2022年《英美文学选读》模拟试题答案 .pdf
. . 英美文学选读模拟试题(四) 一、 Multiple Choice1.Romance, which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of _ adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period. A. Christian B. knightly C. Greek D. primitive 2.The tragedy of Dr. Faustus, the protagonist in Christopher Marlowes The Tragic History of Dr. Faustus, is the very face that _. A. man is confined to time B. he tried to join Africa to Spain C. he became a man without soul after he sold it D. he conjured up Helen, the lady who was the very course of the Trojan War Marlowes Dr. Faustus The Passionate Sheperd to His Love3.Which of the following historical events does not directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaissance Movements? A. The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture. B. The new discoveries in geography and astrology. C. The Glorious revolution. D. The religious reformation and the economic expansion. 4.Literature of Neoclassicism is different from that of Romanticism in that _. A .the former celebrates reason, rationality, order and instruction while the latter sees literature as an expression of an individuals feelings and experiencesB. the former is heavily religious but the latter secular C. the former is an intellectual movement the purpose of which is to arouse the middle class for political rights while the latter is concerned with the personal cultivation. D. the former advocates the return to nature whereas the latter turns to the ancient Greek and Roman writers for its models 5. “And we will sit upon the rocks,/Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,/By shallow rivers to whose falls/Melodious birds sing madrigals. ” The above lines are probably taken from _. A.Spensers The Faerie Queene B.John Donnes “The Sun Rising ” C.Shakespeares “Sonnet 18 ” D.Marlowes “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - . . 6.You may have meet the term Yahoo on internet, but you may also have met it in English literature .It is found in _. A. John Bunyan s Pilgrims Progress B. Samuel Johnson s The Vanity of Human Wishes C. Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels D. Henry Fieldings tom Jones7.The ture subject of John Donnes poem,“The Sun Rising,” is to _. A.attack the sun as an unruly servant B.give compliments to the mistress and her power of beauty C.criticize the suns intrusion into the lovers private life D. lecture the sun on where true royalty and riches lie. 8.Surface, Sneerwell, Backbite, and Candour are most likely the names of the characters in _. A. Shaws Mrs Warren s Profession B. Sheridan s The School for Scandal C. Shakespeare s Love s Labour s Lost D. Christopher Marlowes Dr.Faustus9.The Houyhnhnms depicted by Jonathan Swift in Gullivers Travels are _. A.horses that are endowed with reason B.pigmies that are endowed with admirable qualities C.giants that are superior in wisdom D.hairy,wild, low and despicable creatures, who resemble human beings not only in appearance but also in some other ways. 10. What does Wordsworth s poem The Solitary Reaper tell us about Romanticist? A. To romanticists, poetry is an expression of an individuals feelings and experiences no matter how fragmentary and momentary these feelings and experiences are. B. Romanticist take delight only in sound effect, the theme of a work is not their concern. C. Romanticist are not patient people; they would leave before the revelation of the theme. D. Poetry should present the apparent and tangible. 11.The phrase 搕 o urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils?may well sum up the implied meaning of _. A. Gullivers Travels B. The Rape of the Lock C. Robinson Crusoe D. The pilgrims Progress名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - . . 12. Prometheus Unbound is Shelley s greatest achievement. Prometheus, according to the Greek mythology, was chained by Zeus on Mount Caucasus and suffered the vulture s feeding on his liver for _. A. planning a revolt to dethrone God B. misinterpreting Gods decree to reconcile man and nature C. prophesying the arrival of spring in a winter season D. stealing the fire from heaven and giving it to man 13.Which of the following is taken from John Keats “Ode on a Grecian Urn”? A.“I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!” B.“They are both gone up to the church to pary.” C.“Earth has not anything to show more fair.” D.“Beauty is truth, truth beauty”. 14.My Last Duchess is a poem that best exemplifier Robert Brownings _. A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English language B. excellent choice of words C. mastering of the metrical devices D. use of the dramatic monologue15. “Ode o na Grecian Urn”shows the contrast between the _ of art and the _ of human passion. A.glory ugliness B.permanencetransienceC.transience sordidness D.glory permanence16.Tess of the DUrbervilles, one of Thomas Hardys best known novels, portrays man as _. A. being hereditarily either good or bad B. being self-sufficient C. having no control over his own fate D. still retaining his own faith in a world of confusion 17.The typical feature of Robet Brownings poetry is the _. A.bitter satire B.larger-than-life caricature C.Latinized diction D.dramatic monologue18.The term tone in literature means _. A. sound effect such as rhyme and metrical device B. the pitch of a word used to determine its meaning in the given context 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - . . C. the manner of expression to indicate the speakers attitudetowards the subjectD. a shade of colour to reflect the change of the light 19._ is the first important governess novel in the English literary history. A.Jane Eyre B.Emma C.Wuthering Heights D.Middlemarch 20.In which of the following poems by William Butler Yeats did you find the allusion to Helen and the TrojanWar? A. Sailing to Byzantium B. Leda and the SwanC. The Lake Isle if Innisfree. D. Sown by the Sally Garden 21._ is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare, and his representative works are plays inspired by social criticism. A.Richard Sheridan B.Oliver Goldsmith C.Oscar Wilde D.Bernard Shaw22.James Joyce is the author of all the following novels except _. A. Dubliners B. Jude the Obscure -HardyC. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man D. Ulysses 内容简介托马斯哈代( 1840-1928 ),英国小说大师,著名诗人。无名的裘德是哈代最优秀的作品之一,哈代自称要写出“灵与肉的生死搏斗”。小说以悲怆的笔调叙述了乡村青年裘德一生的悲剧。裘德好学深思、 刻苦自修,却始终被拒之于大学门外。女主人公淑聪颖美貌,更重要的是具有独立的人格和思想, 蔑视世俗和僵化的宗教, 但她跟裘德的爱情却为教会所不容、世俗所不齿。裘德壮志不酬、谋职无路、告贷无门,绝望中,他的长子同弱妹幼弟名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - . . 一同吊死。淑遭此惨变,终向命运和教会屈服, 离开了深爱的裘德, 自由的思想、独立的人格均遭毁弃。裘德则终日纵酒,郁郁成疾,年未满三十即含恨而终。23.The Romantic writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT the _ in the American literary histrory. A.individual feelings B.idea of survival of the fittest C.strong imagination D.return to nature 24. We can perhaps summarize that Walt Whitman s poems are characterized by all the following features except that they are _. A. conversational and crude B. lyrical and well-structured C. wimple and rather crude D. free-flowing 25.he famous 20-years sleep in “Rip Van Winkle ”helps to construct the story in such a way that we are greatly affected by Irvings _. A.concern with the passage of time B.expression of transient beauty C.satire on laziness and corruptibility of human beings D.idea about supernatural manipulation of mans life 26.Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his _. A. international theme B. waste-land imagery C. local color D. symbolism 27.The literary characters of the American type in early 19th century are generally characterized by all the following features EXCEPT that they _. A.speak local dialects B.are polite and elegant gentlemen C.are simple and crude farmers D.are noble savages( red and white) untainted by society 28.The period before the American Civil War is commonly referred to as _. A. the Romantic Period B. the Realistic Period C. the Naturalist Period D. the Modern Period 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - . . 29. “This is my letter to the World” is a poetic expression of Emily Dickinsons _ about her communication with the outside world. A.indifference B.anger C.anxiety D.sorrow 30.In Henry James Daisy Miller, the author tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of _. A. the force of convention B. the free spirit of the New World C. the decline of aristocracy D. the corruption of the newly rich 31.After The adventures of Tom Sawyer, Twain gives a literary independence to Toms buddy Huck in a book entitled _. A.Life on the Mississippi B.The Gilded Age C.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn D.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court 32.The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling, and second, the individual is _. A. insignificant B. vicious by nature C. divine D. forward-looking 33.Generally speaking,all those writers with a naturalistic approach to human reality tend to be _. A.transcendentalists B.idealists C.pessimistsD.impressionists 34.In Heminway s short story Indian Camp, through a sto ry of a woman giving birth, the protagonist, Nick Adams, receives an education of _. A. birth and violent death B. charity and benevolence C. racial inequality D. devotion and kinship 35.In “After Apple- Picking, ”Robert Frost wrote:“For I have had too much/Of 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - . . applepicking:I am overtired/Of the great harvest I myself desired. ”From these lines we can conclude that the speaker is _. A.happy about the harvest B.still very much interested in apple-picking C.expecting a greater harvest D.indifferent to what he once desired36.Besides sketches, tales and essays, Washington Irving also published a book on _, which is also considered an important part of his creative writing. A. poetic theory B. French art C. history of New YorkD. life of George Washington 37.The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their _. A.indestructible spirtieB.pessimistic view of life C.war experiences D.masculinity 38.In American literature, escaping from the society and returning to nature is a common subject. The following titles are all related, in one way or another, to the subject except _. A. Mark Twain s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn B. Dreisers Sister Carrie C. Copper s Leather-Stocking Tales D. Thoreau s Walden39.In Hemingways “Indian Camp ”, Nicks night trip to the Indian village and his experience inside the hut can be taken as _. A.an essential lesson about Indian tribes B.a confrontation with evil and sin C.an initiation to the harshness of life D.a learning process in human relationship 40.Emily Dickinson wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is not a usual subject of her poetic expression? A. Religion. B. Life and death. C. Love and marriage. D. War and peace. 二、 Reading Comprehension1.Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - . . (1).And the native hue of resolution/Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought. (Shakespeare, Humlet) Questions: A. What does the native hue of resolution mean? determinationB. What does the pale cast of thought stand for? considerationC. What idea do the two lines express? Too much thinking made activity impossible (2).Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; /Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear! Questions: A. Identify the poem and the poet. Shelley s “ ode to the west wind”B. What is the Wild Spirit? The west wind C. What does the Wild Spirit destroy and preserve? It destroys things /thoughts/ideas that are dead ,it preserves new life(or seeds that represent new life or new birth) (3).When the minister spoke from the pulpit講道壇, with power and fervid eloquence, and, with his hands on the open bible, of the sacred truths of our religion, and of saint-like lives and triumphant deaths, and of future bliss or misery unutterable, then did Goodman Brown turn pale, dreading, lest the roof should thunder down upon the gray blasphemer and his hearers. Questions: A. Identify the title of the short story from which this part is taken. Hawthornes Yong Goodman BrownB. What had happened in the story before this church scene? Brown had attended a witchesparty where he saw many prominent people of the village ,the minister includedC. Why was Goodman Brown afraid the roof might thunder down? Brown was shocked by the minister,secretly a member of the evil club, who could talk about sacred truths of the reigion openly and unashamedly . He thought God would punish such hypocrites down on them. (4).(A lot of common objects have been enumerated before, and here are the last two lines of There Was a Child Went Forth :) The horizon s edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragrance of salt marsh and shore mud. These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will always go forth every day. Questions: A. Who is the author of this poem? 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - . . Walt WhitemanB. What does the Child stand for in the poem? Child: the young growing AmericaC. In one or two sentences, interpret the implied meaning of the two lines. The poet uses his childhood experience of growing up and learning about the world around him to imply that young America will grow and develop like that 三、 Questions and Answers 。1.Give brief answers to each of the following questions in English. (1).My boy! said the old gentleman, leaning over the desk. Oliver started at the sound. He might be excused for doing so, for the words were kindly said, and strange sounds frighten one. He trembled violently, and burst into tears. (Charles Dickens,Oliver Twist-Victorian Period)Explain why the boy Oliver Twist started first, then trembled violently and burst into tears when the words were kindly said. The boy started at the words because kind words were not expected;It is the first time in all his life that boy had ever been kindly greeted Strange sounds may predict another suffering (2).Here is the last stanza of Byrons The Isles of Greece:-Romantical periodPlace me on sunium s mardle steep, Where nothing, save the waves and I, There, swan-like, let me sing and die: May hear our marbled murmurs sweep; A land of slaves shall neer be mine - Dash down you cup of Samian wine! Determine the speaker first and then discuss BRIEFLY the main idea of the stanza or of the whole excerpt. You may want to consider the possible