试题下载 2009年05月翻译专业资格考试(英语三级笔译实务)真题及答案Section 1 English-Chinese Translation(英译汉)(50 points)Translate the following passage into Chinese.Business of Green: An appeal to slow down on biofuelLast Friday an advisory panel to the European Environment Agency issued an extraordinary scientific opinion: The European Union should suspend its goal of having 10 percent of transportation fuel made from biofuel by 2020.The European Union's biofuel targets were increased and extended from 5.75 percent by 2010 to 10 percent by 2020 just last year. Still, Europe's well-meaning rush to biofuels, the scientists concluded, had produced a slew of harmful ripple effects-from deforestation in Southeast Asia to higher prices for grains.In a recommendation released last weekend, the 20-member panel, made up of some of Europe's most distinguished climate scientists, called the 10 percent target "overambitious" and an "experiment" whose "unintended effects are difficult to predict and difficult to control.""The idea was that we felt we needed to slow down, to analyze the issue carefully and then come back at the problem," Laszlo Somlyody, the panel's chairman and a professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, said in a telephone interview.He said that part of the problem was that when it set the targets, the European Union was trying desperately to solve the problem of rising transportation emissions "in isolation," without adequately studying the effects of other sectors like land use and food supply."The starting point was correct: I'm happy that the European Union took the lead in cutting greenhouse gasses and we need to control traffic emissions," Somlyody said. "But the basic problem is it thought of transport alone, without considering all these other effects. And we don't understand those very well yet."The panel's advice is not binding and it is not clear whether the European Commission will follow the recommendation.It has become increasingly clear that the global pursuit of biofuels-encouraged by a rash of targets and subsides in both Europe and the United States-has not produced the desired effect.Investigations have shown, for example, rain forests and peat swamp are being cleared to make way for biofuel plantations, a process that produces more emissions than the biofuels can save. Equally concerning, land needed to produce food for people to eat is planted with more profitable biofuel crops, and water is diverted from the drinking supply.In Europe and the United States, food prices for items like pizza and bread have increased significantly as grain stores shrink and wheat prices rise.The price of wheat and rice are double those of a year ago, and corn is a third higher, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said this week."Food price inflation hits the poor hardest, as the share of food in their total expenditures is much higher than that of wealthier populations," said Henri Josserand of the Food and Agriculture Organization.Biofuels are not, of course, the only reason for high food prices. Fuel to transport food is more expensive with oil more than $100 a barrel. There have been unexpected droughts this year as well.Should we conclude that all biofuels are bad?No. But motivated by the obvious problems now emerging, scientists have begun to take a harder look at their benefitsFor example, the European Environment Agency advisory panel suggests that the best use of plant biomass is not for transport fuel but to heat homes and generate electricity.To be useful for vehicles, plant matter must be distilled to a fuel and often transported long distances. To heat a home, it can often be used raw or with minimal processing, and moved just a short distance away.答案:上周五,欧洲环境署下属的一个顾问小组提出了一个非同寻常的科学建议:欧盟应中止其2020年生物燃油站交通运输所需燃料百分之10的目标。欧盟关于生物燃料原定的目标是2010年达到百分之5.75,去年才提高到百分之10,期限也延至2020年。但科学家们断定,欧洲仓促发展生物燃料,虽然,初衷良好,单一带来一连串后果从东南亚的滥砍森林,到粮价飞涨。顾问小组由20人组成,包括欧洲最著名的气候学家。他们上周末提出的建议指出百分之10的目标“太高”,此项“试验”的“结果难以预料,也难以控制”。该顾问小组组长、布达佩斯技术与经济大学教授拉兹洛。索姆利奥迪在饥饿,受电话采访时说:“我们这样做,是因为我们赶到有必要放慢进度,有必要对此问题仔细分析,然后再回过头来解决它”。他说,问题的一个方面在于欧盟确定该目标时,急于想“孤立地”解决不断增加的车辆尾气排放问题,而未充分研究其他方面的后果,如土地使用、粮食供应等。“出发点是对的,我很高兴看到欧盟率先减少温室气体排放,我们也确有必要控制车辆尾气排放。”索姆利奥迪说。“但根本问题在于欧盟只想到交通运输,而未考虑其他后果。我们地这些后果尚不十分了解。”顾问小组的建议并无约束力,欧洲委员会是否采纳此项建议也不清楚。有一点越来越清楚,在欧洲和美国制定各种目标又给与财政补贴等做法的带动下,全世界追求生物燃料并未收到预期的效果。比如,调查显示,为建立生物燃料种植园,雨林被砍伐,湿地被清理。而这一过程造成的排放量超过生物燃料的减排量。与此同时,那些本应用来种植粮食供人使用的土地被用来种植更赚钱的生物燃料作物,饮用水也被挪作他用。在欧洲和美国,随着粮食库存的减少和小麦价格的上涨,比萨饼、面包之类的食品价格已大幅上涨。本周,粮农组织披露,小麦和大米的价格较一年前上涨了一倍,玉米价格上涨了1/3。在粮农组织任职的亨利·约瑟兰说:“粮价飞涨对穷人打击最大,因为食品在穷人的全部开销中所占的比例大大超过了富人这项支出的比例。”当然,粮价上涨也不全是生物燃料造成的。运输食品所需的燃料更贵了。另外今年旱灾也是始料不及的。我们是不是因此断定所有的生物燃料都不好呢。不然,但是面对这些真个在出现的问题,科学家们已开始更为严肃的看待生物燃料所能带来的效益。比如,欧洲环境署的顾问小组建议,植物生物质最好是用于家庭取暖或发电,而非用来生产运输燃料。如用于驱动交通工具,植物生物质必须被提炼成某种燃料,而且往往还需要经过长途运输。若用于家庭取暖,则往往无需加工,或只须简单加工和短途运输。Section 2 Chinese-English Translation(汉译英)(50 points)Translate the following passage into English.作为一个国际商业中心,上海拥有繁忙的港口,亚洲最重要的证券交易所之一,以及世界500强都不能忽视的巨大市场。上海已建成全国顶级的博物馆和歌剧院,还将举办2010年世界博览会,向人们展示其商业和文化中心的地位。在世博会153年的历史中,拥有1700万人口的上海将成为发展中国家的首个东道主。预计在2010年5月至10月的世博会期间,参观人数将达到创纪录的7000万人次。世博会的主题为:城市,让生活更美好。上海希望通过举办世博会盈利的同事,能够吸引资金流向其服务业。从长远来看,世博会将有利于城市改造并全面提升上海的国际形象。上海计划为世博会投资30亿美元。为确保世博会举办期间交通顺畅,还将投入更多资金用于改造道路和地铁。根据世博会规划,所有会展建筑将建在黄浦江两岸,包括众多高科技展厅和一个会议中心。上海市政府决心通过举办世博会,不断改善城市生活。世博会结束后,大部分场址将被改造成生活、办公和休闲设施。答案:As an international commercial center, Shanghai boasts a bustling port, one of Asia's most important stock exchanges and a big market that the world's Top 500 companies cannot ignore.Shanghai has built the country's best museum and opera house. It will host the World Expo in 2010, showcasing its status as a business and cultural center. Shanghai, a city of 17 million people, will become the first host city in a developing country in the 153-year history of the World Expo.During the World Expo from May to October 2010, Shanghai expects a record-breaking number of 70 million visitors. The theme of the World Expo is "Better City, Better Life". While hoping to make a profit from the World Expo, Shanghai wishes to channel investment to its service sector. In the long run, the World Expo will be conducive to renovating the city and improving its international image.Shanghai plans to spend US$3 billion on the World Expo. It will increase funding to improve roads and subways to ensure smooth transportation during the World Expo.According to the plan, the World Expo venues will include high-tech pavilions and a convention center, and they will stretch along both banks of the Huangpu River. The Shanghai municipal government is determined to constantly improve its city life through the World Expo. Construction of many important infrastructure facilities will be completed by 2010. Following the World Expo, most of the sites will be converted into residential, office and recreational facilities.3