Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date非谓语动词的翻译练习-有答案-7-10非谓语动词的翻译练习-有答案-7-101) 日益恶化的环境已经引起人们的关注。The environment getting worse has drawn peoples attention. Increasingly deteriorating 2) 我们面临的一个迫切的问题是每天产生越来越多的垃圾。A pressing issue faced by us is that there are an increasing number of rubbish. 3) 吸烟是一种令人上瘾的恶习,不仅对吸烟者构成威胁,同时也危及周围的人。Smoking is an addicted habit, not only threatening smokers themselves but also posing a risk on people around. 4) 业余工作挣来的钱将有力的支持学生继续他们求学生活。Money earned from part-time jobs will greatly support students to pursue their academic life. 5) 由于受到网络上过多暴力的影响,有些青少年误入歧途。Being influenced by massive violence on the Internet, some teenagers are embarking on the wrong paths. 6) 现在很多小孩都在隔离中成长,受到父母的影响,把其他孩子当做竞争对手而不是朋友。 Many children grow up in isolation, being influenced by their parents, and they take others as competitors/ rivals instead of friends. 7) 总之,该表格说明单身成年人和有子女的家庭比那些由父母组成的家庭更容易陷入贫困之中。In summary, the tables shows that single adults and families with children are more likely to end up in poverty than those families having no children. 8) 很多人认为体育明星的报酬不合理,尤其是把他们的巨额工资与卓越的医生 和科研人员相比。Many people believe that sports stars remuneration is not justified, especially compared with that of those outstanding doctors and researchers. 9) 家长必须保证自己的孩子学会享受其他的活动,而不是仅仅呆在家里,学会生活在真实的世界里。Parents have to ensure that their children learn to enjoy other activities, instead of staying at home, learning how to live in reality. 10) 另一方面,鸡肉的消费,呈现出上升趋势,超越了1980年的羊肉和1990年的牛肉。On the other hand, the consumption of chicken shows an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1990. 11) 教师的工资仍然是最大的开销,在1991年达到总值的50%,在2001年达到45%。 Teachers salary was still the most important share, taking up half of all expenditure in 1991 and falling by 5% in the next ten years. 12) 但是,即使我们购买没有包装的新鲜食物,我们却广泛的使用塑料袋把食物带回家,这些塑料袋仍会产生垃圾。Even if we buy fresh food without packaging, it is widespread that we take food in plastic bags home, causing tons of garbage. 13) 在拥有本科学位的人群中,有90%是男性,相比看来,只有10%是女性。As for people who acquired bachelor degree, 90% were males, females only taking up 10%. 14) 无论如何,我认为垃圾的产生是因为我们使用一次后就丢弃产生的。Nevertheless, I assure the huge amount of rubbish being produced is because we use products for only once and throw them away. 15) 要是以上被认同的要素被实施的话,一切工作都可以得到提高,更多工人能得到工作满意度。The above factors being implemented, all the jobs could be elevated and more workers could acquire sense of satisfaction.16) 在1979年,牛肉是所有食物中最受欢迎的,每人每周消费量达到25克。 In 1979, beef was the most popular meet among all kinds of meat, reaching 25 grams per person per week. -