Document No: Ver 1.00 Page 1 of 3 Offer Letter 录取通知书 is optional item, request for review and update accordingly 部分为可选项,请审核后根据实际情况更新PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 保密信息 Dear 亲爱的 I have pleasure in offering you a position at( “the Company ”) under the following terms: 非常高兴地通知您,您被我公司(以下简称“公司”)录用,录取的条款如下:Position职位Department部门 : XXXXXX Cost Center成本中心 : XXXX Position 职位 : XXXXXX Direct Supervisor直属上级 : XXX Location 工作地点 : XXX Commencing Date入职日期 : XXXXXXX Probation Period试用期 : 3 or 6 Months Labor Contract Period劳动合同期限:3 Years Your duties will be performed within and outside the Peoples Republic of China, if required by your job responsibilities or supervisor. 根据业务需要或者主管安排,您的工作将在中国境内或是境外完成。This offer is conditional on provision of two appropriate references and a successful pre-employment medical check up. 本录取通知书在您通过入职体检及公司成功完成两个背景调查后方可生效。Remuneration薪酬1.Base Salary 基本工资Your gross (before tax) monthlybase salary will be RMB, out of which we will withhold your personal income taxes and the portion of social welfare benefits for which the individual is responsible. Document No: Ver 1.00 Page 2 of 3 您的税前月度基本工资为人民币。公司会代扣代缴个人缴纳的社会保险及个人所得税,但是缴纳的责任在员工本人。Remuneration levels and employee gradings are determined by performance, which is reviewed at least annually. Any changes will normally take place in next January.Our objective is to provide performance-driven remuneration to our employees and ensure internal equity and external competitiveness of rewards. 公司会根据绩效情况每年审核调整员工薪酬。薪酬调整一般在次年一月。我们的薪酬支付会考虑公司内部薪酬的公平性及外部市场的竞争可比性,结合员工的绩效结果做调整。2.Annual Wage Supplement 年度工资补贴You are entitled to receive annual wage supplementequivalent to one month of your base salary during end of calendar year, you are employed by the Company by December 31st.If you are employed by the Company at the time of the payment, but have not worked the full calendar year, you will receive a pro-rated payment. 年度工资补贴将于每年年底授予员工,总额为您一个月的基本工资。补贴将与次年一月份工资一并发放。只有于当年12 月 31 日前到职且依然在公司任职的员工才享有该补贴,金额将会参照当年入职时间按比例得到。3.Annual Bonus 年度奖金Except for certain sales function staff, all employees who are with the company as of 31st December and joined the Company before September 30th, are eligibility for the annual bonus program on a pro-rated basis. 除去特定销售员工外,所有在于9 月 30 日前到职,并于12 月 31 日依然于公司任职的员工都将能够按比例得到年度奖金。Benefits福利Medical, work-related injury, maternity and unemployment insurance, basic pension and housing fund payments and other statutory welfare benefits will be provided to you in accordance with the laws and regulations in the Peoples Republic of China. The Comp any also provides commercial accident insurance. 公司根据中国法律法规的要求支付法定的社会福利,包括养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育及公积金。除此之外,公司还将为您提供商业人身意外保险。Annual Leave年假You are entitled to days paid leave per annum. You will also be entitled to ten public holidays per year. Leave must be scheduled in advance and approved by your direct supervisor. 除了法定节假日外,您享有每年天的年假。年假申请需提前告知并获取直属上级的批准。Termination of Employment 离职条款In the event that you resign or your employment is terminated by the Company for reasons other than grounds which warrant instant dismissal, 30 days written notice must be provided by either yourself or the firm.During your probationary period, 3 days prior notice in writing shall be provided by either party. 除有关导致立即解聘的情况,员工或公司一般需要提前三十日书面通知对方离职事宜。若员工在试用期内,雇佣双方可通过书面形式提前三天通知离职事宜。Document No: Ver 1.00 Page 3 of 3 Confidentiality 保密性Our Company follows a strict policy on the confidentiality of all compensation matters. Employee s compensation is a personal matter between them and the leadership of the Company. Any inquiry, discussion or disclosure of employee compensation to the third party is strictly prohibited, and may lead to violation of disciplinary action with penalty including dismissal. 公司要求严格保密员工的薪酬信息。员工的薪酬信息是个人和领导层之间的隐私。严格禁止向第三方透露员工薪酬信息,否则将会受到包括解雇在内的纪律处分。As our potential employee, you have the responsibility of keeping all salary information in the offer letter confidential. 作为公司即将录用的新员工,您对于录用通知书中的薪酬信息也负有保密义务。Acceptance of Offer接受录取If you are agreeable to accepting employment on the above terms and conditions kindly sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter to us within one week of this offer, otherwise our offer shall no longer be valid. 如果您同意接受上述条款及条件,请在录取通知书上签字,并将通知书的副本在发放日起的一周内返还公司,否则录取将失效。Sincerely, 此致,敬礼!_ _ Business Head Name HRBP Name Business Head Director Human Resources 业务负责人人力资源总监Business Unit Name 事业部- ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER 接受录取I, , understand and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions contained in this letter of offer and hereby confirm my acceptance. 我,名字,已阅读并接受以上所有条款,并接受聘用条款。_ _ Name/Signature Date 姓名 /签字日期