管理理论管理理论主讲主讲 范黎波范黎波对外经济贸易大学国际商学院对外经济贸易大学国际商学院20082008年年9 9月月课程框架课程框架 教材:教材:罗宾斯,管理学,清华出版社,罗宾斯,管理学,清华出版社,2005年年 管理导论管理导论 决策理论决策理论 战略与经营战略与经营 组织理论组织理论(结构、变革与创新)(结构、变革与创新) 组织行为组织行为(个体、团队、层级)(个体、团队、层级)课程考试课程考试个人课程报告(个人课程报告(5050):提出问题):提出问题与解释问题、分析问题(运用相关与解释问题、分析问题(运用相关数据和信息)、解决问题(参考相数据和信息)、解决问题(参考相关企业的做法)、解决问题的假设关企业的做法)、解决问题的假设或支持条件或支持条件研究一个公司研究一个公司期末考试(期末考试(5050):开卷,):开卷,2 2小时小时第一讲第一讲 导论导论管理与跨文化管理管理与跨文化管理Chapter One: LECTURE OUTLINE1.Who are managers?2.What is organization?3.What is management?4.What do manager do?5.What are managers role?6.What are managers skill?7.Is The Managers Job Universal?8.Why should we study management?1. WHO ARE MANAGERS? A. Managers work in organizations and direct the activities of others. They differ from operatives who have no responsibility for overseeing the work of others.2. What is organization?A. An organization is defined as a systematic arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose.B. Organizations share three common characteristics: a. Has a distinct purpose . b. Is composed of people. c. Develops a systematic structure that defines and limits the behavior of organizational members.3.WHAT IS MANAGEMENT ?Management is the process of getting activities done efficiently and effectively with and through other people.1. The process includes the functions or primary activities performed by managers.2. Efficiency refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs and refers to efforts to minimize resource costs.3. Effectiveness refers to goal attainment.4. Managers seek to be both efficient and effective.4. WHAT DO MANAGERS DO?(1) Planning includes defining goals,establishing strategy,and developing plans to coordinate activities.(2) Organizing is determining what tasks are to be done,who is to do them,how the tasks are to be grouped,who reports to whom,and where decisions are to be made.(3) Leading includes motivating subordinates,directing others,selecting the most effective communication channels,and resolving conflicts.(4) Controlling is monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations.5. What are managers role?Henry Mintzberg conducted a precise study of managers at work.His findings challenged several long-held beliefs about managers job.He concluded the managers perform ten different,but highly interrelated roles.Management roles refers to specific categories of managerial behavior. (1) Interpersonal roles included figurehead, leadership, and liaison activities. (2) Informational roles included monitoring, disseminating, and spokesperson activities. (3) Decisional roles included those of entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.6. What are managers skills? Robert L.Katz found though his research in the early 1970s that managers need three essential skills or competencies. (1) Technical skills are skills that include knowledge of and proficiency in a specialized field. (3) Human skills include the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group.(3) Conceptual skills include the ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract situations, to see the organization as a whole and the relationships among the various subunits, and to visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment7. Is The Managers Job Universal? (1) All managers perform essentially the same functions,but lower-level managers emphasize leading while upper-level managers spend more of their time planning,organizing,and controlling. (2) For the most part,the managers job is the same in both profit and not-for profit organizations. (3) Managers in small businesses tend to emphasize the spokesperson role and are generalists.Also,the formal structure and nature of a managers job in a large organization is replaced by more informality in a small firm. (4) When managers work in different countries,they often need to modify their practices.8. THE VALUE THE MARKETPLACE PUTS ON MANAGERS Managers earn more than operatives because their decisions have a significant efforts on the organizations performance and because of the inadequate supply of effective managers.9. WHY STUDY MANAGEMENT? Management is important in our society today. Accordingly,there are two reasons for studying management . A. We interact with organizations every day of our lives. Every product we use and every action we take is provided or affected by organizations.these organizations require managers.B. Upon graduating, you will either manage or be managed. A course in management provides insights into the workings of organizations.Chapter TwoTHE EVOLUTION OF MANAGEMENT THEORIES管理理论的历史演化管理理论的历史演化商业组织商业组织 福特故事福特故事通用汽车公司的危机和变革通用汽车公司的危机和变革 通用汽车公司的危机通用汽车公司的危机由于福特公司的降价行为,由于福特公司的降价行为,GMGM公司的销量下降公司的销量下降了了75%75%。福特公司占据了市场份额的福特公司占据了市场份额的5555,而,而GMGM只有只有1111。福特公司拥有明显的成本优势福特公司拥有明显的成本优势产品之间(卡迪拉克、别克、奥克兰、欧茨和产品之间(卡迪拉克、别克、奥克兰、欧茨和雪佛莱之间在自相残杀)雪佛莱之间在自相残杀) 变革的动力变革的动力 应对措施:按照收入细分市场应对措施:按照收入细分市场困难:营销渠道、客户信息、生产、原材料以困难:营销渠道、客户信息、生产、原材料以及协作问题及协作问题决策更多、更复杂决策更多、更复杂 要求组织形式发生改变要求组织形式发生改变通用公司的多部门结构通用公司的多部门结构放权、每一部门均为其指定的细分市场放权、每一部门均为其指定的细分市场制造并销售汽车制造并销售汽车总部的作用:审察业绩、协调整体战略、总部的作用:审察业绩、协调整体战略、法律和金融问题、确保以市场价格供货法律和金融问题、确保以市场价格供货(引入市场的成分)(引入市场的成分)这使得一些重要决策不是由这使得一些重要决策不是由GMGM总部来做总部来做出。出。福特的评价福特的评价 就我看来,没有比那种有时被称之为就我看来,没有比那种有时被称之为“组组织天赋织天赋”的脑筋更危险的了。它通常会导的脑筋更危险的了。它通常会导致产生一巨大图表,就如一家族系图谱,致产生一巨大图表,就如一家族系图谱,表明权力是如何分枝分叉的,就如树一样。表明权力是如何分枝分叉的,就如树一样。树上缀满了好看的圆草莓,每一个草莓均树上缀满了好看的圆草莓,每一个草莓均带有一个或一办公室的名字。信息从带有一个或一办公室的名字。信息从位于图中左下角的人传至总裁或者董事长位于图中左下角的人传至总裁或者董事长约需六个星期的时间。约需六个星期的时间。丰田丰田 劣势:资金匮乏、企业的规模较小、成本高劣势:资金匮乏、企业的规模较小、成本高 变革:变革: 适时生产和看板体制:消除生产过程中的存货适时生产和看板体制:消除生产过程中的存货 加强与供应商的联系加强与供应商的联系 加强员工的培训,使他们可以迅速解决生产过加强员工的培训,使他们可以迅速解决生产过程中的问题程中的问题 加快设计的进程加快设计的进程 这些例子表明了与企业规模、生产能力及这些例子表明了与企业规模、生产能力及其市场策略相匹配的紧密组织的重要性。其市场策略相匹配的紧密组织的重要性。简单结论简单结论 每一个组织都是相对的每一个组织都是相对的最优而不是绝对的最优最优而不是绝对的最优 环境发生改变时,组织环境发生改变时,组织也应该发生改变也应该发生改变 管理是一种实践,管理是一种实践,其本质不在于知而其本质不在于知而在于行,其验证不在于行,其验证不在于逻辑而在于成在于逻辑而在于成果。果。 LECTURE OUTLINE Introduction 1. Historical Background 1. Historical Background 历史背景历史背景 2. The early years2. The early years 早期贡献早期贡献 3. Recent Years :Toward Integration3. Recent Years :Toward Integration 近代发展:趋向一体化近代发展:趋向一体化 4. Current trends and issues4. Current trends and issues 现代的趋势和难点问题现代的趋势和难点问题各路管理之道各路管理之道 从日本制造到美国战略;从日本制造到美国战略; 从全面质量管理到价值链整合;从全面质量管理到价值链整合; 从企业再造到学习型组织;从企业再造到学习型组织; 从从ERPERP到六西格玛到六西格玛几乎无一漏网。几乎无一漏网。1、贡献者、贡献者 一、泰罗一、泰罗Frederick W. Taylor(1856-1915);二、亨利;二、亨利.福福特特Henry Ford(1863-1947);三、斯隆;三、斯隆Alfred P. Sloan(1875-1966);四、爱得华;四、爱得华.德明德明W. Edwards Derming(1900-1993);五、沃尔;五、沃尔.迪斯尼迪斯尼Walt Disney(1901-1966);六、雷;六、雷.克拉克克拉克Raymond Kloc(1902-1984);七、彼;七、彼得得.德鲁克德鲁克Perter Drucker(b.1909);八、;八、Akio Morita(b.1921);九、杰克;九、杰克.韦立奇韦立奇Jack Welch(B.1935);十、麦克尔十、麦克尔.波特波特Michael E. Porter(b.1947);十一、比尔;十一、比尔.盖茨盖茨Bill Gates(b.1957);十二、萨姆;十二、萨姆.沃尔顿沃尔顿Sam Wolton(1918-1992);十二、其它贡献者;十二、其它贡献者 (上述资料来源:(上述资料来源:BUSINESS STRATEGY, September/October 1999)2.HISTORICAL BACKGROUND历史背景历史背景(1) The Egyptian Pyramids埃及金字塔 and the Great Wall of China are good examples of tremendous scope that employed tens of thousands of people.How was it possible for those projects to be completed? The answer is management. (2) Even the Bible圣经 refers to management concepts. (3) The Roman Catholic Church罗马天主教 is often cited as an interesting example of the practice of management.(4) Adam Smith撕密,author of the classical economic doctrine, The Wealth of Nations,argued brilliantly about the economic advantages that division of labor劳动分工 would bring to organizations and society.(5) The Industrial Revolution工业革命 can be thought of as possibly the most important pre-twentieth century influence on management.The introduction of machine power,combined with the division of labor,made large,efficient factories possible.Planning,organizing, leading,and controlling became necessary.3. THE EARLY YEARSThe first half the twentieth century was a period of contrasts in management thought. Four approaches to management are examined:scientific management, 科学管理general administrative approach一般行政理论 human relations movement 人际关系运动Quantitative Approach 定量方法、定性方法qualitative approach 加里加里哈默尔指出:贯穿现代管理理论的发展有两哈默尔指出:贯穿现代管理理论的发展有两个目标并存:如何更加科学和如何更加人性化。个目标并存:如何更加科学和如何更加人性化。 泰罗对于科学管理的泰罗对于科学管理的“偏执偏执”逼迫了管理学理论逼迫了管理学理论的发展。在工业时代,机器和资本是主要的推动的发展。在工业时代,机器和资本是主要的推动力。员工按照严格的工序工作,他们很容易被替力。员工按照严格的工序工作,他们很容易被替换,甚至被机器替代。在会计中,换,甚至被机器替代。在会计中,“人是支出,人是支出,机器是资产机器是资产”。 其后行为科学理论、权变理论和战略与企业文化其后行为科学理论、权变理论和战略与企业文化(19801980年后)迅速发展。年后)迅速发展。 3.1 Scientific management is defined as the use of the scientific method科学方法 to define the “one best way” 最好的方法for a job to be done.Thumb of rules经验做法A Frederick Taylor泰罗 is known as the “father” of scientific management.科学管理之父B Taylor sought to create a mental revolution among both workers and managers by defining clear guidelines for improving production efficiency.C Using the principlesC Using the principles原理原理 of scientific of scientific management, Taylormanagement, Taylors was able to define the s was able to define the one best way for doing each job.one best way for doing each job. C Scientific management gained a big boost when an efficiency expert testified at a 1910 hearing on railroad rates before the Interstate Commerce Commission that railroads could save one million dollars a day though the application of scientific management .3.2 General administrative theoriesThis group of writers focused on the entire organization.They were important for developing more general theories of what managers do and what good management practice is. A number of current ideas and practices in management can be directly traced to the contributions of the general administrative theorists.(1) Henri Fayol法约尔a. His attention was aimed at the activities of all managers.b. He described the practice of management as distinct from other typical business functions.c. He stated fourteen principles of management (fundamental or universal truths) that could be taught in schools.Fayols 14 Principles of Management1. Division of work.2. Authority.3. Discipline.4. Unity of command.5. Unity of direction.6. Subordination of individual interest to the interests of the organization.7.Remuneration.8.Centralization.9.Scalar chain.10. Order.11. Equity.12. Stability of tenure of personnel.13. Initiative.14. Esprit de corps. (2) Max Weber 韦伯a. He developed a theory of authority structures 权力机构and described organizational activity based on authority relations.企业的全部经营活动必须以权力关系为基础b. He described the ideal form of organization 组织的理想方式the bureaucracy官僚组织.Webers Ideal BureaucracyA bureacracy should have Authority hirarchy Division of labour Career orientation Impersonality Formal rules and regulations Formal selection韦伯关于组织权威的研究韦伯关于组织权威的研究 有社会组织的地方就有统治,有统治就有统治的有社会组织的地方就有统治,有统治就有统治的道理,人们服从统治的道理就构成了权威。道理,人们服从统治的道理就构成了权威。 任何一个组织,都是以某种形式的权威为基础的。任何一个组织,都是以某种形式的权威为基础的。没有权威组织就失去了存在的条件,权威和组织没有权威组织就失去了存在的条件,权威和组织是密切联系的。权威能够消除混乱,带来秩序,是密切联系的。权威能够消除混乱,带来秩序,实现组织的目标,推动社会发展。理论上,韦伯实现组织的目标,推动社会发展。理论上,韦伯是对权威进行诠释的第一位。是对权威进行诠释的第一位。 韦伯对权威进行了历史考察,认为亚当韦伯对权威进行了历史考察,认为亚当斯密的斯密的(或者称合法性)权威不外乎三种历史形态:即(或者称合法性)权威不外乎三种历史形态:即传统型权威、魅力型权威和法理型权威传统型权威、魅力型权威和法理型权威 传统型权威是最古老的权威形式,来自于传统型权威是最古老的权威形式,来自于习俗、惯例、经验等,这种社会组织就是习俗、惯例、经验等,这种社会组织就是人们常说的家长制。在这种组织中,统治人们常说的家长制。在这种组织中,统治者和被统治者的之间的关系不是者和被统治者的之间的关系不是“上司上司”和和“下属下属”,而是主子和奴仆、家长和子,而是主子和奴仆、家长和子女。女。 传统型权威支配下的社会组织通常有三种传统型权威支配下的社会组织通常有三种亚形态:族长制、世袭官僚制和封建制。亚形态:族长制、世袭官僚制和封建制。后面两种制度是组织规模扩大和分工细化后面两种制度是组织规模扩大和分工细化以后产生的衍生制度。以后产生的衍生制度。 魅力型权威是建立在非凡人格、英雄气概和创业魅力型权威是建立在非凡人格、英雄气概和创业奇迹的基础上的。所谓魅力就是一个领袖人物超奇迹的基础上的。所谓魅力就是一个领袖人物超越凡俗的气质、人品、性格和学识智慧等。越凡俗的气质、人品、性格和学识智慧等。 魅力型权威的核心是个人崇拜。这种组织所依赖魅力型权威的核心是个人崇拜。这种组织所依赖的常常是某种信仰,而不是强制性控制。所以要的常常是某种信仰,而不是强制性控制。所以要维持个人崇拜型组织的生存和发展,领袖人物必维持个人崇拜型组织的生存和发展,领袖人物必须不断低以某种新的形式来表现他的魅力。由于须不断低以某种新的形式来表现他的魅力。由于权威是不稳定的,所以这种组织是不能持久的。权威是不稳定的,所以这种组织是不能持久的。 法理型权威是建立在相信规章制度和行为法理型权威是建立在相信规章制度和行为准则的合法性基础上的。只有根据法定规准则的合法性基础上的。只有根据法定规则所发布的命令才具有权威,规则是人们则所发布的命令才具有权威,规则是人们愿意准守的普遍秩序即以理性为基础,愿意准守的普遍秩序即以理性为基础,契约的或强制性的规章或法律,并要求所契约的或强制性的规章或法律,并要求所有成员不许尊重它。这些皮鞭秩序既可以有成员不许尊重它。这些皮鞭秩序既可以是目的合乎理性,也可以是价值合乎理性,是目的合乎理性,也可以是价值合乎理性,从这种理性衍生出来的规则是法理型权威从这种理性衍生出来的规则是法理型权威赖以存在的基础。赖以存在的基础。关于韦伯组织理论的批评关于韦伯组织理论的批评 一个企业组织是一个企业组织是“金字塔金字塔“,是一个垂直化管理,是一个垂直化管理体系,权力非常集中。权力集中通常比较有利于体系,权力非常集中。权力集中通常比较有利于执行,但是企业活力就会大大折扣。这是迄今为执行,但是企业活力就会大大折扣。这是迄今为止关于科层组织最集中的批评意见。止关于科层组织最集中的批评意见。 1 1、官僚制的理性主义从某种意义上说是对人性的、官僚制的理性主义从某种意义上说是对人性的异化。官僚制组织排挤人的个性和情感。许多理异化。官僚制组织排挤人的个性和情感。许多理论质疑韦伯的理论。论质疑韦伯的理论。 在韦伯那里,官僚制组织依赖于完全理性,后来在韦伯那里,官僚制组织依赖于完全理性,后来西蒙提出了西蒙提出了“有限理性有限理性”,试图在理性和非理性,试图在理性和非理性之间进行平衡。之间进行平衡。关于韦伯组织理论的批评关于韦伯组织理论的批评2 2、科层制组织强调对上级的绝对、科层制组织强调对上级的绝对服从,从而形成了自上而下单项的服从,从而形成了自上而下单项的命令链,强化了命令链,强化了“独白独白”机制建设,机制建设,弱化了弱化了“对话和沟通对话和沟通”机制建设。机制建设。长期的集权和集中控制产生了滋长长期的集权和集中控制产生了滋长了严重的官僚主义,导致组织效率了严重的官僚主义,导致组织效率低下。低下。关于家族企业关于家族企业 马丁公司是一家家族企业,家族企业马丁公司是一家家族企业,家族企业一般靠以下五种优势成功:一般靠以下五种优势成功:A A、生来当领导。家族企业的继承人生、生来当领导。家族企业的继承人生下来就要当一把手,他们从小就在下来就要当一把手,他们从小就在生意场上耳濡目染,往往怀有超越生意场上耳濡目染,往往怀有超越上一代的雄心,其他环境中的同龄上一代的雄心,其他环境中的同龄人是不能与之相比较的。人是不能与之相比较的。B B、可快速决策。在需要作出决策的时、可快速决策。在需要作出决策的时刻,由紧密团结的家庭成员控制的刻,由紧密团结的家庭成员控制的企业要比其他公司反应快得多。企业要比其他公司反应快得多。 C C、员工忠诚。家庭企业通常乐于出钱、员工忠诚。家庭企业通常乐于出钱照看员工子女,同员工分享利润,照看员工子女,同员工分享利润,遇到经济低谷时,他们尽量不解雇遇到经济低谷时,他们尽量不解雇员工。家族企业把员工看成是长期员工。家族企业把员工看成是长期的资源,尊重员工、培养忠诚的理的资源,尊重员工、培养忠诚的理念。念。D D、重视再投资。不论是地域扩张、研、重视再投资。不论是地域扩张、研发还是开拓新市场,家族企业对于发还是开拓新市场,家族企业对于投入一大笔资金没有一点都不皱。投入一大笔资金没有一点都不皱。对他们来说,创造和保持财富的办对他们来说,创造和保持财富的办法就是拥有一个繁荣的企业、对企法就是拥有一个繁荣的企业、对企业高度负责。业高度负责。3.3 The Human Resources ApproachIt is described as the study of management that focuses on human behavior.(1) Four individuals stand out as early advocates of the human resources approach.a. Robert Owen, a successful Scottish businessman,proposed a utopian workplace.b. Hugo Munsterberg created the field of industrial psychology-the scientific study of individuals at work to maximize their productivity and adjustment.c.Mary Parker Follett was a social philosopher who thought the managers job was to harmonize and coordinate group efforts.d.Chester Barnard, present of New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, saw organization as social systems that required human cooperation. He believe that managers major roles were to communicate and stimulate subordinates to high levels of effort.He described an interesting view of authority the acceptance view. (2) The Hawthorne Studies霍桑研究Finding发现: a. These were a series of experiments conducted from 1927 to 1932 at Western Electric Companys Hawthorne Works in Cicero, Illinois.b. the studies provided new insights into group norms and behaviors集体准则和行为.c. Although not without critics,the Hawthorne Studies did stimulate an interest in human factors.(3) The human relations movement a. Dale Carnegies ideas and teachings have had an enormous impact on management practice.b.Abraham Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, proposed a theoretical hierarchy of five human needs.c.Douglas McGrego is best known for his description of two sets of assumptions about human behavior-theory X and theory Y. (4). The final category within the human resources approach include the behavioral science theorists.These individuals including Fiedler, Vroom, Herzberg, Locke, Peffer, Thomas, and Perrow, relied on the scientific met