my friend英语作文最新.docx
my friend英语作文my friend英语作文(一)Everyone has their own good friends, and I am no exception. Today, I'd liketo introduce my good friend feifei.Feifei is 10 years old and I'm in a class with me. We're still at the sametable! She had long black hair, large, bright eyes, tall and pretty. The mostimportant thing is that feifei is not only good-looking but also very kind. Manypeople like her.One day, want language test, I am confident enough, must be able to testwell, who know, the weather is not measurable, the test, my water pen is usedupI am very worry, one time goes by, shed bean big sweat on my head, my heartsecretly complain, quick like a cat on hot bricks, feifei saw my difficulty,small voice ask me: whether than no oil? Well! I replied. I lend you!Feifei comes up with a new pen, I'm sorry to say; This pen is new, I use yourold one! No, use it! Good friends should help each other! Thank you! I tookover the new pen.Soon, the Chinese result was announced, and I got the good grade. Ithought: if it wasn't feifei's pen, I wouldn't have even 60 points!You will always be my best friend, my best friend, the sister who is morethan a sister! You will never erase my memory!每个人都有自己的好挚友,我也不例外。今日,我就来向大家介绍我的好挚友菲菲。菲菲今年10岁了,和我在一个班,我们还是同桌呢!她有着一头黑色的长发,一双大而光明的眼睛,高高的个子,非常美丽。最重要的是菲菲不仅长得美丽,心肠也很好。好多人喜爱她。有一天,要语文测验,我信念十足,准能考好,谁知,天有不测风云,考试时,我水笔芯用完了我很焦急,时间一分一秒的消逝,我的头上流下了豆大的汗珠,我心里暗暗叫苦,急的像热锅上的蚂蚁,菲菲看出了我的难处,小声问我:“是不是比没油了?”“嗯!”我回答道。“我借你!”菲菲拿出一支崭新的笔来,我不好意思的说;“这支笔是新的,我用你那只旧的吧!”“不用,拿着用吧!好挚友就应当相互帮助么!”“感谢你了!”我接过那支崭新的笔来。不久,语文成果公布下来了,我取得了志向的好成果。我想:假如不是菲菲那支笔,我估计连60分都没有吧!菲菲你恒久是我的好挚友,我最好的挚友,比亲姐妹还要亲的好姐妹!你恒久不会在我的记忆里抹去!my friend英语作文(二)My good friend liu chengun has a round face, a pair of bright bright eyesand big mouth. He is outgoing and lively. Let me give you some of hisadvantages.Although he is not good at study, he always takes it very seriously in hishomework. Remember once, in math class, the teacher just came out of theclassroom, the classroom is lively. The students some play out, and some ran tothe other students, some talking to students before and after, only he, whereserious homework, until it is finished. The classmate in the back clap hisshoulder: hey, we come to play the top! But he didn't say anything. Hecontinued to do his homework carefully.Of course, there are disadvantages.He, in class, likes to squat under the table, not knowing what to do. Aftera while, the teacher knew the matter, and the teacher went quietly to him andsaid, what are you doing? He hadn't come back, and the teacher let him standbeside the stage.I hope he can correct his shortcomings, promote his merits and be a goodstudent.我的好挚友刘承润有一个圆脸,有一双炯炯有神的眼睛,大大的嘴。他性特别向,很活泼。下面就让我来说说他的优点。虽然他学习不优秀,但他上课写作业时总是那么仔细。记得有一次,在数学课上,老师刚走出教室,教室里就喧闹起来了。同学们有的玩脱了,有的跑到别的同学位子上,有的和前后的同学说话,只有他,在那里仔细的写作业,直到写完为止。后边的同学拍他的肩膀:“喂,我们来玩陀螺吧!”而他却什么也没说,接着仔细的写作业。当然,它的缺点也是有的。他嘛,上课总爱蹲在桌子下面,不知道在干什么。过了一会儿,这件事情被老师知道了,老师静静地走到他的旁边,说道:“在干什么?”他还没回过神来,老师就让他站在讲台旁边。我希望他能改正缺点,发扬优点,做个优秀的学生。