精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - . .照元( 20 个)长元 i: .: .: u: : 短元 i . . u . e . 双元 ei ai .i au .u i. . u.辅( 28 个)轻辅 p t k f s ts tr t d 浊辅 b d g v e z dz dr 3 个鼻 m n .3 个似拼 .h l r 2 个元 .j w 开节: a 辅 +元 +辅 n m b m d n n b 辅 +元 g d b r r 闭节: a 辅 +元 +辅 : bad, bed, sit, hot, cup,let, mad, map b元 +辅 : it,is, of, in, on, up, out, ant 重读节:. . 节;1 元 .尾e个元 . 节;元 . 尾 .整体;2 个元 . . 个 .个辅 . 辅 . .节 . 尾 . 节 . . 个 . . . .节 .:个 . . 个 .遵守;尾看 e . 节 . 双 . . 愁;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 读 音字母组合单词i: ei/ey Key eithe. r e he she me ee three . tree green. sheep . meet beef see seek e 口 e These Chine . se piece.ea eat tea meat leave . lead teach . er team mean speak. clean .ie/eispiece . field. recei. ve 音之后 .: ir girl shirt. skirt. thirt. y thirt. een third.bird ur turn burn murde. r nurse . turtl. e Thurs . day burge . r ear learn . earn earth . heard .er term her nerd serve .or 在w work worm work world音后面 .: a wateral small . wall talk tall hall ball call walk aw draw ar quarr . el quart. er ar 在wwarm towar . ds 音后面U: au caugh. t autum . n daugh . ter . sport.第 2 页,共 8 页or short . more lord horse. for fortyoor door floor.our four mourn . court .ore more score. befor. e oar roar board.o shoe do two 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - oo food moon room gloom. broom . doom goose. tooth.u true truth. blue full prude.ui fruit. juice.eu/ew 在flew brew jewel. ry j l r s后u 在辅音June blue ruler. super .字母 j l a: r s后面fast class. last glass. plant. aunt calm a ar car farm card arm garde. n au: laugh . aunt ear heart .al 在 f mhalf calm 前a 在 f n after. plant. graph . ask grasp . glass . fast sk ph sp fathe . r ss st th前i i sit pictur e it is list six mix fix fit pig big . y myth many twenty happy dictionarya orang . e comra . de villa. ge cabba . ge e chick . en pocke . t begin. child. ren er teach . er leade . r remem. ber playe . r speak . er farme . r powde . r 名师归纳总结 or docto . r actor. mayor . autho . r tract. or 第 3 页,共 8 页ou delic . ious graci. ous ar famil . iar colla. r dolla. r - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - o contr ol polite secon . d tonig. ht someb . ody welco . me . a Japan china anoth. er woman. break . fast e men listen hundr . ed stude . nt open weeke . nd u amulus Saturday o clock . not box shop sock a 在wwant what watch. wash quali. ty 音后面U o woman. wolf .oo look good foot book wood U/ul put full bull pull push oul shoul d couldo dose oo blood floodu cup jump much lunch. supper fun gun hunt cup bus ou troub l e rough flour i sh o 在 m n v come monke. y love mothe . r th 前e e bed desk hotel yes let pen egg . . a many any ea head bread pleas ure a bag hand and ant happy. hat map mad bad blackback glad ei a rain paint plain baby 第 4 页,共 8 页名师归纳总结 ai afrai. d rain wait ay play say may way ea great breakei/ey they greyeight. neigh . bour a 口 e name cake late gate plane- - 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- - - - - -