精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案广州中医药高校教案课程名称: 针灸治疗学(新世纪教材)第一章 第四章 P1P39教学时数 : 4 上课时间:授课人:授课形式:课 堂 讲 授授课对象:教 案 内 容一、教学目的: Teaching Objectives 1、把握针灸的治疗作用;Master the therapeutic effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 2、把握针灸的治疗原就;Master the therapeutic principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 3、把握针灸的配穴处方;Master the modified prescriptions of acupuncture and moxibustion. 二、教学内容 :Teaching Contents 1、针灸治疗作用:疏通经络、调和阴阳、扶正祛邪;The therapeutic effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Dredging meridians and unblocking collaterals; regulating yin and yang; reinforcing the healthy qi and eliminating the pathogenic factors 2、针灸治疗原就:治神守气、补虚泻实、清热温寒;The therapeutic principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion:Treating spirit and holding qi;tonifying deficiency and purging excess; clearing heat and warming cold. 3、针灸配穴处方:The modified prescriptions of acupuncture and moxibustion:选穴原就(局部、接近、远端、辨证以及随症选穴)The principles of the selection of acupoints selection of local acupoints, adjacent acupoints, distal acupoints according to syndrome differentiation and accompanying symptoms 配穴方法:(按部配穴、按经配穴)The methods for acupoints modification acupoints modification according to the adjacent area of the disease and along the meridians 三、教学要点 : Key Teaching Points1、教学重点: Teaching emphasis: 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案(1)针灸治疗作用中重点阐述扶正与祛邪的关系;Lay stress on the relationship between reinforcing the healthy qi and eliminating the pathogenic factors in the therapeutic effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. (2)治神守气包括施术者与患者的守神与守气;Treating spirit and holding qi include “ full attention” and “ holding needling sensation” between the doctors and the patients. (3)选穴原就与配穴方法;The principles of acupoints selection and the methods for acupoints modification. 2、教学难点: Teaching Difficulty: (1)补虚泻实中的有关四个因素;The four factors related to tonifying deficiency and eliminating the pathogenic factors (2)针灸的双向性良性调剂作用; Bi-directional benign regulation of acupuncture & moxibustion 3、补充学问: Complementarity: (1)内经中有关守神的论述; Discussion about “ full attention”referred in Huangdis Cannon of Medicine. (2)补充经络证治,结合临床讲解经络辨证; Supplement treatment based on syndrome differentiation of meridians and collacterals combined with clinical practise. 四、教学方法与教学支配: Teaching Methods and Arrangements: 1、重点突出,用 10 分钟时间讲清晰补泻四要素及针刺的双向调剂作用;With the stress laid on, explain the four factors of reinforcing-reducing needling techniques and Bi-directional regulation of acupuncture & moxibustion in 10 minutes. 2、用提问方式复习内经中有关守神的论述;Review the discussion about “ full attention” referred in Huangdis Cannon of Medicine by questioning. 3、举例说明选穴原就及配穴方法;Take examples to illustrate the principles of acupoints selection and the methods of acupoints modification. 名师归纳总结 4、课堂小结及提问(约10 分钟时间);第 2 页,共 26 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案Class summarization and questions.about 10 minutes 广 州 中 医 药 大 学 教 案课程名称:针灸治疗学新世纪教材 第七章二节教学时数:1 上课时间:授课授 课 人:授课形式:授课对象:教 案 内 容教学目的: Teaching Objectives 1、掌 握高血压病的定义、辨证分型和针灸治疗;Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and acupuncture treatment of Hypertension. 2、熟识高血压病中医病因、病机以及西医病因病理过程;Acquaint with the etiology and pathogenesis of Hypertension from both TCM and western medicine understandings. 3、明白其它疗法以及留意事项;Understand other therapies and cautions. 教学内容: Teaching Contents 1、高血压病的定义、病因病机;Definition, etiology and pathogenesis of Hypertension 2、高血压病的临床表现、辨证;Clinical manifestations and syndrome differentiation of Hypertension 3、高血压病的针灸治疗方法;Acupuncture treatment of Hypertension 教学要点: Key Teaching Points1、教学重点:Teaching Emphasis: 1 高血压病的定义 : 2 高血压病的分类;Definition of Hypertension Categories of Hypertension3 针灸治疗高血压病的选穴原就和操作方法;Acupoints selection Principles and manipulations in treating Hypertension 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 2、教学难点:名师精编优秀教案Teaching Difficulty 辨病与辨证结合治疗高血压病;Treating Hypertension with differentiation 3、补充学问: Complementariesintegrated disease diagnosis and syndrome 1 高血压病的诊断标准和分类、分层;Diagnostic Criteria and classification of Hypertension 2 蜂针、小针刀、火针等临床常用疗法;Other therapies commonly applied in clinic such as Bee venom acupuncture, small needle-knife, fire needle, etc.3 针灸作用机理 : Mechanism of Acupuncture & Moxibustion教学方法与教学支配:Teaching Methods and Arrangements 1 引入教学 病例 : Introduction of typical cases 2 分析定义(四要);Analysis of the Definition3 图片法讲解病理过程;Explanation of the pathological course with photographs 4 讲授临床表现及辨证分型(提问) ;Teach the clinical manifestations and syndrome differentiation with questioning5 讲解高血压病的治疗取穴原就及配穴方法;Teach the therapeutic acupoints selection principles and modifications in treating Hypertension.6 讲解其它疗法及留意事项;Teach other therapies and cautions.7 病例分析(提问);Case analysis with questioning 8 课堂小结;Summarization in class9 摸索题 Thinking topics广 州 中 医 药 大 学 教 案课程名称:针灸治疗学新世纪教材第七章二节授课教学时数:1 上课时间:授 课 人:授课形式:授课对象:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案教 案 内 容教学目的 :Teaching Objectives 1、掌 握落枕的定义、辨证分型和针灸治疗;Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and acupuncture treatment of Stiff Neck. 2、熟识落枕病因、病机以及西医类相关疾病;Acquaint with the etiology and pathogenesis of Stiff Neck from both TCM and western medicine. 3、明白其它疗法;Understand other therapies. 教学内容: Teaching Contents 1、落枕的定义、病因病机;Definition, etiology and pathogenesis of Stiff Neck. 2、落枕的临床表现、辨证;Clinical manifestations and syndrome differentiation of Stiff Neck 3、落枕的治疗方法;Acupuncture treatment of Stiff Neck 教学要点 :Key Teaching Points1、教学重点: Teaching Emphasis: 1 落枕的定义;Definition of Stiff Neck 2 落枕的分型以及证候特点;Categories and characteristics of Stiff Neck3 针治疗落枕的选穴原就和操作方法;Acupoints selection Principles and manipulations in treating Stiff Neck 2、教学难点:落枕诊断要点;Teaching Difficulty: Key diagnostic points of Stiff Neck 3、补充学问: Complementaries1 落枕诊断要点;Key diagnostic points of Stiff Neck 2颈三针、运动针疗法等特种针法;Special acupuncture therapies such as Neck s Triple Needling, motor needling, etc 教学方法与教学支配: Teaching Methods and Arrangement 1. 引入教学: Introduction of typical cases 2. 分析定义; Analysis of the Definition 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案3. 诊断要点;Key Diagnostic Points 4. 讲授临床表现及辨证分型(提问) ;Teaching the clinical manifestations and syndrome differentiation with questioning 5. 讲解落枕的治疗取穴原就及配穴方法;Teaching the therapeutic acupoints selection principles and modifications in treating Stiff Neck. 6. 讲解其它疗法及特点;Teaching other therapies and characteristics 7. 病例分析(提问); Case analysis with questioning 8. 课堂小结;Summarization in class9. 摸索题 Thinking topics广 州 中 医 药 大 学 教 案课程名称:针灸治疗学新世纪教材中篇第一章第十九节痫病教学时数: 1 上课时间:授课人:授课形式: 课 堂 讲 课授课对象:教 案 内 容一、教学目的:1、把握痫病的定义、辨证治疗;2、熟识痫病的病因病机和辨证分型;3、明白其他治疗方法;二、教学内容:懂得西医类属眩晕、 痫病疾病的鉴别诊断;1、痫病定义、病因病机及现代医学对该证的熟识;2、痫病的辨证治疗;三、教学要点:1、教学重点:(1)痫病的定义;(2)痫病的临床特点;(3)针灸治疗该病的取穴原就;2、教学难点:痫病的发作特点及发作形式;3、补充学问:(1)临床治疗痫病的体会;(2)目前有关痫病的针灸治疗进展;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 四、名师精编优秀教案教学方法与教学支配:1、以提问方式引出痫病概念;2、通过分析病例让同学把握痫病概念、临床表现;3、提出痫病的发作特点及发作形式;4、通过图文让同学懂得痫病的病因病机、病位;5、通过图文让同学把握痫病的常用穴位;6、归纳痫病的定义、病因病机、治疗方法7、提出摸索问题: “十三鬼穴 ”大多可用于治疗痫病,其理论依据是什么?广 州 中 医 药 大 学 教 案课程名称:针灸治疗学新世纪教材中篇第一章第九节眩晕(P7577)教学时数:1 上课时间:授课人:授课形式: 课 堂 讲 课授课对象:教 案 内 容一、教学目的: Teaching Objectives 1、把握眩晕的定义、辨证治疗;Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and treatment of Vertigo. 2、熟识眩晕的病因病机和辨证分型;Acquaint with the etiology, pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Vertigo. 3、明白其他治疗方法;Understand other therapies.二、教学内容: Teaching Contents 1、眩晕定义、病因病机及现代医学对该证的熟识;Definition, etiology, pathogenesis and modern medicine understandings of Vertigo 2、眩晕的辨证治疗;Syndrome differentiation and treatment of Vertigo 三、教学要点: Key Teaching Points 1、教学重点: Teaching Emphasis: 名师归纳总结 (1)眩晕的定义;Definition of Vertigo 第 7 页,共 26 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案(2)眩晕的临床特点;Clinical characteristics of Vertigo(3)眩晕、痫病、中风鉴别要点;Differentiating points among Vertigo,epilepsy and apoplexy (4)针灸治疗该病的取穴原就; Acupoints selection principles in treating Vertigo 2、教学难点: Teaching Difficulty: 西医类属眩晕的鉴别诊断;Differentiation and diagnosis from western medicine to the cases which belong to vertigo Complementaries 3、补充学问:(1)与眩晕有关的西医病种的鉴别诊断;Differentiation and diagnosis to the western medicine cases closely related to vertigo(2)针灸医案 Acumoxa Cases 四、 教学方法与教学支配: Teaching 1、以提问方式引出眩晕概念;Methods and ArrangementsIntroduce the definition of Vertigo by questioning. 2、通过分析病例让同学把握眩晕概念、临床表现;Help the students to master the definition and clinical manifestations of Vertigo by analyzing the typical cases. 3、提出眩晕的临床特点,留意眩晕有轻重之分;Introduce the clinical characteristics of vertigo and pay attention to the extent,namely, mild and severe. 4、通过图文让同学懂得眩晕的病因病机、病位;Help the students to understand the etiology, pathogenesis and the pathogenic location of Vertigo with photographs and notes. 5、通过图文让同学把握眩晕的常用穴位;Help the students to master the acupoints commonly applied to Vertigo by photographs and notes. 6、归纳眩晕的定义、病因病机、治疗方法;Sum up the definition, etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of Vertigo. 广州中医药高校教案名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编优秀教案第一章其次节(腰痛)P60课程名称: 针灸治疗学(新世纪教材)教学时数:1 上课时间:堂 讲 授授课人:授课形式:课授课对象:教 案 内 容一、教学目的: Teaching Objectives 1、把握腰痛的定义、辨证治疗;Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and treatment of Lumbago . 2、熟识腰痛的病因病机、辨证分型、针灸治疗;Acquaint with the etiology, pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and acumoxa treatment of Lumbago.3、明白其他治疗方法;Understand other therapies 二、教学内容:1、腰痛的定义、病因病机、辨证分型;Definition, etiology ,pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Lumbago 2、腰痛的针灸治疗方法;Acumoxa treatment of Lumbago 3、腰痛和痹证的鉴别;Differentiation between Lumbago and Bi-obstruction Syndrome 三、教学要点: Key Teaching Points 1、教学重点: Teaching Emphasis: (1)腰痛的定义; Definition of Lumbago (2)腰痛与足太阳膀胱经、督脉的关系;Relationship among Lumbago, Bladder Meridian of Foot-taiyang and Governor Vessel (3)针灸治疗该病的取穴原就;Acupoints selection Principles in treating the disease.(4)腰痛的其他治疗方法; Other therapies in treating Lumbago. (5)刺络拔罐的操作方法;Manipulation of pricking-cupping blood-letting 2、教学难点: Teaching Difficulty 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案腰痛的针灸治疗方法及针灸补泻应用;Acumoxa therapies of Lumbago and the application of reducing needling techniques 3、补充学问: Complementaries (1)引起腰痛的常见病症;The symptoms commonly seen caused by Lumbago (2)治疗腰痛的留意事项;Cautions in the treatment of Lumbago. reinforcing and 四、教学方法与教学支配: Teaching Methods and Arrangements1、引入教学:简要回忆上一单元的教学内容;Introduction: Briefly review the teaching contents last unit. 2、介绍一腰痛的典型病例(包括动态演示详细操作方法,共 10 分钟);Introduce a typical case of Lumbago including the manipulation performance, totally 10 minutes 3、病因病机的图片说明,以提问方式进行;Photographs illustration of the etiology and pathogenesis by questioning4、针灸方法演示 针刺腰痛穴、泻人中,腰三针 ;Acumoxa methods performace By needling Yaotongdian EX-UE 7, Ren Zhong GV 26, loin's triple needles with reducing needling techniques 5、课堂小结与提问;Summarization and qusetions6、提出摸索问题:治疗腰痛时应留意什么?Thinking topic: What are the cautions in the treatment of Lumbago. 广州中医药高校教案课程名称: 针灸治疗学(新世纪教材)第一章第五节:中风教学时数: 2 上课时间:授课人:授课形式: 课 堂 讲 授授课对象:教 案 内 容一、教学目的: Teaching Objectives 1、把握中风的定义、辨证论治和针灸其它疗法;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案Master the definition, syndrome differentiation, treatment and other acumoxa therapies of Apoplexy.2、懂得西医类属中风疾病的鉴别诊断;Understand the differentiation and diagnosis of western medicine cases of Apoplexy. 3、明白中风的病因病机、辨证分型;Understand the etiology, pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Apoplexy. 二 教学内容: Teaching Contents 1、中风的定义、病因病机、辨证治疗及现代医学对该证的熟识;Definition, etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation,treatment and modern medicine understandings of Apoplexy 2、假性延髓麻痹定义、病因病机、辨证治疗及现代医学对该证的熟识;Definition, etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation,treatment and modern medicine understandings of Pseudobulbar Palsy 三 教学要点: Key Teaching Points 1、教学重点: Teaching Emphasis: (1)中风的定义; Definition of Apoplexy (2)中风的临床特点; Clinical characteristics of Apoplexy (3)中风的临床分类; Clinical classification of Apoplexy (4)中风主穴的操作方法特点; Characteristics of the main acupoints manipulating methods in Apoplexy 2、教学难点: Teaching Difficulty (1)中风的临床辨证分型;Clinical syndrome differentiation of Apoplexy (2)西医类属中风疾病的鉴别诊断;Differentiation and diagnosis of western medicine cases of Apoplexy 3 、补充学问:目前有关的中风针灸治疗进展; Complementaries: Development of acumoxa therapies in treating Apoplexy 四. 教学方法与教学支配: Teaching Methods and Arrangements1、引入教学:提问针灸科的三大类重要疾病是什么?Introduction: Asking what are the three main categories of diseases in Acumoxa Department. 2、以提问方式引出中风概念;Introduce the definition of Apoplexy by questioning. 3、讲解西医类属中风的不同疾病;Teach the different diseases belonging to apoplexy in western medicine 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案4、提出中风的临床特点;Point out the clinical characteristics of Apoplexy 5、让同学把握中风的常用穴位及操作方法;Help the students to master the acupoints commonly applied and manipulation of Apoplexy. 6、课堂小结与提问;Summarization and Questions.广州中医药高校教案课程名称: 针灸治疗学 (新世纪教材)第三章第五节 (崩漏) P158 160教学时数:1 上课时间:授课人:授课形式: 课 堂 讲 授授课对象:教 案 内 容一、教学目的:1、把握崩漏的定义、辨证治疗;2、熟识崩漏的病因病机、辨证分型;3、明白其他治疗方法;二、教学内容:1、崩漏的定义、病因病机;2、崩与漏的鉴别;2、崩漏的针灸治疗方法;3、崩漏的调摄及留意事项;三、教学要点 :1、教学重点:(1)崩漏的定义及临床特点;(2)崩与漏的鉴别;(3)崩漏的辨证治疗及其他疗法;2、教学难点:隐白穴的操作;3、补充学问:(1)崩漏常用的方药 2 崩漏的讨论进展名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 26 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 四、名师精编优秀教案教学方法与教学支配:1、叙述一崩漏的典型病例 2、从病例引入病因病机,以提问方式进行;3、辨证论治,用图片显示灸隐白;4、其他疗法 5、说明该病的留意事项;6、崩漏常用的方药及讨论进展;广州中医药高校教案课程名称: 针灸治疗学(新世纪教材)第一章其次十二节(感冒)P97教学时数: 1 节上课时间:授课人:授课形式: 课 堂 讲 授授课对象:教 案 内 容一、教学目的:1、把握感冒的定义