天柱山 Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Now, we have already arrived at Mountai Tianzhun。 Before we start our tour, please let me introduce myself first。 I am Wang Ping from Anhui Travel Agency。 During your short stay here, I will be your local guide. It is my honor to be at your service. If you have any question or request, just go ahead and talk to me! I will try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable! Now, lets begin our trip with the basic introduction of Mountain Tianzhu. Mountain Tianzhu is located in Anqing City, Anhui Province。 The total area of the protecting zone is 333 square kilometers with the essential part of 82。46 square kilometers. Now it is a National 4Alevel Scenic Area as well as the National Forest Park。 Mountain Tianzhu is often called “the Ancient Nanyue". According to Sima Qian's record in the Historical Record, Emperor Hanwu in Han Dynasty in Chinese History once climbed Mountain Tianzhu, built a sacrificial altar on it and called it as Nanyue. But latter, in Sui Dynasty, Emperor SuiWen renamed Mountain Heng in Hunan as Nanyue. Since then, Mountain Tianzhu was called “the Ancient Nanyue". At present, the Mountain Tianzhu Scenic Area is divided into 8 scenic areas including the Sanzu Temple scenic area, Mazu Temple scenic area, the Main Peak scenic area and so on。 Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the Sanzu Temple Scenic Area. This is a scenic area with the most concentrated human landscapes and the highest cultural taste。 This half of the street where we are standing is called theYezhai Street。 Yezhai is the abbreviation ofYeren Zhai which means the Savage Cottage。 But why this place is called the Savage Cottage? According to the legend, a savage often haunted here and hurt people and livestock long ago。 Then a magistrate determined to sacrifice himself to save the people。 Bringing good wine and food to the savages hole, he accompanied the savage to drink。 And he asked servants to close the cave by using cast iron water in advance. Finally he died in the cavern with the savage。 There is another story about the source of the name: in the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the local Tyrant Liu Yuan led soldiers to fight against Yuan Dynasty in the Mountain Tianzhu. He proclaimed himself Savage Liu and thus the first Cottage he built in the valley mouth was named the Savage Cottage。 As for which story is more accurate, it is up to you。 Lets move on。 Please look at the direction of my finger; you can see the Sanzu Temple。 It is the place where the third patriarch of Chinese Zen made lectures。 It plays an important role in the history of Buddhisms development in China; and therefore it is honored as the nationwide key temple in the region of Han nationality。 Mountain Tianzhu is not only a famous Buddhist mountain, but also a fairy Taoist mountain. In Taoist Scriptures, it classifies the fairy and blessed lands around the world into 36 Fairy Caves and 72 blessed Lands。 Mountain Tianzhu is defined as the 14th Fairy Cave and the 57th Blessed Land. Next, we would like to visit The Stream in Valley and Moya Stone Carvings. The Stream in Valley flows through the Ancient Hole of Stone Cattle, down the Xilin Bridge, run out of the valley and into the Qian River. The overall length is nearly 400 meters. On the central of the valley and both walls of the Cliff engraved 300 Moya Stone Carvings which have a long history of over 1200 years。There are poetry, literature, inscriptions and calligraphy that include running hand, regular script, seal and grass in the carvings. The grand mountain standing in front of us now is the highest peak of Mountain Tianzhu Tianzhu Peak。 With the altitude of about 1488 meters, it stands in the air proudly。 The great poet Bai Juyi in Tang Dynasty had praised it that Mountain Tianzhu stands against sun and moon while thousands of cave portals lock thunders and clouds. Well, ladies and gentlemen, todays journey is coming to an end soon, thank you very much for your support and cooperation in the trip。 Lincoln once said that “You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the other people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time." So, if I have done something upset you, please point out。 It will be a pleasure to improve my work。 Finally, I wish you all healthy and happy! 各位团友: 大家好!今天我们要游览的是天柱山. 天柱山位于安徽省安庆市境内,规划保护区总面积为333平方千米,主景区为82.46平方千米。有着皖山、皖水、皖城、皖文化的天柱山,是国务院公布的首批国家重点名胜区,现为国家4A级旅游景区、全国文明森林公园。天柱山有“古南岳"之称,当年汉武帝南巡登临天柱山,筑坛祭岳,同行的司马迁在史记中记载了这次南巡活动“登礼潜之天柱山,号曰南岳”.到隋文帝开拓南疆,改封湖南衡山为南岳,从此天柱山就以“古南岳"传名后世。由此可见,天柱山是一座帝王山、万岁山。目前,天柱山分为三祖寺景区、马祖庵景区、主峰景区等八大景区。今天我们主要游览三祖寺景区和主峰景区. 各位,现在我们来到了三祖寺景区.此景区是天柱山人文景点最集中、文化品位最高的一个文化精品区.此刻我们所在的这半边街叫野寨街。野寨是“野人寨”的简称.这地方为何叫野人寨呢?相传很早以前这一带常有野人出没,伤人伤畜,当时的一位县令决心牺牲自己解救民众,他带上好酒好菜深入野人洞,陪野人喝酒,并令人用生铁水将洞口凝住,和野人同归于尽了。这还有一说啊,在南宋末年,本地土豪刘源率十万义兵在天柱山抗元.他自号“刘野人”,在谷口扎的第一寨就叫“野人寨"。两种说法到底哪个更准确,相信各位游客心中必有自己的理解。 请大家继续前行,现在顺着我手指的方向,就可以看到我们的三祖寺了。三祖寺是中国禅宗三祖传经布法的场所,在中国佛教发展史上占有十分重要的地位,被国务院批准为全国汉族地区重点开放寺庙。接下来,我们去看看山谷流泉摩崖石刻.穿过这片竹林,各位可以看到“古潜阳十景”中的两景:山谷流泉和石中古洞。山谷流泉流经石牛洞,经西林桥下出谷口,流入潜河,全长近400米。在它的河谷中央及其两面崖壁上刻满了自唐代以来1200多年间的摩崖石刻300多方,至今还能辨认的有280多方。这些石刻呢,有诗、文、题记,书法艺术也是行、楷、篆、草都有。请各位看那块巨石像不像卧着的牛在饮水?再看这一旁酷似牛蹄脚印的天然石印,因此,这里形象的被称为“石牛古洞"。它是整个摩崖石刻最集中最精华的部分. 天柱山不仅是佛教名山,也是道教仙山。道经上把天下仙山福地划分为“三十六洞天,七十二福地”,指出天柱山是第十四洞天,五十七福地.谓“司命真君府在潜山。”那么相传大家眼前看到的这个神秘谷呢,就是神仙司命真君居住的神府。神秘谷全长450多米,在四周拔地而起的山峰形成的峡谷里,由无数大小石头堆叠成或大或小几百个花岗石洞,洞洞相连,忽上忽下,忽明忽暗,人行其间,有一种神秘之感。神秘谷有“逍遥宫、迷宫、龙宫”三宫九进九出,有时要“弃明投暗”,有时要“卑躬屈膝”,有时要手足并用、匍匐前行,甚是神秘。谷间奇花异草、古松、怪石构成一幅天然画卷,更有烟霞缥缈其间,真乃名副其实的洞天福地。现在耸立在我们面前的这座雄伟无比的山峰就是天柱山的第一高峰-天柱峰。它海拔1488。4米。凌空耸立,一柱擎天。白居易曾赞叹说“天柱一峰擎日月,洞门千仞锁云雷”,正是因为天柱峰的山峰孤立险绝,只有当地的药农敢冒险攀登. 好了,今天的讲解就到此结束了,大家可以自由游览,不妨去体验一下神秘谷的神奇.希望大家玩得开心,尽兴。5