精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - workshop take full re sponsi bility. 3, will re ceive a month's material s and consumpti on a nd retur ns from pr assessment per son 100 Yuan. 54th in t he recy cling pr oce ss, no w orker who re sell or gl ove and social agepr oduction technology s nts steal, once discovere d,s ecti on for verificati on before the 26th la bor contra cts, and examination the of the mont competeh, reporting day of dela y, assessme nt of 30 y nt hea d of 1000 Yuan, Manager 2000 Yuan 1000 Yuay uan. 4 organi zation prior t o 30th at t n, in charge of the company lea t he end of ea dership. Sevech quarte r, bi otechnology section of ea nth Festival safety monitoring aea ch w ppraisal rules orkshop a 55th nd w arehouse check clothi ng with proteonce, found ction 1, one of the stock material i nconsi stent wit habit ual violati on of the follh othe re porting i ng asse ssmendata, assessment work t of 50: (1) entering shop materials for 50 Yua producti on site i n higa h hen, 100 Yuan, Direct or. 5, ta el s, slipper s, dresses, belta s, ble fill, fou nd regi ster for nuclear materials m coats, windbreake r, hea lth pa nts, vest, etonthly c. (2) the electri 50 Yua n, 100 Yuan, Direct i cian on duty stoppeor. 6, production technology se d . ction to organize the inventory work, lacks an assessment of 100 Yuan, delay inventor r y, assessment of 50 Yuan a month. Sixth recycling a a ssessment rule 52nd parts and the availability of a fix value, by a repairman to judge, judgme e nt as stipulated i i n the relevant assessment; obsolete equi pment the repair of using values determined by the Busine e ss Department, business judgment, , each assessment the responsible person 300 yuan, 500 Yuan, head, is in charge of the company's leadership 1000 Yuan. 53r d workshop recycling classification account should be established, no accounting4, superior to visit our company gui i dance, nee d to look at, the leadership responsi ble for reception or service explain our system, depending on the circumstances, responsi ble leaders safe. 56th producti on safety management on site 1, from superi ri or issued customary in violation of provisions of, an assessment of hazar d levels according to 50-300. 2, daily easy violation violation highlig hted below and accordi di ng to the folloi ng standard: (1) pr pr oduction pla la nt must have sufficient lighting insi de and outside and found a light not lit check pow er Workshop 10, lamp and no light bulbs each assessment workshop 10 Yuan. (2) inside and outside the plant, all lifts, size hole must have cov er plates, , stairs and platforms must be not less than 1 m of railings not less than 100 mm in height and trim, little evaluati ati on 10. (3) the duty room doors are not locke d, no bolts or other things, found a examination 10. (4) free to store gasoline, kerose ne, al cohol in the workpla ce should be properly kept or found a examination 10. (5) access to the distribution room shall ll be shut, distribution room wi i ndowprivate plate door cover shoul d be tight, or find a Department asse ssment 10. (6) all kinds determof special ine d by equipment m the Busineust be used ss De partment, busi by the si nepersonnel management a ness judgment, ea ch assessmend f nt the reoll ows: special sponsi equipment mble person 300 yust be used uan, 500 Yua d by the person nel managua n, he ad, is i n charge of the ement and he compa non-ny's leaprofessi dership onals not allowed t 1000 Yua n. 53o tamper wit 3r d workshop recyclh, a innd offenders g cl assifics asse ssment ati on a ccount 10 yuat shouln per per d be esta blison. spe shed, no acialwork ccounting asshop tak sessmee full responsibilit nt person 100 Yuay. 3, will rece n. 54th in thive a month's material e recycl ing pr oce ss, s and consumpti o worker wti on and ret ho re sell or glet urns from production technology ove and social agent s steal, once discovere secti on for vere d, labo verification before t r contract s, and examihe 2 nation6t h of the mont the competeh, re nt hporting ea d of day of delay, assessme d of 1000 Yuan, Manager e nt of 30 y2000 Yuan 1uan. 4 orga 000 Yuanization pri n, in charge or to of the com30th at t panyhe e leand of each quarter, bi dership. Seve nth Festotechnol ival safety monogy itse ction of eaoring a ppch workshop a raisal rules a nd warehouse 55th othing witche h pr ock once, found stock material inconsisteotection 1, one of the ha bitual violation nt with t of the follohe re wing ae porting ssessmedata, a nt ofssessment w 50: (1) enteriorkshop material ng production site s for 50 Yuan, 100 Yuan, Direin high heels, slippers, drctor. 5, tabl esse s, belte fill, found regi s, coats, wi ndbreaker, ster for nuclear material health pants, vl s monthly 50 Yuaest, etc. (2) the elen, 100 Yua ctricia n on duty st n, Dire st oppedctor. 6, pr . oduction te chnol ol ogy section to o organize the inve ntory work, lacks an asse ssment of 100 Yuan, delay invent ory, assessment of 50 Yua n a month. Sixth recycling asse ssment rule 52nd parts and the availability of a fix value, by a repairman to judge e , judgment as stipulated in the relevant a a sse ssment; obsolete equipment the re re pair of usi ng value4, sup kinds erior t of s vi sit our pe cial equipmecom pany gui nt must be i dance, nee d to look at, the lea duse d by the personnel managemeership re sponsi ble for recnt and follows: special eepti on or service explain qui pment must be used our system, de pending by the personnel maon the circu nagement amstances, re nd non-professispo onnsi ble lea ders a s not all owesafe. 56th produd to tamper witcti on safety manh, and offenderagemen s asset on site 1, from supe ssment 10 yuari or issuen per person. specid customary in vi olation of provi sions of, an asse ssment of hazar d levels a ccording t o 50-300. 2, daily e asy violati on violation highlig hted below and accordi ng to the foll owi ng standard: (1) pr oduction pla nt must have sufficie nt lighting i nsi de and outside and found a light not lit check pow er Workshop 10, lam p and no light bulbs each assessment w orkshop 10 Yua n. (2) inside and outside t he plant, all lifts, si ze hole must have cov er plates, stairs and platforms must be not less tha n 1 m of railings not less thaaln 100 mm in height and trim, little evaluati ati on 10. (3) the duty room doors are not locke d, no bolts or other things, found a examination 10. (4) free to store gasoline, kerose ne, al cohol in he workpla ce should be properly kept or found a examination 10. (5) access to the distribution room shall be shut, distribution room wi i ndowprivate plate door cover shoul d be tight, or find a Department asse ssment 10. (6) all s 第十九届华罗庚金杯少年数学邀请赛初赛试卷(小学高年级 B 组)(时间 :2014 年 3 月 15 日 8:009:00)一、选择题(每小题10 分,满分 60 分以下每题的四个选项中,仅有一个是正确的,请将表示正确答案的英文字母填在答题卡相应题处)1平面上的四条直线将平面分割成八个部分,则这四条直线中至多有(A 0 B 2 C3 D 4 )条直线互相平行2在下列四个算式中:ABCD2,EF0,GH1,IJ4, AJ 代表 09 中的不同数字,那么两位数AB 不可能是()D96 A 54 B58 C92 3淘气用一张正方形纸剪下了一个最大的圆(如图甲),笑笑用一张圆形纸剪下了七个相等的最大圆(如图乙),在这两种剪法中,哪种剪法的利用率最高?(利用率指的是剪下的圆形面积和占原来图形面积 的百分率)下面几种说法中正确的是()A 淘气的剪法利用率高 B笑笑的剪法利用率高名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -C两种剪法利用率一样D无法判断4小华下午2 点要到少年宫参加活动,但他的手表每个小时快了4 分钟,他特意在上午10 点时对好了表 当小华按照自己的表于下午2 点到少年宫时,实际早到了()A 14 B15 C16 D17 5甲乙丙丁四个人今年的年龄之和是72 岁几年前(至少一年)甲是22 岁时,乙是16 岁又知道,当甲是 19 岁的时候,丙的年龄是丁的3 倍(此时丁至少1 岁)如果甲乙丙丁四个人的年龄互不相同,那么今年甲的年龄可以有(equipment units management approache s and measures are required, system failure, no control measures examination of 100 Yuan. electric tools should be required to identify or find a examination 10. lifting gear must be in accorda nce with the regulations of periodic checks, failed to pass the tests to sto)种情况 using the offender assessment 100 at a time. Accidents, disor der, abnormal according to the work safety assessment Ordi nance. (7) the operators to strictly enforce the post operation regulations, change control, and should be reported to the Chief Engineer approval, fight recklessly found equipment, in violation of, illegal operation once assessment of 100 Yuan, causi ng abnormal accident and above in accordance with the safety assessment Ordinance. (8) where checking out needs improvement proje ct, not yet implemented in the time allotted, not reported, ea ch a ssessment unit of 50 Yua n, urged still cannot be corrective a ction assessment of 100 Yuan. (9) production plant architecture blows on unapproved holes, placed on the floor, frame is overweight, worn hanging wire rope lifting weights does not check the bearing ca pacity evaluation of 100 Yuan. (10) because of work, open the cover doe s not cover the assessment in a timely manner of 100 Yuan, there are serious safety risks that heavi i er asse ssment. (11) hang 400V electrical circuit not fixed temporary power supply disassemble left out threads after examination-50 Yuan. (12) non-production w orkers into the production site with a private conversation, bring children into the pr oduction (construction), a number of assessment 50 Yuan. (13) in the fire district fire, does not deal with hot w ork asse e ssment 100 Yuan, such as fire in the ta ta nk and the cover weld unprotected, feel free to work, adding assessment of 50 Yuan. (14) the wipe roll machi nery does not hold the rag (cotton), after throwing about. (15) inside and outside the factory mini . (4) smoke in the production area. (5) Spider-man not wearing a seat belt. (6) the site does not wear a helmet (7) Savage is not the end of constructi ti on, doe s not obey order s and construction clean up. (8) the use of child labour or workers over 60 years old, dumb, deaf, incomplete limb, mobility of migrant workers. (9) workers entering production site after dri i nking, while checking the guardian of 50 Yua a n. 4, fine formalities assessment of safety supervisi si on Bur eau of the workers directly finance department after two days does not apply for payment proce dures penalty 50%. Eighth energy metering management rule 59th measuring instrument configuration, complete, accurate and appe ar/vulnerabilities, not standby or inaccurate assessment task force 50, to the head per son in charge 50 Yuan. 60th new measuring instrument nt s are not required to register or registration is not complete assessment responsible 30; account la cks a n assessme e nt of measuring instr uments re e sponsi ble for 10 Yuan, beyond doe s not update the last review responsibility for 30 yuan. 64th energy-saving point, check twice a month, less a n assessment of 150 Yuan for no reason, responsi ble for 50 Yuan, 100 Yuan, head. 65th is prohibited in a n irrigated land, found a checkequipment units management approaches aand measureare require e d, system failure, no control measures examination of 100 Yuan. electric tool s should be required to identify or find a examination 10. lifting gear must be i i n accor r dance with the regulations of periodi c checks, failed to pass the tests to stop using he offender assessment 100 at a time. Accidents, disordeprivate conv ersation, bri ng childre the hea d person i n charge 50 Yuar, abnormal a ccordi ng to the w ork san into the production (construction), a n. 60t h new measuri ng instr uments are fety assessme nt Or dina nce. (7) the operators to strictlnumber of asse ssment 50 Yuan. (13) in the fire distri e not require d to register or registration is not complety enfor ce the post operatioct fire, doe s not deal wit e assessment responsibln reg ulations, cha h hot work assessme e 30; a ccount lacks acha nge control, and should be reported to t nt 100 Yuan, such as fire in t n assessme nt of measuri t he Chief Engi neer a pprhe tank and the cover we ld unpr ng instr uments responsi ble for 10 Yuan, oval, f otecteight reckle ssly found e d, feel free to work, a beyond does not update t e qui pment, i n violati on of, illegal operation once asseddi ng asse ssment of 50 Yuan. (14) the wipe roll ma chi t he last review responsi bility for 30 yuan. 64th energy-savi ssme nt of 100 Yuan, causing a bnormal anery does not hold the rag (cotton), after throwi vi ng point, che ck twice a month, leccide ss ant a n assen d above in a ccordang about. (15) inside a ssment of 150 Yuance with th nd outsi n for no reae safety asse ssment Ordinance. (8) where checki de the factory mini . (4) smoke in the son, responsibl e for 50 Yua n, 100 Yuan, hecki ng out ne eds improducti on area. (5) Spider-ma hea d. 65t h is prohibite d provement prn not wearing a d in a n irrigated laoje ct, not yet impleme na seat belt. (6) the site nd, found a che cknted in t he time all otted, not reported, doe s not wear a helmet (7) Savage is not teach assessme nt unit he end of constrof 50 Yuan, ucti on, urged doe s not still obey cannot orders a t be correcti a nd constrve a uction clction asse ssment of 100 Yuan. (9) pr ean up. (8) the use of child la pr oduction plbour or workerant architect s over 60 yearure bl ows s old, dumon una pprove d hob, deaf, incomplles, pla ced on t he floor, frame is over weight, wete limb, mobility of migrant workers. (9) workers eorn hangi nntering pr g wire ro r oductipe lifting w eigon site after drihts doe nkings not check the beari , while che cking t he guar ng ca pacity evaluation of 100 Yua n. (10)r dian of 50 Yuan. 4, fine formalities a be cause sse ssment of work , open t of safety supervi t he cover does sion Bureau not c o of the wer the assessm orkers diree nt in a timely mctly finance deanner of 100 Y