Procedure Document :Incoming Inspection Operation ProcedureDoc. No.:QP1001Version:A/1Effective date: TW-F-AM11 1.Purpose: The procedure is established to control accepting and storing materials or semi-finished product, which meet quality specification under the most economical quality level and productivity. 2. Scope: It applies to all the incoming material and semi-finished product and products supplied by customer. Products supplied by customers are not inspected if with inspection relevant document provided. 3. Definition: 3.1 IQC: Incoming quality control. 3.2 MRB: Material review board. 4. Responsibility and Authority: 4.1 Material Management Dept.: Be responsible for material acceptance, counting for acceptance, verification and informing IQC verification. 4.2 Purchasing Dept.: Serve as the window of communication with manufacturer and feedback. 4.3 IQC: Be responsible for inspection and determining conformity and non-conformity. 4.4 MRB: Identify non-conforming material. 5. Content: 5.1 Origin and management of specification document: 5.1.1 “Material Admission Letter”, “Drawing ”, “Inspection Standard” etc. shall be released and controlled by Document Control Center. 5.1.2 Sample shall follow the criteria of the sample approved and released. 5.2 Incoming Inspection Rules: Sampling plan/ permission level: Implementation is based on “Sampling Plan Operation Procedure ” if customer has no special requirements. 5.3 Material acceptance/counting for acceptance: 5.3.1 Vendor shall deliver goods on the fixed date. When deliver, material acceptance personnel shall take the material with checking on the issues as serial number, quantity, product name and PO. 5.3.2 Material Management Department shall establish “Delivery Receipt” according to shipment list and invoice and inform IQC to conduct inspection. 5.3.3 If the data is found incomplete, Purchasing shall be informed to ask the Vendor to make up data such as serial number, quantity, product name, PO, etc. 5.3.4 Material shall be put in waiting area for inspection with referring to “Warehousing Management Operation Procedure”Procedure Document :Incoming Inspection Operation ProcedureDoc. No.:QP1001Version:A/1Effective date: TW-F-AM12 5.4 Sampling inspection 5.4.1 Validation involves inspection on appearance and specification according to “Inspection Standard”.5.4.2 The inspection data shall be recorded in “Delivery Receipt” of ERP control system to show status of conforming or non-conforming. 5.4.3 The limitation for inspection data is 10 pcs if no other stipulations provided by customer. Whereas the one for destructive inspection shall be 3 pcs at most adjusting according to unit price and actual destructiveness and the data of non-conforming products shall be recorded. 5.5 Determination: 5.5.1 After inspection, the inspection personnel shall determine conformity and non-conformity according to AQL and submit to supervisor for approval. 5.5.2 Conforming materials shall be labeled with “ACCEPT ” (Sample) and confirmed in the ERP control system for warehouse storage. 5.5.3 Non-conforming materials shall be labeled with “REJECT ”(Sample). “Incoming Inspection Record” shall be filled in and sent to Purchasing and Material Control to decide whether waive requisition shall be raised. Non-conforming materials shall be moved to Non-conformity area for temporary keeping and disposed in limited time. 5.6 MRB Handling: 5.6.1 MRB authorized personnel shall be composed of Quality, Production Control,Material Control, Purchasing, Manufacturing, Engineering, Sales, etc. 5.6.2 MRB determination outcome shall be “waive, selection, rejection” etc.5.6.3 MRB personnel shall put forward opinions within their own responsibility,which shall be taken as the basis of batch examination and identification. 5.6.4 If agreement can not reached, MRB shall transfer to management representative or General Manager for decision. 5.6.5 Production control/ Material control/ Sales shall decide on the raising of special purchase requisition depending on the urgency degree. When raise, “Waive requisition” shall be filled in to explain the reasons and then submitted to MRB for decision. Please refer to “Waive Operation Procedure”.5.6.6 If not needed, Warehousing Control shall be informed for reject procedure and Purchasing personnel shall inform suppliers to deal with rejection issues within 3 days. 5.7 Non-conforming product disposition 5.7.1 After determined as waive, material shall be labeled with “WAIVE ” to inform warehouse for delivery storage. 5.7.2 Purchasing shall inform supplier to select. If necessary, QA, MFG and MMD shall cooperate with each other for selection in order to ensure quality of material sent to production line. Procedure Document :Incoming Inspection Operation ProcedureDoc. No.:QP1001Version:A/1Effective date: TW-F-AM13 5.7.3 After determined for reject and rejected ones in above mentioned, material shall be controlled intensively and labeled with “REJECT ” to inform Warehousing Control for reject. 5.7.4 After inspected non-conforming product, the final conclusion in “IncomingInspection Record” or “Waive Requisition” shall be transferred to Purchasing to inform vendor, as the basis for disposition and improvement. 5.8 Corrective feedback 5.8.1 QA shall send “Subcontractor Quality Improvement Notice” to vendor according to the following situations. The same problems happened to the same vendor for 3 or more than 3 times. Material with same product name returned to the same vendor for 3 times. Being judged to be seriously bad quality by MRB. Problems happened in production: electronic material defect rate reaches 0.3%; machinery, packing material defect rate reaches 2%. 5.8.2 QA shall draw up “Subcontractor Quality Improvement Notice” and vendor shall propose cause investigation and improvement strategies in limited time. On-site instruction shall be conducted if necessary. 5.8.3 Follow-up for the validated defect improvement shall be carried out at incoming. IQC shall propose to cancel AVL for the unimproved ones in accordance with “IncomingInspection Record” and “Subcontractor Quality Improvement Notice”.5.9 Incoming Inspection Report 5.9.1 IQC shall compile daily incoming inspection result into “Incoming Inspection Quality Weekly Report ” and “Incoming Inspection Quality Monthly Report” to monitor incoming quality status at times. 6.Reference: 6.1 Inspection Standard (QW1011) 6.2 Sampling Plan Operation Procedure (QP1005) 6.3 Material Admission Letter (QR0406.02) 6.4 Non-conforming Product Control Operation Procedure (QP1301) 6.5 Waive Operation Procedure (QP1302) 6.6 Warehousing Management Operation Procedure (QP1502) 7.Form: 7.1 Delivery Receipt (ERP System) 7.2 Incoming Inspection Record (QR1001.01) 7.3 Subcontractor Quality Inspection Notice (QR1301.01) 7.4 Waive Requisition (QR1302.01) Procedure Document :Incoming Inspection Operation ProcedureDoc. No.:QP1001Version:A/1Effective date: TW-F-AM14 7.5 Incoming Inspection Quality Weekly Report (QR2001.01) 7.6 Incoming Inspection Quality Monthly Report (QR2001.02)