The Call of the Wild彭雪宁 No.8黄裕鑫 No.25潘影红 No.27曹嘉惠 No.30蔡丹榕 No.31黄霞 No.36Jack LondonA realistic writerBorn: January 12, 1876San Francisco, California United States Died: November 22, 1916 (aged 40) Glen Ellen, California United States Occupation :Novelist, journalist, short story writer and essayist Life Experiences Writing StyleMajor WorksLife Experiences 18901891child laborer in a cannery (at 14)oyster pirate(at 15)sailor of a sealing schooner(at 17)18931895jailed for vagrancyfinished high school(at 19) University of California(at 20)18961897Klondike Gold Rush(at 21)writerreporterThe Son of the Wolf(1900)1916died from a gastrointestinal of uremia (尿毒症尿毒症)though it was widely supposed that he committed suicide.(at 40)Writing StyleHe was fascinated by the way violence tested and refined human character. Without much stylistic and formal refinement and subtlety of characterization, Londons fiction has the unusual and intriguing power of ancient myth.Although his work can never be classed rough realism, he will always be remembered as the originator of a new type of writing called rough realism.Forceful, and colorful; Subjectivity and enthusiasmHis characterizations were often stiff and his dialogue stereotyped.Themes: primitive violence, Anglo-Saxon supremacy, biological evolution, class warfare, and mechanistic determinism.Writing StyleMajor WorksMajor WorksThe People of the Abyss(1903) 深渊中的人们 The Call of the Wild(1903) 野性的呼唤野性的呼唤 The Sea Wolf(1904) 海狼海狼 White Fang(1906) 白牙白牙 Love of Life (1907) 热爱生命热爱生命The Iron Heel(1908) 铁蹄 Martin Eden(1909) 马丁.伊登 The Valley of the Moon(1912) 月谷 The Star Rover(1915) 星游人 The Little Lady of the Big House(1916)大屋里的小妇人 Wolf House 特怀曼L托尔利在狼的智慧中对狼有很好的描述及概括。 狼是陆地上生物最高的食物链终结者之一,群居动物中最有秩序,纪律的族群。由于有狼的存在,其他野生动物才得以淘汰老弱残的不良族群;也因为有狼的威胁存在,其它野生动物才被迫进化得更优秀,以免被狼淘汰;也因为有狼非常强的生存能力,适应能力。BackgroundPresenter: 彭雪宁 8号The Call of the Wild: BackgroundBackground knowledgeA gold rush is a period of feverish migration of workers into the area of a dramatic discovery of commercial quantities of gold. the 19th century Australia、 Brazil 、Canada 、South Africa、the United StatesKlondike River The Call of the Wild: BackgroundIn August 1896, gold was discovered in Rabbit Creek in the Yukon Territory of western Canada.The Call of the Wild: BackgroundWhen news of the find reached the United States, the Klondike gold rush was on.The Call of the Wild: BackgroundThe gold prospectors, known as “Klondikers,” faced harsh conditions: temperatures 40 degrees below zero starvation and malnutrition long journeys on foot hundreds of pounds of supplies to transport About 100,000 people started out in hopes of reaching the Klondike River and finding gold. Of these, only about 30,000 completed the trip. The rest either stopped somewhere along the way, turned around, or died. The Call of the Wild: BackgroundThe Call of the Wild: BackgroundThe indigenous people of Alaska and Canada began using sled dogs more than 1,000 years ago.They depended on these dogs for protection transportation hunting companionshipThe Call of the Wild: BackgroundIn the late 1800s, settlers and explorers started using the dogs to help them explore remote areas, deliver mail, and look for gold.The Call of the Wild: BackgroundThey have a protective outercoat and an insulating undercoat, that helps them tolerate temperatures as low as 70F.The Call of the Wild: BackgroundCertain purebred dogs are commonly used as sled dogs.Alaskan malamutesSiberian huskiesSamoyedsThe Call of the Wild: BackgroundIn this harsh and hostile environment like the Yukon Territory, survival is the ultimate challenge.The Call of the Wild: BackgroundIf strength, courage, and adaptability are the keys to survival,then our hero, Buck, stands a pretty good chance.PlotPresenter: 黄裕鑫 25号Character AnalysisPresenter: 潘影红 27号Dave: an experienced wheeler, nipped Bucks hind quarters whenever he was in error. Spitz: the leader of the dogs, an experienced wheeler, he always fierce to his companions, but he could not always get at Buck. Finally, he was killed by Buck. They are Bucks second owners. Stern and demanding instant obedience The law of club and tooth 木棒和犬牙法则木棒和犬牙法则 Hal and Charles: foolish and callow Mercedes: spoiled and sentimental Poor plan a seasoned gold prospector having a deep, abiding and reciprocal love blossoms between man and dog Full of fighting spirit - the survival of the fittest. The vicious and cunning rulers Love, loyalty to his ownerThe call of the wild Full of fighting spirit - the survival of the fittest. He was preeminently cunning, and could bide his time with a patience that nothing less than primitive.他是头等的狡猾,并且能够用他天生就有的的那种忍他是头等的狡猾,并且能够用他天生就有的的那种忍耐等待时机耐等待时机 The vicious and cunning rulers Living in the dog team, Buck did not want to be patient for a long time under another mans domination. When he was beat by the man in red, he already realized the importance of power. Since then, he never forgot the desire to win the leadership of Spitz. After full deliberation and preparation, he killed Spitz in the battle, and finally captured the leader position” Full of fighting spirit - the survival of the fittest.Thus, as token of what a puppet thing life is, the ancient song surged through him and he came into his own again.于是,生命是个任人摆布的傀儡,古老的歌曲在他心中回荡,他重于是,生命是个任人摆布的傀儡,古老的歌曲在他心中回荡,他重新找回了自我新找回了自我。The call of the wildThemePresenter:曹嘉惠 30号a return to primitivismsurvival of the strongesta reflection of society123Themea return to primitivism Old longings nomadic leap, Chafing at customs chain; Again from its brumal sleep; Wakens the ferine strain. 古老荒野的欲望在升腾, 挣脱着习俗的束缚, 再一次从它冬日的长眠中, 唤醒野性不驯的旋律。 Buck released his innate characteristics and returned toprimitivism for the long-term maltreatment from his masters. The novel describes the harsh environment in the north of America in most of the plot, which lays the groundwork for Bucks return to primitivism. a return to primitivismsurvival of the strongestSurvival of the fittestthe super dog image of BuckSurvival of the fittest The author places Buck in conflict with humans, in conflict with the other dogs, and in conflict with environment-all of which he must challenge, survive, and conquer.(Herbert Spencers Social Darwinism & Darwins concept ) a. in conflict with humans On the way to the North, Buck met many his owners who hit him with a club. And its useless to fight them who had a club in their hands. in a world where the club and the fangare law, where the law of the pack rules and a week dog can be torn to pieces by pack members. That survival by whatever means is paramount. b. in conflict with other dogs Buck fought against the hungry huskies and a lead-dog called Sptiz in his pack. Buck called on his atavistic hereditary traits to survive so he must learn to be wild to become wild. His first try to steal food without suspicion. He did not rob openly, but stole secretly and cunningly, out of respect for club and fang. Author : This first theft marked Buck as fit to survive in the hostile Northland environment. It marked his adaptability, his capacity to adjust himself to changing conditions, the lack of which would have meant swift and terrible death. He was fit, that was all, and unconsciously he accommodated himself to the new mode of life.b. in conflict with other dogsHe learnt to break the ice on water holes with his feet when he wanted to drink.He learnt to how to warm himself.c. in conflict with environment predominance in strength learning the law of club and fang faster than his peer saving thornton out of the riptide with his courage and great energy moving a thousand pounds sledsthe super dog image of Buck(Nietzsches Superman Philosophy)To some extent, the novel wrote the real history of Klondike Gold Rush in America.The author gave Buck human traits: wisdom, loyalty, bravery, well-adapted, ect.a reflection of societyConclusion The veneer of civilization is thin and fragile,and it exposes the brutality at the core of humanity and the ease with which humans revert to a state of primitivism. Artistic FeaturePresenter:黄霞 36号The most important artistic technique is symbolism(象征)(象征)Bucks experience宠物狗(live in Miller estate comfortably)雪橇狗 (tough life) 魔狗(return to the wild )巴克形象的塑造中使人性和狗性巴克形象的塑造中使人性和狗性得到了统一。巴克的人性寓于狗得到了统一。巴克的人性寓于狗性之中,狗性中体现着人性。巴性之中,狗性中体现着人性。巴克是一条狗,也是人类社会中的克是一条狗,也是人类社会中的人。作者用这种讽喻和影射的艺人。作者用这种讽喻和影射的艺术手法来揭示当时美国现实社会术手法来揭示当时美国现实社会的本质。的本质。 人即是狗,狗即是人