2019-2020同步人教英语新课标选修七讲义:Unit 1 英美文化欣赏 .doc
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2019-2020同步人教英语新课标选修七讲义:Unit 1 英美文化欣赏 .doc
【导读】谁动了我的奶酪?是一个有趣且能启蒙智慧的寓言故事,描绘了四个住在“迷宫”里的人物,他们竭尽所能地在寻找能滋养他们身心、使他们快乐的“奶酪”的过程。阅读下面的节选,认真体会“变是唯一的不变”这一生活真谛。Who Moved My Cheese?(excerpt)The Story of WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?Once,long ago in a land far away,there lived four little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese to nourish them and make them happy.Two were mice named “Sniff” and “Scurry” and two were little peoplebeings who were as small as mice but who looked and acted a lot like people today.Their names were “Hem” and “Haw.”Due to their small size,it would be easy not to notice what the four of them were doing.But if you looked closely enough,you could discover the most amazing things!Everyday the mice and the little people spent time in the maze looking for their own special cheese.The mice,Sniff and Scurry,possessing only simple rodent brains,but good instincts,searching for the hard nibbling cheese they like,as mice often do.The two little people,Hem and Haw,used their brains,filled with many beliefs,to search for a very different kind of cheesewith a Capital Cwhich they believed would make them feel happy and successful.As different as the mice and little people were,they shared something in common;every morning,they each put on their jogging suits and running shoes,left their little homes,and raced out into the maze looking for their favorite cheese.The maze was a labyrinth of corridors and chambers,some containing delicious cheese.But there were also dark corners and blind alleys leading nowhere.It was an easy place for anyone to get lost.However,for those who found their way,the maze held secrets that let them enjoy a better life. The mice,Sniff and Scurry,used the simple,but inefficient,trialanderror method of finding cheese.They ran down one corridor and if it proved empty,they turned and ran down another.Sniff would smell out the general direction of the cheese,using his great nose,and Scurry would race ahead.They got lost,as you might expect,went off in the wrong direction and often bumped into walls.However,the two little people,Hem and Haw,used a different method that relied on their ability to think and learn from their past experiences.Eventually in their own way,they all discovered what they were looking forthey each found their own kind of cheese one day at the end of one of the corridors in Cheese Station C.Every morning after that,the mice and the little people dressed in their running gear and headed over to Cheese Station CIt wasnt long before they each established their own routine.Sniff and Scurry continued to wake early every day and race through the maze,always following the same route.When they arrived at their destination,the mice took off their running shoes,tied them together and hung them around their necksso they could get to them quickly whenever they needed them again.Then they enjoyed the cheese.In the beginning Hem and Haw also raced toward Cheese Station C every morning to enjoy the tasty new morsels that awaited them.But after a while,a different routine set in for the little people.Hem and Haw awoke each day a little later,dressed a little slower,and walked to Cheese Station CAfter all,they knew where the Cheese was now and how to get there.They had no idea where the Cheese came from,or who put it there.“This is great,” Hem said.“Theres enough Cheese here to last us forever.” The little people felt happy and successful,and thought they were now secure.It wasnt long before Hem and Haw regarded the Cheese they found at Cheese Station C as their cheese.It was such a large store of Cheese that they eventually moved their homes to be closer to it,and built a social life around it.To make themselves feel more at home,Hem and Haw decorated the walls sayings and even drew pictures of Cheese around them which made them smile.Sometimes Hem and Haw would take their friends by to see their pile of Cheese at Cheese Station C,and point to it with pride,saying “Pretty nice Cheese,huh?” Sometimes they shared it with their friends and sometimes they didnt.“We deserve this Cheese,” Hem said.“We certainly had to work long and hard enough to find it.” He picked up a nice fresh piece and ate it.Afterwards,Hem fell asleep,as he often did.This went on for quite some time.谁动了我的奶酪?(节选)“谁动了我的奶酪?”的故事从前,在一个遥远的地方,住着四个小家伙。为了填饱肚子和享受乐趣,他们每天在迷宫里跑来跑去,在那里寻找奶酪。有两个小家伙是老鼠,一个叫“嗅嗅”,另一个叫“匆匆”。另外两个家伙则是小矮人,和老鼠一般大小,但和人一个模样,而且他们的行为也和我们今天的人类差不多。他俩的名字,一个叫“哼哼”,另一个叫“唧唧”。由于他们四个实在太小了,他们在干什么当然不太会引起旁人的注意。但如果你凑近去仔细观察,你会发现许多令人惊奇不已的事情!两个老鼠和两个小矮人每天都在迷宫中度过,在其中寻找他们各自喜欢的奶酪。嗅嗅、匆匆的大脑和其他啮齿类动物的差不多一样简单,但他们有很好的直觉。和别的老鼠一样,他们喜欢的是那种适合啃咬的、硬一点的奶酪。而那两个小矮人,哼哼和唧唧,则靠脑袋行事,他们的脑袋里装满了各种信念。他们要找的是一种带字母“C”的奶酪。他们相信,这样的奶酪会给他们带来幸福,使他们成功。尽管小老鼠和小矮人的目标各不相同,但他们做的事情是差不多的。每天早上,他们会各自穿上运动服和慢跑鞋,离开他们的小房子,跑进迷宫寻找他们各自钟爱的奶酪。迷宫中有许多曲折的走廊和好像蜂窝似的房间,其中的一些房间里藏着美味的奶酪,但更多的地方则是黑暗的角落和隐蔽的死胡同,任何人走进去都很容易迷路。同时,这座迷宫还有一种神奇的力量,对那些找到出路的人,它能使他们享受到美好的生活。两个老鼠,嗅嗅和匆匆,总是运用简单低效的反复尝试的办法找奶酪。他们跑进一条走廊,如果走廊里的房间都是空的,他们就返回来,再去另一条走廊搜寻。嗅嗅可以用他那了不起的鼻子嗅出奶酪的大致方向,匆匆则跑在前面开路。然而迷宫太大太复杂,如你所料,他们经常会迷路,离开正道走错了方向,有时甚至还会撞到墙上。而两个小矮人,哼哼和唧唧,则运用他们思考的能力,从过去的经验中学习。他们搞出了一套不同的寻找奶酪的方法。这四个家伙以他们各自的方式不懈地追寻着他们想要得到的东西。最后,终于有一天,在某个走廊的尽头,在奶酪C站,他们都找到了自己想要的奶酪。从那以后,这四个家伙,小老鼠和小矮人,每天早上穿上他们的跑步装备后便毫不犹豫地直奔奶酪C站。不久,他们都建立了熟悉的路线,并形成了各自的生活习惯。嗅嗅和匆匆仍旧每天都起得很早,然后沿着相同的路线跑进迷宫中。当老鼠们到达目的地后,他们脱下自己的跑鞋,有条不紊地将两只鞋系在一起,挂在脖子上以便需要的时候能够很快穿上。然后,他们才开始尽情地享用奶酪。在刚开始的一段时间里,哼哼和唧唧也是如此行事,每天早晨赶到奶酪C站,享用在那里等着他们的美味佳肴。然而,不久以后,小矮人们改变了他们的常规。哼哼和唧唧每天起得比老鼠们晚一些,懒懒地穿好运动服,然后信步走到奶酪C站。不管怎样,反正已经找到了奶酪。他们从没想过,奶酪是从哪里来的,是谁把它们放在那里的。“真是太好了!”哼哼说:“这里有这么多的奶酪,足够我们享用一辈子了。”小矮人们充满了幸福和成功的感觉,觉得从此可以无忧无虑了。不久,哼哼和唧唧更理所当然地认定,他们在奶酪C站发现的奶酪就是“他们自己的”奶酪了。这里的奶酪库存是如此的丰富,于是他们决定把家搬到更靠近奶酪C站的地方,还在周围一带开展了他们的社交活动。为了使这里有更像家的感觉,哼哼和唧唧把墙壁装饰了一通,还在墙上写了一些格言,并且精心地画上了一些非常可口的奶酪的图案。他们看着这些图画和格言,会心地笑了。有时,他们会带朋友来参观他们在奶酪C站里成堆的奶酪,自豪地指着这些奶酪说:“多么美妙可口的奶酪呀,不是吗?”有时,他们还会与朋友们一起分享这些奶酪,而有时则单独享用。“我们应该拥有这些奶酪,”哼哼说,“为了找到它们,我们可是付出了长期而艰苦的努力的,我们当然有资格拥有它们。”他一边说着一边拿起一块鲜美的奶酪放进嘴里。然后,就像往常一样,哼哼便睡着了。这样的境况维持了相当长的一段时间。知识积累1maze n迷宫2rodent adj.啮齿目的3nibble v.啃;咬4labyrinth n.曲径5chamber n.房间6morsel n.佳肴文化链接谁动了我的奶酪?之“奶酪”解读故事中的“奶酪”是一种比喻,它可以被当成我们生命中最想得到的东西。它可能是一份工作、人际关系、金钱、财产、健康、心灵的宁静等。生活在这样一个快速、多变和危机的时代,每个人都可能面临着与过去完全不同的境遇,人们时常会感到自己的“奶酪”在变化。“如果不改变,就会被淘汰”,这又何尝不是生活的真谛呢?