精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - political advocates, a governance the band str sic elemeuggle target, and nts of the strategy, organizati on principle understanding es, and excelle nt style and on members of basic re nha nce party spirit, fulfills t he purpose concequireme nts, further clear pts, self-restraint and moral do qualified mem chara cter, a nd othebers of standard, r basic requirements. upgra de respected, and fear and Party members a nd leacomply wit ding cadre s above thh Constit ution Party rules e county level t o learn tof thought consciousl he origi nal, rea d, ey, lane clear the do what, a l ightenme nt pri nci ples, nd shoul dn't do what, can do w hat, and ca nnot do under stand spee ch of rich content a nd core essence, master what, kee p live Communist is w ork of be Marxist positions t he method thrnchmark and bottom line. Party members and leadi oug h whi ch, k nowing that g ood talk show a strong ng ca belief in dres a bove the county level to l pursuit, hi story as spirit, l ocal party committees for further study work a sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thind party w ork, sel ecting a nd a ppointi ng party and Gover nking , better gui de a nd promote career development. Mnment lea ding cadres w ork rules a eanw hile, i n accordance wit h prnd other reg ulations in t he part ovincial requirements, continuous leary, Require d for the efforts to impr ning, XI Ji npi ng, the imove the lea dership level of politi portant spe ech of Ge neral Secretary cal literacy and policy. of Hena n work reXI serie s importa nt spe search gui de, i n preparation forech, Ge neral Secretar y, the latest a t he Party Committee in the general chieveme nt is the system of theorie s of sociali sm with Chine process of cadre s with t he important speeches a nd i nstr yse characteristi tr uctions t o lead cs, stre ngthe n party ide ological the ory, the most important is the practice, pla nni ng developme nt; XI Jinpi ng, i n accordance with tspirit ual unity, arme d with a seri es of important speech. Party member he spirit of the im portant i nstructions, General S ecretary, Comrade Mas to thoroug o Zedong, thly understa nd t he XI he Party Committee's workiseries of the ba sic spirit of the important spee ng met hods i nto lear ning content and imprch by General Se cretary, l earn to understand ne ove the scie ntific level of party committees at all levw ideas s new i deas a nd new ce els. Tw o innovative learntral ningmethod. Focused le e arni ng and self-study combined combined, learning to read and discuss, organize the vast numbers of party members plan, in thematic studies. Full use of the resour r ces, primary contact point, education in party spirit and the warning education base s, revol utionary tradition and warning education, experiential education. Powerful hand give a Party lecture as enhancing the effectiveness of learning, "71" before and after each branch set to arrange a party lecture, l eadi ng cadres must give a Party lecture as an important responsibility, leading in the branch give a Party lecture, to the rural, communities, busine sses, schools and ot her grass-roots party branch give a Party lecture. Give full play to the theorists, practitioners, outstandi ng party members, members of grass-roots party小学五年级级信息技术教学设计执课题:给幻灯片添加动画效果教:杜宾一、教材分析: 设置动画效果这节内容居本单元后部,前面已学习了幻灯片的基本制作、美化修饰方法。本节是本单元的重点,同时也是难点。设置幻灯片动画效果,是对前面基本 操作内容的升华,对学生有着强大的吸引力。二、学情分析 : 五年级学生活泼好动,探究欲望强烈,对新课的内容充满好奇,对学习演 示文稿内容有浓厚兴趣,有学会的强烈动机。根据前面的学习内容,学生对幻灯片的制作已 有了比较好的基础。给幻灯片添加动画效果的学习,利用他们强烈的探究欲望,一定会成功 顺利掌握本节课内容。三、教学目标:1)知识目标:熟悉自定义动画的作用和目的,理解幻灯片切换含义。2)技能目标:恰当使用自定义动画,熟练设置幻灯片的切换效果和排练时间。3)情感目标:学会整体规划,体会和谐之美。树立、提高环境保护意识。四、教学重点与难点: 本节课的重点和难点是对幻灯片中的元素设置自定义动画和设置 幻灯片的切换效果。五、教学策略 : 根据本节课的学习目标和学习内容,首先为学生准备了感兴趣的素材,采用了“ 任务驱动”“ 自主探究”“ 小组合作”“ 演示作品”“ 自我完善” 的教学方法。六、教学过程rganizations, Secretary General of their respe ctive advantages and q/a-release puzzle, interactive communication. Third, learning effectiveness. Close contact itself thought, and work, and life actual, in -de pth reflection adhere to ideal faith, and comply with discipline rules, and strict to slim sets, and practice behavi i or pe opl e purposes, aspects situation, real hit thoug ht soul, and into spirit blood, constantly unl ock thought buttons, and corrected awareness deviation, learning thought practice Wu in the remember party rules discipline, firm right political dire ction, habit discipli ne consciously, firm China features Sociali st roa d confidence , and theory confidence, and system confidence. Second, in "doing" work for example, always try to do somethi ng. "Learning" is "" basis, "do" is "learning" purposes. The unity of knowledge , be qualifie d party members, the most fundamental is to enha nce political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness. This "four consciousness", embodies the fundamental politi cal orientation, Political positions, political demands, is the touchstone of testing pol itical quality of party members. To strengthen "four名师归纳总结 consci ousness" as a basi be qualified politicallc requirement, a y. To do politically wind guide t se, kee t he br oad masse p the political nature s of party members a of the Communists, nd cadre s par determi ned to le stand tall a nd i deal and bearn from the CPC Central Committee, and lief "backbone" firm belief in Marxism, firm belief in socialiGeneral Secretary to sm and XI Jinpi ng, the party's the d communism with e ory, line, principle s and policie Chi nese chara cteristics, absolutely ls in line, to the oyal to the deci sions of the Central party, party, part y, partl Committee line, fla y, party, party to partg of the firm with the CPC Ce y, party party. Second, we must ntral Committee, ideol ogicall show goo d manners and dil y, politically a nd i n acti on wit scipline , do discipli ne fail. Wellh comrade XI Ji-orga nized a nd npi ng as Ge neral Secretary of the CPC Ce discipli ned is t he party's powe r. To abintral Committee was very consistent. This "two le de by party discipli ne, party r ules in particular political arn a do" learni ng education, l disci pline and rules, enhance the ooks at party a concend national career new development on members pt of organizati on, subordinate to the Organis zation tof new r o decide r equireme , knowie nts, cle ar proposed Communi st to do "four told four has", thi ng fear, bright li ne, a bide by the rule s. T hree talk about morality, character, s and good ca dres 20 Word sta ndar chara cter qualified. Communir d, and "three strict t hree real", and "four a iron st Part y members should make a moral model. SGeneral", and l hould paoyalty clea ssn play, requirements is consistent of, is current history conditions Xia qualified Communist standard of materialized. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres should be the "four spoke four" as ruler, often measure, view and transform themselves, truly do combine, do something. A talk about politics, faith, be politically qualified. When a Communist Party member must first 第 1 页,共 8 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - political advocates, a governance the band str sic elemeuggle target, and nts of the strategy, organizati on principle understanding ee s, and excelle nt style and on members of basic re nha nce party spirit, fulfills t he purpose concepts, selfquireme nts, further clear lf-restraint and moral do qualified mem chara cter, a nd othebers of standard, r basic requirements. upgra de respected, and fear and Party members a nd leacomply wit ding cadre s above the h Constit ution Party rules e county level t o learn tof thought consciousl he origi nal, rea d, enl y, lane clear the do what, a l ightenme nt pri nci ples, nd shoul dn't do what, can do w hat, and ca nnot do , under stand spee ch of rich content a nd core essence, master what, kee p live Communist is w ork of be Marxist positions t he method thrnchmark and bottom line. Party members and leadi oug h whi ch, k nowing that g ood talk show a strong ng ca belief in dres a bove the county level to l pursuit, hi story as spirit, ocal party committees for further study work a sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thind party w ork, sel ecting a nd a ppointi ng party and Gover nking , better gui de a nd promote career development. Mnment lea ding cadres w ork rules a eanw hile, i n accordance wit h prnd other reg ulations in t he part ovincial requirements, continuous leary, Require d for the efforts to impr ning, XI Ji npi ng, the imove the lea dership level of politi portant spe ech of Ge neral Secretary cal literacy and policy. of Hena n work reXI serie s importa nt spe search gui de, i n preparation for t ech, Ge neral Secretar y, the latest a t he Party Committee in the general chieveme nt is the system of theorie s of sociali sm with Chine process of cadre s with t he important speeches a nd i nstr se characteristi tr uctions t o lead cs, stre ngthe n party ide ological the ory, the most important is the practice, pla nni ng developme nt; XI Jinpi ng, i n accordance with tspirit ual unity, arme d with a seri es of important speech. Party member he spirit of the im portant i nstructions, General S ecretary, Comrade Mas to thoroug o Zedong, thly understa he Party Comnd t he XI series mittee's worki of the ba sic spirit of the important spee ng methods i nto lear ning content and imprch by General Se cretary, l earn to understand ne ove the scie ntific level of party committees at all levw ideas s new i deas a nd new ce els. Tw o innovative learntral ningmethod. Focused le e arni ng and self-study combined combined, learning to read and discuss, organize the vast numbers of party members plan, in thematic studies. Full use of the resources, primary contact point, education in party spirit and the warning education base s, revol utionary tradition and warning education, experiential education. Powerful hand give a Party lecture as e nhancing the effectiveness of learning, "71" before a a nd after each branch set to arrange a party lecture, leading cadres must give a Party lecture as an important responsibility, leading in the branch give a Party lecture, to the rural, communities, busine sses, schools and other grass-roots party branch give a Party lecture. Give full play to the theorists, practitioners, outstandi ng party members, members of grass-roots party时间安排教师活动学生活动设计意图导入:同学们,对 老 师 的 话 题根 据 学 生 的3 分钟你们喜欢动画片吗?充满了兴趣和好奇。心理,用学生感兴(观赏)趣 的 话 题 引 入 本节课的学习主体,开 始 就 抓 住 学 生的注意力。展示没有动画效充 满 兴 趣 地 观激 发 学 生 的果的幻灯片,幻灯片看老师演示 的图片。上是学生都感兴趣的提 出 这 两 个 文学习积极性, 培养图片。学生的学习兴趣。用 有 动 画 效喜欢吗?老师把果 的 幻 灯 片 激 发件的不同之处,找出图片保存在你们的电了 学 生 的 学 习 积自己喜欢的文件。脑桌面上,图片虽然极性和创作兴趣。不错,美中不足的是 为 下 面 的 学 习 打不会动。下坚实的基础。看老师变了一个 魔术。展示另一个是 有动画效果的幻灯片文件。引出本课题。请同学们打开幻打开“ 百鸟与我浓 厚 的 兴 趣们对话” 演示文稿文与好奇心,环环相灯片文件并欣赏老师件。扣,加上对美好结送的图片。观察窗口果的期待,是成功名师归纳总结 rganizations, Secretary General of their respe ctive advantages and q/a-release puzzle, interactive communication. Third, learning effectiveness. Close contact itself thought, and work, and life actual, in-depth reflection adhere to ideal faith, and comply with discipline rules, and strict to slim sets, and practice behavi i or pe opl e purposes, aspects situti on, real hit thoug ht soul, and into spirit blood, constantly unl ock thoug ht buttons, and corrected awareness deviation, learning thought practice Wu in the remember party rules discipline, firm right politi cal direction, habit discipli ne consciously, firm China features Sociali st roa d confidence , and theory confidence, and system confidence. Second, in "doing" work for example, always try to do something. "Lear ning" is "" basis, "do" is "learning" purposes. The unity of knowledge e , be qualifie d party members, the most fundamental is to enha nce political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness. This "four consciousness", embodies the fundamental politi cal orientation, Political positions, political demands, is the touchstone of testing pol itical quality of party members. To strengthen "four第 2 页,共 8 页consci ousness" as a basi be qualified politicallc requirement, a y. To do politically wind guide t se, kee t he br oad masse p the political nature s of party members a of the Communists, nd cadre s par determi ned to le stand tall a nd i deal and bearn from the CPC Central Committee, and lief "backbone" firm belief in Marxism, firm belief in socialiGeneral Secretary to liXI Jinpi ng, the party's the sm and communism with e ory, line, principle s and policie Chi nese chara cteristics, absolutely le s in line, to the deci sions of the Central oyal to the party, party, part y, partl Committee line, fla y, party, party to partg of the firm with the CPC Ce y, party party. Second, we must ntral Committee, ideol show good manners and diogicall l y, politically a nd i n acti on wit scipline , do discipli ne fail. Wellh comrade XI Ji-orga nized a nd npi ng as Ge neral Secretary discipli ned is t he party's of the CPC Ce powe r. To abie ntral Committee was very consistent. This "two le de by party discipli ne, party r ules in particular political e al arn a do" learni ng education, l disci pline and rules, enhance the ooks at party a concend national career new development on members pt of organizati on, subordinate to the Organis zation t tof new r o decide r equireme nts, cle ar proposed Communi st to do "four told four has", thi , knowi ng fear, bright li ne, a bide by the rule s. T hree talk about morality, character, s and good ca dres 20 Word sta ndar chara cter qualified. Communir d, and "three strict t hree real", and "four a iron st Party members should make a moral model. SGeneral", and l hould paoyalty clea ssa n play, requirements is consistent of, is current history conditions Xia qualified Communist standard of materialized. Learning ed