精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Delegates, staff: Hello! i n the run-up t 729 million kWh. -Security measurep t o the Spri ng Festival, we s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. held . one sessi on of four staff representatives No persona l injury accident occurreConference 2013 d, no major a-w orkshop, full ccident a nd aback i n 2012, careful bove, no major fire accianalysi s of the dents without ecurre nt situati on, discuss 2013 development plans. nvironme ntal polluti on a cci dents, safety for three consecutive yearHere, on behalf of my compa s to maintaia n stability tny 2013 work re o good posture. ports to to the Ge neral Assem Busi ness finanbly, for consideration. i al indicator s: total prPillar I, 2012 back i ofits of 255 milli on Yuan 2012, n, beyond theXX power companie a nnual budget s adhere to t of 207 million Yuahe party's 17 great spirit for gui n, bey ond the Dataui ng comda nce, compr ehe pany index 41.89 million Ynsively impl al ement the scie ntific concept of n, an i ncrea se of 1.76 million Yuadevelopment, n, FCM assessmepromoti ng cost-leadershi nt at grade four. p strategy, sta-Energy: powndar ds, focus er supply staon implementation, lea ndar d coal completing 312.25 gn managem /kent, continuously impr Wh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; iove, smooth pre ntegrated auxiliary sent safety situation of enter pow er consumption ratio in prise manag ement, busi 5.12% , down 0.26%; i pollness ma nagement a utant emissions performand control sci entific a nce greatly rend sta ndar duced comparedized, and t he de d to last year, carbodicati on of staff, manage a harmoni 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dious a oxide 0.104 gnd democratic atmosphere of the good /k Wh NOx 0.512 g /kWh; dust removal efficiesituation. Ma in indicat ncy of more tat ors are as foll han 99.8%. ows:-t he battery i-Reliability index: endicat or: power ge neration totaled 7.815 quiv alent availability factor in 93.47%, increabilli on kWh, beyond the a sed 7.95% from a year earliennual budget implementation ca r. Equivalent forcepacity of 315 million kWh, an i d outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reductincrea se of 757 milli on k on over the same periWh. od a year earliSales totaled 7.425 billi on kWh, exce edi ng sales er. Major achievement s: first, we should aof 330 million kWh the a dhere t o the twnnual Executive budget, a o "management system" basin increase s, stre ngtheniof ngtechnological research, strengthen hi dden hazards contr ol and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The tw w o "management system" for improvement. Focus on promoting the power of the company management system and the appli cation and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate securityy routines, safety supervision and management network role to play to achieve close d-l l oop. Strengthe e ning the supervision and ma a nagement of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. Carried out in spri nng and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supervision of producti ti on safety and the Olympic Games and other高一政治必修二第一单元测试题总分: 100 分,考试时间: 120 分钟一、单选题(每题2 分,共 50 分)坚持人民民主1国家的根本属性是A历史性B社会性C阶级性D民族性2我国必须坚持人民民主专政,这是因为人民民主专政是民主与专政的统一人民民主专政就是人民当家作主专政作为四项基本原则之一,是我国的立国之本,已被写入我国宪法坚持人民民主专政是社会主义现代化建设的政治保障A B C D3在我国,民主的主体包括 工人、农民、知识分子等社会主义劳动者社会主义建设者拥护社会主义的爱国者 拥护祖国统一的爱国者A B C D 某县某村村民一大早就来到投票站,参加对村民委员会主任的投票。此前,3 名候选人已经进行了 13 场演讲和答辩,面对面地回答了村民提出的 160 多个问题。据此回答 4-6 题。4村民对村委会主任的选举属于 直接选举 间接选举 等额选举 差额选举A B C D 5这种选举有利于 使每个选民都有表达自己意愿的机会,选出自己心目中最值得信赖的当家人在选民较多、分布较广的情况下使用 充分考虑当选者结构的合理性 为选民行使选举权提供了选择的余地在被选举人之间形成了相应的竞争A B C D 6采用什么样的选举方式,在不同的时期、不同的地区是不同的,这是因为选举方式的选择A受人的心理因素的影响B受社会政治制度的制约C受地理环境的制约D受社会经济制度、物质生活条件和选民的文化水平等条件的制约73 月 1 日晚 9 时 20 分,10 余名统一着装的暴徒蒙面持刀在云南昆明火车站广场、售票厅伤心病狂,见人就砍,截止 3 月 2 日 1 时暴力案件已造成 28 名无辜群众遇难, 113名无辜群众受伤。在得到群众拨打 110 电话举报后,公干特警在几分钟内感到现场,当特警向天鸣枪示警无果后,公干特警不得不在 15 秒钟当场把 5 名暴徒击毙,之后在 40 个小时内将所有暴徒抓获归案。击毙并抓获暴徒说明。A国家制定法律、法规保护公民的政治权利和自由B国家制裁和惩罚侵犯公民政治权利和自由的行为C让人民充分表达自己的意愿,是人民行使当家作主权利的重要方式D公民必须在法律范围内行使政治自由8在某市开展的“ 我为创建文明城市献一计” 活动中,广大市民纷纷建言献策。不到半年时间,市政府就收到 4000 多条建议。这说明A决策机关的决策能力不如市民B拓宽民意反映渠道,是决策机关进行科学决策的重要前提C公民享有对决策的知情权D公民建言献策是为了能进入决策机关9我国社会主义民主最为广泛而深刻的实践是A村民自治B城市居民自治C基层民主自治D民主选举10下列对农村村民委员会的认识不正确的是A 村民委员会是我国的基层政权组织名师归纳总结 activities, comprehensive and tamping Safety Foundation . Troubleshooting, management mechanism, give full play to role of technical susupervision and realization of troubleshooting, management, improved process management. T T his year completed the boiler lower header leakag g e, boiler pre ssure, a major risk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of governance. Complete chemistry lab construction, thermal control, a a nd complete the boil er scale integrated management, host ol a shafting vibration of 10 scientific and technological projects, such as. Complete supercritical 630MW on-line simulation system development and appli cation of circulating water MCC standby power transformation, t he transformation of desulf urization waste water, the unit water supply system of comprehe nsive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mi i ll 5 key technological transformation projects, group health is improved. -Science and te chnology innovation is further increase e d. Stre ngthen the characteri ri stics of supercritical unit major issues, gradually clearing the particularity of supercriticaldizing w unit and r r egularity. Developed motor oil time manageme inspection pr oject. Dee pent, switch acti on times, statistics, ni ng the BFS+ system, and implemecoal-ai ded measurement software, improve nts maintenance information shared. Reorgas the pr oduc nizing Rti on level of lean manageme B logi c again, a nd e nsure t nt. Increase t he success d investme nt in science and technolog y, reporting science a of the RB. Innovating the me cha nism of mainte nance manageme nd technology me nt, implementeproje cts and 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per d a project manager system. Successful completion of two acentage of the total annual pro utonomous mainteduction out put of 0.25%. "Large nance, relia bility improve-scale coal-fire d steadily. Ime d power pla nt flue gas de plementi ng two c-level maintesulfurization, de nitrification com plete devel nance, proje ct themselve s 48.7% and 42.3%opme nt and applicati , respe ctively. Accomplion of key technologies" pr sh two circulating pumps reoje ct, won the national sci pair and over haul ence and technol of four Mills, maintenaogy pr ogress second prize. 630M nce team s to get exercise. W supercriti cal units optimized control strate Promote the work of energy saving and consumptigies and the 630MW on re ducing, development a nd application complete the unit energy consumof on -line simulati ption diagnosion system for super s, pla nt water balacritical units, supercritica nce test, 10 energy-saving l 600M W units of tur proje cts. ur bine Second, we driven boiler fee d pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Datang technology respectively should a dhere to "three" on the e conomic benefits of improving, outreay chone or two and third. Meanwhile, information technology achievement t s, the company was named "Chi nana power information technology benchmarking enterprises." -Repair and maintenance has improved further. Modify the i i nspecti i on sta ndards and standards on a regular basis, standarw ork proce dures, checking and 第 1 页,共 6 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Delegates, staff: Hello! i n the run-up t 729 million kWh. -Security measurep t o the Spri ng Festival, we s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. held . one sessi on of four staff representatives No persona l injury accident occurreConference 2013-w d, no major aorkshop, full ccident a nd aback i n 2012, careful bove, no major fire accianalysi s of the dents without ecurre nt situati on, discuss 2013 development plans. nvironme ntal polluti on a cci dents, safety for three consecutive yearHere, on behalf of my compa s to maintaia n stability tny 2013 work re o goo d postureports to t . o t he Ge neral Assem Busi ness finanbly, for consideration. i al indicator s: total prPillar I, 2012 back i ofits of 255 milli on Yuan 2012, n, beyond theXX power companie a nnual budget s adhere to t of 207 million Yuahe party's 17 great spirit for gui n, bey ond the Dataui ng comda nce, compr ehe pany index 41.89 million Ynsively impl al ement the scie ntific concept of n, an i ncrea se of 1.76 million Yuadevelopment, n, FCM assessmepromoti ng cost-leadershi nt at grade four. p strategy, sta-Energy: powndar ds, focus er supply staon implementation, lea ndar d coal completing 312.25 gn managem /kent, continuously impr Wh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; iove, smooth pre ntegrated auxiliary sent safety situation of enter pow er consumption ratio in ctors. prise manag ement, busi 5.12% , do wn 0.26%; i pollness ma nagement a utant emissions performand control sci entific a nce greatly rend sta ndar duced comparedized, and t he de d to last year, carbodicati on of staff, manage a harmoni 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dious a oxide 0.104 gnd democratic atmosphere of the good /k Wh NOx 0.512 g /kWh; dust removal efficiesituation. Ma in indicat ncy of more tat ors are as foll han 99.8%. ows:-t he battery i-Reliability index: endicat or: power ge neration totaled 7.815 quiv alent availability factor in 93.47%, increabilli on kWh, beyond the a sed 7.95% from a year earliennual budget implementation ca r. Equivalent forcepacity of 315 million kWh, an i d outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% rei ductincrea se of 757 milli on on over the same periWh. od a year earliSales totaled 7.425 billi on kWh, exce edi ng sales er. Major achievement s: first, we should aof 330 million kWh the a dhere t o the twnnual Executive budget, a o "management system" basin increase s, stre ngtheniof ngtechnological research, strengthen hi dden hazards contr ol and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The tw w o "management system" for improvement. Focus on promoting the power of the company management system and the appli cation and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate securityy routines, safety supervision and management network role to play to achieve close d-l l oop. Strengthe e ning the supervision and ma a nagement of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contraCarried out in spri nng and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supervision of producti ti on safety and the Olympic Games and otherB村民委员会是村民民主管理村务的机构C村民委员会干部是村民直接投票选举产生的 D村民委员会是村民基层群众性自治组织11下列活动中属于公民参与民主决策的是A到书店购买电视政论片大国崛起的光盘 B选举村民委员会的干部 C参加市政府召开的价格听证会 D观赏电影集结号后撰写政治小论文12. 十八大后掀起的反腐风暴里,体现。22 名省部级以上高官落马。 22 只“老虎”“ 苍蝇” 被打充分A、公民在法律面前人人平等的原则 B、权力与义务统一的原则C、个人利益和国家利益统一的原则D、履行权力就要承担义务的要求13据报载,某女孩到荷兰参加一项国际活动时,发现没有悬挂中国国旗,立即找到组织者,严厉指出其错误,并要求当场改正,活动组织者真诚地道歉后,并迅速在会场上悬挂了五星 红旗。这为姑娘的行为体现了她A正确行使了公民的政治权利和自由B正确行使了民主监督的权利C自觉履行了维护国家荣誉利益的义务 D 坚持了个人利益和国家利益、集体利益相结合14我国宪法规定:“ 中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。 ” 这意味着A公民具有直接管理国家的权力B公民都应有选举权和被选举权C公民的言论、集会、游行的自由不受约束 D公民有参与国家政治生活的权利和自由15.3 月 5 日,十二届全国人大二次会议在北京开幕,据统计,在 2987 名十二届全国人大代表中,少数民族代表 409 名,占代表总数的 13.69%,全国 55 个少数民族都有本民族的代表;归侨代表 35 名;连任代表 1027 名,占代表总数的34.38%。其中妇女代表 699 名,占代表总数的 23.4%,与十一届相比提高了 2.07 个百分点;来自一线的工人、农民代表 401 名,占代表总数的 13.42%,提高了 5.18 个百分点, 其中农民工代表数量大幅增加;专业技术人员代表610 名,占代表总数的 20.42%,提高了 1.2 个百分点;党政领导干部代表 1042名,占代表总数的 34.88%,降低了 6.93 个百分点;具有大专以上文化程度的占 82.76%以上。代表中,其中 74 名代表为“80 后” ,2 名代表为“90 后” 。 这充分体现出我国社会主义民主的具有性的特征。A权利 真实 B权利 阶级 C主体 广泛 D主体 平等16我国不少地区都允许记者、群众代表旁听政府工作会议。允许记者、群众代表旁听政府工作会议,有利于 密切政府和群众的关系 促进社会主义政治文明建设提高政务透明度,促进决策民主化 公民通过社会公示参与政治生活A B C D17某市将要进行老城区房屋改造,在公布的拆迁地段中,有一座具有文物价值的古建筑。几名中学生在得知这一情况后,广泛收集了有关古建筑的历史资料,向市政府提出“ 妥善保存古建筑” 的建议。市政府请专家论证后,采纳了他们的建议。这体现了我们政治生活的内容是A行使政治权利,履行政治性义务 C参加社会主义政治文明建设B参与社会公共管理活动 D关注我国在国际社会中的地位和作用18公民参与政治生活,要遵循以下原则 民主集中制的原则 公民在法律面前一律平等的原则 权利与义务相统一的原则 个人利益与集体利益、国家利益相结合的原则A B C D19 积极参与政治生活是有较高政治素养的重要体现。我国公民参与政治生活的基本内容是A、行使政治权利,履行政治义务 B、参与社会公共事务管理C、参与社会主义民主政治建设D、关注我国在国际社会中的地位和作用20、我国宪法规定:“ 年满十八周岁的公民、部分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出生、宗教 信仰、教育程度、财产状况、居住期限,都有选举权和被选举权;但是一招法律被剥夺政治名师归纳总结 activities, comprehensive and tamping Safety Foundation . Troubleshooting, management mechanism, give full play to role of technical susupervision and realization of troubleshooting, management, improved process management. T T his year completed the boiler lower header leakag g e, boiler pre ssure, a major risk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of governance. Complete chemistry lab construction, thermal control, a a nd complete the boil er scale integrated management, host ol a shafting vibration of 10 scientific and technological projects, such as. Complete supercritical 630MW on-line simulation system development and appli cation of circulating water MCC standby power transformation, t he transformation of desulf urization waste water, the unit water supply system of comprehe nsive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mi i ll 5 key technological transformation projects, group health is improved. -Science and te chnology innovation is further increase e d. Stre ngthen the characteri ri stics of supercritical unit major issues, grad