精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除目录Break 的短语1Bring的短语3Call的短语5Come的短语7Cut的短语13Get的短语14Go的短语21Hold的短语28Keep的短语30Knock的短语33Make的短语35Put的短语36Pay的短语39Pick短语40Send的短语41Set的短语41Stand的短语43Take的短语44Think的短语48Turn的短语48Lay的短语51Pass的短语52Fall的短语53Let的短语54Hand的短语55Pull的短语56Work的短语58Carry的短语59Drop的短语60Lie的短语60Live的短语61Push的短语61Run的短语62Do的短语64Look的短语65Break 的短语 break away A intransitive verb1. (become detached, move away) 脱离 to break away from somebody/something 脱离某人/某事物 the young elephant broke away from the herd 小象离群了2. (escape) «person, animal, boat, kite» 挣脱 to break away from somebody/something 摆脱某人/某事物逃走3. Sport «runner, cyclist» 领先 to break away from somebody/something 甩开某人/某群 B transitive verb break something away, break away something 使脱离 to break the shell away from the egg 剥去蛋壳 part of the cliff had been broken away 悬崖的一部分已经崩落 break down A intransitive verb1. (stop functioning) «machine, system» 发生故障2. (fail) «negotiations» 失败; «relations» 破裂; «discipline, agreement» 失效; «moral values, system, coalition» 崩溃3. (collapse mentally or physically) «person, health» 垮掉 to break down under interrogation/torture 经不起质问/折磨而垮掉4. (weep) «person» 失声痛哭5. (be classified) «results, data» 分类6. Chemistry, Biology «compound, substance, food» 分解 to break down into something 分解成某物 B transitive verb break down something, break something down 1. (knock down) 撞倒 door, barrier2. (overcome) 克服 shyness, obstacle, attitude; 瓦解 resistance, opposition3. Chemistry, Biology (cause to separate into parts) 分解 compound, substance, food to break something down into something 把某物分解成某物 break in A intransitive verb1. (enter forcibly) «thief, fire brigade» 破门而入2. (interrupt) «noise, action» 打断 to break in on somebody/something 打断某人/某事 don't keep breaking in! 不要总插嘴! B break something in, break in something transitive verb1. (knock in) 砸破进入 box the police broke the door in 警察破门而入2. (wear, use) 把穿得合脚 shoes; 使合用 false teeth, tennis racket3. Equitation 驯 horse C break somebody in, break in somebody transitive verb 训练 recruit, novice to break somebody in gently colloquial humorous逐渐驯化某人 break into transitive verb break into something 1. (enter by force) 闯入 house, bank firefighters broke into the burning building 消防员冲进燃烧的大楼2. (open by force) 砸开 safe, money box, car3. (start to use) 开启 new box, new bottle (resort to using) 动用 emergency supplies, savings4. (pay with) 兑开 note5. (encroach on) 占用 leisure time he doesn't want to break into his evening 他不想占用晚上的时间6. (begin to do) 突然发出 laughter, cheers (change pace to) 突然加速 run, trot she broke into song 她突然唱起歌来 the horse broke into a gallop 那匹马突然飞奔起来7. (make headway in) 打入 market, show business break off A intransitive verb1. (snap off) «tip, twig» 折断2. (stop doing sth.) 突然停止 to break off from something/doing something 停止某事/做某事 he broke off as his wife came into the room (stopped speaking) 妻子一进屋他便不讲话了 B break off something transitive verb (be snapped off) «end, handle, mast, twig» 从处折断 C break something off, break off something transitive verb1. (snap off) 折断 handle, twig, mast, part to break something off something 把某物从某处折断 he broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me 他掰下一块巧克力给了我 break a bit off the end 从末端折下一点2. (stop) 中断 activity, meeting (terminate) 终止 negotiations; 断绝 connection, relations to break off doing something 暂停做某事 to break off something with somebody 与某人断绝某种关系 they've broken off their engagement 他们取消了婚约 break out A intransitive verb1. (start) «war, argument, plague» 爆发 fire broke out on the third floor 大火是从三楼烧起来的2. (appear) «spots, pimples» 突然冒出 to break out over/on something 突然布满某处 sweat broke out all over his body 他突然冒出一身汗3. (escape) 逃脱 to break out of something 逃出 cage, trap摆脱 routine, rut, depression to break out of prison 越狱 B transitive verb break something out, break out something 打开使用 shall we break out the champagne? 我们开了这瓶香槟酒吧? break out in transitive verb break out in something 布满 spots, pimples I broke out in a cold sweat 我冒出一身冷汗 break through A intransitive verb1. (force way through) «person, animal, vehicle» 冲过 the army broke through 部队突围了2. (succeed) 取得突破 to break through in the fight against cancer 在抗癌方面取得突破3. (appear) «moon, sun» 露出 B transitive verb break through something 1. (force way through) 冲破 door, obstacle; 穿透 floor, ground; 突破 defence the deer broke through the undergrowth 那只鹿穿过了矮树丛2. (overcome) 克服 to break through somebody's reserve 消除某人的矜持3. (emerge from) «sun, moon» 从后露出 clouds, fog break up A break something up, break up something transitive verb1. (reduce to pieces) 把弄碎 ice, table, chocolate; 拆散 machine, jigsaw puzzle frost had broken up the surface of the road 严寒把路面冻裂了 to break something up into something 把某物拆分成某物2. (divide) 分 estate, job, paragraph to break up something into something 把某物分成某物 the academic year is broken up into three terms 一学年分为三个学期3. (make more interesting) 使更有趣 evening, journey, routine to break up something with something 用某事物调剂某事物 making food helps to break up the day 做饭可以使日子不至于太单调4. (disperse) 解散 party, meeting; 驱散 protest, crowd; 制止 fight the troops used tear gas to break up the riot 军队使用催泪弹驱散了骚乱的人群 break it up! (stop fighting) 别打了! (disperse) 散开! humorous (stop kissing) 别亲了!5. (end) 使解体 empire, coalition; 使破裂 marriage, relationship; 拆散 family to break up a successful team 解散一支成功的球队 this diplomatic incident broke up the alliance between the two countries 这一外交事件导致了两国联盟的解体 B break somebody up. transitive verb especially American colloquial (cause to laugh) 使大笑 C intransitive verb1. (be reduced to pieces) «ice, rock, cake» 破碎; «clouds» 散开 to break up into something 碎裂成某物 the ship broke up on the rocks 船触礁解体了2. (be divided) «empire, party» 分裂 to break up into something 分裂成某物3. (disperse) «meeting, demonstration, people» 解散4. British School «school, students» 期末放假5. (come to an end) «coalition» 解体; «marriage, relationship» 破裂6. (end relationship) «couple» 分手 to break up with somebody 与某人分手 the band broke up in 2002 该乐队于2002年解散7. Radio, Telecommunications 被干扰 I can't hear you; you're breaking up 我听不到你说话;你的信号被干扰了8. especially American colloquial (laugh) 大笑 break with transitive verb1. break with somebody/something (end relationship with) 与断绝关系 friend, family, church2. break with something (no longer follow) 摒弃 tradition, old habits to break with the past 彻底告别过去Bring的短语 bring about transitive verb1. bring about something, bring something about (cause) 导致 war, death, event, situation the mediators managed to bring about a settlement 那些调停人促成了和解2. bring somebody/something about Nautical 使掉头 boat the helmsman brought us about 舵手把我们的船头掉转过来 bring along transitive verb bring along something/somebody, bring something/somebody along 带来 to bring something/somebody along with one 带来某物/某人 bring around transitive verb American = bring round bring back A bring something back, bring back something transitive verb1. (return) 把带回来 pen, memory, person to bring something back from something 从某处带回某物 to bring something/somebody back with one 带回某物/某人 the path brought us back to where we had started from 我们顺着这条路回到了出发地 the boat brought them safely back to shore 船把他们安全送回岸上 she brought back a rather unfavourable impression of the city 她回来时对这座城市印象很差 he forgot to bring back the book he had borrowed 他忘了归还借的书2. (restore) 恢复 discipline, health, democracy a walk in the country will bring the colour back to your cheeks 到乡间走一走会使你的面色恢复红润 we must try to bring her temperature back to normal 我们必须设法让她的体温恢复正常3. (revive memory of) «smell, event» 使人想起 experience, day to bring back memories (of something) 令人回忆(起某事物) B bring somebody back, bring back somebody transitive verb (resurrect) 使起死回生 person (save life of) 使苏醒 person to bring somebody back to consciousness/life 使某人恢复知觉/复活 bring down A bring somebody/something down, bring down somebody/something transitive verb1. (carry from higher place) 把拿下来 to bring something down with one 随身把某物拿下来 to bring somebody down something, to bring something down for somebody 为某人把某物拿下来 will you bring me down a drink? 给我拿杯饮料下来好吗?2. (cause to crash) 击落 aircraft, pilot he was brought down over France 他在法国上空被击落了3. (cause to land) 使着陆 aircraft the pilot brought us down safely 飞行员让我们安全着陆4. (shoot) 打落 bird; 撂倒 animal, person (cause to fall) 使跌倒 person; 使坍塌 building5. (overthrow) 推翻 leadership, leader the scandal brought the government down 这起丑闻使政府倒了台 B bring something down, bring down something transitive verb1. (move downwards) 用抽 whip he brought the cane down on the child's hand 他用笞杖打孩子的手2. (reduce) 降低 price, unemployment, temperature a cold compress will bring down the swelling 冷敷可以消肿3. literary or humorous (provoke) 招致 anger to bring down something on somebody 使某事降临到某人的头上 you don't want to bring down his wrath 你可别惹他发火4. Mathematics 把移入下栏 number, digit C bring somebody down transitive verb colloquial (depress) 使消沉 bring forth transitive verb bring forth something, bring something forth 1. formal (provoke) 招致 reaction, complaint2. archaic (produce) 生产 crops; 结 fruit3. archaic (give birth to) 生 child bring forward A bring something forward, bring forward something transitive verb1. (make sooner) 把提前 meeting, wedding2. (propose) 提出 suggestion, question I intend to bring this matter forward at the next meeting 我打算在下次会议上提出这件事情来讨论3. (move forwards) 往前移动 chair; 往前梳 hair4. Finance 把转入下一栏 figure, balance B bring somebody forward, bring forward somebody transitive verb (present) 把带上来 witness bring in A bring something in, bring in something transitive verb1. (carry in) 把带进来 box, book shall I bring in the dessert now? 现在可以上甜点了吗?2. (introduce) 提出 subject Politics (present for debate) 将提交讨论 bill, reform at this point the author brings in a new character 故事发展到这一情节时,作者引入了一个新人物3. (start to use) 引入 system, scheme4. Commerce (generate) 挣 money to bring somebody in something, bring in something for somebody 为某人赚取某物 our export business brought in £5 million last year 我们的出口业务去年赢利500万镑5. Law «jury» 宣布 verdict6. (harvest) 收获 crop, fruit we brought in a good harvest last year 我们去年收成很好 B bring somebody in, bring in somebody transitive verb1. (attract) «shop, town, person» 吸引 person, customer2. (to police station) 押到警察局 suspect to bring somebody in for questioning 带某人到警察局讯问3. (involve) 让参与 adviser, expert to bring somebody in on something/to do something 使某人参与某事/做某事 they have brought in a public relations adviser 他们聘请了一位公关顾问 to be angry at not being brought in on the new housing proposal 因为新住房提案没有征求其意见而生气4. (call in for help) 调来 rescue workers, police bring into transitive verb1. to bring somebody into something (involve)使参与某事 don't bring me into this! 别把我扯进去!2. bring something into something (introduce)把引入 subject he always manages to bring politics into the conversation 他谈话时总能扯上政治 bring off transitive verb1. bring off somebody, bring somebody off (rescue) «person, lifeboat, helicopter» 救出 person, crew, passengers to bring somebody off something 把某人从某处救出2. bring off something, bring something off (achieve) 实现 ambition, plan; 达成 deal; 完成 task the goalkeeper brought off a superb save 守门员做出了精彩的扑救 bring on A bring something on, bring on something transitive verb1. (cause to happen) «weather, noise» 引起 rheumatism, nervous breakdown a heart attack brought on by lack of exercise 缺乏锻炼引发的心脏病 to bring on labour 引产2. (help to grow) 促进生长 crops, flowers, plants B bring somebody/something on, bring on somebody/something transitive verb (cause to appear) 引上场 dancer, player; 把搬上场 piano to bring on the next contestant 让下一名选手出场 to bring on a substitute 换上替补队员 C bring somebody on, bring on somebody transitive verb (help to develop) 帮助进步 student, athlete, player they bring the children on too quickly at that school 那个学校对学生的培养操之过急了 bring out A bring out something, bring something out transitive verb1. (remove from within) 取出 to bring something out of something 从某处取出某物2. (carry out) 带出来 to bring something out of something 把某人/某物从某处带出来 to bring something out with one 把某物带出来 did you bring your umbrella out with you? 你出来时带雨伞了吗? to bring somebody out something, to bring something out for somebody 为某人拿出某物3. Commerce (publish, launch) 出版 book, magazine, record; 推出 product, film it's about time they brought out a new edition 他们该出新版本了4. (cause to grow) «sunshine, weather» 使开放 flower5. (cause to be displayed) 激发出 quality, tendency, spirit to bring out the best/worst in somebody 使某人表现出最佳/最差的一面 disasters like these often bring out the best in people 在这样的灾难中人们往往会表现出最优秀的品质 their pompous attitude brings out the worst in me 他们自负的态度把我惹火了6. (accentuate) 突出 detail, colour, sound the carpet brings out the red in the curtains 地毯衬托出窗帘的红色 to bring out the flavour of the vegetables 使蔬菜出味7. (reveal) 揭示 meaning, truth his remarks brought out the gravity of the situation 他的话说明了情况的严重性 B bring out somebody, bring somebody out transitive verb1. (cause to go on strike) 发动罢工 workers to bring somebody out on strike 发动某人罢工2. (make more confident) «experience, activity» 使自信 person to bring somebody out of himself/herself 使某人克服羞怯心理 he's very shy; we're trying to bring him out 他很腼腆,我们正努力使他放开一点 C transitive verb to bring somebody out in something (cause to be covered in) «food, heat, excitement» 使某人皮肤上布满某物 chocolate brings me out in spots 我吃巧克力皮肤上会长斑 the shock brought him out in a cold sweat 他惊出一身冷汗 bring round British A bring something/somebody round, bring round something/somebody transitive verb (carry, escort from one place to another) 把带来 to bring something/somebody round with one 带来某物/某人 B bring somebody round, bring round somebody transitive verb1. (convince) 说服 to bring somebody round to something 说服某人赞成某事