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    carried out "practice line pioneer standard, and post spurs" "members concentrated service months", activities, education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take strict education and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find there are 640 "lost" party members are not contacted 148 "Pocket" party members and implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educational interaction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives小学二年级数学新课标学习心得体会 卢华    上半学期我们学校组织学习了2011版小学数学新课程标准,使我领悟到了教学既要加强学生的基础性学习,又要提高学生的发展性学习和创造性学习,从而培养学生终身学习的愿望和能力,让学生享受“快乐数学”。因此,本人通过对新课程标准的学习,对二年级数学教学有以下体会。一、备课:变“备教材”为“备学生”    教师在备课过程中备教的方法很多,备学生的学习方法少。老师注意到自身要有良好的语言表达能力,也注意对学生的组织管理。老师的备课要探讨学生如何学,要根据不同的内容确定不同的学习目标;要根据不同年级的学生指导如何进行预习、听课、记笔记、做复习、做作业等;要考虑到观察能力、想象能力、思维能力、推理能力及总结归纳能力的培养。一位老师教学水平的高低,不仅仅表现他对知识的传授,更主要表现在他对学生学习能力的培养。二、上课:变“走教案”为“生成性课堂”    教学过程是一个促成课堂教学的动态的过程,教师要创造民主和谐的课堂教学氛围。如果我们的课堂还是师道尊严,学生提出的问题,教师不回答,不予理睬,或马上表现出不高兴,耐烦,那学生的学习积极性一定大打折扣。因而要让我们的课堂充满生气,师生关系一定要开放,教师要在教学中真正建立人格平等、真诚合作的民主关系。做到教学相长,因学而教,树立随时捕捉教学机会的意识,就必定会使我们的课堂教学更加活泼有趣,更加充满生机,也更能展示教师的无穷魅力。促进课堂教学的动态生成。三  变“权威教学”为“共同探讨”    新课程倡导建立自主合作探究的学习方式,对我们教师的职能和作用提出了强烈的变革要求,即要求传统的居高临下的教师地位在课堂教学中将逐渐消失,取而代之的是教师站在学生中间,与学生平等对话与交流;过去由教师控制的教学活动的那种沉闷和严肃要被打破,取而代之的是师生交往互动、共同发展的真诚和激情。因而,教师的职能不再仅仅是传递、训导、教育,而要更多地去激励、帮助、参谋;师生之间的关系不再是以知识传递为纽带,而是以情感交流为纽带;教师的作用不再是去填满仓库,而是要点燃火炬。学生学习的灵感不是在静如止水的深思中产生,而多是在积极发言中,相互辩论中突然闪现。学生的主体作用被压抑,本有的学习灵感有时就会消遁。四、变“教师说”为“学生多说”    教学中教师要鼓励、引导学生在感性材料的基础上,理解数学概念或通过数量关系,进行简单的判断、推理,从而掌握最基础的知识,    根据小学生的年龄特点,上好数学课应该尽量地充分调动学生的各种感官,提高学生的学习兴趣,而不能把学生埋在越来越多的练习纸中。例如,口算,现在已经名不副实,多数用笔算代替,学生动手不动口。其实,过去不少教师创造了很多口算的好方法,尤其在低年级教学中,寓教学于游戏、娱乐之中,活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生学习积极性,其它教材也可以这样做。我们不能把数学课变成枯燥无味、让学生学而生厌的课。在数学课上,教师要引导学生既动手又动口,并辅以其它教学手段,这样有利于优化课堂气氛,提高课堂教学效果,也必然有利于提高教学质量。    总之,面对新课程改革的挑战,我们必须转变教育观念,多动脑筋,多想办法,密切数学与实际生活的联系,使学生从生活经验和客观事实出发,在研究现实问题的过程中做数学、理解数学和发展数学,让学生享受“快乐数学”。  下面谈谈依据“新课标”的要求,如何进行7的乘法口诀的课堂教学7的乘法口诀说课稿一、说教材1、教学内容:7的乘法口诀是义务教育课程标准实验教科书数学二年级上册第七单元乘法口诀(二)的第二课时的内容。2、教材所处的地位和重、难点:乘法口诀是学生学习乘法的开始,它是学生今后学习表内除法和多位数乘、除法的基础。教材内容的呈现是在学生学“26的乘法口诀”以后。由于他们已经具有学习26的乘法口诀的基础,所以教材的呈现形式没有给出一个完整的乘法算式和一句完整的口诀,意在让学生主动探索归纳出7的乘法口诀。体现了提高学生学习独立性要求的编写意图。熟练口算表内乘法,是每个学生应具备的最基本的计算能力。因此,本课的重点应该是让学生理解7的乘法口诀的形成过程;难点是怎样去熟记并利用乘法口诀来解决生活中的实际问题。3、教学目标:通过观察、探索,使学生知道7的乘法口诀的形成过程。通过教学活动,培养学生观察能力、判断能力、合作交流和语言表达能力。让学生体验生活中处处有数学,会用数学知识解决生活中的问题。二、说教法根据“新课标”要求,结合教材的特点,为了更好地突出重点,突破难点,完成教学任务。我采用了:1、情景教学法。让学生在情景里观察,感受知识的形成过程不过如此简单,享受成功的喜悦,激发学生学习数学知识的兴趣。2、游戏教学法。即是“新课标”的教学理念:“数学教学活动,特别是课堂教学应激发学生兴趣,调动学生积极性,引发学生的数学思考,鼓励学生的创造性思维”的体现。因为小学生学习活动不再是教师的“说教”,应该更多的时间是在学生自主探索的过程中。这样的教学,更能体现了“学生是学习数学的主人,教师是数学学习的组织者、引导者和合作者”的功能。3、以小组合作的形式来组织教学。体现了“自主探索、合作交流、实践创新”的数学学习方式,培养了学生互相合作交流的意识,在共同讨论中完成学习任务。另外,音乐是陶冶人心灵的神丹妙药,是调节情绪的有效工具。也为了增加学生对学习的兴趣,让学生在轻松愉快的乐曲中进行操作。并以“掌声表扬”的方式激励学生多思考、多发表意见。三、 说学法通过这节课的教学,主要培养了学生以下学习方法:1、学生观察图画,共同讨论,在自主探索中把感性认识上升到理性认识。戏中运用学习成果,把数学知识利用到现实生活中。2、在游戏中运用学习成果,把数学知识利用到现实生活中。3、培养学生共同合作,相互交流的学习方式。四、 教具、学具准备课件、写有算式的卡片;表格。五、 教学程序根据教材内容和学生认知水平,我设计了如下教学过程:(一)复习旧知。让全班同学回忆“26的乘法口诀”。这不但是为了检测他们是否掌握并记忆了,还可以为本堂课的教学做一些铺垫。(二)设置情境,探讨新知。在这一环节里,我设计了四块教学活动:1、编写口诀。这是本堂课的重点,主要是通过学生自主地观察图画,探索、归纳出7的乘法口诀的形成过程,并加以记忆。根据教材的主题图,我逐一出示白雪公主、七个小矮人(1个小矮人拿着一个气球,气球上分别标有7、14、21、28、35、42、49等数字)。学生观察图画,思考并完成下面的问题: 、填表。7的个数12     气球上的数7142128354249、 根据表格写出相应的乘法算式。、 根据乘法算式归纳出相应的乘法口诀。、 根据“口诀”还能想出另一道乘法算式吗?前面已对“26的乘法口诀”有了理解和掌握,再通过这一系列的探索,本课的难点就被一步步地突破了。2、记口诀。3、学以致用。数学就在我们身边,所以我们要把数学知识运用到现实生活中来。 一节七律诗歌共有几个字? 一只七星瓢虫背上有7个点,三只七星螵虫背上共有几个点? 一个星期有几天?两个星期呢?8个星期呢?一个人,每天要喝6杯水,一个星期要喝多少杯水?4、巩固所学知识为了更好地巩固所学知识和检查学生的掌握程度,我又设计了下面几个活动开火车:让同组的同学按顺、逆时针的方向,接下去说“口诀”; 快乐大转盘:说对了就把转盘才能动,否则不能;  送算式回家:把算式贴到相应的口诀两侧。(三)  结课。1、结束语(师):同学们,今天这堂课我们学习了什么?生答。板:7的乘法口诀这不仅是把课堂交给了学生,让他们概括出本节课所学的知识,还可以再次唤醒学生对本节课的记忆,揭示课题。2、知识伸展。这时,课以接近尾声,为了再次激发学生的求知欲望,让他们感受数学知识的魅力所在。可以这样提问:“你们能接着编这首儿歌吗?大家课后编,好吗?”一波未平又起一波,再次把学生带到另一个高潮。 附:板书设计 这样的板书很直观地展示教学内容,让学生一目了然,能够引起学生的注意和兴趣。涉及重大决策事项、重要人事任免、重大项目安排和大额度资金使用等,具有决策、行政执法、行政许可、部门管理等决策、审批、自由裁量、事务管理决定权的领导岗位。broken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a "two" learning education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness "two learn a do" learning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put "two learn a do" learning education carried out good, for coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout, and achieved "Thirteen-Five" good start, and speed up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report "five experience" first. Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. "Two" fight to highlight grass-roots party organizations


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