精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Manipulator i technology ai s now used a s a industria l robots in use , the control obje nd t he rapi d devel opme nt of the trains, the success of PLC harctives often appear often i dware software and n industrial automati simulation control win on. Industrial big and succeautomati on technology ssful development, now has gradually mature d, as mat conti nue s to develop as a factory aure a technology li ne ha s be utomation standards. Becabe en ra pid development i use robots are gn industrial ood devel opmeautomation as a separate subject. Ma nt of the technology makes a gnipulator appli cation bega ood optimizati on of productive caa n to f ilter int o welding, l pital, and robot shows togistics, mechani his uni que a dvi cal antages, processi ng, a nd ot her i such as: has g ood comndustries. E spe cially at patibi lity, wi de availahigh or very low tem peratures, full of poisonous gases, high radiati bility, hardwar e is complete, a nd programming that can be mastered in on case, robot in a short time, so i similar cir o i n the cumstances showed great use a lso context of industrial PLC applications beo bringgs great conveni ence to the staf came ubiquitous. Ma nipulator ir if. Precisely n many develbe cause of this robot to get people's attenti ope d country agriculture a nd iti ndustry has on began t o be a high bee n applied, such as t degree of devel t he use of mechani opment. La bor rates, working ni cal harve sting large areas conditi ons, labor inte nsive a spe cts of promoti ng devel of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed lopme nt. Both at home a ine that use s a robotic arm, and abroa d to develop the nd so on. Toda y, thPLC (programmable l ogic e high level of automation combicontroller) is i ned wit i n various special cir h restricti ons on tir cumstances a he mani pulatornd under spe cial conditions devel opment level i s slightly lowset for mechani er tha n the inter cal devi ces. Now tur er national. T he dened on the devel opme sign is mai nly arm weldint of the mi ng machine croele ctronics automati by PLC Aut omation c control control. This of design let desig ners on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didn't opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowle e dge has has must awareness, hope desig ig ners can i n yihou of design i i n the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in bot h at home and abroad of research pr ofile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with cmputer and automation te ch nol ogy of development, Makes mecha nical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation a nnd shine, gradually became an industrial evaluati on standards, a nd its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass s production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations t hat can dete ct the external environment, but ca ca n stillsuccessfully complete like wel l ding, painting, del ivery as well as for materials simple moveme e nts. Se e cond generation me e cha nical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the envir onment there is a certain amount t of "sense", when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a ba a sis. Difference is that t t he robot begand 2016年高考备考知识点汇总地理必修2 复习提纲第一章 人口的变化 第一节 人口的数量变化考试说明要求:1、知道人口增长在不同社会发展阶段的主要特点。2、结合实例,说明不同地区人口增长的主要特点。主要知识点:1、一个地区人口的自然增长,是由和共同决定的。世界人口数量变化的总趋势是。2、不同社会发展阶段人口增长的主要特征比较历史时期人口增长特征人口变化的原因农业革命之前人 口 增 长 极 为生产力水平低下,死亡率高缓慢农业革命期间人 口 增 长 速 度生产力水平有了提高,医疗条工业革命以后有所加快件得到改善,死亡率有所下降人口增长迅速生产力水平提高,生活质量不断改善,医疗水平空前提高3、世界人口的增长在地区上是。某地区人口自然增长数量受和共同影响。4、发达国家与发展中国家不同的人口增长比较发nd programmabl达elect discussion with ma典型国家inly these two relatively chea 人口增长however these tw原因ovements. Spring for t人口问题he perfect relay of the computer too much. In terms 对策俄 罗 斯 、 德缓慢社会保障制度健全,生人口老龄化鼓励生育、 接manipulator control mode ae controllers introduction 2.1 Snipulator contr ol 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equi pment, but also more common. Maa p and you can meet the old-fashioned, simple (or simple) industrial equipment. So he can see them now, o contr ol modes (relay and discrete electronic circuits) are these fatal flaws: (1) cannot adapt to the complex logic control, (2) only for the current project, the lack of compatibi lity and (3) not reforming the system with equi pment imprhe development of China's modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation, completed t of co ntrolling the computer showed his two great advantages: (1) each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors; (2) the名师归纳总结 official desig ner of the software writing industrial control computer use d as a content control is all a central colle ction about. Now in several ways in t nd distri bution system and transitihe context of industrial a utomation ca on of distributed contr ol system in a nalon often g ue habe se en i n three ways: (1) Programmable Logica l Controller (referred to as ndli ng, loop control, has beg un t o reflect the use of a huge adva ntage. ThougIPC); (2) Distri h distri butebute d Control Sy stem (DCS for short), and (3) the Programmable Logical Controller (PLC for short). 2.1.2 PLC a nd t he IPC and DCS d system has great adva ntages in l oop regulati on, but only as a means of conti nuous process contr ol. Optimization of PLC is the S contrast contrast 1, ea corre sponding relay neech of the three technologi ds wa s bor n, its main use i es of origi ns and development requirement s for fast data processing makes it inve nted th i n the w ork order control, early primary is repla ced relay this hulking system, focused on the switch e computer. The me controllie n brought i ng the runnin terms of hardware there, usi ng a hig ng order of functi ons. Marked by the micr h level of standardi zation, ca n use m r oprocessor i n the early 1970 of the 20th ore compatibility tool s, is a ri cent ury emerged, micrch software resources, especially t he ne ed for immedia cy in operational systems. So the com puter can effectively control i o-el ectronics technol ogy ha s devel ope d rapi dly, people soon microel ectronics processing technology w ill be used is used to n the Programmcontrol and meet its spee able Logical Controller (that is d, on the virtual model, real-time and in computational requirements. Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument use d to contr ol, whereas now it is successfully developed into 第 1 页,共 23 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Manipulator i technology ai s now used a s a industria l robots in use , the control obje nd t he rapi d devel opme nt of the trains, the success of PLC harctives often appear often i dware software and n industrial automati simulation control win on. Industrial big and succeautomati on technology ssful development, now has gradually mature d, as mat conti nue s to develop as a factory aure a technology li ne ha s be utomation standards. Becabe en ra pid development i use robots are gn industrial ood devel opmeautomation as a separate subject. Ma nt of the technology makes a gnipulator appli cation bega ood optimizati on of productive caa n to filter int o welding, l pital, and robot shows togistics, mechani cal his uni que a dvantages, processi ng, a nd ot her i such as: has g ood comndustries. E spe cially at patibi lity, wi de availahigh or very low tem peratures, full of poisonous gases, high radiati bility, hardwar e is complete, a nd programming that can be mastered in on case, robot in a short time, so i similar cir o i n the cumstances showed great use a context of industrial PLC applications belso bringgs great conveni ence to the staff. Precisely came ubiquitous. Ma nipulator i n many develbe lcause of this robot to get people's attenti ope d country agriculture a nd iti ndustry has on began t o be a hig h degree of devel bee n applied, such as t he use of mechani opment. La bor rates, working ni cal harve sting large areas conditi ons, labor inte nsive a spe cts of promoti ng devel of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed lopme nt. Both at home a ine that use s a robotic arm, and abroa d to develop the nd so on. Toda y, the PLC (programmable l ogic high level of automation combicontroller) is i ned wit i n various special cir h restricti ons on tcumstances a he mani pulator nd under spe cial conditions devel opment level i s slightly lowset for m echani er tha n the inter cal devi ces. Now tur er national. T he dened on the devel opme sign is mai nly arm weldint of the mi ng machine croele ctronics automati by PLC Aut omation c control control. This of design let desig ners on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didn't opportunities awareness in world range within some leadi i ng level of knowle e dge has has must awareness, hope desig ig ners can i n yihou of design i i n the can success of using in this design in the pr ocee ds of experience 1.2 manipulator i i n bot h at home and abroad of research pr ofile automation mecha nical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with cmputer and automation technology of devel el opment, Makes mecha nical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation a nnd shine, gradually became an industrial evaluati on standards, a nd its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass s production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations t hat can dete ct the external environment, but ca ca n stillsuccessfully complete like wel l ding, painting, del ivery as well as for materials simple moveme e nts. Se e cond generation me e cha nical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the envir onment there is a certain amount of "sense", when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a ba a sis. Difference is that t t he robot begand国家国、日本育观念转变等纳移民发展印度、巴基斯很快政治上的独立,民族经人 口 增 长 过控制人口中国坦 、 尼 日 利济发展,医疗卫生事业快,人口数量家亚、孟加拉国进步,死亡率下降过多5 、人口增长模式由、三项指标共同构成。自然增长率率率。6、三种人口增长模式的特征原始型:出生率、死亡率、自然增长。率。、自然增长率传统型:出生率、死亡率现代型:出生率、死亡率、自然增长率。7、人口增长模式的转变首先是率的转变。影响人口增长模式转变的因素有。8、目前,发达国家和地区(以和为代表)人口增长模式是型向型,大多数发展中国家是型向型过渡阶段, 世界是型过渡阶段,我国是型。第二节人口的空间变化考试说明要求:manipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator contr ol 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equi pment, but also more common. Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the ol d-fashioned, simple (or simple) industrial equipment. So he can see them now, however these two contr ol modes (relay and discrete electronic circuits) are these fatal flaws: (1) cannot adapt to the complex logic control, (2) only for the current project, the lack of compatibi lity and (3) not reforming the system with equi pment improvements. Spring for the development of China's modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation, completed the perfect relay of the computer too much. In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages: (1) each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors; (2) the名师归纳总结 official desig ner of the software writing industrial control computer use d as a content control is all a central colle ction about. Now in several ways in t nd distri bution system and transitihe context of industrial a utomation ca on of distributed contr ol system in an often nalog ue habe se en i n three ways: (1) Programmable Logica l Controller (referred to as ndli ng, loop control, has beg un t o reflect the use of a huge adva ntage. ThougIPC); (2) Distri h distri butebute d Control System (DCS for short), and (3) the Programmable Logical Controller (PLC for short). 2.1.2 PLC a d system has great adva ntages in l oop regulati on, but only as a means of conti nuous process contr ol. Optimizationd the IPC and DCS n of PLC is the S contrast contrast 1, ea corre sponding relay neech of the three technologi ds wa s bor n, its main use i es of origi ns and development requirement s for fast data processing makes it inve nted the com i n the w ork order control, early primary is repla ced relay this hulking system, focused on the switch puter. The me controllie n brought i ng the runnin terms of hardware there, usi ng a hig ng order of functi ons. Marked by the micr h level of standardi zation, ca r oprocessor i n the early 197n use m ore compatibility tool s, is a ri 0 of the 20th cent ury emerged, micrch software resources, especially t he ne ed for immedia cy in operational systems. So the com puter can effectively control i o-el ectronics technol ogy ha s devel ope d rapi dly, people soon microel ectronics processing technology w ill be used is used to n the Programmable control and meet its spee Logical Controller (that isd, on the virtual model, real-time and in computational requirements. Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument use d to contr ol, whereas now it is successfully developed into 第 2 页,共 23 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -