Jeremy Bernstein The Merely Very GoodJeremy Bernstein (1929- ): professor of physics and writer. After getting his Ph. D. in physics at Harvard, he spent time at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and at the National Science Foundation. He taught physics for 5 years at New York University . In 1962 he became an associate professor of physics .He has been a professor of physics at the Stevens Institute of Technology New Jersey since 1967 and was a staff writer for the New Yorker until 1993. The Merely Very GoodJeremy Bernstein (1929- ): But Jeremy Bernstein has also spent more than 30 years on the staff of The New Yorker magazine, writing mostly about physics, computers, and other topics in physical science. He moves as comfortably among sentences and paragraphs as among equations . He is widely known for the clarity of his writing for the readers on the major issues of modern physics. The Merely Very GoodJeremy Bernstein (1929- ): Dr. Berstein has written over 50 technical papers as well as 12 books on popular science and mountain travel including In the Himalayas, Hitlers Uranium Club, and Dawning of the Raj.Some of his publications are: The Analytical Science: computers-past, present and future (1964, revised 1981); Einstein (1973); Experiencing science (1978) ; Science Observed: Essays Out Of My Mind(1982); and The Merely personal: Observations on Science and Scientists (2001).The Merely Very Good About the authorJeremy Bernstein knows both physics and writing well. Besides, he is related to Oppenheimer , Dirac and Spender in one way or another. Therefore he is in a position to come to the conclusion that Oppenheimer and Spender are merely very good.The Merely Very GoodRelationship of the four characters in the article: merely good Oppenheimer-Spenderphysicists Dirac-Auden poets excellentRobert Oppenheimers name has become almost synonymous with the atomic bomb. He was largely responsible for the creation of the atom bomb, one of the most destructive forces known to man. According to a new biography by Jeremy Bernstein, he exhibited destructive tendencies in his own personal life as well.美国物理学家 / 原子物理学家,他于1942年至1945年间在第一颗原子弹的研究过程中,指导了新墨西哥州的洛斯阿拉莫斯的实验室工作,原子弹计划主持人Oppenheimer as Teacherstudent J. Robert OppenheimerThe Merely Very GoodAlbert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer at Princetons Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, 1947 Paul A. M. Diracborn on 8th August, 1902, at Bristol, England, his father being Swiss and his mother English.he studied electrical engineering, obtaining the B.S. (Engineering) degree in 1921. He then studied mathematics for two years at Bristol University, later going on to St.Johns College, Cambridge, as a research student in mathematics. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1926. The following year he became a Fellow of St.Johns College and, in 1932, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge.Paul A. M. DiracDiracs work has been concerned with the mathematical and theoretical aspects of quantum mechanics. Diracs publications include the books Quantum Theory of the Electron (1928) and The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (1930 at a SuperCollider workshop in the early 1930s.W. H. AudenW.H.Auden(19071973) British-born American writer and critic . As a young man he was influenced by the poetry of Thomas Hardy and Robert Frost, as well as William Blake, Emily Dickinson, Gerard M.Hopkins, and Old English verse. He formed lifelong friendships with two fellow writers-Stephen Spender and Christopher Isherwood .W. H. AudenAt Oxford his talent as a poet was immediately recognized .His collection of poems , published in 1930, established him as the leading voice of a new generation. His collections of poems such as The Dance of Death (1933) and The Double Man (1941), established his importance in 20th-century literature.英裔美国作家及评论家,他的诗集,如 死亡之舞(1933年)和 双重人(1941年)中的诗篇,奠定了他在20世纪文坛上的重要地位.Stephen SpenderStephen Spender(19091995) British writer whose poetry reflects personal emotional responses to social and political injustices. His works include the collection The Still Center (1939) and Generous Days (1971). His autobiography, World within World (1951) , is a recreation of much of the political and social atmosphere of the 1930s. his passionate and lyrical verse is filled with images of the modern industrial world yet intensely personal. Spender was knighted in 1983. 斯彭德,斯蒂芬 英国作家,他的诗反映了他个人对于社会及政治不平等的反感情绪。他的作品包括诗集 静止的中心(1935年)以及 慷慨的日子(1971年)Stephen SpenderEnglish poet and critic Sir Stephen Spender at his home Stephen Spenderborn in London on Feb. 28, 1909. He began to write poems early, and when he came up to Oxford, he took his courage in his hands and showed the work to W. H. Auden, who was a little his senior. Later Spender published both Audens first book and his own on a small handpress. After Oxford he traveled in Germany for a time, and was later to translate various German poets. Stephen SpenderDuring the Thirties , Spender and his friends worked for the Loyalists in Spain, though he became somewhat disillusioned about his efforts there. From 1939 to 1941 he was co-editor with Cyril Connolly of the important review Horizon, and from 1953 to 1967 he was co-editor with Melvin J. Lasky of Encounter. Spender has lectured a good deal, and for some years taught at American universities before accepting a chair in English Literature in the University of London. He retired in 1975. Left to right: Louis MacNeice, Ted Hughes,TS Eliot, WH Auden and Stephen SpenderW.H. Auden, Stephen Spender, and Christopher Isherwood,(1931)Structure of the textPart I (Para.1 ) the conference in 1981Part II ( Paras 2-3) Comparison between Oppenheimer and Dirac Part III (Para 3) my reasons to come to the meetingPart IV (Paras 4-7) Spenders journal on OppenheimerPart V (Paras8-9) Diracs anecdote at the institutePart VI. (Paras10-18) 1981 conferencePart VII (Paras 19-20) conclusion: The merely very good cant contribute to the development of either poetry or physics.The Merely Very GoodPara1 Why does the author state in this personal way? 1)Use the personal way to appeal to the readers. 2) Use it to state the personal view; 3) this way is less resistant Why doses the author begin the essay with such an incident? Such a beginning serves three purposes: 1)it adds a personal touch to the subject; 2) recreating his everyday thoughts makes it easier for readers to identify with him, and in this way he will communicate to them more effectively. 3)as a link to weave the things togetherThe Merely Very GoodPara2 1. What is the role of the first sentence in Paragraph 2?It is a transitional sentence. The first part of the sentence links the paragraph with the previous one. The second part brings in a chief character of the essay, Robert Oppenheimer 2.fellowship: sum of money paid by an institution for the support of a graduate student, scholar, etc. doing advanced study in some field. 研究员薪金, 学院或大学中给予研究员的财政资助The Merely Very GoodMax Born(19821970): German nuclear physicist, who published a paper in 1924 in which the term Quantum Mechanics was used for the first time. Winner of Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954.The Merely Very GoodPara2 At the age of 23: Why is the age mentioned here? He graduated from Harvard University in 1925 . Then he went to Germany to study, and got his Ph. D degree in 1927. In 2 years time , he got his Ph D degree which shows that he is a bright/ intelligent young man, few people can get Ph. D in 2 years time.Quantum mechanics: quantum theory. Especially the quantum theory of the structure and behavior of atoms and molecules The Merely Very GoodPara2 3. took his degree., at the age of twenty-three. Why do you think the age is mentioned here?The age is mentioned to show he was young and bright. When such a bright person is considered merely very good by the author, his message will come across more strongly.4. Borns recollections . were not sympathetic. What was Prof. Borns view of Oppenheimer? He did not have very favorable assessment of Oppenheimer.The Merely Very Good5. I was conscious of his superiority in a way which was embarrassing and led to trouble: I knew that Oppenheimer was a man of great talent but his way of showing his talent at my seminars caused uneasiness and resentment among people, especially among his fellow students.The Merely Very Good5. I was conscious of his superiority in a way which was embarrassing and led to trouble: Why was the way embarrassing? It was embarrassing because Oppenheimer was very rude in interrupting speakers at Borns seminars, yet at the same time his scientific superiority to the Professor was evident to all present.Why did it lead to trouble? Oppenheimers behavior offended his fellow students and they protested to Prof. Born, demanding he put an end to such behavior.The Merely Very GoodPara3 Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961) :Austrian physicist. He shared a 1933 Nobel Prize for new formulations of the atomic theory.奥地利物理学家,因发现原子理论的新模式而获1933年诺贝尔奖Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-1976) : German physicist and a founder of quantum mechanics. He won a 1932 Nobel Prize for his uncertainty principle.维尔纳卡尔. 海森堡 德国物理学家,量子力学的奠基人。因其测不准原理而荣获1932年诺贝尔物理学奖 Paul Dirac & Werner HeisenbergDirac, Heisenberg, and Schrdinger (L to R) at the Stockholm train station on their way to the Nobel Prize ceremony, December 1933.The Merely Very GoodPara 31. - insofar as one could have a friendship Did Dirac have friends? Not really. Did Dirac make friend with Oppenheimer in a real sense? No. In Fact no one can be friend with Oppenheimer Was there any limit to such friendship? Yes, Diracs friendship with others would only go to a certain extent. So Oppenheimer and Dirac were friends only to a certain extent.The Merely Very Good2. What are the similarities and differences of Dirac and Oppenheimer as shown in Paragraph31)Both were young- in their twenties 2) Both were physicists, working on quantum mechanics.3)But when Oppenheimer was showing his talent in doing calculation better in the quantum theory, Dirac had invented the theory. Dirac was already famous.4) Dirac concentrated on physics while Oppenheimer also wrote poetry.The Merely Very Good3. While Oppenheimer was interrupting Borns seminar - Dirac had invented the subject: What sort of image is created about Oppenheimer? It gives readers the impression of a young man who was bright but lacked creativeness, who could only follow others step yet was pompous and conceited. The Merely Very Good4. I would imagine that the discussion. like an Oppenheimer monologue1) Why is the word discussion in quotes? Because it is so-called discussion since Dirac did not say anything or did not have a chance to say anything. Hence there was no discussion to speak of. 2) Does this show anything about Oppenheimer? Yes, it shows that Oppenheimer was eager to offer his opinion without thinking of giving others a chance to express their views. He liked to monopolize the whole situation.The Merely Very GoodPara35. who asked, How can you do both- In physics we try to-, whereas in poetry-: Diracs understanding of physics and poetry: Dirac thought that the physicists tried to make people understand something nobody knew before whereas poets were dealing with subjects people were familiar with.Did Dirac think people could do both poetry and physics? Why (not)?Dirac did not think people could do both poetry and physics because the nature of the two things was diametrically different.The Merely Very GoodPara36. As interesting as it might have been- devoted to poetry: 1) Did the author repeat this anecdote? No, he decided against telling the anecdote.2) Why did he decided against telling the anecdote? (paraphrase) Since those who attended the conference were people devoted to poetry and he had been asked to talk about the connection between physics and poetry, such an anecdote, though interesting, might not be appreciated by the audience. Such an anecdote would not be well received.The Merely Very GoodPara41. the function of paragraph4: it brings the readers back to the decision of going to the conference and introduces Spender and Auden, thus presenting to the readers the two pairs of contrast: Dirac and Oppenheimer and Auden and Spender.The Merely Very GoodPara42. S1 Pitted against these excellent reasons . that finally carried the day: There were two reasons for my going to the conference set against the reasons for my not going and they became decisive in my final decision. to carry the day: to win; overcome the opposition of others, e. g. They found that my views, with which they mostly disagreed, often carried the day.The Merely Very Good3. What were the two very powerful reasons for the authors going?1) he wanted to cheer up his girl friend who was rather discouraged as a result of the rough going in writing. 2) he would like to meet Stephen Spender.4. This,- was decisive: Why was this so important to the author? The author was eager to meet Spender not because he admired Spenders writing but because Spender knew things about Auden who meant a lot to the author.The Merely Very Good5. He is, for me, one of those whose writing about their writing is more interesting than their writing itself: In my view, Spender belongs to the group whose writings about their life experience, that is, whose autobiographies, are more interesting than their literary works.The Merely Very Good6. Like English bishops on the Quantum Theory. What is funny about this statement?Quantum Theory is a serious scientific subject , it deals with laws in physics, with new understandings of nature unknown to people in the past. physics believes that nature can be revealed through science. while Bishop is the person who is in charge of the church and makes preach or delivers sermon They believe everything is created by God. So It is funny if a bishop explains Quantum Theory, it sounds ridiculous to put the two together.The Merely Very Good7. Auden must have been to Spender. They focused like laser beams.In this part the author brings up two important points: one is the idea of great and merely very good; the other is the reason for the difference: focused attention versus an unfocused approach.Laser beam: traveling in the same direction and essentially of the same wavelength (the same frequency), i.e., color. A laser beam does not diverge (分叉)by a significant amount and maintains a high energy density.所发射的光线是同相的,沿同一方向传播,且其波长(或说其频率)完全一样,亦即颜色完全一样。激光束不会明显发散,且能保持高的能量密度。The Merely Very GoodPara. 51.This was the directors mansion: 1)The director here refers to director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Oppenheimer at that time was the director. 2) mansion: a large, imposing house2. Spender did not notice that, . the odd horse on the grounds. The horse refers to a real horse Oppenheimer brought back from the western part of the United States.The Merely Very GoodPara53.van Gogh Vincent (1853-1890) Dutch postimpressionist painter whose early works, such as The Potato Eaters (1885), port