CarbonCarbon BrushBrushPresentedby Sales & Technical sectionConstant Temperature OvenBaking Furnace1.Raw material check2.Weighing & Kneading3.Drying4.PulverizingMaterial Completion7.Baking8.GrindingPressing TEST PIECEMaterial Check by TEST PIECE9.Dimension Check5. Weighing & MixingCopper + Processed Graphite + Additives6. Pressing & MoldingTEST PIECE(10*10*40)Apparent DensityResistivityShore Hardness()(-)(HsD)Graphitelot.No.*Copperlot.No.Additivelot.No.Binderlot.No.*GraphiteBinder*-*lot.No.*WeightProcessed Graphi teBrush production processSTEP1STEP2STEP3FinishX FACEMoldedConnectionY、Z FACETampedConnection-TampedConnectionMethod-YXZPress directionElectricNoiseDOWNBrushLifeUPRi dabi l i ty I m proveCom m utati ng I m proveBrush Hardness DOW NI m prove Poi ntOi l I m pregnatedResi sti vi ty UPCarbon Fi l m on Com m utator DOW NRi dabi l i ty I m proveCom m utati ng I m proveMechani cal Strength I m proveBrush Hardness DOW NOi l I m pregnatedBrush strength UPAppropri ate Carbon Fi l m on Com m utatorResi sti vi ty UPI m prove Poi nt The carbon brush for power tool need high resistivity,Because the motor application of power tool is hard.DemeritThe oil make the carbon film of comm increase. Need grinding additivesThe smell is anxious, Cost UP, It is easy to make piling the grinding powder from brush.High resistivity brush need less graphitizing graphite.Less graphitizing graphite = not natural graphiteBut less graphitizing graphite is less lubricating action.Why need the carbon brush for power tool Impregnate with oil?Impregnation with oil supplement less lubricating actionproductTEST statesTEST 1TEST 1( )No. 1No. 2Avr.A1788110292GS-243795768TEST 2TEST 2( )n=1A178297GS-243407Life TEST A 178 vs GS-243 each 2m otorsLife TEST A 178 vs GS-243 each 2m otorsW e consi der w hy the reason brush l i fe of GS-243 shorter than A178.The perform ance of cl eani ng of GS-243 i s l ess than A178.The generati on of heat of GS-243 i s hi gher than A178.A178 l i fe i s l onger than GS-243. The carbon fi l m on com m of GS-243 l ooks l i ke m ore thi ck than A178.GS-243 i s 1. 4 ti m es as hi gh as A178The test resul t:Generation of heat TEST w hen Energizing to only brush A ss yGeneration of heat TEST w hen Energizing to only brush A ss ySo, the carbon fi l m on com m of GS-243 i s m ore thi ck than A178.The excessi ve spark m ake w ear of carbon brush i ncrease.The m ore thi ck carbon fi l m m ake spark i ncrease. The test resul t:A178 No. 2GS-243 No. 1TEST1& TEST2 ConsiderationTEST1& TEST2 ConsiderationW e i m prove GS-243 w hat cl eani ng perform ance UP & resi sti vi ty DOW N.Al ready generati on of heat TEST have fi ni shed. The generati on of heat i m prove 330 from 407.Now w e ready to do the l i fe test by i m prove grade.Counter m easureCounter m easure9. 5AM easure poi ntThank you for your attention