最新合同推荐最新合同推荐2021年国际贸易采购合同中英文20XX年XX月CONTRACT SOLUTIONS合同资料CONTRACT PAPERCOMPANY NAMEThe project plan is the most important indicator plan. The brief introduction reflects the project achievement status of the company. The project plan needs to be formulated in strict accordance with the process29 / 17CONTACT合同合同号 ContractNo:签字日期 iging Dae:Th Ber:ddres:e:Th Sl:Addess:EL:Thisontat, maou by an betwen h Byer nd the Seler,wherey the Buyer e to uyand the Sleragto ell tenderentioned cmmiccoring o th trsand cndiions siuladblw(Acodig to th pratcal ricof invice)本合同由买方和卖方签订,根据下面规定的条款,买方同意购买并且卖方同意销售如下商品(根据发票的实际金额)I序号Cmmodity,SpiictinsUni单位Quan数量Unit Price (EU)单价(欧元)mount(EU)总金额(欧元)商品规格1台总价Total Vau(不含赠送)TOTAL ALU: C.。F LIA,2. COUNY OF OIN ANDMANUFACTURE:原产地和制造商:3. RANSPORTTION:Marnrefrigeratecotainer transpotion.运输方式:海洋冷藏集装箱运输.4. ACING:Tbe packed by ne strong ooden cass sitale fo lng itance oean tnrtonand well rect agnstdaess,oisture, shock, rs nd rughandlng. e Sle hallbe lable for an ame o th ommodity and expnes ncurred acoun of improperpcing andray rst damageattriut o iadeqate or iproe rote maures tken by thesellrs in egar he pcking。包装:须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,防粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,或采用不妥 善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和损失。5. SHPPNG MAR:ThSelershl r on eah pckag with facless itthe ackagenumbe,gros wegh, nt weiht, maurementnd hwodings: ”RGHTSDE P”,”HANDE WITH CRE, ”KEE WAY FOMITUE,and e hipping mak.卖方应在每件包装箱上用不褪色的油漆刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺码和“勿倒置”,“小心轻放,”“防潮”等字样。6. MEO ANSPORTTIO:EFOR JL。30,2014.装货时间:2014年7月0日之前。7. PACE OF TRNSPOTAN:起运地点:8. PLACE DESTNATIO:DAIA,CHINA目的地:中国大连.9. ISURANCE:To be covred y teSlle 10(oe hunded an tn peren) o total contrctale ainst LL Risks.保险:由卖方按合同价的1%投保一切险。10. YN:yT paymentallbeffed ftrecpt he contrat goos andte documetspule inClaue 10。支付:现款电汇方式。11. DOCETFOR PAYMNT:he sel sl resent flong ocuentsto Buer to effect t mn1) Twocpis o Commerial Inoi,2) To opeofackingList,3) Thee cops of Certfictes of Quityiued b manufcuer4) On copy f cerfiate f origi5) Oe copfHt Crtificte6) Aillingrtificatfro factry7) Fuigion Certifiat or Nn-woo acingMial ertificeTh relevn iuance oliy whibevered110o e total ontract valuaait AL Riks。8) ve opieof lbes (rontnd ak)In case of sa transportin, teseller l send mltaouslywthshipment oneopy each of the aboe mtioneddcumnts to X CO.LD支付单据:卖方将向买方提供如下单据以履行支付。1)商业发票两份;)装箱单两份;)制造商出具的质量证明书一份。4)原产地证一份(正本)5)卫生证一份(正本)6)工厂出具灌装证明一份)有木质包装情况下的熏蒸证明或非木质包装证明)按合同价的 0% 投保一切险的保险单。9)标签五份(正面、背面)如果采用海运,卖方在装船的同时将如上单据各一份寄送给目的港的 x公司12. DAE F SHPPIG:Thedteof Billof Ladig shallbreged as h actual datof sipent.装运日期:提单上的日期将被视为装运日期。13. GRANTEEF QALIY:The Sle guarantee thatcoplie inal resects wththe quality and scfications ipulti tis ontrac.Theseller guaantees hat chos th rgh eans ofrasortation will b thegos arrive at hort of dstinaon. )质量保证:卖方保证货物的质量和规格与本合同的规定相符。卖方保证选用合适的运输方式将货物运抵目的港。14. INPCION:(1) Shs the ualit o h od in cnfomiy wit thecntra nd spciicon, the bur of e coodity inspctinbuausd b invid r inpecto, and shl havethe rght to claim agait te elerarig t report sued by the omt inspectinbreau inspeton。(1) 如货物的质量与规格与合同不符,买方应请商检局进行检验,并有权根据商检局出具的检验报告向卖方索赔。15. CLAM:In caetat hSller re ablef the dicrpanianda clai imade byByr within hetime-li of npcin ad qliyguaee period s ipulaedin ause 4 ti ntrct, heSeler shlsettle e cli uon th ageemnt f the Buyers in one orthe cbinatnfthe foowin way: (1) Ae o te reectin of the gds anrefund to the Buyers the vlueof he good o reted inthe sam urrncys contrted hren ,and tobear aldirect lossesan expenses ioection terewthincdingirstaccrud,ankingcharges, reigh, insuranc preum, nspeo chares, stge, vdore cares nlther necessay expenses reuired fr the custd nd poectinotherejetedods。(2) evl he goods aordint degreeof inferioity, exteof dmage and aoun loses ufee he Bers。Thelai mentinedaboe shall beregrdeds bingated if te Sellrs ail to reply wtn 30 dys after eeivg teuers a。索赔:买方按照本合同14 条的规定,在检验或质量保证期内提出的索赔,其问题应由卖方负责时,卖方在取得买方同意后应按下 列之一或混合的方式处理索赔。(1)同意买方退货,并将退货金额以成交原币偿还买方,并负担因退货而发生的一切直接损失和费用,包括利息、银行费用、运费、 保险费用、商检费、仓储费和装卸费。(2)按照货物的疵劣程度,损坏的范围和买方所遭受的损失将货物贬值。 卖方在收到买方的索赔 30 天内没有答复将被认为接受上述索赔。FRE MAJEURE:eler halnot eheldrsonsible fo the delay ihipmnt on-delivery f goods due t ForceMajere, schs ar ,serio re, ood , typhoonan ehquae , o terevns agre upon bete bothparties , whichmigh ocurduring thproces f anuacring or n hecorseof loadnor tnsit 。Theelle shall advisetheByer by cale/telx imiately of he occrrnc metine aoe and witinfrten y erefer, sall nd byairail to the uyer fotheir acetane a certficatef ccidetisued by the Compent Governmnt Atorities, hrehe aidet occursasevidceheeof Under uhrcumsane eSler, owever , a stilnde teliaion o takea ncessaymeares tohaste the elivery of heoos. 不可抗力:由于严重的火灾、水灾、台风、地震以及双方同意的其它不可抗力事故,致使卖方交货延迟或不能交货时,卖方可不负 责任,但发生上述事故时,卖方应立即以电传或电报通知买方,并于事故发生后 4天内将事故发生地主管当局出具的事故证明书 用航空寄交买方, 依不可抗力事件之轻重, 一部或全部免除合同责任.16. ARBITAON:All isputes inonectiwith this Contactor h xctin thereo sall b ttedfrindl throuh negotaionsIn case n settlemnt can be reahe, te cs ay ten be submtt fr rbiraton toCna nternional Economi and Tde Arbittin Commssion n acorne with he RuesofArbitratio prmulgate b h saidrbitationComisin h Arbtrtion shallke pce inDlianan hedecisonte ArbitratoCommssion shal e finl an ndi uo both parties; neer prthalse ecoue a law cour n ohe auhoritis to apel for revin o the deion。ritraon feesalbe bn by th losi prty 。 仲裁:一切因执行本合同或与本合同有关的争议,应由双方友好协商解决,如经协商不能解决时,应提交中国国际经济与贸易仲裁 委员会根据该会仲裁规则进行仲裁,仲裁地点在大连,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力,仲裁费用由败诉方承担.EFEVEESO THE CNRAT:Ths Cnract shal coio frce immediatly after sinaure y epresetiv of both arie adp apoval by te elevat authory othres合同的生效:本合同在双方代表签字后及双方有关当局批准后立即生效。17. SECAL POIION:This cotrcts ade n Egis ahinese, both ersion ig equaly auenic。 Th riial Coracs ar into copies; eh parkeeps nof two orgalcois aftr sgnatre.本合同采用中文、英文书写,具有同等法律效力。合同正本两份,签字后双方各持一份。10 / 10orth Bue:LEGEND MPOR &EPORT CO。 LTD.orheSelle:GTAL CINATECEOLOG LIME13 / 17Authorized SignatureAuthorize Sigat欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用