一,高中英语阅读课,该教案在赛课中获得了一等奖,同时该阅读课获得了一等奖,经过实战演练,课堂气氛非常活跃,阅读表格等教学方法得到评委一致称赞A,用表格的形式来制作教案,一目了然,简洁明了B,加入了对应内容的 ppt 截图 ,让教案不再是死气沉沉,冗长无聊,而是生动活泼,十分有趣,有新意!三,拥有配套的高质量的说课稿,课件,阅读原文,让你把优秀阅读课信手拈来!说课稿题目:高中英语阅读课公开课说课稿 一等奖Senior high students are eager to learn something knowledgeableand interesting. They have their own opinions and attitudes. They'renot content with the limited knowledge obtained from the textbooks.Their abstract thinking and cognitive capability have developed a lot.So I must try my best to help them keep up their passion, develop thefeeling of success and build up good values.Analysis Teaching The content of my lesson is a reading material, through the learningOn Content of which, Ielnlable students to know more about Jackie Chan, his lifecareer and the qualities that lead to his success. At the same time,make Ss aware of the question-and-answer format in an interview andlearn how to conclude a question from the answer.1 Material(1)The Ss can learn question-and-answer format in an interview.(2) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about JackieChans life career and form their own opinion about success.Abilities(1) To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading andTeachingAimswriting(2) To improve Ss' reading abilities, especially their skimming andscanning abilities.(3) To train the Ss abilit ies of studying by themselves and throughcooperating.EmotionLearn from Jackie Chan and understand the way to success is notsmooth. Put the moral education in the process of study.tPointsDifficult Help students to conclude the questions of interviewers according toPoints Jackie Chans answers.1.Communicative ApproachTeaching Methods 2. Task-based Language TeachingStudentsActivitiesT: Ok, today, I will introduce my idol Jackie Chan toall of you. First let us enjoy a video about JackieChans life.Then I will play a video about Jackie chan.2 2. Serve as ahave a look who is the best journalist in severalminutes.3 Then , I will use ppt structure chart to organize theQ1: When you were young did you ever think you be well trained.would achieve such recognition in the film world, as ahumanitarian ambassador and now as an advocate forworld peace?Q2: What initially prompted you to set up the JackieChan Foundation in 1988?4 Task1. Further discussion (group work, 5 min)5 T: Does the interviewer tell you what you want to knowabout Jackie Chan? If Jackie Chan comes to our schooland you will interview him on behalf of our school,Conclusion:6 Homework7T: Does the interviewer tell you what you want to knowabout Jackie Chan? If Jackie Chan comes to our schooland you will interview him on behalf of our school,Conclusion:6 Homework7