精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 个人资料整理 仅限学习使用CIBR/ 酶促湿地污水脱氮除磷技术讨论【作者】章北平【导师】龙腾锐排行榜保藏打印发给伴侣举报 发布者: cjk3d 热度 0 票 浏览 6 次 【共 0 条评论】【我要评论】时间: 2022 年 7 月 01 日 15:59 CIBR/ 酶促湿地污水脱氮除磷技术讨论【作者】章北平【导师】龙腾锐【作者基本信息】重庆高校,市政工程,2022 年,博士【中文摘要】论文针对目前国内城市污水处理存在的“三高一多 ”问题 ,着眼于当今水污染掌握的前沿领域 , 讨论切实可行的“ 三低一少 ” 的城市污水处理生物 / 生态型组合工艺 城市污水处理连续流一体化生物反应器CIBR>/ 酶促湿地脱氮除磷技术;分析了污水生物 / 生态处理工艺中的 CIBR 的兼性生化、 AAA 脱氮除磷二个模式的基本技术原理 ,酶促湿地协同净化技术原理 ,并建立了生物与生态协同的氮磷调控原就;论文的主要讨论内容与结果如下: CIBR 兼性生化技术基于生物絮体内传质规律、同向絮凝与絮凝沉淀的基本原理 ,讨论兼性生物微絮体生化 ,流体动力激波切割絮体促进传质 ,反应池内紊流传质的技术 ,建立兼性微生物絮体内传质、兼性生化动力学、兼性生物絮凝动力学与混合液沉降动力学模型,为 CIBR 兼性生化操作模式奠定了技术理论基础;兼性生化可以在水温较高的季节里应用于含低浓度氮磷的城市污水处理;在气温较高时可以利用较低的能耗实现有机物的降解,但脱氮成效较差;假如原水NH3-N含量较高就需要变换模式以满意脱氮的需要;兼性生化相宜原水水质浓度范畴为:COD300mg/L,NH3- N15mg/L,TN30mg/L,TP2mg/L;温度对于 . 更多兼性生化工艺影响甚大 ,通过不同季节的试验讨论 ,对 COD 去除率与水温变化曲线极值点求解获得兼性生化模式向 AAA 模式变换的临界温度范畴为 12.38 ;在低温状态下强化絮凝与兼性生化联用对 COD 、 TP 及浊度去除有协同促进作用;COD 平均去除率比单纯的污水混凝与单纯的生物反应增加 15%, 混凝剂与生物的协同作用可以提高 TP 的去除率约 20%,而对脱氮未表现明显协同作用;兼性生化系统投加絮凝剂 PAC, 正确投加量为 20mg/L, 最佳停留时间为 8h ; CIBR 脱氮除磷技术针对低 C/N 与 C/P 比的城市污水 ,讨论短程硝化反硝化与利用亚硝酸盐反硝化除磷 ,实现 “ 一碳两用 ” ,缓解了碳源的不足 ,提高了污水的脱氮除磷效率;在 CIBR 反应器中利用低溶解氧和定时交替好氧 / 缺氧运行模式 ,在常温下 ,实现了稳固的短程生物脱氮;亚硝化率稳固在 80%-85% 之间;而应用实时掌握 ,在常温、常溶解氧和中性 pH 下能够高效稳固的实现和维护短程生物脱氮 , 亚硝酸盐积存率维护在95% 以上 ,CIBR 利用自身特殊的交替好氧 / 缺氧运行方式 ,通过不断强化 “ 厌氧 / 缺氧 ”环境 ,培养出了利用亚硝酸盐反硝化除磷菌 ,并且以实际生活污水为原水 ,在常温、常溶解氧下 ,以定时掌握的运行方式实现了反硝化除磷 ,磷的去除率高达 90%, 出水磷浓度低于 1mg/L;基于小试成果进行中试讨论 , 举荐最优工况为 2:2:2;在该工况下 ,COD 、NH3-N 、TN 与TP 平均去除率分别达到了 76.60%、81.73%、60.19% 与 66.76%, 可以较好的满意后续生态处理的要求;通过以上试验讨论结果 , 确定了 CIBR 的变模式规章 ,并核算了 CIBR节能效率 ,讨论说明 CIBR 全年平均污水处理电耗为 0.153kWh/m3, 相比于 A2/O 节能24.27%, 比氧化沟工艺节能 28.96%;酶促湿地协同净化技术通过中试讨论了酶促湿地的多重生态位优化构建;在湿地填料与植物比选配伍、湿地构造与类型、递进布水与湿名师归纳总结 地堵塞规律讨论的基础上,构建出四类六种可比较的酶促湿地;通过不同的工况运行,获得第 1 页,共 6 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 个人资料整理 仅限学习使用了正确湿地构型及良好的协同净化成效;针对不同的进水进行了湿地填料的比选与配伍 ,获得了适合于不同水质的填料配伍 : 对于含氮浓度低或中、高有机物浓度的污水 ,煤渣 + 砾石 +碎石填料组合有较好的去除成效;对于含氮浓度高或有机物浓度低的污水 ,粉煤灰砖屑 + 碎石组合有较好的去除成效;对于含磷浓较度高的污水,各组填料都有较好的去除成效;选育出四种不同季节的湿地植物种类及功能配伍;美人蕉、香蒲、灯心草和水竹在正常生长期内对污染物的去除成效之间无明显差异;美人蕉和水竹生长期最长,且生物量和细根量增长最大 ,这两种植物对污水的净化成效比香蒲和灯心草更好;对比讨论了四类六种酶促湿地的构造与类型 ,并进行了工艺优化与降污试验, 得出递进布水波形缩变流人工湿地去除污染物的运行成效更为稳固 ,水力流态更加优化 , 污染物负荷安排匀称 ,通过三级进水比例的调控可有效防止湿地的堵塞 ,提高湿地的处理效率和使用寿命;探讨了波形流与水平流酶促湿地的降污动力学 ,有利于酶促湿地的深化讨论与应用;建立CIBR/ 酶促湿地系统的氮磷调控原就通过单元技术集成与优化配置 ,形成了 CIBR 与酶促湿地优化组合工艺 ,以污水氮磷为主控因子 ,充分利用酶促湿地的脱氮除磷功能 ,通过主控参数 pH 、ORP 实时调控 CIBR 的运行工况 ,实现 CIBR/ 酶促湿地的正确脱氮除磷功能;在此基础上,建立 CIBR/ 酶促湿地系统氮磷负荷界面优化调控策略,形成节能型多模式CIBR/ 酶促湿地污水处理掌握系统, 实现系统的有效脱氮除磷与节能运行;仍原【英文摘要】 At present, the problem of municipal wastewater treatment in China is“Three high and one more”. Focusing on this problem and the front field research of the current water pollution control, a new practical biological/ecological combined process has been developed to treat municipal wastewater with“Three low and one less-named continuous-flow integrated biological reactor CIBR>/enzymatic wetland, technology for nitrogen and phosphorus removal in municipal wastewater. Two basic technical principle models of facultative biological process in CIBR and nitrogen and phosphorus removal by AAA, as well as enzymatic wetlands co-purification are analyzed, and a control principle by nitrogen and phosphorus in biological and ecological system is established. The main results are as follows:facultative biological technology in CIBRThe technology is based on mass transfer theory within biological flocculation, basic theory of concentric flocculation and flocculation settling. Biochemical reaction.更多 in facultative biomass, mass transfer promoted by fluid cutting flocculation, as well as turbulence mass transfer in the reactor are studied. Model on transfer theory within biological flocculation, facultative biological dynamics, flocculation dynamics within facultative 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 个人资料整理 仅限学习使用biomass, and precipitation dynamics in mixing are constructed which lay a foundation for facultative biological technology in CIBR.Facultative biological model is adopted in municipal wastewater treatment of low nitrogen and phosphorus concentration at higher temperature. Lower energy is consumed to degrade organic matters at higher temperature. However, the nitrogen removal efficiency is weak, and the model should be changed to adjust higher nitrogen concentration. The range of original water suitable for facultative biological process is: COD 300mg/L, NH3-N 15mg/L, TN 30mg/L and TP 2mg/L. The temperature has great effect on the facultative biological technology, tests has been done under different seasons, through calculation by COD removal rate and the extreme value point from water temperature changing cure, The critical temperature 12.38is obtained as the model change from facultative biological to AAA.Under low temperature, the combination of enhanced flocculation and facultative biological reaction has cooperative and accelerating effect on removal of COD, TP and turbidity, and the average COD removal efficiency is 15% more than that of single wastewater coagulation or single biological reaction,the cooperatives of coagulant and microorganism can improve TP removal efficiency by 20%, while there is no significant change in the nitrogen removal. For the flocculent PAC, the optimum dosage and retention time for the facultative biological system is 20mg/L and 8h, respectively.Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by CIBRAiming at low C/N ratio and low C/P ratio in municipal wastewater, short-cut nitrification and denitrification, as well as denitrification and phosphorus re moval using nitrite are studied to realize“diplex utilization of the carbon source”, also to relieve carbon shortage and to increase nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency.Low oxygen and timed alternating aerobic/anoxic operation modes are used in the CIBR to achieve stable short-cut nitrogen removal under normal temperature successfully. The notarization rate is between 80% and 85%. While when the on-time control is adopted, the short-cut nitrogen removal can be achieved stably under normal temperature, normal dissolved oxygen and neutral pH value, and the nitrite accumulation rate is beyond 95%. Denitrifying phosphorus removal bacteria 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 个人资料整理 仅限学习使用is cultured by the special alternating aerobic/anoxic operation of CIBR, and continuous strengthen“aerobic/anoxicronment. Under normal temperature, normal dissolved oxygen and practical domestic wastewater, denitrifying phosphorus removal is obtained by on-time control, and the phosphorus removal efficiency is beyond 90%, while the effluent phosphorus concentration is below 1mg/L.Pilot research has been done on the basis of the results of laboratory study, and the optimum condition is 2:2:2. Under this condition, the removal efficiency of COD, NH3-N, TN and TP are 76.60%、60.19% and 66.76%, respectively, which can well meet the 81.73% following ecological treatment.The changing model rule of CIBR is determined through the above test results, and the energy saving efficiency is accounted. Research shows that the special power consumption for wastewater treatment by CIBR is 0.15 kWh/m3 in the whole year, compared with A2/O and oxidation ditch, the energy consumption is less than 24.27% and 28.96%, respectively. Co-purification with enzyme wetlandsThrough pilot research,multi-niche optimize structure for enzymatic wetlands has been studied. Four types and six kinds of enzymatic wetlands are constructed based on researches include comparison and chooses between wetland fillers and wetland plants, structure and types of the wetland, stage influents and law of wetland block. The best wetland type and better co-purification effects are attained through different run operation.Different fillers for wetlands are chosen by comparison and then matched, the following filler matching is achieved aiming at different influent: for wastewater with low nitrogen concentration and medium or high organic matter concentration, better removal efficiency is attained by combined fillers of coal cinder + pebble stone + gravel; for wastewater with high nitrogen concentration and low organic matter concentration, the optimum combination is fly ash brick crumbs + gravel. For wastewater with high phosphorus concentration, each combination achieved good removal efficiency.Four wetland plants of different seasons and their function matching are selected and cultured. Under normal growth period, there is no significant difference among cannas, typhus, juncos and water bamboo. But cannas and water bamboo has longer growth 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 个人资料整理 仅限学习使用period, as well as larger biomass and amount of fine roots. Their purifying efficiency is better than that of typhus and juncos.The construct and type among four types and six kinds of wetlands are compared, and the process optimization and pollutants degrading test has been done. Contractive wavy-flow wetland with stage influents has more stable pollutants removal efficiency, and its hydraulic flow pattern is more suitable, as well as even distribution pollutants loadings. The block can be avoided through ratio in three stages, and the treatment efficiency and use age can be improved.The pollutants degradation dynamic of wavy-flow and horizontal-flow enzymatic wetlands are discussed, which are good for further research and application of the enzymatic wetlands. To establish control principle of the nitrogen and phosphorus between CIBR and enzymatic wetlandsThrough cell technology integration and optimize allocation, the optimization combined process between CIBR and enzymatic wetlands are formed, nitrogen and phosphorus concentration are the main control factors, by making full use of enzymatic wetlands to remove nitrogen and phosphorus, we take pH value and ORP as control factors to control CIBR operation condition to realize the best nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency in the CIBR and enzymatic wetlands system. On this basis, the interface optimization control strategy of nitrogen and phosphorus loading in CIBR and enzymatic wetlands system has been established, and a control system with energy-saving and multi-model in the process of CIBR and enzymatic wetlands has been formed, which takes efficient nitrogen and phosphorus removal as well as energy-saving to the system. 仍原城市污水;兼性生化; AAA 脱氮除磷;酶促湿地;氮磷负荷调控【中文关键词】【英文关键词】 municipal wastewater; facultative bioreaction; removal of ;nitrogen and phosphorus by AAA; enzymatic wetlands; on-time controlnitrogen and phosphorus loading control名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 个人资料整理仅限学习使用第 6 页,共 6 页- - - - - - -