本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑代表电话销售岗位职责 电话销售代表 麦田房产 北京麦田房产经纪有限公司,北京麦田,北京麦田房产,北京麦田集团,麦田房产 岗位职责: 1、负责新客户和业主的开发; 2、负责客户与业主的接待与询问,供应顾问式的询问服务; 3、负责公寓、别墅、写字楼租赁的全过程,包括识别需求、带看、收意向、谈判、签约及过户和老客户经营等,促成业务成交; 任职资格: 1、大专(含)以上学历,年龄20岁-35岁之间,男女不限,专业不限; 2、敏锐的洞察力,较强的抗压和抗挫力量;勇于接受房产行业的压力和挑战; 3、沟通力量强,一般话标准;有亲和力,工作乐观主动,乐观开朗; 4、做事仔细踏实,为人正直恳切,具有良好的团队精神。 篇2:执行代表岗位职责 IBO(服务方案执行代表) To act according to relevant processes based on the standards of our worldwide organization. Contribute to the permanent improvement of these processes. And be able to design and set up new processes based on change requirements from the market. Act as role model and actively provide support to and motivate team members, and take additional responsibility for specific project-based tasks. Act as a coach / mentor to provide training to other/new team member, as well as prepare the training files. Organize and lead internal project handover meetings after contract signing to ensure a clear briefing provided by respective Services teams for a successful implementation of the projects. Prepare and monitor the project schedule, forecast and planning of project resources according to the budget. Organize and lead kick off meetings, regular project review meetings and closing meetings for Services projects externally and/or internally Conduct project site visit to review the project schedule, quality of work and ensure the timing and KPI compliance to the contract. Monitor and collect feedback from the customers during the project implementation, discuss internally and implement further improvement on the implementation in order to achieve the highest customer satisfaction level. Initiate order processing activities for Services contracts including spare parts and service orders, monitor deliveries, plan service assignments and issue the relevant documents externally and internally in an accurate manner. Organize technical clarifications for Services projects. Initiate invoices issuing timely, payment collection, and coordinate with Finance Dept. for VAT Planning. Handle Technical Open Topics and Customer Complaints under Services projects, define appropriate solutions, action plans and monitor resolving progress. Manage escalations to ensure the issues are solved accurately and timely. Review projects, collect feedback from customers actively and monitor the customer satisfaction. Review and make project reports for project implementation status, keep the documentation updated. Provide competitor information and make suggestions for appropriate countermeasures. Use our ERP system (SAP R/3) intensively for the daily business, due to the high level of standardization and automation. Perform other related duties assigned based on business needs. To act according to relevant processes based on the standards of our worldwide organization. Contribute to the permanent improvement of these processes. And be able to design and set up new processes based on change requirements from the market. Act as role model and actively provide support to and motivate team members, and take additional responsibility for specific project-based tasks. Act as a coach / mentor to provide training to other/new team member, as well as prepare the training files. Organize and lead internal project handover meetings after contract signing to ensure a clear briefing provided by respective Services teams for a successful implementation of the projects. Prepare and monitor the project schedule, forecast and planning of project resources according to the budget. Organize and lead kick off meetings, regular project review meetings and closing meetings for Services projects externally and/or internally Conduct project site visit to review the project schedule, quality of work and ensure the timing and KPI compliance to the contract. Monitor and collect feedback from the customers during the project implementation, discuss internally and implement further improvement on the implementation in order to achieve the highest customer satisfaction level. Initiate order processing activities for Services contracts including spare parts and service orders, monitor deliveries, plan service assignments and issue the relevant documents externally and internally in an accurate manner. Organize technical clarifications for Services projects. Initiate invoices issuing timely, payment collection, and coordinate with Finance Dept. for VAT Planning. Handle Technical Open Topics and Customer Complaints under Services projects, define appropriate solutions, action plans and monitor resolving progress. Manage escalations to ensure the issues are solved accurately and timely. Review projects, collect feedback from customers actively and monitor the customer satisfaction. Review and make project reports for project implementation status, keep the documentation updated. Provide competitor information and make suggestions for appropriate countermeasures. Use our ERP system (SAP R/3) intensively for the daily business, due to the high level of standardization and automation. Perform other related duties assigned based on business needs. 篇3:销售代表业务岗位职责 内贸业务/销售代表 众志金刚石 泉州众志金刚石工具有限公司,众志,众志金刚石,众志 1、工作内容:拓展国内业务。(例如:市场调研及规划、销售渠道建设、客户管理、订单执行及产品应用跟踪、资金回笼保障等)。 2、学历要求:大专学历,条件优秀者可放宽至中专学历。(可接受应届毕业生) 3、专业要求:市场营销、粉末冶金、材料学、金属材料、超硬材料、高分子、机械类及相关专业。 4、其它要求:身体健康、能适应长期出差外派,语言表达流利、有较好心态和学习力量。 5、优先条件:销售类实习阅历、项目管理阅历优先。 6、中短期培育方向:销售代表、区域业务主管 7、年收入:第一年大约4W-6W/年(业绩+绩效考核),其次年、三年7-10万/年(工资+业绩提成+出差补贴),后期依据工作表现定级。 第 5 页 共 5 页