精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - promotion of employment, form a rea system in ecologi cal envir onme nt protesonable and orderly pattern of income di stribution, build a ction management system reform. Plenary session, cea more fair and sustaina ble social se curity systems, me ntering on buil ding a l isteni ng party command, ca n win dical and l and healt h system reform. The ple nary, innovation of social having a fi ne style of the pe opl e's army, a str ong army under t governa nce, must focus he ne w situati on of the party on the mainte nance of fundame ntal interest Goal s, restricti ng the development of s of the national dov erwhelming majority of the pe f ense a nd army buil ding is solveople, maximize factors, e d outstanding contradictions anha nce social development, im nd problems, i nnovation aproving social gover nd devel opment er nance, t he interest s of nati onal security, e of military theor y, e nha nce military strateginsure that t he p c gui dance, impre opl e live and w ork, social sta ove the military strategy in tbility a nd order. he new peri od, buildio improve social g overna ng a modern military force systemnce, stimulati with i ng social Chi nese charorganizati a cteristics. on, innovative and effective system of preventi o deepen the adjustment of i ng and resolvi personnel system reform in the ng social conflicts, im proving t army, military policy ahe public security system, set nd sy stem reform, promote tup the Nati he devel opmeonal Se curity Council, nt of military and civilinational se curity systems an i ntegration dept h. Pland nati enary seonal security strategy to ensure ssion stre ssed that comprehensivnational se curit e reform must be tt y. Plenary sessi on, t he construction o strengthen a nd impr ove the of ecologi party's leacal civ ilization, you must e stabli sh systems dership, give full play to the core role of the of ecological system, using t party commands the t he system to overall situati on aprote ct the e cological environment. nd coordi nating all parties, impr. o improve natural re oving t he party's lea ding water . Msources a argin. sset property right system and use control, red li Challe nged t he lea dershi p of the Communist Party ne of delimitation of Chi na, Marxismof ecologi cal pr otection, resour-Leni nism and Ma o Zedong thougces paid use sy stem and ecologi ht by De ng Xia o-ping' s flag, repla cal compe nsation a ced by threrepresentatives and the harmoni c society. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesion point of almost all politi cal makeover. Characteristics of socialism public ownershi p is shifting to private ownership, planne d regulation and market regulation, the proletarian regime controlled by the elite. Of universal equality, fairness and basic princi ples of distribution system is socialist society, however after economic monopolized by pow erful, vested i ntnterests grow, employers do not have the same status, hardly seems fair social distribution. State key protection of capital int erests rather than the interests of citize nns, had been hits the bottom of the proletariat生物必修三稳态与环境知识点总结第一部分 稳态知识点总结细胞内液(细胞质基质 细胞液)(存在于细胞内,约占 2/3)、1.体液 血 浆细胞外液内环境(细胞直接生活的环境)组织液(存在于细胞外,约占 1/3)淋巴等2.内环境的组成及相互关系细胞内液 组织液 血浆淋巴(淋巴循环)考点:呼吸道,肺泡腔,消化道内的液体不属于人体内环境,则汗液,尿液,消化液,泪液等不属于体液,也不属于细胞外液细胞外液的成分水,无机盐(Na+, Cl- ),蛋白质(血浆蛋白)氨基酸等血液运送的物质营养物质:葡萄糖甘油脂肪酸胆固醇废物:尿素尿酸乳酸等气体:O2,CO2等激素,抗体, 神经递质维生素组织液,淋巴,血浆成分相近,最主要的差别在于血浆中含有很多的蛋白质,细胞外液是盐溶液,反映了生命起源于海洋,血浆各化学成分的种类及含量保持动态的稳定,所以分析血浆化学成分可在一定程度上反映体内物质代谢情况,可以分析也一个人的身体健康状况考点:血红蛋白,消化酶不在内环境中存在蛋白质主要机能是维持血浆渗透压,在调节血浆与组织液之间的水平衡中起重要作用无机盐在维持血浆渗透压,酸碱平衡以及神经肌肉的正常兴奋性等方面起重要作用理化性质(渗透压,酸碱度,温度)渗透压 一般来说,溶质微粒越多,溶液浓度越高,对水的吸引力越大,渗透压越高,血浆渗透压的大小主要与无机盐,蛋白质的含量有关。人的血浆渗透压约为 kpa,相当于细胞内液的渗透压。功能:是维持细胞结构和功能的重要因素。典型事例:名师归纳总结 (高温工作的人要补充盐水;. obey the la严重腹泻的人要注入生理盐水,his issue. Thir plan development. Sig海里的鱼在河里不能生Obvi ousl and try agy, face Chi na's Socialist system, t ain, is an affirmation of Deng he Communist Party is not the part Xia o-ping's reform ideas. y. In t hat case, political These strong political signal cha os has been very t showing a new geight. Is remodeling neration of political leag or reconstrders i s stillucti on, i kee ping to t s a corre o t hection or a st he Socialist roaove. Whether to turn rig d. Four is revisiting tht or left, is he "tals back to tking to he source or put forward Mao Ze-Dong's historical cynew politica cle of" high a l ideas. profile a nti-corrThis is to determi uption and the imne the road portance of theproblems in C Constitution, reorgaChi na, is also t nizhe key out ation is bad styl of the de yl e of ofep water of the reform of the economic system. ficialdom, was to civilize people After 18, the new Central collective lw, while improving the col or change of the readership atta egime of vigilach nce. e s great importance to Five is to reform into dee politi cal orie ee pentation. r waters. First, the "Central eight arti a nd stresse d that top-level cles" as a starting desig n, thi s is a review poi nt, starting from the on t he reform and openie Central Government's ng up in the past, is al s selfl so l ooki -restraint, i ng for a whi ch pre way out. aches and pr Six foro-image, eign and Ru brought fresh feelissi a cl oser, the flexibl ng to the l e community. e attitude y. Secondly, before reform and openion t he issue of the Korean peninsula, Sino-Ja ng up and reform and a pane se fishi ng hardline Chiope ning tw na on the isla o peri la ndods after non-negative, untying the tangle of the society a long time on tnd out of the "patient" and low profile shadow began to gradually d, a ne ns show generation of party l w t hat the new lea l eaders on various occaa der ship began t o make a lsions to eft turn in Mao Ze politi-Dong and Ma cs. Ho Ze-Dong' However, as of right s thought of eval t now , nal uation has r , not only ide r oom for manoeuvre, tologi cal confusion in the commuhrou nity, theg h to the ruli newng ide leaology of Ma dership's ta o Zedong thoughinki ng is messy. Nht, is the call of the soul to the Soci ew leaders both stressed tci he neealist Revolutid to implement theon a Constnd construction. Empty talks jeitution, stressed the nopardize natieed to turn off thonal i nterests e power in acage. Also stresse Comrades: today s that Ma brings togeto Zedong thought cannot be l ost, 30 year s after the reform and her members, mainly in order to provide a platform to Exchaope ning up 30 years ag nge and lear n from each o can not deny ea other i n order tch other. Both adv o facilitate our wocate ork. Just democra cy and release "seve now, we focus on taxation, plaan does not speak of" files of pol nni ng and stabilit y, safety, itical constraints. proje ct construction, typiNeither deny the history of the CPC Ce cal topics such as private facts prese e ntral Committee on seve e ntation and interactie tiral issues .on, and towns currently exist in the inin-de pth a nalysis s of the problems to be solved, to ex x plore new methods to solve the problem. It It can be sai ai d that summing up the achievement, no grandstanding g ; analysis第 1 页,共 20 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - promotion of employment, form a rea sonable and orderly pattern of income di stribution, build a more fair and sustaina ble social se curity systems, me dical and healt h system reform. The ple nary, innovation of social governa nce, must focus on t he mainte nance of fundame ntal interest s of the ov erwhelming majority of the pe ople, maximize factors, e nha nce social development, im proving social gover nance, t he interest s of nati onal security, e nsure that t he pe opl e live and w ork, social sta bility a nd order. o improve social g overna nce, stimulati ng social organizati on, i nnovative and effective system of preventi ng and resolvi ng social conflicts, im proving t he public security system, set up the Nati onal Se curity Council, national se curity systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure national se curit y. Pl enary sessi on, t he construction of ecologi cal civ ilization, you must e stabli sh systems of ecological system , using t he system to prote ct the e cological environment. o improve natural re sources a sset property right system and use control, red li ne of delimitation of ecologi cal pr otection, resour ces paid use sy stem and ecologi cal compe nsation system in ecologi cal envir onme nt prote ction management system reform. Plenary session, ce ntering on buil ding a l isteni ng party command, ca n win and having a fi ne style of the pe opl e's army, a str ong army under t he ne w situati on of the party Goal s, restricti ng the development of national def ense a nd army buil ding is solve d outstanding contradictions a nd problems, i nnovation a nd devel opment of military theor y, e nha nce military strategi c gui dance, impr ove the military strategy in t he new peri od, buildi ng a modern military forc e system with Chi nese chara cteristics. o deepen the adjustment of personnel system reform in the army, military policy a nd sy stem reform, promote t he devel opme nt of military and civili an i ntegration dept h. Pl enary se ssion stre ssed that comprehensiv e reform must be t o strengthen a nd impr ove the party's lea dership, give full play to the core role of the party commands the overall situati on a nd coordi nating all parties, impr oving t he party's lea ding water . M argin. Challe nged t he lea dershi p of the Commu nist Party of Chi na, Marxism-Leni nism and Ma o Zedong thoug ht by De ng Xia o-ping' s flag, repla ced by threrepresentatives a nd t he harm oni c society. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesion point of almost all politi cal makeover. Characteristi cs of sociali sm public owner shi p is shifting to private ownership, pla nne d regulation and market regulation, the proletaria n regime controlle d by the elite. Of universal e qual ity, fairness and basi c pri nci ples of distribution system is sociali st society, howev er after economic monopoli zed by pow erful, vested i nterests grow, empl oyers do not have the same status, hardly seems fair social di stribution. State key protection of ca pital int erests rather tha n the intere sts of citize ns, had been hits the bottom of the proletariat存;吃多了咸瓜子,唇口会起皱;水中毒;生理盐水浓度一定要是 0.9%;红细胞放在清水中会胀破;吃冰棋淋会口渴;白开水是最好的饮料; )酸碱度 正常人血浆近中性, 7.35-7.45 缓冲对:一种弱酸和一种强碱盐 H2CO3NaHCO3 NaH2PO4/Na2HPO4 -CO2+H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3温度 :有三种测量方法(直肠,腋下,口腔) ,恒温动物(不随外界温度变化而变化)与变温动物(随外界温度变化而变化)不同温度主要影响酶。内环境的理化性质处于动态平衡中内环境是细胞与外界环境进行物质交换的媒介。直接参与物质交换的系统:消化,呼吸,循环,泌尿系统间接参与的系统(调节机制) :神经体液(内分沁系统)免疫人体稳态调节能力是有一定限度的同时调节也是相对的。组织水肿形成原因:1 代谢废物运输困难:如淋巴管堵塞2 渗透问题;血浆中蛋白质含量低(1,过敏,毛细血管通透性增强,蛋白质进入组织液)(2,营养不良)( 3,肾炎,蛋白尿,使血浆中的蛋白质含量低。)尿液的形成过程尿的形成过程:血液流经肾小球时,血液中的尿酸、尿素、水、无机盐和葡萄糖等物质通过肾小球的过滤作用,过滤到肾小囊中,形成原尿。当尿液流经肾小管时,原尿中对人体有用的全部葡萄糖、大部分水和部分无机盐,被肾小管重新吸收,回到肾小管周围毛细血管的血 液里。原尿经过肾小管的重吸收作用,剩下的水和无机盐、尿素和尿酸等就形成了尿液。实验一,生物体维持值稳定的机制名师归纳总结 Obvi ousl and try agy, face China's Socialist system, the Communist Party is ain, is an affirmation of Deng Xiao-ping' s reform ideas. not the party. In that ca These strong political se, political chaos l signal showihas been very tight. ng a new generati on oIs remodeling f politicag or reconstr uction, is a l leaders i s still kee ping to corre the Se ction or a stove. oci alist roa d. Wh ether to tur Four is revisn right or left, is iting the "talking toback to t Mao Zehe source or put forward new political ie-Dong's historical cycl e of" high pr deas. h pr ofile antiThis is to determine-corruption and t he impor the road tance of the probl ems in ChinaConstituti on, r, is also the key out of the deep water e organization is bad style of officiaof the reform of the economic system. of officialdom, was to civilize people obey the la After 18, the new Ce w, while improvi ng the e ntral colle col or change of thle ctive leae regime dershi of vigp attaches great importa ilance. Five is tnce t o politi o reform into deecal ori eper entation. waters and streFirst, the "Central eight articles" as a starting ssed that top-level design, this is a review point , starting from the Ce on the reform and opentral Gov ning up in t he ernment's self-restraint, w past, is also looking for a way out. hich preaches a Sind x forpro -image, br eign and Russiought fresh feeli a closer, tli ng to the he flexible attitudcommunity. e on the issue Secondl of the Korean y, before reform and openin peninsula, Sino-Jang up and reform and ope pane se fishing hardline e ning two Chi na on the islaperi ods after non nd out of the "pati-negative, ent" and luntyi ng the tangle ow pr ofile shadow bega of the society a long time on ta n to gradually pla n develhis issue. T opment. Sihird, a new ge gns show that the neration of party lea new leadershiders on various occasions to Ma p began t o make a left turn in politics. o Ze-Dong and M ao Ze -Dong's thoug However, as of right nowht of evaluation ha , not only ides room for manoeuvre, t ologi cal confusi on i n the hroug h to the r community, the new leauling i deoldership's t ogy of Ma s t hinki o Zedong thought, i ng is messy. Nei s the cal w leaderal l of the soul to ts bot h stresse d the he Socialist Revoluti need t o implement thon a e Constitund construction. Empty talks jeoparditi on, stressed the need to tze nati urn off the power ional intere er ists n a cage. Also strese s that Mao Zedong thougt cannot be l ost, 30 years after the reform and ope ning up 30 years ago can not deny ea ch other. Both advocate democra cy and release "seven does not speak of" files of political constraints. Neither deny the history of the CPC Central Committee on several issues .; analy y sis2Comrades: today bring