优秀英语高考作文范文6篇 高中生一提到英语写作,就有不少同学感到困恼,要么无从下笔,要么乱写一番,什么结构思路都很不清晰,内容选择也脱离主题。所以导致最终结果就是写作的总体得分。高中阶段对于写作的考查要求更高,一篇没有错误但平淡无奇的文章是拿不到高分的,保证正确性的前提下,写作必须要有出彩之处才能得到阅卷老师的青睐。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的优秀英语高考作文范文6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢! 优秀英语高考作文范文1 16 is a very young age, in China, teenagers are going to middle school.Recently, a sixteen years old boy had delivered a speech in UN. He stood for theyoung generation and gave his voice. This young boy was famous in the earlytime, and he was from the popular singing group, TF boys. When the group startedto be famous, a lot of people laughed at these three young boys, because theythought the boys were imitating the Korean singers. But many years have passed,the boys practiced so hard and become more and more popular. What they presentedto the audience was so positive. One of the boys even on behalf of the teenagerand stood in the world stage. Even the young boys can chase their dream, whydont we. If we persist on what we do, then we can make our dreams cometrue. 优秀英语高考作文范文2 We are always educated to be an honest person, especially to our parents.While the fact is that every kid will lie to their parents in their lives. Forme, my parents are very strict, I am not allowed to go out at night, because thenews always reports the bad incidents happen at night. But night activityattracts me a lot, and my friends like to hang out for fun at night, so I chooseto lie to my parents and tell them I am doing my homework with my friends. Nowas I grow up, I realize it is not right to tell lies, so I decide to be honestto my parents. Once they realize that I am not a little kid anymore, then I willhave my right to do what I want. 优秀英语高考作文范文3 Iphone is always the best seller in the world market. Especially in China,so many young people are proud to have one at hand, which means they are in thefashion trend. The news even reported a guy sold his kidney just for collectingenough money to buy an iphone. It is true that iphone has the advancedtechnology and the system always works better than other smart phones. Butrecently, the media made a report about the best seller on cellphone, toeveryones surprise, the winner of all the time has come to second place and thenew winner is Oppo. We are happy that foreign product is not the customersfirst choice, and they start to choose domestic products, which shows theimprovement of our technology. We are so proud of the improvement, someday,there will be more homemade products. 优秀英语高考作文范文4 Now the winter holiday will pass soon, I suddenly remember that I haventfinished my homework yet and answered my friends invitation. So in the last fewdays, the first thing I need to do is to spend some time with my friends,because she had asked me to barbecue with her families. I am so happy to say yesand look forward to spending the time with her families. Homework is always mynightmare. I am lazy and wont face it until the last minute. My parents alwaysremind me of my homework and I respond them with the good words. My mother willcheck my homework before I go back to school. So I must finish it in two days.It is a tough task but I have to burden it. I wont break my words to myparents. 优秀英语高考作文范文5 Nowadays, Chinese people are everywhere, on the one hand, they like totravel and on the other hand, the population is very large. But foreignersimpression on Chinese is not always good. The media have reported the negativeincidents that were brought by Chinese tourists, and many foreigners have giventheir opinion and criticized the tourists behavior. It is true that manyChinese people havent realized their bad behavior, such as talking loudly inthe public occasion. As we have the large population, so not every people hasthe chance to receive good education. Whats more, the foreign media justreported the bad side while ignoring the good side, so the foreign people alwaysthink Chinese people are rude. We admit that we are not doing well enough and weneed to behave ourselves. And I believe that a wise man will make his ownjudgment when he communicate with Chinese. 优秀英语高考作文范文6 When talking about football, as Chinese, I want to say a lot things. Butwhen words are about to come out, I become silent. Chinese football alwayspresents the negative side to the fans, because the football team did not playwell in the big games and the fans disappointed all the time. It is truth thatthe skill of foreign players is much better than us. They have the strong body,while is the gene advantage. But the more important factor is that football isnot that popular in China, only few teenagers work on it. Look at the footballkingdom Brazil, where almost every child can play football. Now the good news isthat more football schools will be built in China, which helps to develop moretalents to work on football. 优秀英语高考作文范文6篇