我的春节初中作文我的春节初中作文1我每年的除夕夜都会观看春节联欢晚会,当然今年也不例外!吃过团聚饭,我们立刻坐到电视机前收看今年的春节联欢晚会!其实我就是想看下刘谦的魔术和赵本山的小品。当然,其它节目我也看得很仔细,感觉今年春晚的亮点还是许多的。王菲空灵的歌声让人沉醉。舞蹈荷塘月色如梦似幻。小品一句话的事儿里面那善意的谎言让人会心一笑。小虎队的同台演唱给人一种时间倒流的感觉。而那个可爱的小女孩面对在场众多观众和镜头时尽然能特别镇静的说出对应的百家姓则是更让人觉得不简洁,果真是长江后浪推前浪啊!刘谦给了我一个不小的惊喜,在360度“监视”观众和桌面透亮的状况下还能从容的和主持人调侃着完成了让人叹服的魔术,不能不说刘谦的牛了。为了看本山大叔和沈小阳的小品我足足等了几小时,但看了以后我却不得不说,太让人悲观了,至少我很悲观。不知道是本山大叔江郎才尽还是我的期望值太高,只知道整个小品从头到尾都没什么笑点。让人看了以后都不知道这个小品主要想表达的重点,感觉大部分的戏都是两个大男人为了30000块捐款闹别扭,而小沈阳演的记者给人感觉这次连配角都算不上了,整个小品除了服装自然其他的好象都很不自然,到最终拿着麦克风坐在炕上都搞不清晰究竟要“采”谁,跟去年春晚上的表现退步了太多,没有一点让人惊喜的感觉。甚至于到最终结束都是不清不楚的,就这样结束了?这究竟在演什么?太让人悲观了!今年的春节联欢晚会实在难说,可以说精彩,但也可以说是糟糕,希望明年不要再让我们悲观!立刻,二姨的女儿跑了出来迎接我们,还硬吵着要和我们玩。的人拿他没方法,只好应了他。我们玩得非常痛快,都玩了时间。等玩累时,才回过神来,跑出房间,问了问时间,才知道自己玩了两个小时。妈妈说我们该回家了,只见,二姨掏出两个红包,也就是现在的压岁钱。妈妈也拿出一个红包,相互交换其实,春节的传统习俗不止拜年,还有许很多多怎么讲都讲不完,所以我就不一一讲了。我跟大家共享了我的春节的一部分,那你的呢?我的春节初中作文2春节是我国的传统节日,在每年的大年初一,我们就起先过年了。大年初一,早晨,鞭炮就起先响起,似乎呼喊着人们快点起床,迎接着美妙欢乐的日子春节。早晨,我起了床,吃完早饭,打算上二姨家拜年去。我穿好大红的新衣,妈妈妹妹也穿好美丽的衣服,打算上二姨家去。公路上的汽车络绎不绝,鞭炮声始终在我的耳畔中响起,我的脸上不知不觉露出喜悦的笑容。来到二姨家门口,我发觉在门的中间有个“福”字,现在大家应当知道我要讲的传统吧!按传统习俗,到了春节,家家户户都要在大门中间贴上个“倒福”。(“福”字倒过来贴)说明这家的福到了。我还望见福字的纸是红色的,可以代表喜庆;旁边有着金色的花边,可以加点气氛。这样,一张活灵活现的福字就出现在我眼前。妈妈敲了敲门,二姨开了门,我和妹妹为了讨大人的欢心,赶忙说了声:“新年好!”一进门,立刻进入眼帘的是干干净净、整整齐齐的客厅,接着就是桌上摆着的零食。在中国,过年时肯定要有吃有喝有玩,那不然整个春节就过得特别没意思了。我的春节初中作文3春晚陪伴我们度过了许多年,每一年都在我心中留下深刻的印象。今年的春晚更是让我大饱眼福,那充溢视觉效果的舞台背景使人流连中无不惊羡科技给人满带来的一切,更让人难忘的是春晚中的演员,牺牲自己与家人团聚的机会为我们表演,为我们演绎了一年又一年的精彩。回顾春晚,每一年都让我们在欢乐中度过,在希望中渡过新的起先。这些不仅仅说明春晚的历史,更说明春晚使我们中国的代表,是我们的傲慢。它有丰富的文化底蕴,有成千上万的爱好者,更难得的是它记录了几代人的成长,他给我们带来的实在太多太多还记得小时候看春晚,那时的我们就已经体会到春晚的乐趣。大家吃完年夜饭后都挤在一起盯着电视,似乎全天下的人都坐在电视前,不为什么,就为了享受每一年必需做的事情看春晚,每一年的结尾亦是每一年起先,大家心里都有一种同样的感受春晚已经融入了我们整个国家整个民族,是我们不行缺少的一部分。春晚不仅仅是我们生活的一部分,它还是每个潮流的。一首我的中国心在春晚的舞台唱响后,使全部的中国人都激起爱过的心。从冬天里的一把火这把火照亮了整个华夏大地,当时几乎全部人都记住了这把火,正因为这把火才让上一代的社会流行起来。再往后一首经久不衰的难忘今宵又在春晚的舞台上唱响,全部人又起先回顾经典。“接下来就是见证奇迹的时刻”这句话亦成为全部人都听晓的话,从今,魔术又在我们之间风靡全袭。现在回想起来这些曾经陪伴过我们的这些年头的春晚,你又想起了什么?让我们都牢记这些经典,这些经久不衰的回忆。我的春节初中作文4说起春节,大家的第一反应确定就是放鞭炮、与家人团聚、吃水饺还有看春晚了。嘿嘿,我家也不例外。这个春节,我是回我奶奶家过的。到了年三十晚上,漆黑的夜空被华丽的烟花渲染得年味十足,当烟花将我们每一个人的瞳孔映照得熠熠生辉的时候,我们才真正意识到,新的一年已经起先了。烟花绽放着人们对过去一年的总结和对新一年的期望。每一年就在这爆竹声中逝去,接着,又将迎来新生,一年一年,就这样不断地轮回。饭菜的香味将我引到饭桌上来,看着五彩缤纷的刚刚出炉的年夜饭,我的内心不禁涌上一股满意的华蜜之感,好暖和。春晚伴随着热气腾腾的饭菜起先了。一家人围坐在一起,时常涌出一家人的欢乐,男女老少的声音,都混在里面了,那么自然,就这样暖融融地在屋子上空回旋,像一团云彩,不断地飘,不断地飘······年夜饭的重头戏来了饺子。这可是北方每家每户在年夜饭上的重中之重。因为饺子谐音“交子”即新旧交接之际。另外,饺子形态像元宝,包饺子意味着包住福运,所以深受人们爱戴。而我们在包饺子时放了几枚硬币,吃到硬币的人在新的一年会发财呦看着满桌的饺子,原委哪一个会有硬币呢?只有吃吃看了,看着一盘一盘的饺子进了肚,却还不见硬币的踪影,就在我着急之时,咔嚓一声,原来是我爸爸吃到了一个,爸爸笑了,我们也笑了。“当当”零点的钟声敲响了,新的一年到来了,而我们也在这钟声中慢慢入眠······我的春节初中作文5Spring Festival is a big and grand festival. The Spring Festival is a symbol of peace, happiness and reunion. I like the Spring Festival best, because I can set off firecrackers, wear new clothes and get lucky money.It was New Year's eve on the eve of the Spring Festival, and people were happy to paste the Spring Festival couplets in front of their own homes. They would make dumplings in the kitchen and set off firecrackers before eating.Spring Festival I put a lot of firecrackers, there are "drill monkey", "drill monkey" fly to the sky immediately, and make a snap, very nice. The second one was a "big tank", which ran like a real tank and stopped in the middle of it. It was a beautiful, colorful light. The third one was a butterfly cannon, which flew like a rocket and flew far, far away. The fourth one was a fall, and the gun went off on the ground, and it went off with one foot.I like the Spring Festival very much, it is very good to be the Spring Festival every day!我的春节初中作文6When I opened the Lao she's article, "the Spring Festival in Beijing", I was secretly amazed that the Spring Festival in Beijing was so busy. But then again, we Yellowstone Spring Festival is not inferior! You don't believe me? Let me tell you something about it.We began to pickle meat and roast sausages in November. Wherever you go, you can smell bacon and sausage. Oh, that's hungry, don't mention it! And ah, the month of the month to be stocked up!The twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month has begun. Then there is the smell of Spring Festival. Families began to paste couplets. Grown-ups are busy: buying new clothes for the whole family and eating, drinking, and using for the New Year. This represents an of the weather. Children are also happy, as parents buy their own New Year's gifts and snacks. The most important thing is to buy firecrackers! The little year is the same as for us. We all set off firecrackers, all Shouting: "nian, run! Nian run!December 30 is New Year's eve. Every family began to prepare for the reunion dinner. All the people were dressed in new clothes, and the house was cleaned and everything changed. When you eat a reunion dinner, you should make a speech to your elders. After dinner, watch the party. This night, except for the children, no one else could sleep. To set off firecrackers at midnight, meaning to leave the old and welcome the new. The sound of firecrackers continued until noon the next day.On the first day of the first month, the whole family will visit relatives and wish them a happy New Year. At noon, we go to grandma's house for family reunion dinner, and the reunion dinner is very exquisite. There will always be hot pot on the reunion dinner. Hot pot boiling, steaming hot, warm and provocative, the future of the red fire. There is not only hot pot on the table, but also a fish. "Fish" and "yu" homophony, symbolizing "ji qing yu", also have the meaning of "year after year". Also, this fish can't eat, commonly known as "obedient fish". The fish is on the table listening to people talking about the year and the hopes of the New Year. In addition, radish is also a common dish on the table. The radish is commonly known as vegetable head, wish have good color head; Lobster abalone and other Fried foods, I wish the family prosperity such as "agnigan oil". There will be a dragon, or a cloud, or a cloud. It is said that drilling a dragon head can also be lucky in one year, every year blessed!The Lantern Festival is not only the climax of the Spring Festival, but also the last day of the Spring Festival. Many communities are hung with lanterns. The supermarket is full of people, too, to buy yuanxiao. After dinner, the whole family eat yuanxiao and watch the Lantern Festival. The little things on the TV made a big laugh, and the fat, sweet dumplings were memorable. There's a light show at night! When you first come to the palace of culture, you will find four lights here. There are all kinds of lights. The colorful lights are beautiful.What about the Spring Festival in Yellowstone?我的春节初中作文7对于中国人来说,春节才是一年节日中的重中之重,至少也在精神上劳碌起来。而这年三十的年夜饭,自然是少不了丰富。“你们看这桌上的菜,多丰富啊,这要是在以前,可是想都不敢想的啊。”老爸点着一支烟,吸了一口,接着说,“在我小时候,过年能有肉吃,就是极大的满意啊。”老爸的话引起了我的深思,在一派欢愉的气氛中,我不由得感到一丝感伤。小时候吃年夜饭,无论是否对胃口,也会对满桌菜肴感到满心高兴;过年穿的新衣服,不管款式品牌,只要是新的,就会欢欣不已。曾经的春节,给我带来多数欢快美妙的记忆而现在的我们,味蕾早就对美味麻木了,添件新衣也是稀疏平常的事。春节不再会给我带来辞旧迎新的华蜜感,不再让我向往自己又长大了一岁、见识多了一层的骄傲感。更多的是年龄增长的压力与责任。泛泛庆贺一下,说几句辞旧迎新的吉利话,一家人一起吃一顿饭,聊得最多的也是学习工作,春节就过去了,这个被给予了太多文化内涵的日子,只单单变成了一年三百六十五天多了聚会的一天,曾经的喧闹,一点点的淡化。变的是时代,不变的是节日;不变的是文化,变的是心态。越来越高的生活水平,反而让人们忽视了朴实的欢乐。而那种淳朴的欢乐,才是现代人所须要的。我的春节初中作文8Then came to the biggest festival in China, the Spring Festival, usually at this time, children the most happy, because there is a red envelope, of course, every place has different Spring Festival custom, today, I'll introduce our Spring Festival custom here.The first day of the first lunar month in the morning, mother will cook good hot dumplings, then, we will be busy with my father on busy under the moving table, the table above, set the eight bowl, 8 pairs of chopsticks, neatly placed well, then, should put the hot dumplings in the bowl, the father will burn money on my knees. After the sacrifice, we all rush to eat dumplings, because the food that the ancestors eat will not be sick.Actually it is just a simple Spring Festival customs, but it reflects our traditional virtue of Chinese nation from top to bottom in five thousand, worship, is respect for elders, we in this way to express our thoughts to your elders, reflected a word.No matter what kind of Spring Festival customs, it should be passed on well, isn't it?我的春节初中作文9The Spring Festival is the most important festival of our Chinese nation, and it is also the unique festival of our Chinese nation. At this time, the migrant workers in a hurry to pack up, ready to go home, with a year's salary, warm heart; We children, get good grades, the heart is happy, waiting for parents' praise. I believe that every family is full of happiness and happiness.The first thing to do is to buy New Year's goods. Of course, our family is no exception. Our family got up early in the morning, and then we went to the supermarket to buy some peanuts, melon seeds, sugar and other foods. Of course, chickens, ducks, fish and meat were essential.Today is the age of 30, as in previous years: many people have hung red lanterns; Stuck with the spring couplets, didn't they? The red lantern reflects our bright smile; Plus the pair of couplets, everywhere brimming with jubilant atmosphere, the festival is undoubtedly the icing on the cake. Today, it is also our children's world: we sing, dance, all the troubles are put aside, happy, happy. At the time of the reunion dinner, our family sat around the round table. The food on the table can be rich: golden roast chicken, red rice cake, white dumplings. After the reunion dinner, I turned on the TV and watched the CCTV Spring Festival gala.In the evening, fireworks explode. First saw a small bright spot, galloping up from a distance, to a certain height, such as after a sudden burst out sparks of countless, they adorn the vast sky glow, added to the sky like a pair of bright flame, and even the stars dim and blank. They are all in all shapes and colors, and they shine in the night sky. Looking at it, I felt as if I was jumping up and down with them. Suddenly, the moonlight, the light, the flame light, interweave together, light up the whole sky. I also set off fireworks, there are full of pearls, jumping cats, women's scattered flowers, fireballs.My first reflection is that the New Year, the new starting point, the new hope, the new dream, and more efforts! I wish luck would be with me this year.我的春节初中作文10Today is the Spring Festival. We go to have a New Year's eve dinner. Today we don't eat at home like we used to.As soon as we entered the hotel, we saw that the hall was full. We went to the door of one of the rooms and said, 'the songbird hall'. Three words, walk in a look, the service yuan aunt is already in the dish, have red like the red date of the fire, the lettuce of green forage grass, round like ball of abalone and so on. When we arrived, we began to eat with relish, and soon finished. After eating, they began to give out red envelopes. They wrote all kinds of good wishes. The lucky money was like a shy little girl, hiding herself in a red envelope. When we finished the New Year's money, we went home to watch the biggest party the whole country had ever seen, the Spring Festival gala. "Pitter-patter". Suddenly, the sound of firecrackers outside the window sounded, I took my father's hand, picked up the firecrackers and ran downstairs. Dad a little firecrackers, I went to a few metres away from the eaves hide, not and in a short while dad came also, we are watching the firecrackers ring rocket into the sky, "pa" was in full bloom in the sky, some like eggs, some like a dandelion, there are like the stars in the sky. I wish you a happy New Year, good luck and good luck in the year of the horse. Although the fireworks are beautiful, but will pollute the environment, we need to reduce the fireworks, to protect the environment!