-+QQ-P-35COctober 28, 1988SUPERSEDINGFed. Spec. QQ-P-35BApril 5, 1973FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONPASSIVATION TREATMENTS FOR CORROSION-RESISTANT STEELThis specification was approved by the Assistant Administrator Office of Federal Supply and Services, General Services Administration, for the use of all Federal Agencies.1. SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION1.1 Scope. This specification covers the different types of passivation treatments as well as recommendations, guidance and precautions for cleaning and descaling corrosion-resistant parts, components, equipment and systems.1.2 Purpose. This specification covers the method for cleaning and descaling of stainless steel parts and outlines the final cleaning stage or passivation treatments for use on austenitic, ferritic, martensitic and precipitation hardening corrosion resistant steels. Engineering drawings and specifications should specify classification type (passivation treatment) which should De used in accordance with Types. II - Medium temperature nitric acid solution with sodium dichromate additiveVI - Low temperature nitric acid solutionVII - Medium temperature nitric acid solutionVIII - Medium temperature high concentration nitric acid solution2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks. The following specifications, standards and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation.AREA MFFPDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONSO-N-350 - Nitric Acid, TechnicalFEDERAL STANDARDSFED-STD-313 - Material Safety Data Sheets, Preparation and Submission ofO-S-595 - Sodium Dichromate, Dihydrate, Technical(Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks as outlined under General Information in the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards and at the prices indicated in the Index. The Index, which includes cumulative monthly supplements as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.(Single copies of this specification and other Federal Specifications required by activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes are available without charge from Business Service Centers at the General Services Administration Regional Offices in Boston, New York, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, MO, Fort Worth, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle, WA.)(Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks and the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards from established distribution points in their agencies.)MILITARY SPECIFICATIONSMIL-S-5002 - Surface Treatments and Inorganic Coatings for Metal Surfaces of Weapons SystemsMIL-C-13924 - Coating, Oxide, Black for Ferrous MetalsMILITARY STANDARDSMIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedure and Tables for Inspection by AttributesMIL-STD-753 - Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts: Sampling, Inspection and Testing for Surface Passivation.(Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings, publications, and other Government documents required by contractors in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity.)2.2 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the documents which are DoD adopted are those listed in the issue of the DODISS cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents not listed in the DODISS are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2).AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM)ASTM A380 - Cleaning and Descaling Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and SystemsASTM B117 - Salt Spray (Fog) TestingASTM B254 - Preparation of, and Electroplating on Stainless Steel(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.)3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Materials. The chemicals and reagents used for passivation of corrosion-resistant steel parts shall produce passivated surfaces which meet the requirements of this specification.3.2 Pretreatment. The pretreatment methods and procedures used prior to the passivation treatment shall be either in accordance with ASTM A380 or MIL-S-5002. The surface of the parts shall be free of oil, grease, rust, scale and other foreign matter and shall have no deleterious effect on material properties. Particular attention shall be given to the pretreatment cleaning of 400 series steels to be certain that all surface oxidation, including rust and heat treat scale, is completely removed. Unless otherwise specified, clean and descale in accordance with ASTM A380. When electrochemical cleaning is required, it shall be performed in accordance with ASTM-B254.3.3 Passivation treatment. Corrosion-resistant steel parts shall be passivated by immersing them in one of the following aqueous solutions (see 6.2) and maintaining them within the temperature ranges and times described below and in Table I. The parts shall be completely immersed in the solution to avoid severe etching which would otherwise occur above the liquid line.3.3.1 Type I. Type I withdrawn (see 6.9)3.3.2 Type II. Type II solution shall contain 20-25 percent by volume of nitric acid in accordance with 0-N-350 and 2.5 0.5 percent by weight of sodium dichromate in accordance with 0-S-595. Parts shall be processed for 20 minutes at a temperature range between 120-130F (49-54C). For parts made of high carbon/high chromium grades (440 series), straight chromium grades with 12-14% chromium (martensitic 400 series), or for corrosion-resistant steels containing relatively large amounts (0.15 percent) of sulfur or selenium (for example 303, 3035e, 347Se, 416, 416Se, 430F, 430FSe and precipitation hardenable steels), type II solution shall be used (see 6.2 and 6.3).3.3.3 Type III. Type III withdrawn (see 6.9).3.3.4 Type IV. Type IV withdrawn (see 6.9).3.3.5 Type V. Type V withdrawn (see 6.9).3.3.6 Type VI. Type VI solution shall contain 25-45 percent by volume of nitric acid (HN03) in accordance with O-N-350. Parts shall be processed for 30 minutes at a temperature range between 70-90F (21-32C). Type VI solution can be used to process austenitic 200 and 300 series chromium nickel and chromium grades with 17% chromium or greater (with exception of the 440 series) corrosion-resistant steels.3.3.7 Type VII Type VII solution shall contain 20-25 percent by volume of nitric acid (HN03) in accordance with O-N-350. Parts shall be processed for 20 minutes at a temperature range between 120-140F (49-60C). Type VII solution can be used to process parts made of the following corrosion-resistant steels: austenitic 200 and 300 series chromium-nickel, chromium grades with 17% chromium or greater (except 440 series) (see sections 6.2 and 6.3).3.3.8 Type VIII. Type VIII solution shall contain 45-55 percent by volume of nitric acid in accordance with O-N-350. Parts shall be processed for 30 minutes at a temperature range between 120-130F (49-54C). Type VIII solution can be used for parts made from high carbon and high chromium grades (400 series) and precipitation-hardening stainless steels.TABLE I. Passivation treatments.TypeTemperatureTime, minimum(minutes) (1)% (by wt.)Sodium Dichromate% (by vol.)Nitric AcidIWithdrawnII120-130F(49-54C)202-2.520-25IIIWithdrawnIVWithdrawnVWithdrawnVI70-90F(21-32C)30none25-45VII120-150F(49-60C)20none20-25VIII120-130F(49-54C)30none45-55(1) Caution: Care must be exercised as excessive time may damage the part.3.4 Water rinse. Immediately after removal from the passivating solution the parts shall be thoroughly rinsed; final rinse is carried out in clean water (see 6.4).3.5 Chromate treatment. When specified and within one hour after the final water rinse (3.4), all ferritic and martensitic steel parts shall be immersed in an aqueous solution containing 4 to 6 percent by weight of sodium dichromate in accordance with O-S-595, at a temperature of 140 to 160F (60 - 71C) for a period of 30 minutes (see 6.1.1). This immersion shall be followed by a rinse in clean water (see 6.4). The parts shall then be thoroughly dried.3.6 Finish. The passivated parts shall exhibit a chemically clean surface and shall show no etching, pitting or frosting when examined. A slight discoloration will be allowed (see 4.3 and 6.5).3.7 Staining.3.7.1 Water immersion or high humidity tests. The passivated parts shall not exhibit staining attributable to the presence of free iron particles imbedded in the surface when subjected to the water immersion test or the high humidity test (see 4.4.1).3.7.2 Salt spray or copper sulfate tests. The salt srpay test or the copper sulfate test may be specified in addition to or in lieu of either the water immersion test or the high humidity test. When the salt spray test is specified, the passivated surface shall be capable of withstanding salt spray exposure without evidence of rust or staining (see 4.4.2, 6.11). Copper sulfate test. When testing austenitic 300 series chromium nickel steels, it is permisslble to use the copper sulfate test as a substitute for the salt spray test. The surface of the resultant passivated parts shall not exhibit copper deposits (see 4.4.1, 4.4.2, Workmanship. The passivated parts shall be free of iron contamination and other foreign materials which could adversely affect the suitability, use or life of the passivated part (see 4.3, 6.13).3.9 Solution analysis. The processor shall maintain a record of the control procedures used on each of the processing solutions used in these passivation treatments. Solutions shall be analyzed to verify that the concentrations of nitric acid and sodium dichromate meet the specified requirements. Analyses shall be scheduled at intervals which will demonstrate optimum passivation performance. Frequency of analyses will be determined by the contractors processing equipment (tank volume), the workload and the time differential between treatments. chemical record shall be maintained on all control analyses pecformed, additions made or treatments administered to the processing solution. Upon request of the acquisition activity, such records, including reports of test results, shall be made available (see 4.5 and 6.2).3.9.1 The contractor shall be responsible for the safe reutilization and disposal of all material generated by this process (see 4.7, 6.12 and 6.13).4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements (examinations and tests) as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.4.2 Inspection provisions.4.2.1 Lot. A lot shall consist of passivated parts of similar alloy and manufacturing methods that are pretreated and passivated in one days production or within a timeframe which will ensure consistent passivation results. A lot shall consist of the same product of one size from one heat in one shipment. When the quantity of passivated parts in one days production does not warrant daily testing, the lot size shall be as agreed upon by the procuring activity and the contractor (see 6.2).4.2.2 Sampling. Sampling for visual examination. Samples shall be taken at random from each lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level S-4. The Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) shall be 1.0 percent defective. Sampling for other tests. Samples shall be taken at random from each lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level 8-3. The AQL shall be 1.0 percent defective. Identically processed specimens, made from the same material used to fabricate the parts, may be used for test purposes in lieu of large parts (see 6.6.). When authorized for use, the test specimens shall be randomly distributed throughout the lot during processing. When multiple tests are to be performed, separate samples are required for each test.4.3 Visual examination. Samples selected in accordance with shall be visually examined for etching, pitting or frosting (3.b), and workmanship (3.8).4.4 Test methods. The following tests are utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the passivation treatment. Unless otherwise specified, martensitic grade 440C shall be exempt from these tests (see 6.10). 4.4.1 Water immersion and high humidity tests. Samples selected in accordance with shall be subjected to either a water immersion test or a high humidity test to determine conformance with Water immersion test. The water immersion test shall be conducted in accordance with Method 100 of MIL-STD-753. High humidity test. The high humidity test shall be conducted as follows:a. Parts shall be cleaned by immersing them in acetone or methyl alcohol, then swabbing them with clean gauze saturated with acetone or methyl alcohol and drying in an inert atmosphere or desiccated container.b. The cleaned and dried parts shall be subjected to 95 - 100 percent humidity at 100 - 115F -(38 - 46C) in a suitable humidity cabinet for 24 - 26 hours.4.4.2 Salt spray and copper sulfate tests. The salt spray test may be specified in addition to or in lieu of either the water immersion test or the high humidity test. When such a test is specified, samples shall be selected in accordance with and shall conform to 3.7.2 and (see 6.11). Salt spray test. The salt spray test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM Bl17 for a minimum of 2 hours using a 5 percent salt solution. Copper sulfate test. The copper sulfate test shall be conducted in accordance with method 102 of MIL-STD-753.4.5 Certificate of analysis. When specifie