甲方:乙方:合资经营协议2015年4月 合 资 经 营协议书第一章 总 则 有限公司(以下简称甲方)与 公司(以下简称乙方),依据国家有关法律、法规,本着平等互利的原则和友好合作的精神,通过协议,一致同意组建合资公司。第二章 合资双方第一条 本合同及合资公司各方为:(一)甲方: 是一家依照国家法律成立并存在的公司,在 工商行政管理局注册登记。法定地址: 电话号码: 传真号码: 法人代表:职 务:(二)乙方: 公司是一家依照国家法律成立并存在的公司,在 工商行政管理局注册登记.法定地址: 电话号码: 传真号码: 法人代表: 职 务: 第二条 甲乙双方均应严格遵守本合同的各项条款,履行本合同的各项义务,并享有本合同的利益。第三章 成立合资经营公司第三条 甲乙双方根据国家有关法律、法规,一致同意合资成立 分销合作企业(简称合资公司)第四条 合作公司名称为: 公司。第五条 合资公司的注册法定地址为: .第六条 合资公司组织形式为有限责任公司,是具有法人地位的经济实体。在肯尼亚国家法律、法规和合资公司合同章程规定的范围内,实行自主经营、独立核算、自负盈亏,独立承担经济责任,合资公司的一切权益和财产归合资公司所有,甲乙双方以各自提供的合资条件承担风险、亏损和责任.甲乙双方按合资规定的利益分配比例分享利润。第五条 初始阶段合资公司注册于肯尼亚,为甲方和乙方的海外销售平台公司,后续视业务的发展情况也可以在其他非洲国家横向拓展并注册其他合资公司。合资公司业务中的所有供应链环节的费用(包括国内采购、内陆拖车、出口报关、国际海运、目的岗清关及目的港内陆拖车至仓库环节,目的地仓储,售后服务)由乙方负责,合资公司在海外当地的行政销售环节的运营费用由甲方负责,合资公司的财务由甲方和乙方共同监督管理。第四章 合作公司宗旨、经营范围和合作项目第七条 合资公司的宗旨(一)运用甲方在 的经营管理能力及营销资源,实现乙方供应货物在非洲市场的快速销售及资金变现。(二)借助乙方的强大后台供应链整合能力,提升合作平台在非洲市场的市场及品牌影响力。(三)甲乙双方按照本合同约定承担经营责任,共享经营利润。第八条 合资公司的经营范围: 第九条 该合资公司成立后,由乙方负责整合供应链,并按时、按质按量及合理的制造成本提供合资公司前端销售所需的产品;由甲方团队负责合资公司的市场公关和运营推广.双方需积极配合推动合资公司业务发展。 第五章 投入资本及股份分配比例第十一条 合资公司的投入资本及占股比例(一)合资公司投入资本视实际需要。(二)甲方以经营团队及合资公司前段销售运营所需的所有行政、营销费用为出资额,此部分出资额随着公司业务的增长而增长,占合资公司股份的 49 .(三)乙方以货物到达目的市场仓库的所有供应链环节的成本费用(货物价值(含相关融资成本)+国内内陆拖车+出口报关相关费用+海运费+到港清关税费+到港拖车费用仓储售后)为出资额,此部分出资额随着公司业务的增长而增长,占合资公司股份的 51 。第十二条 在乙方为品牌建设投入费用的前提下,产品的商标由乙方享有.甲方不得在未经对方同意的情况下在非洲其他国家私自抢注商标或使用商标从事与合资公司无关的经营行为,否则另一方有权追究违约方相关责任。第六章 利润分成与风险亏损承担第十三条 合资公司的到岸成本只包括货物的供应链环节所发生的成本费用(货物制造成本(包含相关融资成本)+国内拖车费+出口报关费用+海运费+到港的清关税费+目的港拖车费用仓储),其他成本费用不得计入合资公司,而应该由乙方承担;前段销售运营所需的所有销售和行政费用不得计入合资公司,而由甲方承担.(1)甲乙双方按合资公司每单销售毛利的 50 计算分成,即甲方得销售毛利的 50 %,乙方得销售毛利 50%。销售毛利每月计算一次,在优先支付本单货款前提下分别转入甲方和乙方在合资公司分别独立开立的账户。(2)甲方有权审核乙方提供的所有供应链环节的成本数据,并与市场比较分析,以确保乙方是按合理的供应链成本与合资公司结算.(3)乙方保证按时、按质、按量及合理的制造成本供货给合资公司,甲方保证合资公司销售目标和毛利目标的完成。(4)乙方有权审核甲方负责提供的营销相关数据,对营销数据的合理性与真实性进行质询,甲方应积极配合乙方。(5)合资公司正常经营导致亏损按甲方 50 、乙方 50 %的比例各自承担.若因一方渎职行为导致合资公司亏损,另一方有权追索违约方相应经济责任和法律责任。第七章 董事会第十四条 合资公司设董事会。合资公司在加纳注册登记之日,为董事会正式成立之日。第十五条 董事会由 5 名董事组成,甲方委派 2 人,乙方委派 3 人。董事会设董事长1人,副董事长1人,董事长由 乙 方委派,副董事长由 甲 方委派,董事和董事长任期3年,经委派方继续委派可以连任.第十六条 董事会是合资公司的最高权力机构,决定合资公司一切重大事宜,对于重大问题应一致通过方可作出决定,对其他事宜,可采取多数通过决定。第十七条 董事长是合资公司法定代表人,董事长因故不能履行其职责时,可临时授权副董事长或其他董事为代表.第十八条 董事会会议每季度至少召开一次,由董事长召集并主持会议,经三分之一以上的董事提议,董事长可开董事会临时会议,会议记录应归档保存.第十九条 董事会会议一般应在公司法定地址所在地举行。第八章 经营管理机构第二十条 合资公司设经营管理机构,负责公司的日常经营管理工作。经营管理机构设总经理1人,副总经理若干人。总经理由 甲 方提名,报请董事会聘任,副总经理由董事会聘请。第二十一条 总经理的职责是执行董事会的各项决议,组织领导合资公司的日常经营管理工作,副总经理协助总经理工作。第二十二条 总经理、副总经理有营私舞弊或严重失职的,经董事会决定随时解聘。第二十三条 根据合资公司运营管理模式,合资公司财务负责人由乙方派驻,全面负责合资公司财务管理,甲方可指派专人对合资公司财务数据进行审计稽查。合资公司财务部应定期向甲乙双方出具合资公司经营情况报表.第九章 劳动管理第二十四条 合资公司职工的雇用、辞退、工资、劳动保险、劳动保护、生活福利和奖惩等事项,经董事会研究制定方案,组织实施.第二十五条 各方推荐的高级管理人员的聘请和工资待遇、社会保险、福利及差旅费标准等,由董事会讨论决定。第十章 税务、财务、审计第二十六条 合资公司按加纳法律和有关条例规定缴纳各项税金.第二十七条 合资公司按有关法规的规定提取储备基金、公司发展基金、职工福利及奖励基金,提取比例不得高于当年毛利20,每年提取具体比例由董事会根据合资公司经营情况讨论决定.第二十八条 合资公司根据有关规定,设立会计机构,配备会计人员,制定本公司的会计制度。第十一章 合资期限及竞业禁止条款第二十九条 合资公司的期限为5年,合资公司的成立日期为合资公司营业执照签发之日。经一方提议,董事会一致通过,可以在合资期限满6个月前向原审批机构申请延长合作期限。第三十条 在合资期限内,非因不可抗力,乙方不得中途停止供货。若乙方因为特殊原因无法及时供货时,因提前15个工作日知会合资公司,否则乙方视为违约,应按违约损失三倍赔偿合资公司。在合作期间或者退出合资公司后五年内其不得在合资公司的相同市场从事同类业务,若违反,按其营业额的五倍赔偿给甲方。第三十一条 在合资期限内,甲方应积极开拓市场,确保合资月度、年度经营目标(销售收入、利润、回款)实现。若非因不可抗力,甲方连续三月未完成目标70,乙方有权停止发货并有权终止合同。若非因不可抗力,甲方月度、年度实际业绩目标达成率低于70%时或是不能完成自己计划的月度最低库存,乙方有权向甲方追索差额回报损失。在合资期间,合资公司的客户资源、市场资源、品牌资源、人力资源归合资公司所有,未经乙方同意,甲方无权私自利用上述资源开展非合资公司业务.若甲方原因导致合作期间退出合资公司,退出后五年内甲方不得在合资公司的相同市场从事同类业务,若违反,按其营业额的五倍赔偿乙方。第十二章 合资期满财产处理第三十二条 合资期满或提前终止合作,合资公司应依法进行清算,清算后的财产,根据合资双方股份比例进行分配。 第十三章 合同的修改、变更与解除第三十三条 对本合同的修改,必须经合资双方签署书面协议方能生效。第三十四条 由于不可抗力致使合同无法履行,或由于合资公司连年亏损无力经营,经合资双方协商同意,可报原审批机构批准,提前终止合作期限和解除合资合同.第十四章 违约责任第三十五条 由于合资一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务,或严重违反合同、章程规定,造成合资公司无法经营或无法达到合同规定的经营目的,视作违约方片面终止合同,守约方除有权向违约方索赔外,并有权向原审批机构申请批准终止合同。如继续合资的,违约一方应赔偿合资公司的经济损失。第三十六条 由于一方的过错,造成本合同及其合同附件不能履行或不能完全履行时,由有过错的一方承担违约责任;如属双方的过错,根据实际情况,由双方分别承担各自自负的违约责任。第十五章 不可抗力第三十七条 由于地震、台风、水灾、战争以及其他不能预见并且对其发生和后果不能防止或避免的不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时,遇有上述不可抗力事故的一方,应立即将事故情况电告通知对方,并应在事发之日起15天内,提供事故详情及合同不能履行或者需要延期履行的理由及其有效证明文件,此项证明文件应由事故发生地区的公证机构出具。按事故对履行合同影响的程度,由双方协商决定是否解除合同,或者部分免除履行合同的责任,或者延期履行合同。 第十六章 适用法律第三十八条 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受加纳相关法律和保护和约束.第十七章 争议的解决第三十九条 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,如果协商不能解决,应向公司注册所在地法院起诉。第四十条 在仲裁过程中,除双方有争议正在进行仲裁的部分外,本合同应继续履行。第十八章 合同生效及其他第四十一条 按本合同规定的各项原则订立的附属协议文件,包括合资公司章程,均视为本合同的组成部分。合资双方发送通知的方法,如用电邮、电传通知时,凡涉及各方权利、义务的应随之以书面信件通知。第四十二条 本合同及其附件,由双方法定代表人签字之日起生效。第四十三条 本合同一式肆份,双方各持两份,具有同等效力。甲方: 公司 乙方: 公司法定代表人:_ 法定代表人:_年 月 日 年 月 日 于 签署PartyA: Afri-can East Africa Co.,LtdPartyB:BI Investments Co.,LtdCooperative venture agreementApril 2015 Cooperative venture agreementChapter 1 General ProvisionsAfrican East Africa Co.,Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and Company BI Investments Co.,Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Party B), in accordance with relevant state laws and regulations, in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly set up a Cooperative venture. Chapter 2 Parties of the Cooperative VentureArticle 1 The parties of the cooperative venture:(A) Party A: is a limited liability company duly incorporated in Kenya.Legal address:Phone number:Fax:Legal representative:Position:(B) B: is a limited liability company duly incorporated in Kenya。Legal address:Phone number:Fax:Legal representative:Position:Article 2 Both parties shall strictly comply with the terms of this contract,fulfilling the obligations and enjoy the benefits, Chapter 3 Establishment of cooperative venture companyArticle3 Both parties agreed to set up a cooperative distribution venture company(cooperative venture company) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, Article 4 The name of the cooperative venture company: AFRICAN EAST AFRICA COMPANY LIMITED.Article5 The registered legal address of the cooperative venture company is:Article6 The organizational form of the cooperative venture company is a limited liability company, it is an economic entity with legal status.The cooperative venture company will complete autonomous management, independent accounting, self-financing, independent economic responsibility under the Kenya national laws and regulations and provisions of the contract. All rights and property owned by the cooperative venture company。 Both parties undertake the risk, loss and liability according to their respective contribution in the cooperative venture company. Party A and Party B will share the profits according to provisions of the cooperative venture agreement。Article 7 The cooperative venture company is registered in Kenya initially as the overseas sales platform of Party A and Party B, other cooperative ventures can be registered in other African countries for marketing expansion depending on the specific development of the business. Party B will responsible for all costs caused in the business of cooperative venture company in the supply chain (including the procurement in China, inland transportation, export customs clearance, ocean freight, customs clearance,the transportation from port to warehouse, warehouse fee, after sale service) , Party A will responsible for operating expenses such as administration and marketing overseas,the finance of the cooperative venture will be under the supervision and management of both parties。Chapter 4 The purpose, scope and project of cooperative venture companyArticle 8 The purpose of the cooperative venture company(A) Party A use its management capabilities and marketing resources in Africa to achieve rapid sales and economic results by sale the goods supplied by Party B.(B) Party B will use its strong supply chain and integration capabilities to improve the market and brand influence of the cooperative venture company in Africa.(C) Both parties undertake the responsibility and share the profit in accordance with provisions of the contract,。Article 9 The business scope of the cooperative venture company: mobile phone/ mobile phone accesseries / digital productsArticle 10 Party B will responsible for the integration of the supply chain, provide products of cooperative venture on time according to the quality and reasonable manufacturing costs required after the establishment of the cooperative venture company; Party A will responsible for public relations and marketing of cooperative venture。Both parties should cooperate to promote development of the cooperative business.Chapter 5 The invested capital and the distribution of sharesArticle11 The invested capital and proportion of shares of the cooperative venture(A) The investment capital of the cooperative venture will depend on the real needs.The contribution fee of both parties will be put into the independent accounts of the cooperative venture under supervise of both parties, and earmark a fund for its specified purpose only(B) Party A contribute the company concerning all administrative and marketing costs caused by the management team of the cooperative venture company, this part of its investment will grow with the growth of the companys business,accounting for 49% shares of the cooperative venture. (C) Party B contribute the company concerning the cost happens in supply chain when ensuring the goods transfer to destination market and warehouse (value of goods (including related financing costs) + inland transportation+export customs clearance+ocean freight+customs clearance+the transportation from port to warehouse+warehouse fee+after sale service) , this part of its investment will grow with the growth of the company's business , accounting for 51% shares of the cooperative venture.Article 12 Under the investment Party B put on building the brand,Party B own the copyright of the trademark.Party A shall not registered trademarks in the other countries in Africa without the consent of Party B , or use the trademark to do unrelated business activities of the cooperative venture, otherwise the other party has the right to pursue the relevant responsible of the default party。 Chapter 6 Profitsharing and undertake of lossArticle13 The landed cost of the joint venture only includes the cost of the goods occurred in the supply chain (value of goods (including related financing costs) + trailer + domestic trailer cost+export customs fees + freight fee+import clearance fee + trailer cost + storage fee), other costs should not included in the joint venture, should be borne by the Party B; all sales and administrative costs should not included in joint venture,should borne by the Party A.(1) Both parties will share the profit basic on gross profit of per unit sold, that is Party A will get the 49 of the gross sales,Party B will get the 51 of the gross sales。 Sales margin is calculated once in a month, under the condition of payment is done ,the profit will respectively transferred to the individual account of Party A and Party B of the joint venture.(2) Party A have the right to review all supply chain cost data provided by the Party B,to compare and analysis with the marketing, ensuring that Party B is doing the settlement with Party A in a reasonable supply chain costs。(3) Party B should supply the Party A timely, ensuring the quality and quantity is meet by required, and make sure the manufacturing cost is reasonable . Party A should ensure that sales targets and gross margin targets is completed.(4) Party B has the right to check marketingrelated data provided by Party A, Party B has the right to inquire the marketing data regarding its rationality and authenticity, Party A should actively cooperate。(5) If the joint venture suffer a loss under normal operation,the loss will undertaken by Party A 49 PartyB 51 of the proportion.If the loss is caused by misconduct of one Party, the other party is entitled to recourse against the defaulting party to the corresponding economic responsibility and liability.Chapter 7 The Board of DirectorsArticle 14 The date of registration of the joint venture company shall be the date of the establishment of the board of directors of the joint venture company。Article 15 The board of directors is composed of 5 directors, of which 2 shall be appointed by Party A, 3 by Party B. The board of directors set one chairman and one vicechairman.The chairman of the board shall be appointed by Party B, and its vicechairman by Party A. The term of office for the directors, chairman and vicechairman is three years, their term of office may be renewed if continuously appointed by the relevant party.Article 16 The highest authority of the joint venture company shall be its board of directors. It shall decide all major issues concerning the joint venture company. Unanimous approval shall be required for any decisions concerning major issues. As for other matters, approval by majority or a simple majority shall be required。Article 17 The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture company。 Should the chairman be unable to exercise his responsibilities for any reason, he shall authorize the vice chairman or any other directors to represent the joint venture company temporarily.Article 18 The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. The chairman may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by more than one third of the total number of directors. Minutes of the meetings shall be placed on file。Article 19 The board of directors meetings should be held in the companys legal address。Chapter 8 Business Management OfficeArticle 20 The joint venture company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management. The management office shall have a general manager, several deputy general manager。The general manager appointed by Party A,The general manager and deputy general managers shall be appointed by the board of directors。Article 21 The responsibility of the general manager is to carry out the decisions of the board and organize and conduct the daily management of the joint venture company。 The deputy general managers shall assist the gener