Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date科技英语的翻译教案课 题课 题 第十七章 科技英语的翻译第十七需4课时教 学 目 的要 求要求学生掌握科技英语的词汇及句法特点及其翻译教学重点科技英语的词汇及句法特点教学难点如何掌握科技英语的词汇及句法特点进行汉译教案编写日期10月30日教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程提示与补充I. Revision:1.法律文书的用词特点及汉译要求:用词庄重严谨、准确;语言精练、通顺;多重复,少用代词或同义词替代。翻译时要求:使用法律术语,注意文体切适;坚持法律用语的“一致性”原则;根据专业知识和上下文确定词义。2法律文书的句法特点及汉译:谓语动词结构简单,多用一般现在时,shall+动词原形(完成式或被动式);多用完整句和复合句。翻译要求:尽量使译文在语气上与原文保持一致;仔细推敲英语句子本身的内部结构及各层意思间的逻辑关系,然后由表及里,理清关系,把握语义,区分主从,调整语序,妥帖表达。II. New Lessoni. A presentation of the main contents:一词汇特点及汉译二句法特点及汉译ii. A study of the translating techniques in detail: 第一节 词汇特点及汉译Part One 理论科技作品的特点:用词准确、语言简练、朴实无华、条例清楚、内容完整。一、专业术语翻译英语终的专业词汇一般分为两类:1. 源于希腊语和拉丁语的词汇,这些词国际通用,概念简单,汉译时较好处理。如:anemia (贫血)、thermonuclear(热核)、seismograph (地震仪)、periscope (潜望镜)等。 2. 借自日常用语的普通词汇,这类词汇使用频繁,同时用于各个不同的专业,其显著特点是一词多用、一词多意。汉译这样的词汇时,应根据所译材料的不同专业领域和不同的上下文,选择适合该领域及上下文的正确、规范的词义。如:probability 在日常生活终表示“可能性”, 在物理学终表示“几率”, 在数学上表示“概率”。再如,carrier 的日常普通含义是“搬运工”,或“递送人”。(美国)“邮递员”,但在不同的专业领域中,它具有以下意思,(计算机)媒体,(集成电路)载体,(无线电)载波,(半导体)载流子,(机床)刀架,(运输)搬运车,(航空)运输机,(航天)运载火箭,(军事)航空母舰,(医学)带菌体,等等。试将下列各句译成中文,注意斜体词的译法:1. The intensity of light is directly proportional to the candle power of its source.光的强度与光源的烛光成正比。2.They were one-cylinder or two-cylinder engines, of which some were made-and-break and others jump-spark.这些发动机有单缸的,双缸的,有柴油机,有的是汽油机。3.The several changes which nectar undergoes in becoming honey begin in the honey crop.花蜜在变成蜂蜜的过程中所经历的几种变化开始于蜜蜂的蜜囊。4. (A) The device must be functioning during the test.试验过程中,那个装置必须开动着。 (B) The function of the instrument is wonderful.该机器的功能十分出色。5.(A) In the electrolysis, we must make use of a cell. 在电解过程中,必须使用电解槽。 (B) In the human body, there are a large number of cells.人体中有大量的细胞。6. (A) Laser is one of the wonderful findings by the scientists of our times.激光是当代科学家的奇妙发现之一。(B) A laser is a device for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.激光器是一种光受激辐射的放大器。二、非专业词汇的翻译除了专业术语外,科技英语中仍有大量非专业化的常用词汇,它们有时比专业术语更难确定词义。汉译时,有时需要对其字面意思加以调整,使译文符合该学科专业的表达习惯。常采用的译法有以下几种:1引申把一些不便直译的具体化名称,根据其字面意思加以引申。如:(1)Electric power became the servant of man only after the motor was invented.只是在电动机发明之后,电力才开始造福人类。(2) Alloys(合金) belong to a half-way house between mixture and compounds.合金是介于混合物和化合物的中间物质。2具体化将表达具体事理的字面意思抽象和笼统的词语译成意义具体、含义明确的汉译词语。如:(1)The pupil of the eye responds to the change of light intensity.瞳孔可以随着光线强弱的变化放大或缩小。(2)No reproduction is granted by implication or otherwise of this information.本资料不得私下或公开翻印。(3) If no value in whole number results, it is rounded up or down according to the figures after the decimal(小数的) point.如果计算结果不是整数值的话,根据小数点进行四舍五入。3省略本着科技作品简练的原则,汉译时,有时将原文中的一些动词、名词或表示同一事物的不同的重复用词加以省略。如:(1)Stainless steels possess good hardness and high strength.不锈钢硬度大,强度高。(2)In conduction and convection, energy transfer through a material medium is involved.在传导和对流时,能量通过某种物质媒介传播。(3) The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator or dynamo.用发电机能把机械能转化成电能。4新词的翻译随着大量科技成果的不断问世,大量的科技新词也随之涌现。翻译这些新词时,应认真分析其各个组成部分的含义,运用构词法知识,确定其词义。如:(1)Bronkolaxisol is an effective drug.支气管松弛液是一种有效的药物。(2) A visicorder is proved to record current and voltage waveforms.可显示记录器用来记录电流和电压波形。(3)Information technology is about to take a back seat to an entire new area of fast-growth endeavor-that of biology and genetics.面对生物和基因技术这一快速发展的全新领域,信息技术即将让出老大的位置。分析:从例(1)的上下文可以看出Bronkolaxisol 是某种药物,虽然词典里查不到,但通过分析,可知道:bronko=broncho,表示支气管,lax表示“松弛”,sol表示“溶液”,故可将其译为“支气管松弛液”。同样,例(2)中的visicorder 是一种仪表,从构词法的角度来看,该词是由visible(可见的)和recorder(记录器)两词缩和而成,故将其译成“可显示记录器”。例(3)中出现的“信息技术”、“生物技术”和“基因技术”已成为最时兴的科技术语。Part Two Practice 翻译实践练习把下列各句译成汉语,注意斜体词的译法:1. Dont put the bottle on the test bed. 不要把瓶子放在实验台上。2. Thus the number of ions builds up very rapidly and a disruptive discharge, or spark, occurs.这样,离子数目便迅速增加,发生“击穿放电”,也就是发生电火花。3. More than 100 chemical elements are known to man; of these, about 80 are metals.人类已知的化学元素在100种以上,其中约有80种是金属。4. These elements seem to be working under high voltage.这些组件在高电压下似乎性能很好。5. From the moon light takes little more than a second and a quarter in reaching us, so that we obtain sufficiently early information of the condition of our satellite.光从月球到达地球的时间略多于1.15秒,因此,我们能很快得到关于月球状况得信息。6. Farm tractors are big users of diesel power.农用拖拉机是柴油消耗大户。7. The square on the longest side of any right-angled triangle is equal to the square on the other sides added together.任一直角三角形斜边的平方都等于另两条直角边的平方和。8. burglar alarm is a device for giving warning that thieves are trying to enter a building.防盗警报器是一种可对小偷试图行窃发出警报的装置。9. For generations coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy sources used to transport men from place to place.多年来,煤和石油一直被认为是交通运输的主要能源。10. Semiconductor devices have no filament or heaters and therefore require no heating power or warmed-up time.半导体器件没有灯丝或加热器件,因此,不需要电加热或加热时间。11. You have to change the gear manually in this car; it is not automatic.这辆车必须手动换挡,它不是自动变速的。12. Many people would rather have gas to knock them out before they have their teeth out.许多人在拔牙之前喜欢用气体麻醉剂麻醉。13. It was Newton who proved mathematically that the path of a planet must be an ellipse.正是牛顿用数学的方法证明了行星的轨道是椭圆的。14. Butterflies have thin antennae (or “feelers”) with tips like little knobs, while moths have feathery or threadlike antennae.蝴蝶的触角(或感觉器)很细,触角的顶端有个小球,而蛾的触角呈羽状,或长得像线一样。15. Modern theories of the development of stars suggest that almost every star has some sort of family of planets.现代有关恒星演变的理论认为,几乎每一颗恒星都有某种恒星家族。16. Acupuncture is the placing of hair-thin needles into the skins at special points of the body to ease pain and treat ailments.所谓针灸疗法就是把头发般细的针刺入身体特定部位的皮肤,以达到镇痛和治疗疾病的效果。17. The eye is actually about the size of a table-tennis ball. Much of it lies within the skull. The front portion of the eye is made up of three partsthe cornea, the iris and the pupil. It is protected by the eyelid and eyelashes.实际上,眼球和一个乒乓球大小差不多,其大部分位于颅骨内。前面的部分由角膜、虹膜、和瞳孔三个部分组成,受到眼睑和睫毛的保护。18. The global satellite phone service has opened for business, giving people the power to make and receive call anywhere from Mount Qomolangma to the Dead Sea.全球卫星电话业务已开通,从珠穆朗玛到死海,人们在任何地方都可以打电话和接电话。19. Cloning techniques vary from simple plant cuttings to the replication of adult mammals from their genetic material.从简单的植物插条到用遗传材料复制成动物,克隆技术各不相同。20. Edison tried a thousand different filaments before he found one that he could use.爱迪生试验了上千种不同的灯丝,才找到适用的一种。第二节 句法特点及汉译Part One 理论科技英语的句法特点是:句子长,结构复杂,且多用被动语态。汉译要求:理清句子层次,判断各层之间的语法及逻辑关系,再运用各种翻译表达技巧和专业知识,将各层意思准确地译出。一、语法分析翻译科技英语中结构复杂的句子,首先应对句子结构进行语法分析,理清各结构层次的隶属关系。如:1. Carbon dioxide does not burn or support combustion. (简单句)二氧化碳不自燃,也不助燃2. This canal is filled with a liquid, similar in comparison to lymph(淋巴).分析:句中的similar to 是习语,修饰名词liquid, 为in comparison 所割裂,进行语法分析时,应善于辨别这样被割裂的习语,弄清词义间的正确搭配关系。句中使用被动语态,译时应进行语态转换。译文:此管充满了成分与淋巴液相似的液体。3. Knowledge, in any art or science, being always the fruit of observation, study, or practice, gives, in proportion to its extent and usefulness, the possessor (所有者)a just claim to respect.分析:本句的主干成分是Knowledgegivesthe possessor a just claim to respect. 在主语和谓语以及谓语和宾语之间的插入成分分别是主语和谓语的修饰语。通过紧缩主干,理清层次后,运用语态转换、补偿和语序调整,可译成:在任何艺术和科学中,由于知识总是观察研究或实践的成果,知识所有者应受到尊敬,所受尊敬的程度,则同其知识的广度和深度以及实际应用价值成正比。1. There have been opened up to the vast and excellent science, in which my work is the beginning, ways, 定语 定语从句主语by which other minds more acute than mine, will explore its remote corner. 定语 谓语 定语 宾语分析:本句采用的是倒装句式。句中的主语是ways, 后面跟有by which 引导的定语从句。To the vast and excellent science 也是主语的一个修饰语,气候又带有一个非限定性定语从句。形容词短语more acute than mine修饰该定语从句的主语minds。实际上,这里的than又引出一个省略的状语从句。层次理清后,译时可采用切分和语序调整相结合的方法,将该句表达的三层意思译成三个独立的单句。译文:通往科学这个无比美好的广阔领域的道路已经展现在人们面前。我的研究只是个开端。那些思想比我敏锐的人,将凭借这些已展现的道路去探索科学的边缘地带。二、运用专业知识进行分析 某些从语法角度看有歧义的句子,可利用某一学科的专业知识帮助判明句子的结构层次关系,以弥补单纯语法分析的不足。如:1. Inorganic chemistry is linked closely to geology, mineralogy and metallurgy; organic chemistry to physiology, biochemistry, and biology in general.分析:单从语法关系看,句中的in general 既可看作评价状语,修饰分号后的整个并列句,又可以看作biology的定语。两种用法,两种意思。仅靠语法分析无法作出正确判断。在此情况下,利用专业知识有助于分析和理解。由于physiology和biochemistry 都是biology的分科学,所以可以断定句中的in general时biology的定语。本句可译为:无机化学与地质学、矿物学和冶金学有密切的关系,而有机化学则与生理学、生物化学以及整个生物学都有密切的关系。2. Extract is clay treated and rerun with pure benzene(苯) as an overhead product.分析:句中的介词短语with pure benzene as an overhead product从语法角度考虑,可能会被误作方式状语, 与rerun一起,译成“与塔顶产物纯苯一起再蒸馏”。而从技术方面考虑,它实际上是一个独立结构,作结果状语,而应译成:提出物用白土处理,再蒸馏,得纯苯作为塔顶产物。Part Two Practice 翻译实践练习把下列句子译成汉语:1. Lines of magnetic force never touch or come across each other.磁力线从不相碰或相交。2. Thus, it would be correct to say that the distance to the sun, from where we are on the earth, is about 1 million walking days.因此,这种说法是正确的:从地球上你所在的地方到太阳这段距离,步行需100万天。3. Power can be covered from mechanical form to electrical form and back again to mechanical form with almost 100 percent efficiency.动力能以几乎百分之百的效率由机械形式转为电的形式,并可重新转为机械形式。4. Ions, produced by dissociation of molecules, drift through the solution when a potential difference is maintained.由分子电离而产生的离子,当有电势差存在时,便在溶液中流动。5. Metal can bear beating with a hammer, which a stone cant.金属能经得起锤子的敲打,但石头却不行。6. On Clonaids claims to have cloned a baby, Robert Lanza, a US medical scientist, said, “ What theyve claimed to have done is both appalling and scientifically irresponsible, and whether or not its true, theyve done a tremendous disservice to all of us in the scientific community.”在谈到克隆援助中心声称已经克隆出一个婴儿时,美国医学科学家罗伯特·兰扎说: “他们所声称做的,是骇人听闻的,是科学上的不负责任,不管他们所言是否属实,对科学社会中的我们大家来说,都是一种极大的危害。”7. The ozone layer which surrounds the earth performs an important function: it shields the planet from strong ultraviolet radiation.地球上空的臭氧层起着使地球免受强烈紫外线辐射的重要作用。8. A computer can be made to do all the problems that its human operator could do if he had unlimited time to make his computations. The machine, however, will let you have the answer much faster.计算机能解出的题目,操作人员如不受时间限制进行计算,也都能解出。但是计算机使你得到答案要快得多。9. Gathering facts, confirming them, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findingsthis is all the work of science.收集资料并加以论证,提出理论并加以检验,以及归纳整理研究成果这就是科学工作的全部内容。10. Microwaves, which have a higher frequency than ordinary radio waves, are used routinely in sending thousands of telephone calls and television programs across long distances.微波由于比一般无限电波的频率高,因此,通常用于发送成千上万的电话信号和长距离电视节目。11. Another solar electric technology is photovoltaics. It uses silicon or other semiconductors to convert the suns rays directly into electricity.另一种太阳能发电技术是电光技术。这种技术使用硅或其他半导体将太阳光直接转化成电能。12. Scientists have already known that under the extreme temperatures, say- 260 °C, metal presents zero resistance, that is, superconductivity of metal.科学家已经了解到,在极端温度下,比如260°C,金属呈零电阻,也就是说,金属具有超导性。13. Office automation applications include word processing, date entry, electronic mail, image processing, voice processing, and office information system.办公自动化应包括文字处理、数据输入、电子邮件、图像处理、语音处理、以及各种办公信息系统。14. Superior to the existing telephones, the videophone, or laser phone, can transmit voice and image simultaneously along its telephone line which is made of optic fiber.电视电话和激光电话优于现有的电话,可以沿着光纤组成的电话线同时传播声音和图像。15. AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is usually a fatal disease which leaves the body unable to ward off infection.艾滋病即获得性免疫缺乏综合症,是一种导致肌体免疫力低下而无法抗御感染的致命疾病。16. It is quite possible that failure to eat enough to maintain optimum vitamin levels can cause behavioral and personality changes. These may include insomnia, loss of appetite, and irritability.倘若摄入的食量不足以维持适度的维生素水平,就可能导致行为性格的改变,这些变化包括失眠、食欲不振、烦躁不安等。17. Proteins consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus. During digestion proteins are broken down to their simplest form, that is, amino acids, and it is as amino acids that they are absorbed.蛋白质是由碳、氢、氧、氮和磷组成的。在消化的过程中,蛋白质被分解成最简单的形式,即氨基酸。而且蛋白质是由氨基酸的形式被吸收的。18. Within 30 to 40 years, two-hour commercial flights will link New York and Tokyo, with planes that “see” through fog, snow and dust.在3040年内,能够“看”透雾、雪、和尘埃的飞机从纽约到东京的商业飞机只需两个小时。19. NASA figures the earliest anyone could go to Mars 2012 if sufficient government funding is given, which is unlikely at present.美国国家航空航天局估计,如果政府给予足够的资金,人类最早登上火星的时间是2012年,但这笔资金现在还没有着落。20. A relatively powerful notebook computer, with a 166-Mhz Pentium-class processor, 16 Megabytes of RAM, a 2-gigabyte hard drive, a CD-ROM drive, and a 12-inch screen, is now about US $1,600.一个功能相对强大的笔记本电脑目前售价为1600美元,它有16兆内存,166兆赫的奔腾中央处理器,2G (千兆比特)的硬盘,一个光驱,和一个12英寸的显示屏。第三节 文体特点及汉译处理科技一个与文体大致可分为论述文体和应用文体两大系列。论述文体包括科技论文、著述等;科技应用文包括科技情报应用文、事务应用文及科普应用文等。一、论述文体特点:科技英语论文体属于严肃的书面语,文字结构严谨,朴实无华,多用被动句和复杂长句。此外,科技英语论著和论文一般遵循形式逻辑的基本规律行文,叙事、论证、推断逻辑性和连贯性较强,通常按逻辑顺序来表达科学概念的复杂体系,且表意清晰,具有较强的层次感。翻译要求:把握原文的词义、语法结构,对原文进行语法、专业和逻辑分析,弄清各概念间的逻辑关系,达到对原文的透彻理解。然后结合专业知识,灵活运用翻译技巧,根据汉语的表达习惯,使用规范的汉语组织译文,力求再现原文的内容、形式及风格。试按照上述要求将下面的短文译成汉语: ADA (ADA语言)Ada is a new computer language that is still being designed. It is sponsored by the US Department of Defense (DOD). Ada is called after a “friend” of Charles Babage, who pioneered computers. It will probably become the DODs standard for programming the computers built into its weapon system. Some people believe that Ada could also replace every other computer language but one (Cobol) in civilian use. When all the USs military computers “speak” Ada, other NATO countries will have to follow suit. But the language will be just as suitable for controlling all sorts of equipment-from production lines and robots to communication networks.ADA是一种尚在设计中的新的计算机语言,由美国国防部提供研究经费。ADA在是根据计算机先驱查尔斯巴贝奇的一台计算机的名字命名的。它痕可能会称为美国国防部武器系统中的计算机编制程序的标准语言。有些人相信,除了一种语言(即Cobol语言)之外,ADA也可以代替任何一种民用计算机语言。美国的所有军用计算机使用ADA语言时,北约的其他国家必将仿效之。这种语言亦适用于控制从生产线和机器人到通信网等各种设备。Adas strong point is that it takes in many of the last techniques of designing computer language that engineers have perfected over the last ten years. In particular, Ada programs will be “portable” from one computer to another, and engineers will be able to combine them as bolting Meccano together.ADA的长处在于它吸收了过去十多年来工程师们业已完善了的计算机语言涉及的许多方法。特别是,ADA程序能从一台计算机移植到另一台计算机上,工程师们可轻而易举地把它们组合起来,就像拼装结构玩具一样。Programs on general-purpose computers have to be run with “job control” commands that perform housekeeping duties like making sure that the correct files of data are available. The commands usually amount to a language in their own right and differ from computer to computer. Scientists will be investigating whether Ada can be used as a job control,