让学生能从活动中尝到成功的乐趣,逐步树立学好英语的信心的一些课堂活动。一、听唱活动: 通过听唱英语歌曲学习是小学英语教学的有效方法。歌曲能以其欢快的曲调和明快的节奏活跃课堂气氛。如教英语数字之前, 不妨让学生先学唱“Ten Little Indian Boys”等有关数字的歌曲。有些歌曲不仅旋律优美,而且可配动作以加深学生的印象。 如“Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes ”,“If you are happy” 等英语歌曲,学生边唱边作动作,很容易兴奋。这类歌曲用于” 课前热身,可使学生进入良好的学习状态, 用于课中可以消除学生学习中的疲劳,调动其学习的积极性。二、游戏活动: 教师在游戏活动中充当组织者和指导者的角色,组织和引导学生积极参与课堂教学活动。1字母游戏:教师制作一组卡片,分别写上大小写字母,并分发给学生。教师宣布 “One two three ”后,学生必须快速进行大小写的匹配。这种活动如果采取小组比赛的形式, 学生的兴趣会更浓。 这种游戏可以提高学生听辩字母读音的能力,并可帮助学生进一步熟悉26 个字母的顺序。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 2单词滚雪球的游戏:学生记不牢单词的原因是单词重复的次数不多。通过单词滚雪球的游戏, 可使学生通过多次复习单词,加深对单词的记忆。 该游戏的具体做法是; 每学期末复习单词时, 教师可将全班分成若干组, 每组派一名学生在黑板上写出一个某字母为词首的单词,前一个单词的词尾作为下一个单词的词首字母。如, “map -pen-nose-egg- good” 在规定时间写的词最多且又正确的组获胜。3 指令游戏: 不少学生在听英语时心理过分紧张,为培养学生良好的心理,提高其听力效率,教师可以从听句子入手,有计划地对学生进行听力训练。如,教学祈使句 “Put your books /Close the books”等时,教师可组织以下游戏。 教师先说“Simon says”然后发指令,学生听后作出相应的动作,动作做得最准确的学生获胜。 该游戏也可以采用竞赛的形式。如将全班分成若干小组, 每组派一个学生做动作,作错了被淘汰,坚持到最后的学生获胜。三、表演活动:小学生善于模仿,表演能力也很强。在小学阶段适合学生表演的小剧本还是很丰富的, 每一册课本后面都有一个非常适合小学生表演的小剧本。另外还可以让学生根据所学单词和句型自编和自导小剧本,让他们从中感受到他们潜在的想象力和创造力。Activities in our junior English teaching“Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may not remember. Involve me and I will understand.” This Canadian saying reminds us to change our old teaching ways into interactive ways. That means we must encourage all the students to take part in our teaching activities in class. It is like learning to ride the bike. Our parents didnt tell us the way orally, or showed us the ways only, they encouraged us to ride it practically. As the students are teenagers, they are changeable. The way we teach them may influence their capabilities and personalities. So we must think out more suitable ways for our students. They are not to transfer knowledge but to create the possibilities for the production or construction of knowledge.How to achieve this aim is like leading a horse to water. Our job is not to make him drink, but to make him thirsty. That is our job in class is not to make the students study, but to arouse their activity. The 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - students interest in study is the most important. I think activities may be very suitable in our teaching. They can be used in any step if we need in class. They can train the students hearing , speaking, reading, and writing skills etc. Meanwhile, they can create the students imagination and stir up their inspiration as well.一,Activities before the teaching.When we take on a new class each term, we may play name games, such as ,name and motion, atom, birthday line, back to back/face to face, the seat on my right is free, etc. These activities can make the students know each other better and connect with one another socially. When the students are excited, we may even play games to keep them calm down. When we want the students concentrate on something, we may play “Sit in line” game etc.Of course, a good teacher is not only to master good teaching methods but also to know the students very well, such as, what they are thinking about, what their requirements are, etc. So it is necessary to ask the students to write down their goals, their needs etc. Then we can help them effectively according to their personalities.二,Activities during the teaching.A good lesson must have a good start. There are many ways for us to choose. We may begin our class with a song or chanting a short rhyme. We may also have a discussion about some idiomatic expressions. This way can widen the students knowledge and understand their reading materials correctly. They can also be motivated to learn more about English.Weekend sharing is also a good start of a lesson. It is another kind of practicing speaking and listening while the students are telling the others what they saw, what they did and what they thought at weekends. Each group may sit face to face in line talking. Or each 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - group draws some pictures and writes down something on a big piece of paper, then reports to the class or just changes to have a look. It is fun for them to share their own experiences, thoughts and feelings in class.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - -