Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date航空常用英语词语航空常用英语词语航空常用英语词语 A.1 航空器及其系统(aircraft and its system) A.1.1 航空器框架(aircraft structure) airframe机身 flight deck驾驶舱 wheel well轮舱 front (fore) part前部 rear (aft) part后部 port左舷(舵) starboard右舷(舵) inboard engine or inboards内侧发动机 outboard engine or outboards外侧发动机 nose机头 belly机腹 skin蒙皮 outer shell外壳 rib翼肋 spar翼梁 stringer桁条 windscreen or windshield风挡 wing机翼 trailing edge机翼后缘 leading edge机翼前缘 wing tip翼尖 control surface操纵面 ailerons副翼 flaps (inboard flap, outboard flap, leading edge flaps)襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘襟翼) spoilers (inboardoutboard spoiler) (spoiler downup)阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开) airbrakes减速板(阻流板) slats缝翼 elevators (elevator control tab)升降舵(升降舵操纵片) rudder (rudder control tab)方向舵(方向舵操纵片) flap angle襟翼角 flap setting襟翼设定 full flap position全襟翼位置 flapless landing无襟翼着陆 landing gear起落架 stabilizer安定面 nose wheel起落架前轮 gear locked起落架锁定 wheel well起落架舱 wheel door起落架舱门 tyre轮胎 burst爆破 deflated tyre瘪胎 flat tyre漏胎 puncture轮胎被扎破 extend the flaps (retract the flaps)放下襟翼(收上襟翼) extend the gear (retract the gear)放下起落架(收上起落架) gear extension (gear retraction)放轮(收轮) the gear is jammed起落架被卡阻 the flaps are jammed襟翼被卡阻 emergency extension system应急放下系统 crank the gear down摇动放下起落架 brakes刹车 disc brakes盘式制动器 an anti-skid device防滞装置 an arresting gear拦阻装置 thrust reverser反推装置 tail parachute尾伞 the brakes are unreliable刹车不可靠 braking action is poor刹车状况不好 brake wear刹车磨损 overheat超温(过热) slow down减慢(速度) bring the plane to a stop使飞机停下 passenger cabin客舱 floor地板 ceiling顶棚(板) galley机上厨房 toilet厕所 lounge休息室 partition隔墙 interior fittings机上用具 oxygen mask氧气面罩 cargo-hold货舱 A.1.2动力系统(powerplant system) nacelle (cowl)引擎短舱 spinnner螺旋桨整流罩 pod发动机吊舱 air inlet or intake进气道 bird, water ingestion发动机吸进了鸟、水 foreign object damage外来物损伤 fan风扇 windmill风车 rotor转子 fan blades风扇叶片 propeller螺旋桨 propeller blade桨叶 propulsor推进器 reduction gearbox减速器 LP and HP compressors低压和高压压缩机 annular combustor环行燃烧室 multiple-can combustor管型燃烧室 can-annular combustor管环燃烧室 reverse-flow annular combustor回流式环行燃烧室 turbocharger涡轮增压器 turbine wheel涡轮导向器 supercharger增压器 compressor blades压缩机叶片 nozzles尾喷管(嘴),排气管 cylinder气缸 crankshaft曲轴 exhaust section排气部分 engine setting发动机设置 RPM (revolution per minute)转速(转每分) set the engine to idle慢车位 give full throttle (or power) to the engine全油门(功率) throttle up the engine加油门 throttle down (or back) the engine收油门 engineering trouble机械故障 engine failure发动机失效 the engine runs rough发动机工作不稳定 the engine runs smoothly发动机工作稳定 vibration抖动 the engine is low on power马力小 low rumble发动机发出低沉的响声 loud bangs发动机放炮 engine surge发动机喘振 engine shutdown停车 engine flame out发动机熄火 exhaust duct and tail cone排气道和尾锥 engine feathered顺桨 A.1.3航空器系统(aircraft system) A.1.3.1燃油系统(fuel system) fuel system燃油系统 fuel tanks燃油箱 vent通气孔 fuel hydrant加油栓 fuel lines燃油管路 fuel pump燃油泵 fuelfilter油滤 joints接头 dump valves放油阀 fuel shut-off levers燃油油路切断操纵杆 fuel flow indicators燃油流量表 low fuel pressure warning lights燃油油压过低警告灯 A.1.3.2滑油系统(oil system) lubricant润滑剂 lubrication润滑 oil lines滑油管路 oil pressure indicators滑油压力表 oil temperature indicator滑油温度表 oil cooler滑油散热器 A.1.3.3液压系统(hydraulic system) hydraulic lines液压管路 hydraulic actuator液压作动筒 hydraulic pump液压泵 pressure control valves压力控制阀 pressure sensors压力传感器 relief valves释压阀 flow control valves流量控制阀 (actuating) jacks千斤顶 seals密封圈 A.1.4 驾驶舱(cockpit) A.1.4.1操纵系统(control system) flight control system飞行操纵系统 flight management computer system飞行管理计算机系统 boosted controls助力操纵系统 manual controls人工操纵系统 levers/stick/column杆 control column操纵杆 control panel控制板 captains panel机长仪表板 glare shield panel防眩板 center console中央操纵台 handles操纵手柄 knobs按钮或旋钮 switchers开关 thrust levers油门 cranks曲柄(摇把) control stand操纵台 rudder bar方向舵连杆 elevator controls升降舵操纵系统 flap controls襟翼操纵系统 autopilot controls自动驾驶操纵系统 autothrottle system自动油门系统 instrument landing system仪表着陆系统 microwave landing system微波着陆系统 handoperated control人工驾驶 brake control unit制动控制单元 steering wheel方向盘(前轮) A.1.4.2航空器仪表(aircraft instrument) gauge仪表 primary display system主显示系统 electronic instrument system电子仪表系统 systems monitoring instruments系统监控仪表 indicator指示器(仪表) flight director飞行指引仪 engine indicator发动机仪表 accelerometer加速度计 aneroid barometer膜盒气压计 metre(dial)表盘(刻度盘) instrument panel仪表板 audio control panel音频控制面板 overhead panel顶部仪表板 flight engineers panel随机工程师仪表板 radio management panel无线电管理面板 flight navigation control panel导航控制面板 flight data interface unit飞行数据接口 digital flight data recording system数字式飞行数据记录系统 engine vibration monitoring unit发动机振动监控系统 weight and balance system装载与配平系统 altimeter高度表 radio altimeter无线电高度表 airspeed indicator空速表 automatic direction finder自动定向仪 turn and bank indicator转弯侧滑仪 attitude director indicator姿态指示仪 horizontal situation indicator水平位置指示器 set the altimeter高度表拨正 vertical speed indicator升降速度表 (gyro) horizon陀螺地平仪 directional gyro陀螺方向仪 A.1.5 航空器动作(aircraft maneouvre) pitch俯仰 roll横滚 yaw偏转 bank the aircraft压坡度 lift off抬(提)起 pitch up the aircraft (to nose up)抬机头 pitch down the aircraft (to nose down)推机头 down向下 dive俯冲 climb steeply大角度爬升 corrective action修正动作 level off改平 stall失速 recover from stall从失速中改出 cut back decrease收油门 spin螺旋 sharp turn急转弯 wide turn小坡度转弯 slipping turn内侧滑转弯 skidding turn外侧滑转弯 A.2 气象(meteorology) A.2.1云(cloud) ceiling云底高 cloud layer云层 cumulonimbus积雨云 towering cumulonimbus塔状积雨云 altocumulus高积云 nimbostratus雨层云 altostratus高层云 cirrocumulus卷积云 cirrostratus卷层云 cirrus卷云funnel cloud漏斗云 stratocumulus层积云 stratus层云 vertebratus脊状云 capillatus鬃状 solid clouds浓厚的云 scattered clouds疏云 ragged clouds破碎的云(残云) mackerel sky鳞状云 breaks in overcast阴间多云 few少云 scattered疏云 broken裂开云,多云 overcast (continuous)满天云 on top在云上 below cloud在云下 between layers在云层间 In cloud在云中 In and out of cloud断续云中 cloud is building up云在增加 cloud is clearing up云在消散 A.2.2 能见度(visibility) sky clear晴空 sky obscured天空不明 sand storm沙暴 Mist轻雾 Haze霾 Brume雾, 霭 Smoke烟 Smog烟雾 light fog轻雾 dense fog浓雾 freezing fog冻雾 drifting fog吹雾,平流雾 fog dispersal in progress雾在消失 fog is coming down正在起雾 fog is clearing up雾在消散 fog is getting worse雾越来越浓 A.2.3 风(wind) wind风 surface wind地面风 wind aloft高空风 tailwind顺风 headwind顶风 crosswind侧风 wind-gauge风向风速仪 the wind-sock风向袋 wind calm无风(静风) light wind微风 moderate wind中速风 strong wind强风 variable wind风向不稳定 steady wind稳定风 gust阵风 wind shift风向转变 wind shear风切变 gusts up to 8 m/s阵风达8 m/s lull风停 gale一阵大风 storm风暴 eddy, a whirl wind旋风 vortex(vortices)涡流 wind W veering NW风由西向西北转 wind W backing SW风由西转向西南 the wind is shifting风在转向 the wind is rising起风 the wind is abating风在减小 the wind is getting stronger风越来越大 A.2.4 颠簸(turbulence) clear air turbulence晴空颠簸 moderate turbulence中度颠簸 severe turbulence严重颠簸 smooth平稳的 bumpy , turbulent颠簸的 be tossed , buffeted受气流(或涡流)影响而使摇摆 updraught上升气流 downdraught下降气流 jet stream高空急流 A.2.5 降水(precipitation) light rain小雨 heavy rain大雨 intermittent rain间歇性雨 continuous rain连续性降水 bright periods雨停天晴期间 occasional showers偶尔下阵雨 passing showers正在通过的阵雨 scattered showers零零散散的阵雨 torrential rain, downpour暴雨 waterspout水龙卷 drizzle毛毛雨 freezing rain冻雨 sleet雨夹雪 squall飑(线) hurricane飓风 tornado龙卷风 thunderstorm雷暴 flash of lightning闪电光 lightning闪电 hail冰雹 hailstorm雹暴 soft hail 软雹 snow雪 snowstorm雪暴 snowflake鹅毛大雪 snow shower阵雪 snow gust突然一阵大雪 icing结冰 ice冰 sheet of ice一层冰 rime白霜,雾淞 A.2.6 温度(temperature) surface temperature地面温度 outside air temperature外界温度,大气温度 dewpoint露点温度 the temperature rise温度上升 the temperature drop温度下降 the temperature is rising温度在上升 the temperature is falling温度在下降 the temperature is steady温度稳定 freezing level冻冰点温度,结冰层,(指结冰层的下限) A.2.7 跑道道面状况(runway surface condition) loose snow软雪 firm snow实雪 compacted snow压实的雪 melting snow在化的雪 slush雪水(或半化的雪) snow drift雪堆 snowplough扫雪车 snow clearance雪清除 the north taxiway is snowbound北滑行道被雪封住了 the runway is wet跑道湿 the runway is icy跑道上有结冰 the runway is slippery跑道滑 pools of water跑道积水 ice patches冰块(指跑道上结成的一块块的冰) glazed frost(clear ice)明冰 hoar frost白霜 braking action is poor刹车效应差 braking action is medium刹车效应中 braking action is good刹车效应好 A.3 机场车辆与设备(airport vehicle and equipment) servicing truck地面特种车辆 airport passenger bus/ferry摆渡车 tug/towing tractor拖车 tow bar拖把 ground power unit地面电源车 catering truck食品车(配餐车) ground air preconditioning unit地面空调车 water service truck供水车 galley service truck餐车 dolly平台车 tractor牵引车 fork lift truck叉车 fire truck救火车 ambulance救护车 crash tender事故处理车 wheelbarrow独轮手推车 air steps机载客梯 snow plough犁雪车 ramp vehicle机坪车辆 security van保安运货车 ice-melter除冰车 coach大客车 refueller加油车 hydrant dispenser管线加油车 runway snow blower吹雪车 sweeper清扫车 A.4 地面相关服务(relevant ground service) rubber removal清除橡胶 scrub洗涤,擦洗 conveyor输送带 passenger gate登机口 terminal候机楼 ground handling地勤 cargo door sill货舱门基座 pallet平板架,托板 chute行李滑运道 jetway廊桥(美) air bridge/loading bridge廊桥(英) pier候机楼登机走廊 stairway扶梯 apron/ramp客/停机坪 hangar机库 customs海关 blast fences防吹墙 loadsheet舱单 customs clearance海关验放 air waybill航空运货单 safety services安全服务 windshield wiper风挡刮水器(美) windscreen wiper风挡刮水器(英) deplane下飞机,从飞机上卸下(美) disembark/unload下飞机,从飞机上卸下(英) Enplane登机(美) embark/board登机(英) ground radar地面雷达-